It is the Simple who are Confounding the Wise

Not the “foolish” which is another supernatural desecration of the Holy place of God’s previous temple of His sacred words.  Now skewed unto oblivion.  Why don’t Christians remember so as to see?  Because they never really loved Truth especially God’s Truth.  Or they would see.  The belt of Truth is part of our armor.  By it we can discern Truth from lies.  And by memory.  And by knowing & remembering the Good Shepherd’s voice.

Simple Girl.

Prophecy fulfilled.  Bible , however is changed to the “foolish” one’s being a good thing.  Foolish=bad Simple=not bad.

This verse in 1 Cor 1:25 is fulfilled because the elect are amazed at the irony of God’s end of days.  He is giving words to the simple which they have no clue to what they really mean.  And yet they are proclaiming Truth, deep mysteries of God before us. But also some things also the simple who are proclaiming, do understand.  Watching the simple understand that which the well read biblical Christians cannot get near to understanding is confounding.

But yet the strong delusion is primarily over most (not all) Gentiles we think.
God Almighty has no weakness and surely should not be called “weak”.  All glory is God’s.

THE GOD OF LOVE IS NEVER EVER “FOOLISH” THIS IS BLASPHEMY.  Hence the Dark Lord is the God who has no respect for God or man.  Yet God Almighty is not threatened by allowing him to take the reins.  Why?  Because the people made their choices on Earth.  More evil than good means the four horsemen are activated and road.  What you see in your Bible is a direct result of the Black Horsemen who brings on-going the famine of God’s words to Earth.  Amos 8:11&12.  

1Co 1:25

Because the foolishness of God is wiser than men; and the weakness of God is stronger than men.

1Co 1:26

For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many noble, are called:

1Co 1:27

But God hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and God hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty;

1Co 1:28

And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath God chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are:

1Co 1:29

That no flesh should glory in his presence.

Soul Hunting. Bible Changes Connect to Real World Events.

Ezekiel 13:18 through Ezekiel 13:20

EYA Report on youtube is the supernatural bible changes expert who put together that the bible changes are oddly & directly connected to world events.

I have found a weird connection.  Years ago I was on poetry writing bing.  I used to say that the words on the paper were just floating in the air for me to grab.  And they were.

Continue reading “Soul Hunting. Bible Changes Connect to Real World Events.”

Salvation 101 The True Gospel of Jesus from the Heart of Eternal Faith

An Angry Jane article. Short version of salvation 101

Scroll to bottom to see how to really be Saved by Faith in God.

Verse of the day Isaiah 11:6 (Lion & Lamb magically changes to Lamb & Wolf) Verse #2 is Amos 11:6 the famine of God’s words on Earth.

The Lion of Judah Jesus the Son of God no longer lies with the lambs. He has left both the churches and the holy books. He has gone to prepare a place for His sheep who know His voice.


“A greedy and idolatrous bloodline seek a sign.  But no sign is given to them except the miraculous sign of the many watchmen on the image of the beast TV.

The end of days sign of Jonah the watchmen. For just as Jonah warned the masses so too we have an array of Watchmen proclaiming Jesus’ return.  THE WATCHMEN ARE THE SIGN OF JONAH FOR OUR TIME.

Continue reading “Salvation 101 The True Gospel of Jesus from the Heart of Eternal Faith”

Where Will the Beast Propaganda Take the Bible Changes?

The image of the beast (tv) will first first steal the narrative and admit the supernatural bible changes on videos. Then they will say, “since the bibles were never true and are changing on the shelves.  Then Jesus cannot possibly be The Son of God”. Cause if the Bibles are lies then so to is the gospel of Jesus a lie.

Same precept as the childhood trauma, Santa psyop…they lied about Santa so Jesus must be a lie as well…..  It’s a brilliant and diabolical psychic set up!

But the heart does not lie.  The Father points us to The Son.

Continue reading “Where Will the Beast Propaganda Take the Bible Changes?”

Welcome to the Harvest of Souls

Mat 23:37

“O Jerusalem, Jerusalem, thou that killest the prophets, and stonest them which are sent unto thee, how often would I have gathered thy children together, even as a hen gathereth her chickens under her wings, and ye would not!”

Spirits In Mankind Have Changed Dramatically

But that’s not my issue today. Yes the bible is in the hands of the Dark Lord. He has many dead men walking who serve him now. They are his proselytes with a spirit straight from Hell. How long until their minds of most people go completely desolate of reason & empathy –turning on one another? And the dead man’s spirit within them takes full control? How long?

My husband had a beautiful Spirit within him. A lively and healing Spirit that I could feel very strong in him. We have been together for nearly twenty years. Since he took the mark of the beast which put him in the hospital for three days, he is changing.

He told me he had an anxiety attack and never took the final solution (back scene #1). I have felt people’s spirits all of my life. Thing is I thought everyone could feel the spirit within. Apparently I was wrong. It’s going on four years since the back scene went out in late 2020. Many died from it already by the inflammation caused by P.E.G.  They may be the fortunate ones.

The Back Scene Dance of the Many

Others are suffering neurological disorders and cancer by slow death and torture via the serpent on the pole. Some have their new brand of genetic immune system disorders. The I.S. turning on it’s own body.

The rest and all of them who are living have the new spirit within their bodies.  It’s a very scary lifeless spirit.  It’s like a robot with no Love, no Faith, no Hope, no Empathy.  It’s dark and it’s silent.  It reminds me of an image standing in a closet with a butcher knife.  His mind silent.  His only motive dark and relentless, unwavering.   He doesn’t experience the array of noise in his mind as normal humans do…who hold in much of their True heart’s voice. Making the mind conflicted with overflow.  And caging their own hearts.

The dead man’s spirit may be here to slaughter the living.  He is death.  He is dark zombie like unremorseful murder in a quiet place.

That is the spirit now walking in the masses.  My God in Heaven who could be so diabolical to do such a thing to mankind.  All they had to do is ask Father if they should take the back scene.  He would have answered them like never before.  All they had to do is ask.  They cannot repent because their God given human heart no longer has a voice whatsoever.

Pandora’s box is opened.  The God given supernatural gifts of Faith and Hope with Love have left the masses.  The only thing keeping them civil for now is “nature” as in nature vs. nurture”.  Their nurture side of their personality and their parrot mentality is the only thing civil within them it seems.  The children who took it are quite another matter.  Time will tell if we will see a sweet-tooth event.  To my understanding most GMO’s cannot reproduce.

When my husband walks into the room I can’t feel him anymore…and then suddenly I do feel that evil dark spirit within him.  It startles me and I scream spontaneously without intent.  It happens over and over and over and over.  I can’t image what my husband is thinking about this phenomena.  I didn’t realize how much I depend on the sixth sense until this evil conclusion took place on Earth.

Yes I feel it in others at the grocery store etc.  But for some reason I don’t scream with them.  It’s as if my husband is now making a game of sneaking quietly into the room just so I will feel suddenly that dark spirit and scream.  Just so he can hear me scream.


Keep in mind most timelines in the bibles are new and false.  There were seldom written day counts.  Except forty days, forty years, three nights and three days (Jesus) and the seven days God created the Heavens and the Earth.  The rest are new.  The Dark Lord’s words.  He is big on numerology.

The Covenant With Many

The covenant with many demons was a deal between powerful men and demonic authorities.

“Give us the keys to the cell’s nuke so we can control mankind genetically. And we shall give demon creed authority over every bible on the face of the Earth. And so the Dark Lord author of confusion, rewrites every book by towers of babble. He has authority changing the ink and print and text etc by deceptive signs and wonders. Miracles.

Maybe they won’t become violent toward the few, the chosen.  Maybe they will destroy themselves and each other instead.

And so the chosen few will be in the oven and not get burned at all.

Just repent if you took the back scene.  Seek God above all things.


Seek and ye shall find,  knock and it shall be opened unto you.  Find the Way of Jesus, The Truth , and The Light.

“Zachariah” Changes to “Zechariah”, “Police” Now in Bibles

So what else is new?   The book is pretty much GONE to the dark side.  The Dark Lord wields power over all literature with his towers of babble and their ear wrenching frequencies in the R.E.M hours of sleep.

I predict “Chief of Police” will soon be in the bibles even KJV.

They first skew “chief priests” with “police” like so (below John 18:3). Then later when they change chief priests to chief of police people will remember the prior scriptures together.  And say “it was always written that way”.  Word police is not yet in KJV. But its in several translations several times.

People get used to hearing the three words together in scripture. Con fusing them.  And towers of babble steal their memories of what was and what is.

John 18:3
Jhn 18:3 is pish posh.
“Judas then, having received a band of men and officers from the chief priests and Pharisees, cometh thither with lanterns and torches and weapons.”

“So Judas, getting a band of armed men and police from the chief priests and Pharisees, went there with lights and with arms.”

WORD – “Police”
Now occurs 2 times in 2 verses in the NLT.

Act 16:35
The next morning the city officials sent the police to tell the jailer, “Let those men go!”

Act 16:38
When the police reported this, the city officials were alarmed to learn that Paul and Silas were Roman citizens.

The dark sayings of a Dark Lord author of confusion, for a dark Earth.


Revelation of God! Two Creators?


Two Creators =Two Quite Different Creations

Jazweeh’s latest and greatest hypothesis.

There are TWO CREATORS.  And there were two human bloodlines in the beginning.  Next the Sons of God (sheep) saw the daughters of men (the other tribe of goats) and mated with them all the bloodlines mixed.  Wheat and Chaff growing up spiritually together.   Everyone having the choice of which God they will gravitate toward if any.

One Father who created the human bloodline of honor, goodness, Truth, and

Continue reading “Revelation of God! Two Creators?”

CERN & the Brain-Cell Towers of Babble

That Surround Us

Ascend or fall to the deep darkness. Or go to nothingness. God won’t torture anyone at the end. It will be very quick. Faith in God Almighty Saves.  The lake of fire isn’t eternal torture but rather it ends the body & the soul eternally.

HORRIFYING BIBLE PROPHECIES HAVE COME TO PASS IN WAYS NO PREACHER EVER EXPECTED.  You may want to avoid this Truth.  Some Truth is just to scary to believe.

Continue reading “CERN & the Brain-Cell Towers of Babble”

More Proof of Fake Sun by Video of Coherent Light Beam

Myrtle Beach (1)

Upload the file and play it with your video app.  I use windows media player.

Sorry but it appears you will have to upload this file video of the sunbeam showing as a ray lazer.  Until I figure out how to open it on this platform.  Photo below.  Video above.

I just found out that on Directv there is a Sun show “NASA’s Unexplained Files” where they admit that the real Sun of God has gone dark partly.  The prophecy of the Sun of God going dim is fulfilled.  “The Sun rules the day”.  This scripture is why and how the beast system is ruling right now.

When the white hot plasma  ‘sun of man” was hoisted like a satellite up into the magnetic orbit of space Bibles changed to “son of man” from “Son of God”.   Coincidence?  I think not.

It’s magnetism holding it in orbit.  Everything changed including our bibles which now call Jesus “the son of man”.  Their white hot sun saved the Earth’s green grass and trees as prophesied.

But the Sun of God is coming to renew Earth with all the glory of the Son of God.  Again –as prophesied.   The Sun/Son of God will put down the sun/son of man.


The exact magnets and plasma lazer light was part of what the elite & scientists needed to save the green grass and trees as prophesied (bible tells the Angels of God to not let the vegetation on Earth die).  Along with mankind I also surmise.

God’s Signs & Wonders Vs. Deceptive Signs and Wonders

EYA is a watchmen with a calling. She was given one great Truth pertaining to the end of days as all Watchmen are given who believe in Jesus.
Does she have the Holy Spirit? Idk. But all were given God’s Spirit of Life at birth.

What is the Mandela Effect?

Being a mandela affected Christian IS RARE on youtube. And certainly the churches are full of blind Christians who see nothing.
Being mandela affected means you see changes in reality. Changes to history and changes to word history.  Also many other changes to geography, bodies, earth, words. To see the miraculous harmless works of God are both harmless & wonderful end of days signs and wonders.

Continue reading “God’s Signs & Wonders Vs. Deceptive Signs and Wonders”

“Wound Him Up” Like a Toy Soldier?


More nonsense verses.  I never believed this verse even years ago before the desecration of all bibles.  Everything about this scripture story is pish posh.  The couple donated money but not enough so God slaughtered them right then and there?

No I am not buying it.  Furthermore now it reads in 5:6 they “wound him up and carried him”. RIDICULOUS literary/illiterate sentence!


Act 5:1
But a certain man named Ananias, with Sapphira his wife, sold a possession,

Act 5:2
And kept back part of the price, his wife also being privy to it, and brought a certain part, and laid it at the apostles’ feet.

Act 5:3
But Peter said, Ananias, why hath Satan filled thine heart to lie to the Holy Ghost, and to keep back part of the price of the land?

Act 5:4
Whiles it remained, was it not thine own? and after it was sold, was it not in thine own power? why hast thou conceived this thing in thine heart? thou hast not lied unto men, but unto God.

Act 5:5
And Ananias hearing these words fell down, and gave up the ghost: and great fear came on all them that heard these things.

Act 5:6
And the young men arose, wound him up, and carried him out, and buried him.

Act 5:7
And it was about the space of three hours after, when his wife, not knowing what was done, came in.

Act 5:8
And Peter answered unto her, Tell me whether ye sold the land for so much? And she said, Yea, for so much.

Act 5:9
Then Peter said unto her, How is it that ye have agreed together to tempt the Spirit of the Lord? behold, the feet of them which have buried thy husband are at the door, and shall carry thee out.

Act 5:10

Then fell she down straightway at his feet, and yielded up the ghost: and the young men came in, and found her dead, and, carrying her forth, buried her by her husband.

Jesus Gave the Scribe of God a Scroll

Coping Skills for End of Days Stress Relief“>

The Sun/Son of God Is Already Coming to Bring Immortality to the Children of the Son/Sun of God

In a nutshell (as they say) I will tell you of the great revelations I found in the supernatural scroll from God.
The scrolls of Daniel have already been opened and shared. This scroll is of the revealing of many waters of Truth.
It began with the realization that the Sun of God and The Son of God are synonymous in the end of days.
Father took me to the wilderness and showed me the two Suns. The “son of man” & the “Sun of God”.
We are familiar with both phrases in the bibles. But when all bibles magically changed from “Son of God” to “son of man” in many verses…we who remember were appalled by it.
Little did we know that the Dark Lord also reveals great Truth in his Dark Lord bibles.

And so “sun of man” and “son of man” are here. Their antichrist is here. The mark has gone out. The foreheads are marked. The many prophecies are fulfilled. And the revealing is full bore.

Also God revealed to me again the original scripture “The Sun Rules the Day”. That means that when God’s sun went dim mankind needed their own sun. A sun of man to save the Earth’s green grass and trees. As also prophesied.

When they hoisted the plasma ball (lazor) laser sun did they know it would make them rulers over the day? Maybe, maybe not. But it did!

Planets above are all about magnets.  Magnetics coupled with the weightless orbit is how the white hot laser Sun took it’s place among God’s planets.

And the men began to believe that they are gods.

How I Know the Fake Sun is Made of Plasma Laser Light

After the scroll was given God also showed me the two types of light and their differences.  Laser light vs. natural ambient light.

Monochromatic – It contains only one specific wavelength and hence one color.
Coherent – The motion of all photons is coordinated.
Directional – The laser beam is very narrow, concentrated and therefore, it is a high intensity source.

Laser (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation) is an artificial source of light radiation that emits a coherent beam of photons, as the source is stable in frequency, wavelength, and power. Unlike the light emitted by common sources, such as light bulbs, laser light is mostly monochromatic, i.e. only one specific wavelength (color)

Bottom line Science. The natural Sun of God was never “coherent lazor light”. It’s particles, photons are natural, ambient, and varied in structure. That way there are no harmful lasers or coherent adams grouping together as a lazor blasting from God’s warm Sun.


Natural Sun of God

Also I had a dream of a fake plasma sun.  It was so clear I made art of it.

SIDENOTE: Two suns God’s dimmed Sun and the sun of man created the mandela effects.  It caused two realities on Earth.  Not CERN.  CERN is a tool for demonic communication.  By CERN and quantum computing the beast got the code symbols to enter chemically the sacred nucleus of man’s body.  The first abomination of desolation.  The second desolation is the desecration of all bibles.  As both were Holy and now are not.  

Now the Proof Our New White Hot Sun I Clearly Lazor (Laser) Light. 

Notice the wire.  The plasma sun ray of the sun of man covers the wire and blocks the tree view proving it’s not a camera anomaly.  I took these pictures myself before I realized yesterday what they mean.  That they prove the fake sun.

My photos prove coherent plasma laser light from the white hot sun of man.  Natural light does not form lasers.  And that’s the science of the photo.

The prophecy.  “Do not kills the green grass and trees yet, first we must seal the foreheads of the chosen few, the elect of God, those who are not under the strong delusion of Babel towers and the infestation of the Locust demons.

Judah the Lion you time is now to rein down upon the Earth the will of God.

The Fallen Earth of Kaos

Furthermore! Now the “sun of man” is ruling the day, hence everything changed!  Mandela effects began to show up.  Scores of deceptive signs and miracles.  The Christians can’t see the desecration of their own Bibles changing daily by supernatural forces. The towers of Babel were raised in the skies.  On and on went the muddy deception of the masses.  The Locusts streamed in straight from Hell!  They infested the many people’s faces and the winged abomination perched in their hair.  (fulfillment of the skewed locust hair and face scripture).   Babel babel memories stolen new memories planted within the minds of the many—on going mind deception.  Every dialect, language, every piece of literature, every sentence structure, grammar and punctuation upon all the Earth is altered by the towers of babel and the sun of man’s rule on Earth.  Word “stupid” is all over every bible every version every shelf.  And all bibles changed from “Son of God” to “son of man” in most scriptures of that phrase….magically and on-going.

Yet the strongly deluded can’t remember Truth prior to the towers of Babel and the sun of man.

Twisted Kaos happens when the ‘sun of man’ rules the day.  Utter kaos is invoked.

When I was in the wilderness God showed me that the sun of man & Sun of God (gone dim) are now rising and setting together.  The two sun’s caught up with one another finally after perhaps twenty years of kaos.

There Antichrist gained his power to rule over the entire world by demonic assistance and by the hoisted magnetic, laser light sun of man.




“The Sacred Tree of the knowledge of Good.  The Sacred Tree of the knowledge of evil.” 

Those who are not under the strong delusion will retain their memories of Truth and their knowledge of right and wrong.  Why?  The chosen few laid their heart before God Almighty and became the clay in His hands.  In the name of Jesus they received the Holy Spirit.  And they fulfilled the Holy Grail of Truth and Life.

The New Earth comes brothers I saw the “Sun of God” the New Sun to bring the New Nature an immortal nature and an immortal being once flesh soon when the New Sun of God/Son of God is in it’s full becoming we shall rise with it into immortality.  It’s time to shake off the dust brothers.  For we cannot help those who refuse Truth and know not The God of Truth and Love.

The Sun/Son of God prophecy always meant both God and Nature together as the So/u/n. Son/Sun. The bird/gator/beast heads are likely a desecration of the prophecy art. As most of God’s words were misinterpreted and skewed.
The Lion. Are you ready?

Continue reading “Jesus Gave the Scribe of God a Scroll”

Buy Gold! Jesus Charging for & Selling Salvation

For encouragement daily in dark times read my daily meditations book full of one page emotional daily helps.


New desecrated scripture insinuates that Jesus says boy gold so you can use it to get nice clothing, and get eyes salve so you can see.

KJVB scholars were SCHOLARS!  They would not have wrote or translated the true scripture into commerce.  The very thing that Jesus rebuked the Pharisees for is now being promoted in the desecrated & magically changing bibles.   Once “holy” the bibles are now changing on the shelves.

Continue reading “Buy Gold! Jesus Charging for & Selling Salvation”

854 Deceptive New Dark Lord Scriptures

Every time (854 times!) the AUDIO bible says “saith the lord” (saith was spelled ‘sayeth’ pre babel towers author of confusion) the most popular free audio bibles quite clearly pronounce saith the lord as “Seth The Lord“.   it’s portraying honor to the Dark Lord Seth who has authority of all bibles now.  His name is Seth the god of chaos and all the evil humans have commited on this Earth gave Seth his authority.  God Almighty doesn’t do all the work. He appoints gods and they are real.

Continue reading “854 Deceptive New Dark Lord Scriptures”

Jazweeh’s 2018 Farewell to KJVB Literary Masterpiece

Pandora’s Box came and stole two things. God’s anointed & sacred words unto mankind. And the sacred Hope that was in all of mankind. Until the many partook of the mark of the beast. Esau’s soup.


The KJVB once a literary masterpiece faded like the mist of the morning sunrise…without notice or a remembrance from the many. For even the Watchmen on the wall never saw it go.  Nor do they remember it’s sanctity and sacred articulation of Truth.

Amos 8:11 & 12 is here.

Hello Middle English

Used to be the KJV Bible was Old English very poetic always eloquent, never crass or brutal.  Old English was spoken in certain movies and films like the “Tudors” series.  And other movies with Shakespeare.

Think Romeo and Juliet, and they of that language HERE ARE EXAMPLES OF OLD ENGLISH AS IT WAS PRIOR TO THE MANDELA EFFECT.


A temperate Farewell to The Words in the KJVB.  Farewell to the renowned and exquisite scholarly grammar and spelling, farewell to that which lent itself to right and good.

Say hello to the works of the towers of Babel among you unawares.  And hello to the days of the Dark Lord’s rein on fallen Earth.

Continue reading “Jazweeh’s 2018 Farewell to KJVB Literary Masterpiece”

What Will Jesus’ Return Look Like?


The Intercessors have announced Jesus’ coming for nearly seven years on end repetitiously.  Like no other prayer they were ever given in higher language.  The trumpet of God are the Watchmen and the Spirit Intercessors of God.

They feel now today 11-22-2023 that FINALLY their repetitious prayer is done.  Finished, fulfilled, the announcement is over.  Because it’s less than six months time to His coming.  The fulfillment of the promise is finally coming true bold and bright in real time for those who Love Him.  And some have found the Holy Grail.

Betrayed by the Towers of Babel and Christian Church People

The word “Nineveh” or “Ninivah” or “Ninavah” from book of Jonah has turned into “Nineve” which is pronounced nin-eve.  The eve of nin (short i) whatever that is.  The many end of days Watchmen on Youtube and social media are the sign of Jonah that our ancestors looked for but did not understand except that he was swallowed by a whale.  And was in the belly of the whale three days.  And that sounds terrifying to me.

Continue reading “What Will Jesus’ Return Look Like?”

What Will the New Age Bring?




The Glorious new SUN OF GOD will saturate the children of Earth.  His Eternal Glory will shine forth on the New Earth.  Who shall be able to stand?  The puzzle pieces are complete of the New Age and what it entails.

I got the information last night.  I woke up this morning with a deep sadness of the seeds fruit trees, vegetables, land, and water, stolen from the children of Earth by the serpent creed from HELL.

Continue reading “What Will the New Age Bring?”

Important Prophecy Deleted Yet It Is Fulfilled


“I shall send a Delivered to Earth to deliver mankind from evil (Devil/Satan).  And He The Deliverer shall CRUSH the head of the serpent and it shall bruise his heel.”

Where was the scripture?  We think it was in Isaiah 54 the prophecy of the coming Messiah.  For a time the scripture was seen in Genesess 3:15 but it changed from “crush & bruise” to “bruise & bruise”.  Then months later it changed its place biblically to Genesess to “the seed of the woman” instead of The Deliverer & serpent.   Now the crushing of the Serpent is nowhere in any bible.

Continue reading “Important Prophecy Deleted Yet It Is Fulfilled”

The 144 “A Peculiar People”

The four websites below are written primarily for the True one hundred & forty four thousand, the chosen few labeled “Israel” by bibles. The elect, the elders, those who go before the throne, those under the throne.  They are not dead or in Heaven.  These are real people.  They have been in the wilderness as prophesied for nearly fourteen years.  6.5 of those 14 years the 144 identify as being times of both Jacob’s trouble & great tribulation on Earth.

Gentiles will not, moreover can not believe what is written by the 144.  When Gentiles read the writings of the scribes of the 144 they usually call them “Satan” in response to the ideas they convey.

Real Time Predictions of Prophecy Fulfillment

All of the 144 have died & been resurrected, and also received the baptism of the Holy Spirit in a big way.  They ripped the vail that covers by vail the sight between the spirit realms and the carnal or natural realm.  The 144 now have one foot on Mt. Of Olives and one foot on Mt. Zion.  “A peculiar people”

Due to their ripped vail they see that which is in the realm of the Spirit.   Being one with Jesus they see what Jesus shows them and proclaim it.  Few listen.  Few can palate their words of Truth.

IF YOUR MIND is capable of taking in & considering alternative theories concerning end times prophecy then read on.  Go to these sites.   Jazweeh the seer covers many topics of the return of Jesus & the New Earth.   Not just bible changes.  This website is primarily covering the desecration of the holy books.  Bibles changing magically on the shelves while the sorcery is hidden by a memory loss and new implanted old memories of new fake scriptures.


Do you see the Mandela effects?  The innocuous signs and wonders, miracles in plain sight?  Many do but the subject is belittled and propagandized by the image of the beast. (TV, Phone).  Bible changes are not all mandela effects.  Many of the changes are blasphemous making them “deceptive signs and wonders”.  And making them an abomination, the desecration of the holy place.  That wicked one sitting in the temple where God’s words were set down anointed from The Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.

“Good called ‘evil’, evil called ‘good’.”

“Gentiles Take A Peek Into the Supernatural”

By becoming open minded THEN & only then can someone entertain that prophecy may not come to pass in the way the astute, famous, and well liked popular preachers on the image of the beast (TV) proclaimed for years on end.  The words of prophecy are true even now on the most part but some of them are figurative as I just exemplified with the Zion and Mt. Olives prophecy.  However that prophecy of Jesus standing with one foot on Carmal and the other on Mt. of Olives has disappeared.  It’s the interpretations which are skewed.  

Alert-Many of the words of ALL BIBLES are changing on the shelves.  Some still remember the original script.  God’s words rolled up as a scroll unto the Heavens forever set.

Will the sky of Earth also roll up as a scroll even though that script is now altered and new, rewritten by the author of confusion?

Not all the Dark Lords new scripts are lies.  The Sun will blow in 2014, the ark of the covenant is the arking of the sun itself.  Science calls these phenomena a white dwarf star.  But don’t expect them to tell you our sun is on its way out.  It’s dimming dimming dimming.  The fake sun was erected probably around 2012 when the men of science save the green grass and trees.  Saving life on Earth.  Congratulations men we are grateful for the fake sun.

But the fake sun will still be the demise of most everybody on Earth.  It’s harvest time and there’s no stopping it.

“Exploding white dwarfs are not only considered the main source of iron in the Universe, they are also an important tool for cosmology: as so-called Type Ia supernovae (SN Ia), they are all roughly equally bright, allowing astrophysicists a precise determination of the distance to their host galaxies.” *google” (Gog)

The Towers of Babel are all around us.

Instead of the easy words like had, went, came, took, the people now use the words “had taken” or “had gone” instead of a simple “went”.  Then easy words that don’t need a “had” in front of them because they are ALREADY PAST TENSE WORDS are falling into the towers of babel.

I am pretty certain that its so the elite can verify their debauchery of mind control by the towers. I most people start to speak as illiterates in certain ways they know the mind control is working.

The god of the iron rods is already ruling and he put his name in the bible.  The Dark Lord of the Iron rods is not Jesus.

Jesus was portrayed to carry a golden scepter not an iron rod and not both.  Golden.  No an iron rod.

terms like “as it were” and “authoriTAtive” are B.S. words.  It would be “as it was” and “authoritive”.  And many many more new words are rampant on YT video dialect.  “fishes” “fish “is the plural of fish.


The New Dark Deceptive Bible for Dark Deceptive People

I Realize in my Anger and Frustration of the Bible Changes…

That the Dark Lord has every right to put his words in all Bibles today that exist.  And he has done so in shadows of the strong delusion the Dark Lord hides his supernatural magic behind the iron rods of the Towers of Babel.

This world deserves its dark nonsense bible.

“Let the reader understand, let the reader understand, let the reader understand.”

Mat 24:15
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:) the Dark Lord gives you a wink 🙂 after the most desecrated of scriptures.  Not all the changes are lies.  There are hidden Truths and still several of God’s precepts left in the books.

Continue reading “The New Dark Deceptive Bible for Dark Deceptive People”

Israel Releases Our Ties to the Gentiles

Sons of God are Sons of God.  Fallen angel propaganda is all over the internet.  That pretty much proves the new Genesess six scam story time is a pack of sexual lies about God’s Holy Deity.

“Do you not know you will pass judgement on angels?”  Do you really think your qualified to judge what you know nothing of?  So as the Gentiles on YT blaspheme God’s Deity and the stories erase the true Sons of God we ask this question.

“How long must we bare with these alleged believer Gentiles? ”  How long how long Lord God Almighty?

Israel is condemned verbally by the Gentiles on Youtube.  We are censored by them for our spiritual opinions.  They call us names.  “Satan” mainly is the most common label they pin on Israel for seeing what we see & sharing it.  And that’s IF we can get a comment out before being censored by the beast system itself.

Continue reading “Israel Releases Our Ties to the Gentiles”

The Spiritual War is Upon Us.

Crimes Against Humanity are not easy to process emotionally.

If God Almighty Brought you here.  And you see some of the deceptive changes the towers of babble have caused.  And you see God’s signs and wonders it’s not that by chance your here to read.

God is revealing His end of days plans to us his chosen.  Yes we are a little puffed up about the favor God has granted us in this time.  The flesh is present & so we accept our flesh as being inevitable…for now.  Actions do speak louder than thoughts and words.

Pandora’s Box Is Opened but God Almighty makes a way where there seems to be no way.  Grace abounds by Faith and by Hope restored.


From the 144

We confess now to all who read.  That you as brothers pray for the 144 about our false pride, our fear (a lack of great faith & trust in God) and our covetousness over God’s favor.  For it is God’s Love and favor that we covet. But not over our gratitude and warm feelings with reliance on Him our first Love, our salvation.  His Grace by Faith saved us.   We need His Grace every bit as much as the Gentiles need it.  If not more.  For those who have taken the prodigal walk know what it is to turn our backs to God and fall into darkness.  Our sins were many.  Yet we always knew that He is.  

To The Readers The Chosen Few

Do you wish to have knowledge of God’s Will toward His children on Earth?  Do you hunger and thirst for righteousness?  Have you seen things which give you perspective that other people do not know or understand?

Do you KNOW something is coming, something new, big, beautiful and bad that is new under & over the Earth?

Be wary for some knowledge, some Truth brings with it great burdens which must be given to God.  Otherwise they could destroy a man’s attitude.

Some Knowledge can be deadly if not tempered with Love.

God showed us the Beast and by that we realized that knowledge can be quite deadly if not tempered with Love from God Himself.

Knowledge can rip through a heart like an alabaster knife carving a hole that will never heal.  Even a hole that could make the whole body blind and deaf.

Untempered knowledge can bring the fear of death to one’s doorstep.  At which time a fearful & powerful man would slay millions of innocent people just to quell the wretched fear of his own death or suffering.

Unabated (unabated=without any reduction in intensity or strength.   “The storm was raging unabated” akin to unrelenting.

Example of untempered dangerous knowledge-If a man gains knowledge of atrocity toward those he needs/loves it could result in rage unending.

Vengence is Gods because He is the only One who can handle it.  He is the only righteous judge.  Our hearts are not capable of judging mankind by knowledge alone.  Because we lack sufficient Love, temperance, reasoning, understanding, and we cannot see the big picture.  Humans will never “judge angels” in righteousness.  Because they are not capable.  What they do is pass unrighteous judgement on God’s Deity whom did and are doing exactly what they are supposed to do.  Yet mankind chooses better yet Christians on Youtube choose to blaspheme the name of God’s Holy Angels by acting as if they have the Love and knowledge to do so.  The campaign to character assassinate Holy Angels is relentless on the image of the beast.

Why condemn God’s Angels? 

Here I offer you reasoning of the Beast.

Because it is a detourance of Truth.  Demons are very evil and can be bound, crushed and cast out by The Spirit of God when mankind so chooses.  That’s reason one, to take the heat off of demons.

Two-The story in Genesess Six had to be altered changed rearranged. The truth stolen once again by the beast.

Why?  The real story must be told to see why the lies are engaged into it’s topic.  God’s chosen people written of in Gen. 6 are “The sons of God”.  Not angels.  They mated with infidels that was the problem.  By which they desecrated their bloodline.   The Old Testament used to be full of commands to keep Israel the people within their own blood line.  Because their bloodline is sacred.  God’s chosen.  But now the law is fulfilled by Jesus.  And the end commands the beginning.  You become chosen few by your choices toward God & man.  The true story empowers mankind with the double edged sword of Truth.  Not to be confused with the belt of Truth the armor of God.

The Desecration of Mankind’s Bloodline

Genesess (Jean sense) six was also a prophecy.  Telling the story of hybrids being created upon the Earth.  They were called “giants” but they are not giants.  What they are is half beast (animal) and half human.  Once the beast got the keys to the sale’s nuke it was on….shots to everyone, why?

To desecrate all of humanity with animal sale growth within them.  Literally turning men into part monkey.  Rat, and likely Pig.

And so the Dark Lord’s new prophecy comes to pass.

“And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;” The bounds of their habitation? Means to control them by their blood one and all. By their new blood they are predictable. Excepting nurture vs. nature still has it’s day. Their learned behavior in other words still plays a part. But less and less and sales express.(I apologize for the co-ed.)

Make no mistake reader I studied the ingredients for over three years.  When they could be accessed online from the beast’s websites.  Not some video.  Not some rumble video.  No I have the list of ingredients and its not pretty.

So then the truth is that mankind was warned to not allow his bloodline his heritage to be desecrated.  They don’t want anyone repenting of taking the poison gee gnome therapy (co-ed).  With it’s can sir sale lines. It’s rodent and monkey Emma RAN (Emma are Anne a) (co-ed) commands to grow more,  It’s chemical hyper inflammatory chemicals like (PEG) and it’s rapid mite oasis of sales growth by implementing can sir sales into the mix.

My studies were on the ingredients not the stories and fairy tales.  They claimed the beast sale line commands to reproduce were merely the carrier a delivery system.  But the delivery system was the shot.  Tricking the immune system into thinking it received Emma ran commands straight from it’s own bodies immune system command center was the deception.

And the payload was the beast commands with the can sir for quick replication.  And the side effects of this type of genome their ape is always Cancer and Heart disease.  Myocardial infarction etc.

If you tuke those chots only God can help you now and He will by His Grace and by the Faith He gifted you with!  Please don’t take stubborn pride to the grave of souls.  You were tricked.  He will forgive those who ask.  The books say that they won’t repent of it.  But I say some will under the right light of Grace some will.

Now you see why the fallen angel story is so important to the beast.  It covers up the prophecy of hybrids, giants, desecrated humans.  Those who trust the beast enough to drink Esau’s Soup.  Esau sold his blood line inheritance for a bowl of soupy poison.

Do you not know that God’s own children spent years in deep dark sin on their prodigal walk? He forgave us and really we did far worse morally…but not.

When I asked God “How will I know the mark of the Beast”?  He said audibly to me (as He never before spoke to me audibly)  He said one word.

Acts 17:26 All now one blood says the Dark Lord.

And nearly all are. Father will either stop them or get the chosen out of here before they can devise a way to induce their poison by inhalation or stealth.  To change the lines of those who refused Esau’s soup.

“And hath made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth, and hath determined the times before appointed, and the bounds of their habitation;”

Truth in plain sight.  Some say the change include Cain’s line of body commands.  They may be right.

Movie line from “Immortals” movie 

“For generations your people will stare into the eyes of their sons and they will see my likeness.  I will be remembered in every glance, every smile, every tear that is shed for eternity.”

King Hyperion______________statement of a diabolical man with too much power.


I knew it meant that the mark would be identified to me by it’s connection to “Zebra”.  The animal of two colors.  That of course is the first clue.  A zebra is both white stripes and black stripes.  A coat of two colors.

And by a dream God showed me more Truth.  The evil men have been fighting our immunes systems for years.  Why?  So they can tell our bodies what to be.  I would not doubt if they wish to implement their own immune sis stem by creating it and the many diseases they created and patented.
“microsoft im mune sis stem“.  Imagine the control they could gain over humans if they are the immune system.  Both the sickness and the cure.  Furthermore we surmise that they may have used a certain human [

Emma are Anne a] & [Dee Ann a] in 1/3 of the chots.  The genome of the antichrist.  Creating within the masses mirrors of himself for generations to come.  Making himself somewhat immortal.  It’s diabolical.  But when I heard this statement in a movie clip…a light went off.

Reverse engineered the back scene by 3D Printer

Zebra Technologies

The Keys to the sales nuke.


The Dark Lord & Strong Delusion. Deceived Watchmen.


The Dark Lord is here.  He has rewritten all Bibles.  And He is God’s anointed to end the rule of the Eagle.  The serpent.  The Beast.

The Dark Lord’s appetite is for two things, death and blood.  Here is his proclamation of blood and death.

Ezekiel 39:17
“And as for you, son of man, this is what the Lord GOD says: Call out to every kind of bird and to every beast of the field: ‘Assemble and come together from all around to the sacrificial feast that I am preparing for you, a great feast on the mountains of Israel. There you will eat flesh and drink blood.”

Yum yum!  What a treat.  Who is it exactly that the Dark one is calling to eat flesh.

I have found that not only are the bibles the greatest Truth on Earth but now they are also the most desecrated & misleading books on Earth.

Continue reading “The Dark Lord & Strong Delusion. Deceived Watchmen.”

Colossians 3:5 Says to “Commit Suicide”?

Pandora’s Box Was Opened


If Pandora’s box was opened, then why are we not yet seeing the negative results?  One reason is because the rampant deaths which occurred due to the box (poison) are covered up.  The Beast does not give validation for it’s crimes on the Image of the beast (tv).

But we have our own validations by signs and wonders (true and deceptive both) from God Almighty & from the Dark Lord of the end of days.  Evidence of the Beast’s folly on Earth.

Continue reading “Colossians 3:5 Says to “Commit Suicide”?”

Israel Is Wilting The Sun Is White Hot. Iron & Clay Revealed

It’s nearly impossible to stay hydrated even if we stay inside all day. At night the mosquitoes and horrible. And on and on go Jacob’s troubles. “Wilt” no longer means “wilt” as a dying plant wilts in the summer sun. Now it means “shall” basically. But it seems like it’s one of the end of days curses. The Dark Lords bible is full of truth also but it’s not pretty. Double meaning words throughout. With sarcasm scriptures and nonsense verses galore. Like
“My tongue is glad” (ridiculous scripture)

occurs 245 times in 208 verses in the KJV.
Page 4 / 5 exact matches (Jer 31:22–Act 7:28)


IRON AND CLAY are Gentiles & Israel.  

Clay can be shaped and molded.  Iron is hard not pliable.  The children of God are the clay in God’s hands.  And have been for years on end.  It’s a little late to become the clay but still salvation comes to both Gentiles & Israel by Faith in God.

Dan 2:43
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

Continue reading “Israel Is Wilting The Sun Is White Hot. Iron & Clay Revealed”

Goodbye Yellow Brick Road!

Won’t Be Long Now


To Jeff.  With search terms “ball lightening” and “St. Elmos fire” you will find more verification of the internal tree fires being plasma fires (I think).  Here are links to articles that state St. Elmos fire is PLASMA.

This wikipedia article confirms the plasma in a naturally occuring corona discharge.


Strobe Lightning Is Caused by Radiation Overload on Earth’s Surface.

I walked outside of my house during a light sprinkle of rain.  Thunder was about over.  Yet I was startled by an eye shock of “strobe lightning”.  This is the lightning that doesn’t strike as a rod high in the sky.  But rather it travels close to Earth exploding like a tiny bomb.  And then producing a flash of strobe with a violet to blue corona discharge.

Continue reading “Goodbye Yellow Brick Road!”

Fallen Angel Technology…

apologies for the code.  simply sound it out if it doesn’t make sense.

This May be one of my Last Articles—–Jazweeh

Fact to establish.  What is Holy enough to be desecrated or made desolate?  The books which held God’s words.  And the bodies which held God’s Divine Presence. The presence of God The Father is in all of mankind as are the gifts of supernatural & eternal Hope and Faith.

A temple building built & inhabited by antichrists, who are of Legion/& worship religion is not the “Holy place” therefore such a building cannot be desecrated or made desolate (desolation prophecy).  The abomination of desolation has nothing to do with a building called a “temple” by blasphemous religionists.

Massive Campaign of Fallen Angel Propaganda.

Who is Satan really?  Because I have not met him.  Furthermore NEVER have I been attacked by Angels.  It’s demons who infest mankind.  And its demons who tempted Eve.  “God does not tempt mankind.”  I do not know who the King of Demons is but He is not an Angel.  And the term “Angel of the bottomless pit” is likely skewed and changed as much of the bibbles are changed.

Continue reading “Fallen Angel Technology…”

The KJV Bible Now Displays Jesus as a Liar.

Well it was just a matter of time before these words showed up in one of the “holy book” translations.  It will get worse.

ISAIAH 28:10

9 To whom will he teach knowledge,
and to whom will he explain the message?
Those who are weaned from milk,
those taken from the breast?
10 For it is blah-blah upon blah-blah,
blah-blah upon blah-blah,
gah-gah upon gah-gah,
gah-gah upon gah-gah,[h]
a little here, a little there.

11 For he will speak with stammering[i] and another tongue to this people, 12 to whom he has said,

“This is rest; give rest to the weary;
and this is repose”; yet[j] they were not willing to hear.

13 And to them the word of Yahweh will be

blah-blah upon blah-blah
blah-blah upon blah-blah
gah-gah upon gah-gah
gah-gah upon gah-gah,[k]
a little here, a little there,
so that they may go and stumble backward
and be broken and ensnared and captured.


LEB Version is Lexham English Bible.

Sidenote-Two Great Articles.  “It is Finished”


Part Two- Holy Grail Mike from Around the World



“Gee Wally, that smarts!”
Pro 11:15
“He that is surety for a stranger shall smart for it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure.”

Of course it would have said “He who” or better yet “those who” since its a person the “who” is refers to in the sentence. The actual scholars were very particular like that throughout the entire REAL KJVB.  The book is beyond correcting.  And yet Christians (some of them) gravitate toward the truth scriptures that are left remnant in the books.×225.jpg

They grow mustard greens.  Yet Christians both ignore and embrace blatant lies, and fables from their KJVB.  Truth in regards to the alleged “holy book” within and without matters not to Christians anymore.

But first let me show you a bit of the INSANITY of the KJVB.

Now spy game words in KJV.  We shall see where that goes soon enough.

Continue reading “The KJV Bible Now Displays Jesus as a Liar.”

The New Book of Proverbs by God’s Scribe

The Scribe of God writes his first proverbs of wisdom In the “Book of Truth” he carries Truth to the People of New Earth.

This Book written by man’s hands and   inspired by The Spirit of God (I believe). This is for guidance and reminders to those gods among men who retain access to the sacred tree of the knowledge of both good and of evil.  God willing, It shall be continued.

Chapter One True Blue
New Proverbs
“Does a man dare attempt to trick his own Creator?  Assuming intellectual dominance over God Almighty?  To do so is the epitome of folly and man’s maximum embrace of foolish false pride.  Therefore avoid it by God’s perfect will.”
“False pride is contrary or opposite of true pride. True pride is fulfilling. We humans take pride & build self esteem by our finished good works.
The man looks upon the result of his good & helpful work while holding in his heart satisfaction of a work well done.”
By false pride the man takes credit and pomp unto his own heart for supernatural gifts that can only be given & attained by God Almighty or by his gods.
False pride can be a snare unto men therefore beware. For the hearts of men are vulnerable at times to be lead amiss into lies of self.
It is better for the man to embrace gratitude for his spiritual gifts. Rather than being lead into false pride fending that he himself is author of such gifts.
Would God Almighty allow evil men to rule for no reason? Would He, after bringing in the New Earth continue to allow untrustworthy anxt to have the sacred knowledge?
No longer shall those untrustworthy men have access to The Sacred Tree of The Knowledge of Evil. Moreover most of mankind whom God does not trust with His blessings shall meet the Lake of fire.
By evil men who exploit the human condition children are accused to the depth of their hearts.
By condemnation of emotions, which are their human feelings the children are condemned.   When a man is lead to believe fear is bad and wrong he perceives himself as bad & wrong.
Hiding fear behind a mask of merriment makes the heart sick and leads the mind amiss & confused.
The tears of a man are sacred.  The heart should be honored and tears embraced, shed by the leading of the heart.  The wise man sheds his tears allowing his heart to speak.
Surfeiting & quenching the heart’s voice prompts the man’s fall into the pit of despair.
Pain & deep hurt of the heart unexpressed by Truth becomes the man’s prison.
To be emotionally wounded in one’s heart shows humanity not weakness.
Those who who portray hurt feelings as being weakness to be shamed hide their pain and suffer therebye.
Sharing pain of heart with others is to show empathy.  By empathy others understand they are not alone.
Those who wear the emotionless masks betray humanity.
Those who taught us that feelings are wrong betray the children’s hearts of gold.
In a world where emotion and fear are condemned many are alone & sick inside.
By heart expression of strong and grounded Truth the man is set free from bondage of secrets.
The man is as sick as his secrets.
In a world where being human is crime of shame men find a suitable mask to cover their humanity and feelings of the heart.
The Image of the Beast teaches the man who he should be.
By mocking humanity the image of the beast portrays what is “kool”.
By the invention of the “kool” men lost Truth.
By the invention of “kool” on the Image of the Beast, the most efficient & remarkable mind control is performed.
To drive a man into a life long play act & mask he must first be the child taught to despise who he is.
Initially prior to programming, the child above all desires just wants to be loved.
Those who have learned to exploit the child’s desire for Love will answer for it.
God Almighty will spin the lake of fire into a final resting place of those who redundantly crush the hearts of His children.
All things suffered work together for the good to those who are children of God.



They Did It! Word “SCIENCE” Is Now twice In the KJVB


We see by the Image of the Beast’s topics and shows that they are lifting up science as the ultimate authority.  The arbiter of lies hosts the idea that only science is true.  And that spirituality is a fairy tale for those who fear.  However if science is, then it is because God created it.  His laws of Earth were where science had its home.   But now that miracles are all around us God is showing us first hand the He is the Ruler of Science.  Without a doubt God can make the elements of Earth change as He pleases. He can make that which was once Life giving for humans, to be putrid and stained.  He can cause the waters to run bitter and make mud a nourishing treat.

He show us this by Mandela effects and by the strong delusion.  If you see it that is.  Watching delusional men embrace new words as if they always were.  And watching them call vile precepts “Holy”, changes a man’s perspective on what God will do and does.  Sure the deceiver deceives but God Almighty keeps His children where they desire to be, in Truth.
The word “science” two times. Make no mistake, judging from the patterns we see the word WILL MULTIPLY. In ALL, ALL, ALL, bibles old and new it will multiply from two. In no time it will be up to seven or eight. And later it may surpass in numbers other multiplied new vile words in bibles like “stupid” and “whore”. The book feigns what is good and calls good evil and evil good.

Dan 1:4

Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king’s palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.
1Ti 6:20

O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:

Proof That the God of This World Has Control of All Bibles

The Prince of the Power of the Airwaves Who Controls the Towers of Babble (confusion/memory loss/false memories) has revealed His name in Revelation 3:14 shown below.  Along with the meaning behind Rev. 3:20 promoting that evil possess one’s human body.

Revelation 3 Three is Now Inverted

According to 3:14 Rev. The god Amen RA is now commanding John to write TO angels.   “The Amen, The Witness (like in the 12 Monkeys series) Never the less he is working under the direction of God Almighty by permission to change bibles supernaturally.

We must not speak a railing accusation against him for The Lord God Almighty is He who rebukes gods. Not us.  Neither should we speak against the deity of angels fallen or otherwise.  We have not the heart to judge such things.

Continue reading “Proof That the God of This World Has Control of All Bibles”

The Split of The Churches

My Spirit Lead Interpretations of Previous Bible Scriptures …

The Scribe of God writes a Letter to the Churches.

And especially prophecy are not in alignment with any preachers doctrine.  You will not find these interpretations which I write about on Christian websites. Or on prophecy websites.  The Scribe of God is called a heretic or Satan by Christians.  All my interpretations are exactly this “private interpretations” independent of religion.

Won’t be long now.  2024 is coming!  Those with The Holy Spirit will likely be raptured around April 2024.  But that doesn’t mean people will know it happened.  The end of days pattern now shows us that much is hidden from the Christians.  We doubt they will ever see the rapture of the chosen few.

Continue reading “The Split of The Churches”

Words “Demon, Demons” Are No Longer In Any KJVB

Fallen Fallen the Temples Have Fallen to Wickedness & Darkness Within.

Which temples?  Why, the holy places of course…the places that housed God’s sacred words.  And second, the place which housed God’s Divine Presence.  “Same Holy Spirit different purposes”.  The Holy Spirit which is given for gifts is bestowed upon the few, His children.  While the Divine Presence of God was given to all of mankind to abide in their temple, the body.

If you took the chot you may want to stop reading here.

However evil masquerading as good found a way to desecrate both temples.  God allowed the desecration of the body by each man’s free will the many chose to take beast proteins into themselves and become GMO.  They never asked God “how will I know not to take the mark of the beast?”

If they would of asked God about the mark He would have been very clear even with an audible voice.  God spoke to me audibly telling me by miraculous confirmations what the mark is before it was even sent out.  In 2018 I asked Him “how will I know the mark of the beast so I don’t take it?”

In 2018 instantly He said audibly to me “Zebra”.  Zebra…the animal of two colors.  I researched and found Zebra Tech.  They are a company which makes rfid chips and other tech tracking devices.  Later on Zebra got the contracts to dispense the Pie Zar shot across nations.  Zebra made it possible in 2021 to dispense the back scenes to people with their cold pack temperature controlled boxes. They dispensed the dee Anne a rewrites to millions on Earth.

All they had to do is ask God.  He would have made it abundantly clear as He did with me I am sure of it.  Instead they chose to become Chimeras.  That’s what science is calling those who undergo the genome transcriptional changes to their dna.  “Chimeras”.

Mankind became part beast by taking the mark of the beast.  IT’S LITERAL.  Not rocket science.  Ask Astral Zen if they put chimp pro teens in their chot?  Human no more.  Being human no more put these “new creatures” at a grotesque disadvantage.  No only are they under the strong delusion.  But also they won’t repent of it because they sing day in and day out “it’s not the mark!  Its not the mark!”  its very disturbing to watch their eyes sink into their skulls day by day.

Neither will they find the words Demon, & Demons in any other version of bible soon enough.  Of course few people will remember the original verses.  Just like they don’t remember that Jacob CRUSHED the head of the Serpent and bruised His heal.  Jacob meaning Jesus & Israel and all those who have become Israel.  They walk as Jesus walked.  They walk in Spirit, they see into the dark regions of Earth.  And they bind and crush free flying demons.

Voltar the Mighty. Crushes Demons


Great Works of Faith Matter & Should not be Minimized

Continue reading “Words “Demon, Demons” Are No Longer In Any KJVB”

Vital Scriptures Disappearing from all Bibles that Exist

Blasphemy in the Bibles Invisible to the Blinded Vailed Christians.  Explanation of the Locust from the Pit.  

New vile words all versions except KJVB now has tumors.



Golden tumors

See Sally Sinner’s comment below article for solutions.

God in Heaven help us all.  The beast god of the bible is not hiding anymore.  The script below is what he already did on Earth with the shots.  Shots contained Cancer cell lines which will cause tumors.  Rats are their favorite beast.  Chimps are also one of the beast’s favorite experimental beasts.  Astral Zen did not deny putting chimp beast proteins in their back scene.  Make no mistake, if the shot doesn’t kill them it will desecrate the temple that once held the Divine Presence of God.  God will abandon the desecrated temples of man’s bodies. The bibles are the second desecrated holy place.

1st Samuel 6:4
“Then they said, “What is the trespass offering which we shall return to Him?” They answered, “Five golden tumors and five golden rats, according to the number of the lords of the Philistines. For the same plague was on all of you and on your lords.”

The plague is upon all who took the shot.  GMO is the outcome of genetic mass replication by mitosis and imputed beast dna the bitter transformation called Mirahmeta.

Hey I could be wrong.  However I know what they put in it, I got it off their own website of ingredients.  You would have to learn the translation to understand the ingredients which they made new words for to confound people.  Such as “immortalized cell lines” which is Cancer-“its sterilized” they assure us.  However Science Direct studies show that when these sterilized Cancer cell lines come into contact with living human cells they are known to come alive & express anyway.  After all why else would they put Cancer in the shots except for SUPER-FAST GROWTH by CELL EXPRESSION (cell growth) AND A CANCER WITH A DESIGN.  Not just some random tumor necessarily.  It’s setting up the animal beast dna in fast cellular expression.  A tumor with a purpose of shape.    Make no mistake these not sees fooled the immune system finally gaining the golden keys.  The immune system thinks its getting instructions and road maps from its own body.  Telling by imposter mRNA (mRNA is the boss of your cell structure/the director/the commander) telling the body to rebuild itself by a new beast/human GMO design map.

THAT IS WHAT THEY ALREADY DID not “its coming its coming its coming”.  My god its LITERAL BEAST mRNA come on!

And now the word “tumors” is all over most every bible translation.  A modern term that was not in any bible.

They are vailed with a living vail that rose up from the pit.  The Locust is vile.  We cannot see anything beneficial about it except that they are protected from seeing scary Truth.  It should not be so.  Truth is primary and should be accepted and we should learn how to embrace hard truths.  Two woes and more are upon the Christians I see and the world for that matter.  Three-The mark of the beast on the forehead.  The Locust on the face consummated.  And the winged abomination nested & perched while multiplying in their hair.  (hair of a woman face of a man) The hair/face biblical locust (from pit) descriptive reference wasn’t about the Locust it was about the host/victim. Whoever wrote it saw the creature nesting in the hair and consummated to the face.  Two creatures.  Winged abomination (already removed from bibles) & Locust from pit.    Locust doesn’t have legs and it can’t fly.  It suctions to the face of its host human.

Demons have always been real.  This one is different because it’s rampant on almost all of humanity.  I may watch the “Red Dragon” movie again to see more “truth drops in movies”.  That is where this picture came from.  The other pictures are drawings by Jazweeh who sees the creatures in real time.  She is not the only one who sees & drew the parasite demons.

“It Lies Over” is no longer in 2nd Thessalonians. Thessalonia is turning into Thessalonica and other strange names.  False prophet and antichrist and the two examples of seven year tribulation all disappearing from biblical literature.  The works of Faith by The Holy Spirit are disappearing.  All power scriptures are going away for obvious reasons. The books now portray Satan is being all powerful.  “All power” is only a true description of God Almighty.  Also there are many contradicting scriptures to, “Not by might nor by power but BY MY SPIRIT sayeth The Lord God Almighty.”  Salvation process is skewed to say “faith in blood” instead of Faith in God Himself and His plan of salvation for humans.   Jesus is The Son of God.  Not God The Father.  The trinity is being omitted in literature.  Audio bibles are calling the god of the bible “Seth the lord”.  Apparently the Dark Lord’s name is Seth.  Meaning “vile evil seething serpent creed”.  The name Seth is vile.

Continue reading “Vital Scriptures Disappearing from all Bibles that Exist”

We Can’t Help Those Deceived They Must Choose Truth for Themselves

Most People reading bibles are Under Influence of The Tower of Babble. As the babble effect scours the English language trashing its articulate design for communication of mankind. KJVB dialect etymology is reduced to a language called “middle english”. At the same time according to Youtube few have retained their ability to speak proper English in tandem with the supernatural bible changes.

“And the mortal shall put on immortality, the corrupt becomes incorruptible.”

Continue reading “We Can’t Help Those Deceived They Must Choose Truth for Themselves”

Mark of the Beast. Desecration of the Temple of God

Noted supernatural bible change.  New words in NLT.  “February” and other dates are now in bibles.  These dates will multiply rapidly no doubt.  According to patterns we already have seen over and over and over and over during the last 7 years.  In KJV it’s using Jewish calendar dates in (for one) Zachariah now Zechariah 1:7 & 1:1.  Dates will crop up quickly all over every version.  It was just a matter of time.  The timelines in these bibles are all corrupts.  Except Jesus’ 3 days in the underworld.  And the 40 years of the Israelites wilderness.  And Jesus’ temptation of 40 days.  The words “week, month” were definitely not in any bibles.  The word “year” is suspect.

KJVB-“Upon the four and twentieth day of the eleventh month, which is the month Sebat, in the second year of Darius, came the word of the LORD unto Zechariah, the son of Berechiah, the son of Iddo the prophet, saying”

NLT-“Three months later, on February 15,[fn] the LORD sent another message to the prophet Zechariah son of Berekiah and grandson of Iddo.”

The wolf mocks them all by writing “Do you NOT REMEMBER I told you these things?” & it mocks with “LET THE READER UNDERSTAND”.  For they many can neither remember or understand the book.  Neither as it was nor as it is now.  By putting their Faith in the bible itself we fear, that they bring it’s curses unto themselves as they read the curses aloud.


Continue reading “Mark of the Beast. Desecration of the Temple of God”

The New Gospel Has Officially Arrived

Complete with it’s Winky.

We Laughed At Death and then We Met Him

Check out the link above to a similar more thorough article.

Romans 3:25
“Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;”

“forbearance” is defined as “holding back”  “Remission” and forgiveness are two quite different things.  Just as Faith in God, Faith in Jesus His Son and “faith in his blood” are quite different things.

Continue reading “The New Gospel Has Officially Arrived”

He Gave them Up to a Reprobate Mind & Beast System “Marriage”.

Beast System Has no business in our Vows  IF I wish to make a binding contract via VOW with someone that is my business.  But know this marriage is usually bondage, controlism, manipulation, and nearly always goes bad by stealing our freedom to live as our own heart needs to.  Why?  It was created for money $ and for enslaving men & women.

And as the bibles become more and more desecrated so too do the minds of men follow suit.  Watching the YT preachers shows us the progress of the desecration the Locust brought unto mankind.  They neither remember God’s Truth nor can the recall the Holy Bible as it was just 6 1/2 years ago.

The Bibles are soon to be desecrated for (7) seven years.  At seven years something WILL happen.  We just are not certain what it will be.  Men are being gathered, yes.  By the chot their lives are taken.  And by the Locust their minds are turned to rot.

Continue reading “He Gave them Up to a Reprobate Mind & Beast System “Marriage”.”

Angels In Bras and Gold Girdle? Kinky huh?

Another ridiculous new scripture which the Christians renown as being the “Word of God” calling the book by Jesus’ name. Idolatry idolatry.  Is there such a thing as “over wise”?  No absolutely not.  Wisdom neither lies about its wisdom or hides its knowledge in a closet to be shamed by it.  The beast now by social edicate makes wisdom shameful and false humility of good character.  But do they not know that false humility is a lie?  “Pretend to be stupid flaunt foolishness” this is the world’s new social policy.  And their bible brings that precept of lies home.

Be not righteous over much; neither make thyself over wise: why shouldest thou destroy thyself?”

Notice the winky after the blasphemy? DON’T BE RIGHTEOUS OR YOUR DIE! So righteousness is now self destructive and being wise will cause your demise.

Continue reading “Angels In Bras and Gold Girdle? Kinky huh?”

Biblical Propaganda

Con-tradictions in scripture

God Almighty would not take His words from Earth unless He was done with this stage of mankind’s development.   God rolled His words up like a scroll unto the Heavens, which I did see in a vision.   Man’s creation part II.  This stage of our creation called ‘spiritual choices and implementation of Faith’ by mankind is about over.

Continue reading “Biblical Propaganda”

End of Days Timeline. The Good & Bad News.


Two separate seven year tribulations are now in memory.  Two tribs for two separate groups of people.  We do not all need the gift of desperation to seek God.  For the elect “Jacob’s troubles” are enough to throw them into spiritual mode.  The first of the seven years of tribulation.

Pretty sure the first trib is already upon us.  One more year + 6 months approximately for the elect.

The deceived who are lost need to be given the gift of desperation so they will finally seek God in Truth with a sincere heart.    Tribulation is the great motivator.

Continue reading “End of Days Timeline. The Good & Bad News.”

Fig Tree Prophecy. Pre-Biblical Desecration Abomination

Here’s What the prophecy is not

How to Prune Fig Trees for the Best Harvests of Fruit

God’s Spirit is Truth, Love, & Life.  Political entities and Religion (Legion) are without question two of the most deceptive entities on Earth.   The political status of Israel and Jerusalem are not in prophecy in spite of the religious propaganda of Israel worship. The scripture is now inverted.

The children of God are not by race, creed, color, or geographical location.  God looks upon the heart.  His children are scattered throughout the Earth.  Allow God Almighty to fix your heart.  He will not remove free will but the end is near.

Continue reading “Fig Tree Prophecy. Pre-Biblical Desecration Abomination”

Examining The Christians New “Glory Seeking” Criteria

Glory!  All Glory to God! Is the biblical precept I remember.  And there were plenty of scriptures to back this precept up.

Seek not honor and glory from mankind lest ye fall in a net.

Seek not the Glory that belongs only to God.

The man is not destined for God’s Glory but rather for fellowship with God.  For this purpose mankind was created.

Article by Laurel of the Rutth.

Continue reading “Examining The Christians New “Glory Seeking” Criteria”

How to be an Overcomer & Know God Better

The Armor of God Requires TRUTH and alot of it

First of All friends we do not die for Jesus sake.  That’s inverted.  Jesus came for two great reasons.  1. To bring God’s Holy promises to us…His words.  2. To take the keys to death and Hell by overcoming death we too overcome death.  And we hold the keys to death and Hell as well.  Because we are in Him.  To be in Jesus is to know Him.

Sidenote bible blasphemy:  We know that baptism didn't exist until John the Baptist & Jesus in N.t.  We know (hopefully) being baptized is into new life more abundantly in Jesus.  Born again of Spirit.  Now in Old Test. they are being baptized into Moses no less.  Bible changes la-supernatural!

The Inverted Gospel

Matthew 16:24-25
“Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.”  Pish posh!

“For my sake”? Jesus doesn’t need us to be murdered for His sake.  What would He get out of that anyway.  Martyrdom spiritually benefits those who stand for righteousness unto death.  Does it strengthen the kingdom of God?  Perhaps in some way.  But Jesus is already saved, delivered, healed, and transformed.   For us to die for Him is an inverted gospel.  He came so we would overcome death and hell & so we too could hear God’s words and put them into practice in our lives.  Plus the prophecies Jesus brought us now fulfilled, show the children of God what season we are in.  And help the children understand who they are.  And what He meant by the double (x2) meaning prophecies.

Continue reading “How to be an Overcomer & Know God Better”

Evils Vest of Lies New Words in the Bibles

Evil’s Armor

Well they say evil has a counterfeit of all things good and True.  Here is evil’s armor of darkness.

As opposed to the belt of Truth the book changed from

Believeth” turned into “believest

“Believest” Decoded—  Be-Lie-Vest or Vest of Lies.

Now is the time to embrace Truth as much as you can with God’s help.  We are programmed to seek protection by lying.  Now we know it’s vital to keep our belt of Truth secure. And the rest of the armor of God.

“abides in me” changed to “dwelleth”.   To dwell on something is negative and akin to depression. For example-  “He dwelled on the loss of His money”.


Waiting On God Almighty.  This article is to those who see the end of days supernatural signs.  The scribe of God writes.

Any questions about fulfilled prophecy events mentioned below are covered on my site.  Use the search on that website to find any topics like “forehead mark of the beast” or “back scene” (a rhyme code) the other mark.  Right arm or forehead is what the bibles used to say (pretty sure).

Above.  Winged abomination drawn by one of “tribulation now” channels subscribers.  I am not the only one who has seen the wing of abomination & Locust.  I also heard it when it tried to attack dropping off its locust cargo.

This was found on google images dipicting the mark of the beast.  Now look at the faces of mankind.  Goats, serpents, fallen angel wings all these appear on foreheads.  Whoever they worship above God is on the forehead now says the seer Jazweeh.


Blatant Prophecy In Music. “Roundabout” is Another New Word in KJVB.

Good News!   Return of Jesus Prophecy.

The 70s Rock period was chalk full of prophecy.  “TWENTY-FOUR BEFORE MY LOVE AND I’LL BE THERE with you!” From song “Roundabout” by band Yes. (decode below)  What??  Before 2024….perhaps 24hrs before the event in 2024.  

Four And Twenty Elders Baked In A Pie….they turned unto fables. (Roundabout Song Decoded)

Also “twenty four before” in the Roundabout song may have a second reference made to the bible scripture “Four and twenty elders” (baked in pie).   It is a supernatural bible change. No it doesn’t say ‘baked in a pie’ that’s my sarcasm.  “They turned unto fables” scripture reference.  The fable & rhyme of “Four and twenty blackbirds baked in a pie” poem below.   Is a mocking scripture pointed at the elders of God calling them blackbirds.  Also I just read now the scripture says the “fell down”.  Of course mocking.   The white wash denial says “fell down” doesn’t mean fell down & went boom.  The scripture is a typical passive aggressive insult to the elders of God.  Click on picture to enlarge.

Also you will see the prayers of the saints called an odor.  Mis-spelled odour.  The reference is a negative smell.  Not aroma or fragrance.  See the difference?

Anyway since the word “before” is in the songs sentence “Twenty-Four before my love…”  Twenty four backwards is four and twenty.

Of course the word “roundabout” is now in the KJVB.  And multiplying on going.  Now some other youtubers like JayDreamerZ are beginning to look at the possibility of Jesus’ return in 2024.   On the day of the eclipse of the Sun April 8th, 2024.

Chris Squire Framed Art Prints | Fine Art America

Song Lyrics by “Yes”.   Album “Fragile”

My commentary is in PINK the song in white.

I’ll be the roundabout the words will make you out ‘n’ out
I spend the day your way
Call it morning driving through the sound and
In and out the valley

Continue reading “Blatant Prophecy In Music. “Roundabout” is Another New Word in KJVB.”

The Covenant with Many Demons.

Why can’t Christians see the supernatural bible changes that we see?

“A greedy and adulterous generation seeks after a sign but no sign will be given, save the sign of the prophet Watchman Jonah.”  Just as Jonah was a watchman to Nineveh so too the watchman on the wall on Youtube proclaim the coming days of God’s wrath and end of days at hand to the people.  Yet these watchmen are not privy to the miraculous signs and wonders of prophecy that the chosen few can see happening in real time.  See Jazweeh A-Z Prophecy article for more on that.

What Lie?

Most people walk in self delusion never finding out who they are deep within their heart of hearts.  It the human failsafe when threats arise.  The lie is the #1 defense of the American people.  Of course they likely are unaware of it.  Its the programming.  In many ways it’s not their faults that they prefer deception over Truth.  The beast has done its job very well.  It takes seeking God with one’s whole heart mind and soul to break free of the Beast system self deception.

What accompanies the mark of the beast once a man has chosen his allegiance is the Locust from the pit.  The covenant with many, come to find out was a pact made between powerful ruling class men/woman & Demonic ruling class demons.  On right Mark of the beast consummates with men’s faces & the forehead mark.  On left the Locust.  Though it has no legs.  Its a shadowy invisible parasitic creature that lurks in the abyss.  Prior to the agreement with Hell that men made these creatures had to be invited into a man.  A spiritual door had to be opened, before the covenant with many.

Continue reading “The Covenant with Many Demons.”

How Did The Bibles Magically Change?


Revealed in this Article.  The Truth of the Tower of Babel.

In the end of days all mysteries shall be revealed unto the chosen few.  Most Christians will have no part in the revelation of Truth.  Why?  They have chosen the lie and prefer it.

What is the real “covenant with the many”?  And What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

I asked my spiritual teacher in the late 80s or early 90s “what is the only unforgivable sin that they call blasphemy of The Holy Spirit?  She said at that time it was impossible to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.  And it was.

Continue reading “How Did The Bibles Magically Change?”

Frustrated With the Mandela Effect! Ezekiel Eats Dung?

“The voice of the turtle” now in KJV.  Oh really? So now the turtle has a “voice” to speak as man perhaps?  Pish posh.  Questionable articles on internet say turtle make all kinds of noises. This NEW reality is become more and more deceptive.

New Living Trans-lation Desecrated As We See “Penis” and “Testicles” below.

Drinking urine and eating human excrement is a satanic ritual I have seen it done by a woman of dark habits in a club/bar environment years ago.   Also blood, urine, and dung are used in Satanic rituals according to online info.

The new dung and urine scriptures are vile supernatural bible changes.

Ezekiel 4 Has God making Ezekiel Eat Human Shit.  Then He (allegedly) changes the recipe to cow shit with his meal.  Whatever.  The bible is so desecrated now, its just DONE.

NLT Version Desecration.

That’s not all of the disgusting new rewrites.  Penis and testicles are now in Deuteronomy 23:1.   For the last couple years it was “stones” and another odd reference to men’s genitalia.  It’s getting worse and worse and worse every time I look.  I quit the logs because I got fed up with the vile changes.  There are still some varied scriptures that tell original Truth, however it’s not written as I know the voice of Jesus would write.  So even the verses that are so well known that they were preserved for posterity sake.  Still they are vile by the trashing of the English language.

Jesus tarries.   We were warned.   And I try patience.  I try understanding.  I try humility as a child.  The bible desolation & famine is our sign that God’s words are leaving Earth.  And soon I believe He will take His Holy Spirit from Earth.  And those who have it.

Continue reading “Frustrated With the Mandela Effect! Ezekiel Eats Dung?”

Jesus Was Pissed At the Money Changers

Jesus said “be angry and sin not”.  He Turned Over Their Tables of Greed. 

We Who See the abomination of desolation of God’s holy words are Living This Story.  While the Christians quote and side with Twisted New Scripture.  Scripture that is Supernaturally Destroying All Holy Bibles.  Those who quote aloud hateful new scripture & curses trample asunder the holy place.

Jesus turns over the money changers table in the temple. | Religious images, Art, Jesus

And Let’s face it The KJV Bibles were never perfect at least, not in my lifetime.   But now be careful not to read aloud the many hateful curses in the defiled books.

Continue reading “Jesus Was Pissed At the Money Changers”

New Desecrated Bible Calls “Wisdom” Devil-ish

Scroll to the bottom to be given the interpretation of “The Last Trump” that happens in the twinkling of the eye.

I apologize folks but I have not been posting many changes.  There are no so many supernatural blasphemous, ridiculous, bible changes that I hope we soon will either leave this Earth to prepare to receive the New Earth.  Or I hope that as we are hidden in God under a safe spiritual blanket.   Just like the dream I had of being totally covered by a blanket of safety while sitting in a booth of sorts.

Continue reading “New Desecrated Bible Calls “Wisdom” Devil-ish”

Now Dangerous to Share Mandella Effects with the Un-Seeing.

We must no longer approach the blind with Mandela Effects (M.E.) or Biblical Super-Natural Changes.

Key codes
S.N.B.C. YT= supernatural bible changes youtube.
Mandela effect=M.E.

Why?  We are putting ourselves in danger at this point 7-1-22.

They (my room mate and other defensive people I have heard about o the S.N.B.C. YT channels) now see any mandela effect conversations as a direct attack on their person.

Continue reading “Now Dangerous to Share Mandella Effects with the Un-Seeing.”

Rapture. Super Natural KJVB Changes. & Jesus’ Return

What is The Image of The Beast that Men Obey and Serve?

Preachers of Today Get All their Prophecy & End times Info off the Image of the Beast.  I find that ironic at best.  Of course Christians cannot say that the TV & cellphones ARE the image of the beast.  Why?  Because then they would have to let go of their comforter….

Continue reading “Rapture. Super Natural KJVB Changes. & Jesus’ Return”

30 Fulfilled Prophesies and Mysteries Revealed

See A thru T prophecy fulfillments below (scroll)

They say the Israelites are blind until the coming in of the gentiles…but I see something quite different.



#1  “Israel” means children of God.  If a human being chooses to follow Jesus and knows Him they are a child of God.  Their bloodline is of the bloodline of so called “Israel” by their Love for Jesus.

Continue reading “30 Fulfilled Prophesies and Mysteries Revealed”

Passive Insults toward God by “Crieth, Cry, Cries” Multiplied in KJV

What is WRONG With These Scripts KJVB? Supernatural deceptive signs and wonders abound by Bible Changes Covered Up by the Strong Delusion.

Words – “Crying, criest, cry, cried” Are multiplied in the KJV bibles. Creating insults to God and man by lying scripture that alleges the prophets and God and angels are whiners.  English is still English in spite of the illiterate

occurs 199 times in 195 verses in the KJV.
occurs 181 times in 168 verses in the KJV.
“CRIETH” the new term is found 17 times in KJV.   When a new word pops up in KJV we know the scriptures associated with it will be TWISTED and corrupt.  For instance lets look at the first of the ‘CRIETH‘ scripts-

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My Out of Body Dreams of End of Days

First #1 To Hell & Back

I went to hell where there was a man worshipping The Bible.  He clutched the bible to his chest.  He quoted by heart every scripture.  He paced the top level of Hell hoping to be delivered by the book.  I had no idea what this dream meant at the time.  I was focused on telling my Grandfather who was stuck in purgatory purgatory that by the way I did not believe in until the out of body dream.  I sought my grandfather because I knew somehow that because he spent his days at the bar was not worthy of God’s Love.  I went there to tell him that God is His judge NOT HIMSELF.  We have no right to condemn ourselves.  I learned this by that dream.  Grandad hid from me.  A demon spoke to me “why do seek him?  He is one of the worst one’s down here!” said the quirky small powerless demon.  I said nothing to it in response.  I prayed Grandad would hear me anyway.

Dream #1 Hell, Purgatory, and The Supernatural Desecration of God’s Holy Books.  (one and all old and new)

I now know that idolatry of the bible is a soul sucking mistake for those who call the defiled bibles by God’s holy name “The Word of God”. John 1.  Oh sure I know the bible NOW calls itself by God’s holy name making itself God.   The wolf sits in the once Holy Book desecrating and making it desolate.

It is prophesied by the Amos 8:11 &12 and by 2nd Thess 2 (let the READER understand!) The changes are covered up by the strong delusion.  We could call it Strong’s Delusion.

Yet its too obvious for goats to see.  Its too coy for run of the mill Christians to detect.  Only those in full armor God’s warriors and His Loved ones His little lambs remember. Even with script like “hate your family” and “slay them before me” and “suck the breast of kings” and so on.  Still they call bibles by God’s name.  JESUS HAS LEFT THE BOOK TO THE WOLF.  The Lion has left the lamb.  The wolf now lies with the lamb.  It lies and it lies both.  And those who rely on doctrine for their salvation.  They know not God they never build a prayer relationship with God who nurtures their Faith.  Hope of salvation is our helmet.  Yet the word “Hope” is disappearing from the bible as in the Ephesians script.  It’s not an eternal helmet of armor without the eternal gift of Hope attached to it.

What are The Wing of Abomination & Locust from the Pit?

Not for Children.

Do NOT read of this supernatural consummation of the Locust from the pit if you don’t have emotional coping skills.  It’s pretty much horrifying for us who see it.

I prayed to God Almighty last night about my obsession with the supernatural KJVB changes.  I am shadow banned on social media.  I comment anyway to vent knowing rarely does anyone see my comments.  I have not been able to get through people’s emotional walls.  They are so deep into beast system emotional programming and now on top of that the Locust by wing of abomination has flown.

What did the Locust from the pit accomplish?  It rode on the back of a creature called “the wing of abomination” because it cannot fly itself.  Yes, it’s horrifying but seemingly painless to its host.


Continue reading “What are The Wing of Abomination & Locust from the Pit?”

What Kind of Demon Is the Locust from the Pit

The Locust Sent from Apollyon by the Key to the Bottomless Pit

If you don’t see the supernatural bible changes or at least see the Mandela affects you will not relate to this article.

Locust consummation consumes the minds to make desolate of Truth & true memory.

The Locust from the pit is a parasite that enters the face of men.  The elect crushed it when it attacked them.  The average Christian is not experienced in spiritual warfare and did not see or hear the wings of its coming.

It sounded like a flying roach on approach.  That sound was the wing of abomination (prophecy KJV).  Disgusting it was.  It felt like a suction cup landing on the side of the face.  The experience still haunts me.  It woke me up from a deep sleep.  No my eyes did not see it.  By my spiritual eye I saw it.

Continue reading “What Kind of Demon Is the Locust from the Pit”

Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Has Changed On the Pages, Supernaturally.

A Supernatural View of The Strong’s Delusion

The True Gospel Is the Testimony by Those Who Know Jesus

The Christians on YouTube will say “let me give you the gospel” then they proceed to quote copy paste scripture.  Granted Jesus is the Son of God (even if the bible now says “son of man” as in insult by rewrite. And I gleaned many great truths from my KJVB in its day.

The Mandela effects are signs and wonders for unbelievers to get saved.

Continue reading “Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance Has Changed On the Pages, Supernaturally.”

Its Time I Showed You “The Strong Delusion” Close up & The Mark of The Beast-Forehead

What is the “Strong Delusion” Written of in 2nd Thessalonians 2 2nd Timothy 4:4

They honor me with their words but their heart is far from me.

Why Would God Show Me Truth to Share with You?

Please think me not judgmental.

“For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.”  WHATTTT?  Rewarded for destruction of those men of God?  You don’t call the evil “worthy to be rewarded to drink blood”.

Continue reading “Its Time I Showed You “The Strong Delusion” Close up & The Mark of The Beast-Forehead”

Iron Does Not Sharpen Iron. Don’t Be a Parrot

Jesus Is the Truth and The Way to God.  “It Is Impossible for God to Lie”

The Belt of Truth is vital as armor of God.

There used to be much wisdom and Truth in the KJVB-that is fading away.  Amos 8:11 &12.  No, most Christians can neither remember what the books used to read nor can they recognize the new blasphemy & lies in all bibles.

In this age Truth is not a priority for most people.

Why don’t they see & understand what a lie is?   We surmise that the strong delusion has their ass eyes & mind.

So just who is supernaturally re-writing ALL the bibles. (“all” means all by the way). Why, the author of confusion of course.  The wolf, the serpent, the father of lies.  Deceptive signs and wonders-prophecy.

However, as usual the Christians will explain away another lie by saying basically that “the scripture does not say what it actually means”.  Just like every other lie now in the books.  They not only prefer the lies and fables but they also will defend them.

To the Christian, their bible is above reproach as deity.  They uphold & glorify it as an idol.  They not only call it by God’s name “The Word of God”.  But also the book itself calls itself God.

End of days prophecy.  The desecration of the holy place.  The abomination.  The strong delusion.

How to Sharpen a Knife

Sharpening is done by grinding away material on the tool with another abrasive substance harder than the tool itself…when one thing sharpens another, the substance on the sharpening surface must be harder than the material being sharpened, such as two different alloys of iron.”

Bible Change Log Part III 2022

Part Three of the Supernatural KJVB changes.  Following the Changes since late 2017.

We hoped some of the Christians would have steered clear somehow by now of the strong delusion.  Had I not been given proof that many other people see these changes I would be more upset than I already am over this.  I accept it for a time…then I get frustrated again at the unpresidented dullness of the minds of the many.  This is by far the one of the most amazing thing I have ever seen.   Excepting of course the four angels pouring out their viles upon earth for the last 5 years.

New word.  “Memphis” that right.  Memphis Tennessee I suppose.

Word “presidents” now in KJVB!

Dan 6:3
Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm

The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.

I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.

Who knows what these strange uses of lines and reins are defined as in Strong’s delusion.  I am so fed up with the extent of the supernatural bible changes and the extreme blindness unto ridiculous acceptance of anything written in those books I cannot bear to look these two new word uses up in Strong’s delusion at the moment..

This is an ongoing thread log of the KJV supernatural bible changes that ramped up in 2017.  There are hundreds of thousands of new words, grammar errors with spelling failings and improper terminology that I don’t address here.  I sight the blasphemous changes.  At this time the bibles are easily 80% changed.

“common salvation” from Jude 1:3 There’s alot wrong with this script.

“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”

Paul would never have referred to salvation by Jesus as “common”.  That is an insult to God and to man.  “Contend”?  Pish posh.  Salvation is by the eternal gifts of Faith and of Hope through Jesus.  To pray in Jesus name and to seek God is how men find God and salvation.

Satan is the author of confusion. Contending is what boxers do.  Granted there is spiritual warfare but it is not to fight Faith & Hope but rather to fight against the leading of the flesh and to rely on Jesus to protect us from dark forces.  By the armor of God we are protected.  “Your Faith has made you whole”.  The helmet of the Hope of salvation is nothing without eternal Hope a supernatural gift from God.

“faith, once delivered to the saints”?   Statement is misleading. All men are given Faith eternal for life-long.  God’s gifts are not taken back.  All men put Faith in one thing or another, weather that “thing” is God is another matter of choice.

“Satan and his demons”

Pish posh.

Rev 12:9

And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.


Where ever the word “savior” or “saviour” is in the Old Testament, its a bible change.  The word savior did not exist in the Old Testament prior to around 2021.

Most likely all the new Old Testament “savior/saviour” scriptures are blasphemous.

“For unto you US is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which  WHO is JESUS our Christ and Lord.”


Another Denial of Jesus.  Blasphemy by another alleged “thus sayeth The Lord” scripture.

“Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.”
“Yet I am the LORD thy God from the land of Egypt, and thou shalt know no god but me: for there is no saviour beside me.”

If you remember the bible as it is your in the deceptive side of the dividing of time.  You cannot remember the bible when it was Holy approx. 6 years ago.  Wisdom fades from the books and they are becoming desolate as prophesied.  The abomination of desolation (let the reader take heed.)And Amos 8:11 & 12.

God allegedly denies Jesus in the KJVB

Isa 43:11

I, even I, am the LORD; and beside me there is no saviour.
Jesus sits on the right hand of God and is our Savior.  God WOULD NOT have said this.

Continue reading “Bible Change Log Part III 2022”

2020-2021 KJV Bible Change Log Part 1

The Supernatural Bible Changes of End of Days

Link to the second half


The force be with you breathren.  Undeniably the bible is nearly 100% desecrated. But it always had the Dark Lord’s creed author of confusion rolling through it.  There are two ways to obtain great demonic power.  First you must conjure then you must sacrifice by death & by blood.  Blood of an innocent works best. Or to sacrifice the one you love most also wields demonic power.  And so the Dark Lord speaks to the man he called Abraham who is game on killing his only beloved son and aire.  “oh but the angels stopped his hand and provided a ram”  pish posh!  The book has always been skewed.  The Spirit of God within those who received it wields the belt of Truth.  We are no longer deceived by blind obedience to a desecrated and misleading bible.   Jesus we trust He already showed us who and how He is.  The bible we do not trust.

Jeramiah turns to Jeremiah.  Jeree-miah.  Jera-miah.  Was it “Jerimiah” for a short time?  Probably.

Apparently, the Christians minds (not all) are apparently becoming desolate right along with the bibles (all).  Now…the well known scripture John 11:17 says Lazarath was dead four days.  And now he is called Lazarus.  I think it was two days at the most maybe three.  But not four.

Not to mention the word “lain” is new and corrupt in KJV.  What a mess.  These miraculous yet deceptive signs and wonders in the holy place are a desecration.  Most Christians have no clue as to what the abominations really are.  And what the strong delusion is.   Because the majority are deep under it. PS word “purge” is a violation of tact and kooth and was not in any bible.

Word “presidents” now in KJVB!

Dan 6:3
Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm


By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;

By prison it used to say “sheol” or The grave but it was purgatory.  Jesus would not have brought anyone out of Hell itself.  It’s those who unknowingly condemn themselves who end up in purgatory.  Those who have a chance of escape.  Sometimes when men are thrown into hell they end up in purgatory first but then they descend lower by nature.  Or demons drag them down lower.    I know Christians are taught that there is no purgatory.  However I had an out of body experience (bowels of Hell chapter book at link) back in the 80s that showed me different.

Daniel 11:38

“But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.”

“For we dare not make ourselves of the number, or compare ourselves with some that commend themselves: but they measuring themselves by themselves, and comparing themselves among themselves, are not wise.

Romans 1:20 is a direct insult toward God.

For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:


When they heard these things, they were cut to the heart, and they gnashed on him with their teeth.

Due to the strong delusion most do not remember what the bible said just 4 years ago when it was respectable, & poetic.  And by it one could be lead in the directions of both God & wisdom if ye sought with your whole heart.  The strong delusion downloads history & memories to those consummated with the locust from the pit.  They will never see or believe that the bible has changed dramatically in 4 years time.

Calling men “residue” is heinous.  And the word ‘residue’ is increasing.  It was just referring to the “remnant” now it’s in the KJV 34 times.

November 29, 2021

NKJVB spell is “marveled” while KJVB “marvelled” in 20-36 instances.  I watched my TV change a word -I looked down and back up and one of the “l’s” disappeared from the meme in my study of the word marvelled.  Supernatural.  Jesus is coming soon.  There is no way He is leaving us who see so many signs and wonders in this bible change world of psycho-flux that is changing so rapidly.   Yet 2/3 or more of people see nothing. We don’t belong here anymore.  Sure I always knew this wasn’t my home but now I feel absolutely isolated as I have nothing in common with anyone I know except that we are both human.

Now we know why God had Solomon write Songs of Solomon the bride to be waiting desperately on the true Love.  I have never felt like this about anything ever.  I was not wanton.  I was at peace in a comfortable place.  Now my anticipation is strong.  No telling what will change next with the Mandela effects.  I may come home and this isn’t my house.  Or I may come home and my house is much nicer.  Wouldn’t that be nice lol.  Dear Father, since things are magically changing anyway could I have a much nicer house?  Lol.  One M.E. guy’s town name changed.

We all feel it, all Christians even those who still have the vail over their eyes.  I hope Christians who do not see will be fine I just think they will have to endure some tribulation for spiritual growth.  John 3:16.

Mar 6:6

“And He marveled because of their unbelief. Then He went about the villages in a circuit, teaching.”
“And he marvelled because of their unbelief. And he went round about the villages, teaching.”

Hi.   This is Angry Jane still angry as hell over the bible changes.  But I do know that it’s God’s plan to allow the wolf to take the bibles by rewrite.  And I also know that IF the Christians had God’s inspired words written on their hearts they would not be blind to them.  I loved the words in the bible because they agreed with my heart.   Apparently many people who claim to be believers are just religious.  Religion is “Legion” the demonic force.  The biblical prophecies that Jesus put forth were never really meant to be understood in the flesh. They were always for today.  The end times prophecies once seen then we can understand them from the book.  What the prophecies of Jesus are is confirmations for the elect that we are infact in the end of days.  Also Jesus is coming for us.  Will He also rapture those who do not remember and do not see?  They talk a good talk, they say all the right things but they have the mark of the beast on their forehead.  I just don’t know what He will do with those sitting on the fence.  Some have both the mark and the seal of God.  My guides say “they must choose, they must let go of one of their anchors”.  Hence the G.T. is for the gift of desperation.  So mankind will finally call out to God with their whole heart.  These are baffling times.  People are so far from themselves they don’t know their own hearts.  What God is showing me doesn’t match up with their words.  “They honor me with their words but their heart is far from me.”   Jesus__________

So what will I do about this website?  There are so many changes breathren that I am weary of them.  The Christians can no longer recognize vulgar, vile, evil words if they are written in the bibles.  Are they also losing sight of what evil is in their real lives?  I wonder.  Are their consciences being erased? The restraint of evil is the conscience.  Perhaps the shot will delete all together men’s guilt, remorse, regret, shame genetic coding sequences so they can “do as though will”.  Perhaps.
Something is coming but I don’t know what except for the lake of fire.  Lapalma may end up being the lake of fire that grows larger and larger to burn the body mind and soul of all those who are destroyed by it.  Will the elect be raptured? I think so.  Right before it gets really bad then God will take us up.   Probably when we are about to either give up or when we finally accept that we must “wait I say wait on The Lord” and “be still and know that He is God” and has it all in perfect timing.
The announcement by the intercessors has gone out for over 5 YEARS now.  It’s winding down.  The precise targeted strongholds are crushed.  All things are seemingly in place for Jesus’ return or our rapture.  I shall continue to do my work as a scribe of God until He takes me home or I am raptured so as not to endure the G.T. which ever comes first.
I will continue posting the worst of the worst bible changes.  Hang in there.  Just because some do not see the changes to remember them it doesn’t mean they are lost.   God said John 3:16
Whosoever believeth in Him SHALL SHALL SHALL not perish but has everlasting life.  Be real with God in all things.  Seek Him as you would something you need more than anything.

The New Gospel Is Here

Word “forgiveness” now only 7 times in KJV.  Word “remission” 10 times in KJV takes the Love out of the forgiveness and erases the personal relationship with God.

Blood is symbolic and does have a certain holy miraculous component that I do not fully understand.

Faith, Love, Hope, Forgiveness, Honor, respect, kindness, empathy, all being removed from the bibles and replaced with a mechanical salvation.  Blood & Grace is the new gospel.  Remission blood & Grace.

John the Revelator portrayed as an evil twisted masicist who marvels (last week), now “admires” (this week) the slaughtering of God’s children unto the shedding of their blood admiring the beast of a woman representing the bloody slaughter.

Revelation 17:6

“And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

I had a dream of blood pouring out as sacred covering.  Love covers a multitude of sin.  Perhaps the blood is to represent God’s Love toward His children.  Yes.    Jesus died because He Loves us.  Adam-Jesus.  One man, one man.  Sin enters, sin leaves.  The keys to death and hell are given to us.

Death where is thy power?  Grave where is thy sting?  For law is to show sin in its true light.  The consequences of sin are death.  Yet some sin leads not unto death.  Mortal sin.  Other sin.

Guilt, shame, remorse, regret, the conscience is vital to a man’s walk with God.

1 Corinthians 5:7–Do you want to be a “new lump”?   I say, “Hey lump come nell before me”….ridiculous.  Not only that but the new words Laughing, & laughed are in corrupt script.   And these below are heinous mocking of God scriptures.  There are scriptures now saying God laughs to mock at the death or demise of His own children.  The wolf has made God appear as a hater in new scripture and the Christians are following suit.  They love these new hateful doctrines.   Apparently, their hearts agree with vile script that they have no clue go directly against the vital moral precepts of God and of Love.  It’s hard to accept the moral blindness of the masses.  Very difficult to see the blind stammer in their spiritual blindness.

Then Abraham fell upon his face, and laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a child be born unto him that is an hundred years old? and shall Sarah, that is ninety years old, bear?
Therefore Sarah laughed within herself, saying, After I am waxed old shall I have pleasure, my lord being old also?
Then Sarah denied, saying, I laughed not; for she was afraid. And he said, Nay; but thou didst laugh.


Nay is the sound Donkey’s make.



Psalms 2 is a diabolical mess.  Obviously to us Jesus was only mentioned in Isaiah once as a prophecy of the Son of God.  Now in Psalms

Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.


The entire book is nearly desolate of any Truth and wisdom on its pages.  I saw God take up all His words from Earth as a scroll.  No longer will mankind disrespect anointed words given by God to His children.

The many are losing their knowledge of evil.  No longer will they be “as gods knowing evil and good”.  Why?  They cannot be trusted with such knowledge I think.  First they lost the knowledge of evil when reading it in the bible.  Next they shall forget the making of evil all together. That’s my theory.  Why?  Dreams visions and what I see before me.  There is a spirit coming of white light and comfort.  It’s but a place of long sleep for those who proclaim Jesus yet their heart prefers the lie.  Though I concern myself with them, still God will deal with them later.  They are His children their fate in His hands.

Surely God will take us from this place, surely.  Or He will change something dramatically and soon.  This deception cannot continue much longer I Hope.  I see the many going into the false light of stasis.  Their own personal paradise to sleep for 1,000 years like sleeping beauty.  While the few prepare the earth in whatever way Father desires they will sleep.  Then the judgement.  Some will go to the lake of fire.

BROTH – All “broth” scriptures are vile.  It’s a new word terms so we know each script associated with it is new and written by the wolf.



Tingle-My God is beyond wise, His scribes show wisdom in their writing.  “Tingle” is not a word that merits wisdom.  Yet there it is now in the KJV 3 times.

In the new gospel sits he who calls himself God.   The book “The Word of God” calling the bible by one of Jesus’ names is the blasphemy and idolatry that deceives a world of Christians.  Will they escape the Locust from the pit that is perched on their heads?

I just don’t know.  I think they will have to stand in Faith in the face of pers


Imagine how those of us who do remember the bible feel.  We watch it change daily.  We have had to exercise self control by not criticizing, or debating & arguing with those who will likely never see the Truth.  To show respect for the blind who prefer the lie is our last temptation on Earth, we believe.

Whoever is rewriting the Bibles one and all by supernatural means, call it “Satan” if you wish, is either too prideful to change the prophecies, (to be mistaken & wrong) or he fears the warning at the end of the Revelation book.  The prophecies are the least skewed books in the ghastly and vile Mandela affected bibles.


It’s June 27, 2021.  These changes to all bibles old and new are so extreme and numerous, usually vile, corrupt or nonsense that I admit I am weary of cataloguing them because I cannot wake anyone up.  Nevertheless I believe when God’s words are gone from earth all together He will remove His Holy Spirit from earth and those who have it in them.

Just a matter of time before the bibles became gay life advocates.  The script said Jonathan and David were like brothers and that their Love was better than that of a woman.  Now granted that in itself is very suggestive.  And I did question it before the bible changed in mass.  But now we have kissing …”they kissed until David exceeded”.  Are you kidding me?  “exceeded”?  Whatever.  The Christians will say I have a reprobate mind and blind themselves to the MANY vile script innuendo now in all bibles.  I can’t blame them, they do not remember.  Perhaps they are vailed from the evil for a reason.  Yet it is never good to be deceived is it?  If you read the whole chapter it appears obvious that they were meeting in secret and having an affair.  Ths kind of thing was not in any bible before 2017.  It is a desecration.  And its the man after God’s own heart so a profound justification for sex of any kind.  Granted I do not believe God is nearly as concerned with His childrens sex lives as the preachers make out.  I am merely pointing out bible changes.  God looks upon the heart.  And having a reprobate and debauched desire requires deliverance.  NONE I REPEAT NONE OF US WILL EVER BE PERFECT IN THIS LIFE OF FLESH.  But if we become the clay in God’s hands He will mold us into wise children given the time.

David and Jonathan: Same-sex love between men in the Bible

 1Sa 20:41

And as soon as the lad was gone, David arose out of a place toward the south, and fell on his face to the ground, and bowed himself three times: and they kissed one another, and wept one with another, until David exceeded.

Blasphemy blasphemy and more blasphemy as the book calls itself God eternal and from the beginning

Introduction, The Incarnate Word

That which was from the beginning, which we have heard, which we have seen with our eyes, which we have looked upon, and our hands have handled, of the Word of life;


(For the life was manifested, and we have seen it, and bear witness, and shew unto you that eternal life, which was with the Father, and was manifested unto us;)
NOBODY  MAKES JESUS A LIAR!  HE IS THE TRUTH, THE LIFE, AND THE WAY.  This verse is contrary to Truth and the precepts of God.  It’s a passive insult because the Christians are blind to it and will say “we don’t make Him a liar”.  Plus “Him” is not capitalized and should be.
1st John 1:10
“If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.”
Not to mention if I say “I didn’t sin” its a lie, that’s all, just a lie…it DOES NOT MEAN GOD’S WORD or HIS WORDS (for that matter) ARE NOT IN ME Especially since it is and I have The Holy Spirit.   The book is full of lies like this that Christians just dance right over and call it “Holy”.
JESUS IS THE WORD OF GOD NOT THE BOOK.  The book has some of God’s inspired words in it that is different than calling it by one of Jesus’ names.



Through the wrath of the LORD of hosts is the land darkened, and the people shall be as the fuel of the fire: no man shall spare his brother.


And he shall snatch on the right hand, and be hungry; and he shall eat on the left hand, and they shall not be satisfied: they shall eat every man the flesh of his own arm:

Double meanings

Wherefore hear the word of the LORD, ye scornful men, that rule this people which is (witches) in Jerusalem.



Eze 24:11

Then set it empty upon the coals thereof, that the brass of it may be hot, and may burn, and that the filthiness of it may be molten in it, that the scum of it may be consumed
they would not hear.


 Isa 28:13 Sounds like something from a child’s fable book, as prophesied.

But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.

Isaiah 28  child’s wording fable the big bad wolf “eateth it up”

quote hansel & gretal

while it is yet in his hand he eateth it up.

“When thou criest, let thy companies deliver thee; but the wind shall carry them all away; vanity shall take them: but he that putteth his trust in me shall possess the land, and shall inherit my holy mountain;”

Like I said “winkys” show the worst of the blasphemous scripts.  CORPORATIONS now think they are God Himself.  The restrainer has gone fishing.  The script above shows “companies” what are companies”  Corporations.  It shows them as the “deliverer”.  Let thy companies delivers thee…..WHAAAAT??????   The rest of the scripture is true to God.  God shall put His chosen few upon the New Earth as guardians.  The corperations know this by truth of hidden (from us) prophesies.  Prophesies they have watched come to pass over and over and over throughout history.

GOD DOESN’T PLEAD WITH ANYBODY.  his and the should be caps.

For by fire and by his sword will the LORD plead with all flesh: and the slain of the LORD shall be many.

Blatant Lie of Bible

For instance here’s a straight up lie in NLT & KJV and likely the rest of the translations.  As a writer I stay away from the words “always, never” because the words are a set up for failure of continuing in Truth.   When Jesus said to Peter “what business is it of yours if he continues to walk the earth until I return?” When Peter was getting into the business of James’ behavior.  John 21:22 is not a parable therefore Mathew 13:34 is FALSE.  Jesus doesn’t lie.  The book however DOES.  And it is getting worse every day.

Mat 13:34

“All these things spake Jesus unto the multitude in parables; and without a parable spake he not unto them:”

Mat 13:34

Jesus always used stories and illustrations like these when speaking to the crowds. In fact, he never spoke to them without using such parables.



Moses had a church.  Really?  Guess the preachers missed this in the last 100 years of study.  (sarcasm)

Act 7:37

This is that Moses, which said unto the children of Israel, A prophet shall the Lord your God raise up unto you of your brethren, like unto me; him shall ye hear.


This is he, that was in the church in the wilderness with the angel which spake to him in the mount Sina, and with our fathers: who received the lively oracles to give unto us:


Amos 8:7 is an Insult to God by putting man’s station above God Himself

“The LORD hath sworn by the excellency of Jacob, Surely I will never forget any of their works.”

As if to say God is somehow beholden to men for His actions. The implications of this scripture are clearly written by the wolf who speaks blasphemy in the once Holy Place Bible.

Simple blasphemy.  “Let your “yes” be yes and your “no” be no.

Jesus said make your word pure of Truth  and swear by no man or by nothing.  Yet here in Amos 8:7 God is swearing by an inferior man to make His word valid????  I beg your pardon?  More blasphemy.

See to see many of the vile bible changes you must have God’s words written on your heart.  God help you if you don’t.  He is merciful and He is Faithful to save you by Faith in Him.

John 3:16 for [[God so Loves His children that He gave His only begotten Son Jesus for them, that whomever believeth in Jesus. SHALL, SHALL, SHALL not perish but have life everlasting.]]


Introducing the “rightly dividing the word of God” Okay #1 The bible is not and never was “The Word of God” John 1 tells that Jesus is The Word of God.  #2 the word itself “rightly” is a ridiculous grammar mess.  However this rightly dividing business is taking the Christians doctrinal peasants by storm. Preachers and teachers are jumping on bored with it.  All R.D. (rightly dividing) really provides for these Christians and bible salesmen is a way to diminish and nullify the blatant and rampant contradictions that all bibles now contain in their pages.   The changes to all bibles were prophesied as Paul warned about a “new gospel” and to turn away from such.  The simplicity of the gospel no longer exists in the books.

What is The Gospel?

My heartfelt personal testimony of what it was like before Jesus, what happened when I called out to Jesus, and what it’s like now.  This my friend is the gospel that is living and it is in every born again believer who needed God desperately and God came to his rescue in The Name of Jesus.  The only Living Word are the ones God put on your heart.  When you read the Bible your heart agreed with the words given by inspiration from God.

Your heart will not and should not agree with the words of the wolf now changing the gospel into a complicated bias that prefers one race over another making 3-5 different ways to be saved depending on where you were born according to these rightly divided preachers.

Scroll to View The Bible Change Log

This whole chapter is a twisted mess calling God a maybe and glorifying “the glorious gospel” above Jesus.  The books is calling itself a graven image and it is.

Therefore seeing we have this ministry, as we have received mercy, we faint not;

Commentary of hidden debauchery int he book.  

But have renounced the hidden things of dishonesty, not walking in craftiness, nor handling the word of God deceitfully; but by manifestation of the truth commending ourselves to every man’s conscience in the sight of God.

Notice the winky is always after the worst insult as it calls the book by God’s name “The Word of God”.

The wolf is admitting here in red that its using mind control using guilt to control by propiganda by searing itself to mens consicience.

But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:

So anybody that doesn’t adhere to the book as gospel Truth straight from the lips of God is automatically “lost”.

In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.


“them which” horrid grammar.  Which/witch.  The English language honors manking with the title “who” it is widely omitted now, from the book.  But that is clearly not the worst of this script.  

Really?  The light of the [glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God] .  The book is the light it says.   This sentence English grammar standards is saying [the light of the glorious gospel of christ is THE IMAGE OF GOD].  Hence a graven image.

For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus’ sake.

“For Jesus sake” really?  The book/wolf claims to be for Jesus sake as if Jesus needs it.

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ.

What is this?  The knowledge of the glory of God in Jesus’ face?  In his face?  Nonsense.

But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.

That’s treasure?  May be of God?  A maybe?  And God’s  maybe power isn’t the topic its the “excellency” that its stating the topic in the sentence.   And hmm so translated we have in us an excellencey of power…that MAY or may not be of God.  This whole chapter is skewed, deceptive, twisted and pretty much all new.

We are troubled on every side, yet not distressed; we are perplexed, but not in despair;


Persecuted, but not forsaken; cast down, but not destroyed;


Always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body.


So if we “bear about” whatever that means death death death that Jesus’ life MIGHT (another maybe) be made manifest IN OUR BODIES?   That is not how it works.  To be born again is to know Jesus.  The Holy Spirit is Spirit.  Jesus is alive.  And He abides in our heart of hearts coupled with Faith.  The above script is skewed.

For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.

More witches.  We witch.  It would have said THOSE WHO.  “alway” isn’t a word.  Here it is folks YOU DIE FOR JESUS NOT THE OTHER WAY AROUND.

bull shite.

So then death worketh in us, but life in you.

Wtf?  who are these “us” and “you?

We having the same spirit of faith, according as it is written, I believed, and therefore have I spoken; we also believe, and therefore speak;

Faith is a spiritual gift never spoken of as being a spirit.   “according as it is written”  This is an attempt at cursing the reader to put his God given measure of Faith in the bible instead of God Himself.  It’s giving itself authority.   For example & comparrison “according to the laws of Florida you can’t drive without a liscense”.  The law is written and has authority. It’s true if Christian readers claim and attest to these scripts pray God they don’t fall under its attempted bondage because there are some very dangerous scripts.  Such as giving evil “all power” in thess 2-2 and claiming to overcome the saints—A new script and A LIE.

 2Co 4:14

Knowing that he which raised up the Lord Jesus shall raise up us also by Jesus, and shall present us with you.


For all things are for your sakes, that the abundant grace might through the thanksgiving of many redound to the glory of God.  What?  Grace redounds (fake word) or rebounds to the glory of God….more nonsense.  So this is saying Grace is taken away because it “might” get thrown back to God’s glory because man gave thanks.  RIDICULOUS UTTERLY RIDICULOUS.

And those under the strong delusion said…”same as it ever was, same as it ever was, “

For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.  From Faith to Faith.


For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory;
A weight is a burden.  Glory is to God not people.  This is more lies.  Calling God glory a weight is blasphemy.


While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal.
A rare original scripture left in the books.
I can do this kind of commentary to the whole bible.  But there is far worse blasphemy than what I sited here today.


In Depth Explanation of The Abomination of Desolation

Sorry folks if you don’t remember what the KJVB looked like three years ago, I have to be the one to break it to you.   Very bad news that can be undone with a little humility and prayer. (I hope)

Bad news-The KJVB & all Bibles even the English language itself has changed in the last three years.  But lets focus on the KJVB & all bibles.  It has changed by at least 75% for those who remember The Holy Bible.  No exaggeration and there are many of us who see these changes and know well the original scriptures as they were before the changes.

Most of the bible changes are VILE and PUTRID at best.  There are nonsense scriptures, horrid grammar, spelling errors galore, and ridiculous topics.  There are scripts that contradict the very precepts of God Himself.  There are insulting scriptures that disrespect both God, & man.  There are new doctrines and the new Jesus who wears a girdle and teaches men to hate their family or else.

The problem-  Men who do not remember the way the bibles (ALL bibles) were,  have lost their memories of the scripture.   But also they no longer know right from wrong and are receiving new deceptive memories straight to their brains.    Most Christians do not blink an eye when reading blasphemy and insults to God & man from the bible.


The Supernatural Holy Spirit POWER unto men is what’s leaving (among other wisdom) the words of the bibles.  “The Helmet of the HOPE of salvation” is a living armor of God.  Without the Hope the helmet is useless.  Therefore in Ephesians the word “Hope” is removed.  Now they will be saying “The helmet of salvation” excluding Hope.  They, the liars and the deceived are replacing faith and hope in doctrine or bible rather than Faith and Hope in God Himself.  It’s getting bad and it’s getting close.  I still believe when God removes most of His wisdom and power from the books the tables shall turn to apocolypse.




“Your eyes have seen what the LORD did because of Baalpeor: for all the men that followed Baalpeor, the LORD thy God hath destroyed them from among you.”  Deuteronomy 4 is saying that this Baalpeor is “The LORD thy God” when read according to the English language.

“According to the grace of God which is given unto me, as a wise masterbuilder, I have laid the foundation, and another buildeth thereon. But let every man take heed how he buildeth thereupon.”
MORE BLASPHEMY Apostle Paul calling himself the “masterbuilder” and being the one who lays the “foundation”.  Sidenote -masterbuilder is not a word.

Watch the Christians scamper and swerve to explain away the blasphemy in their golden calf book they call by God’s name “The Word of God”

Blasphemy Exodus 4:16  And Moses is as God to Aaron.

And he shall be thy spokesman unto the people: and he shall be, even he shall be to thee instead of a mouth, and thou shalt be to him instead of God.
AMPC Version
“He (Aaron) shall speak for you to the people, acting as a mouthpiece for you (Moses) and you shall BE AS GOD TO HIM.


I am now convinced the book can say ANYTHING evil and the Christian majority will neither recognize or point out any wicked script no matter how murderous the written blasphemy.   No matter how contradictory or hateful & sinful arrogant, nor vile putrid disgust they will call it blessed.  That’s how an idol is above reproach.

Men (mankind) No Longer Know Right from Wrong

This scripture is proof of blasphemy at it’s most vile

We All Know What “Beat off” Means in slang don’t we?  But in straight up proper English “beat off” makes no grammar sense at all therefore we know it was not in the bible before the horrid changes.  Who knows what it’s supposed to mean here to these Christians.  I won’t waste time in Strong’s that is just as corrupt.  While the bible mocks and mocks the subservient reader, Christians would say…”it’s your reprobate mind that makes you see evil in the bibles”.  I am a bit reluctant to post these types of changes.

Not all the changes are vile but many are.

“And it shall come to pass in that day, that the LORD shall beat off from the channel of the river unto the stream of Egypt, and ye shall be gathered one by one, O ye children of Israel.”


Seems they cannot decipher blessing from blame, blasphemy from wisdom, and understanding from intolerance nor Love from hate.  Preachers no longer preach Love, wisdom, understanding, tolerance, care, empathy etc and they cry for retribution and punishment unto their fellow man foremost.

But that’s not all.  They parrot the new inferior/vile language of the books.  They say things like “as it were” and “them that” instead of “as it was” and “those who”.  As a writer I know the word “who” shows  respect to human kind.  We do not refer to Jesus as “it” or “that thing” or “that holy thing”!  Yet they have no memory of these changes to language and how it was.

God is not “The ancient of days” nor is Jesus a “son of man”.  He is The Son of God!  Yet the mummy in the movie is called the ancient of days.  Many of the bible changes do reflect & copy movies.(no not the other way around unfortunately)


HOW CAN THIS BE????  What on earth do I do if I am one who cannot remember and who does not see anything wrong with the way the KJVB is written.  What is going on?  I need answers!  If you are humble enough to ask these questions then their IS hope for you yet!

What Is Causing the Memory & Moral Blindness in those who don’t recall the Bible or see its supernatural changes?

This isn’t going to be easy.  But know this I have been delivered from demons myself.  Pretty much everyone has toted around one demonic influence or another, or many in their life time.  A good preacher will lay hands on a man at alter call and cast a demon right out.

Preachers are often gifted in that way.  I know one in Florida who has the gift to cast off and cast out demons & to heal.  The trick is to not take them back.

The person must be done with the sin they strive to be delivered from otherwise a deliverance won’t last.

Often as with addiction both deliverance & other work on emotional issues is needed.  Therapy is vital.  Addicts are experts in denial.  Denial is a lie one perpetuates upon one's self.  Being good at self deception is something that must be changed to be in Truth before God.  Changing the brains neuralpathways takes repitition of certain healthy new learned behaviors that are solutions to addict dysfunctional behavior patterns.  Meditation is vital with positive affirmations.  Building self worth is vital by doing esteemable acts and acknowledging to ourselves we have done good. Addicts are experts and self condemnation of their own heart and mind.  Or they are so blind they cannot even see their own heart.  But this is another topic I cover in depth at and .com

(if you need A deliverance preacher’s name email me at  Be sure to write ‘DELIVERANCE PREACHER’ on the subject of email.


The Abomination of Desolation is the desecration of the Holy Bible foremost.  But it is also something else.  There is a script about the “wing of abomination”.  Realize there are still some original inspired scriptures left in the bibles but the changes are ongoing nearly daily it changes drastically.

The Bible is not and never was “The Word of God” to call it such is idolatry at its worst. John 1

“Then he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week; (this used to read “covenant with the few” and people quoted it often as such.

Over night I watched as proclaiming Christians on YouTube started saying the opposite-“the many” then the word “the” was removed.  A similar supernatural edit happened with the restrainer scripture.)

“But in the middle of the week (In the middle of the week…Really?  Ridiculous.  Most of the new timeline scripts mentioning & counting days, weeks, months & years are new.  The bible was never specific on any timelines, not even close.)
He shall bring an end to sacrifice and offering.  (last week approx. this said “oblation not offering”.  Moreover there’s usually a winky after the worst changes as if the wink is aimed at those of us who remember to mock us.)  Stay with me here I am making a very important point.

“And on the wing of abominations shall be one who makes desolate,
Even until the consummation, which is determined,
Is poured out on the desolate.”

The “consummation” even though its a new word biblically HAS TAKEN PLACE.

The answer to “why they do not remember or see evil in the bible” is this, the wing of abomination.  It is a winged demon who was raised from the pit once called a “locust from the pit” causing men to suffer pain.  It looks more like a raptor or a bat. Yes it looks very much like a large winged bat.  Black it flies and lands on the head of its victim.  It then covers the head of its victim in its wings and body and attaches as if it has super charged suction cups.  The consummation, it becomes one with its victim.   Like a vaccume cleaner it attaches to the head.  Its invisible obviously.

What is it that is becoming desolate?  What is the winged creature from hell making desolate?  Answer-Both the bible to be desolate of God’s wisdom/Love/goodness/upright speech etc.   And men’s moral compass with also certain memories of the past is becoming desolate.  The winged creature doesn’t just steal men’s memories.  These men can no longer be trusted with the knowledge of evil.  They are losing memories and gaining other false memories. 

How Do I Know Its Not Those Who See the Changes Who Are Desolate in Mind?

Because the bible changes are vile blasphemy and a righteous man recognizes this.  God’s Word is written on the hearts of those who Love Truth.  Therefore we know Truth from lies.

The same thing that men accuse the Mandela affected people of by saying they have “false memories”.  Is actually happening to Christians and others who have received the mark of the beast due to the condition of their heart.  What condition?  Primarily I surmise (and could be wrong) that they embrace the lie and hold it close to their heart.  They prefer the lie.

“For a man cannot serve two masters, he will love the one and hate the other, a man cannot embrace both God while loving the beast and its possessions.” (paraphrased)

The heart condition IS THE ONLY BAROMETOR WHICH DIVIDES MEN’S ALLEGIANCE TO THE BEAST.  The mark of the beast has fallen upon the heads of those with the creature demon Raptor who feeds lies to them night and day.  It is a terror.  Yes.  This is about one of the absolute worst spiritual maladies I have ever seen.  It is vile.  It is invisible.  And it is consuming the minds of men.  It is, THE LOCUST FROM THE PIT.  THE RAPTOR.

Talents Means Spiritual Supernatural Gifts/Talents.

So how do I know this creature the Raptor exists if its invisible?  Some see into the spirit realm as an end times gift.  I look into the darkness I see demonic forces at play.

The prophecy of the talents has come to pass (come to find out it wasn’t a parable it was a prophecy) giving men new end times gifts.  Those who did not use their gifts and neglected them all together (not just sometimes as everyone will neglect their gifts at times) have lost them.  For the rest of us our gifts have morphed due to the needs of the saints changing because of the end of the age.

Example of talent redistribution-Those who used to intercede for souls by deep burdens of travail (the woman of Revelation 12 the many) no longer travail and intercede with deep moans and cries for the lost.  Sorry but those days are gone.  The sight into the hearts of men that they used to use to receive such burdens has changed.

Now instead of seeing into the hearts of men to pray for souls, instead they see both the winged abomination on men’s (mankind) heads and they see the mark of the beast on the foreheads of men & woman that has already flown. 

Yes the mark of the beast- come to find out is a supernatural mark on the forehead.  That is why the forehead mark never made sense to us.  This isn’t  the buy and sell mark if there even is one.  More will be revealed.

Clearly the prophesies are not being fulfilled in the way I expected.  But they are quickly being fulfilled.

How Can I Be So Certain The Locust is the Raptor?

Father gave me a dream of the locust as it suctioned to my own head I was terrified at the way it felt.  Perhaps the creature was trying to attach to me and I wear the helmet of the Hope of salvation therefore it could not.

The Spiritual Gift that Allows Believers to See Clearly The Mark of The Beast

Or perhaps it was just Father showing me what the creature is like so I could share it as a scribe of God.  Later I began to see the Raptor on men’s heads as an end of days gift of seeing visions in abstract shapes.  This gift of abstract shapes is somewhat like reading tea leaves the quite famous gift of long standing. (of course Christians will call any gift not listed in the book as evil and Satanic even the gift of tongues that is listed only those who have the gift of tongues understand the gift of tongues) This new abstract sight end times gift the ability to see viable stories in abstract shapes is real.  Its a new gift specific to end times.  And it allow believers in Jesus to see the mark of the beast and the Raptor on the foreheads of mankind.



Witchcraft & VILE Blasphemy in Numbers 5 & Galatians 3

Jesus was NOT “made a curse” period.  He is the Prince of Peace Son of God Himself.  Savior of His children.

The script “cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree” is most likely a lie.    I think perhaps–Jesus was not ‘made a curse’.  Jesus is not nor was He ‘cursed’.  He came to bring us Truth and show us the Way to salvation.  He is The Way, The Truth, The Life.

And He came to give us The Holy Spirit and gifts by His mighty name they come to us.  And by prayer & the laying on of hands.  We don’t receive a ‘promise of The Spirit’ we receive [The Holy Spirit] if we seek God fervently with our whole heart.  By Hope & Faith we wait on Father to redeem ourselves in every way.

And he shall cause the woman to drink the bitter water that causeth the curse: and the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter.


Then the priest shall take the jealousy offering out of the woman’s hand, and shall wave the offering before the LORD, and offer it upon the altar: Num 5:26
And the priest shall take an handful of the offering, even the memorial thereof, and burn it upon the altar, and afterward shall cause the woman to drink the water.


And when he hath made her to drink the water, then it shall come to pass, that, if she be defiled, and have done trespass against her husband, that the water that causeth the curse shall enter into her, and become bitter, and her belly shall swell, and her thigh shall rot: and the woman shall be a curse among her people.


Word “Jews” is being multiplied all over the bible while “Hebrews” and “Hebrew” are nearly gone from it.
Granted Hebrews were a people a race of God’s people.  While Jews was only in the New tesement and were religious unbelievers.  The Israel, Jews, Jerusalem, etc business in my opinion is propaganda.  Basically many powerful Jews want to be worshipped as superior on Earth furthermore they want the people to serve them instead of God.  See “Know More News” on whatever platform he had to move to after being censored from Y.T.


There shall be no more thence an infant of days, nor an old man that hath not filled his days: for the child shall die an hundred years old; but the sinner being an hundred years old shall be accursed.

Strange New Armour of Light Scripture

Information on Armour Lite Treets Lunch meat.

Common allergens include:

  • Animal proteins and animal dander
  • Dust
  • Drugs (such as antibiotics or medicines you put on your skin)
  • Foods (such as egg, peanut, milk, nuts, soy, fish, animal meat, and wheat)
  • Fungal spores
  • Insect and mite feces
  • Insect bites and stings (their venom)
  • Natural rubber latex
  • Pollen
The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.
Obviously the armor of God is Faith, Hope, Righteousness, Truth, Good News (testimony) sword of the Spirit, hope of salvation and the armor that goes with it.  This “armour of light” parallels Armour treet lite luncheon loaf.  I have a strange feeling that the “allergens” Armour lists in the ingredients have a direct connection to the back-scene.  Meaning there will be foods people eat that cause the immune system to turn on one’s own body.  Why?  Because of the correlation with the new changed scripture and its match to the alleged food. (that is not food at all).  Please watch what you eat and do not take the back scene ever.
Also there is this blasphemous changed verse calling Jesus an “image” of God when He is The Son of God, The Word of God became flesh.

While it’s calling the book gospel “glorious”.  Portraying Jesus as a Sun instead of The Way The Truth and The Life.  The gospel is not a “glorious light”.  God has ALL GLORY.  Men have no clue that the bible is so desamated & blasphemous insulting over and over God & man.  This script glorifies the gospel instead of Jesus.

2Co 4:4

“In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them.”

Seems the god of the bible is against shoulder pads.  Or shoulder pillows as its written now.  Oh such a Holy book eh?(Sarcasm).

Seamstresses used to be congratulated in Proverbs as chaste and faithful woman of good works.  Now the seamstress is accused of “soul hunting”.

These pillow based soul hunting scriptures are by the author of confusion the wolf.  Vile and putrid.

And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you?
And will ye pollute me among my people for handfuls of barley and for pieces of bread, to slay the souls that should not die, and to save the souls alive that should not live, by your lying to my people that hear your lies?

Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly.

Your kerchiefs also will I tear, and deliver my people out of your hand, and they shall be no more in your hand to be hunted; and ye shall know that I am the LORD.

All these “HUNT” Scripts are twisted and vile.

Let not an evil speaker be established in the earth: evil shall hunt the violent man to overthrow him.
For by means of a whorish woman a man is brought to a piece of bread: and the adulteress will hunt for the precious life.


Behold, I will send for many fishers, saith the LORD, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.


They hunt our steps, that we cannot go in our streets: our end is near, our days are fulfilled; for our end is come.


And say, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Woe to the women that sew pillows to all armholes, and make kerchiefs upon the head of every stature to hunt souls! Will ye hunt the souls of my people, and will ye save the souls alive that come unto you?
Wherefore thus saith the Lord GOD; Behold, I am against your pillows, wherewith ye there hunt the souls to make them fly, and I will tear them from your arms, and will let the souls go, even the souls that ye hunt to make them fly.



 I have come to the conclusion, ladies and gentlement that the locust from the pits of hell has flow.

Due to a dream I had of the locust attaching itself to my own head. And then seeing visions of the locust on other people’s head blinding their spiritual eyes I have seen the wing of abomination that is causing men to forget the old bible and to believe in this new vile book called “holy bible”.

The abomination of desolation is nearly complete.  Perhaps those suffering from the sting of the lucust I call the “Raptor” will have another chance to see Truth once again and to know right from wrong blessing from blasphemy.  Some of them have both the seal of God & the mark of the beast.  That means they will have to make a hard choice.  In an instant they will choose either God or the beast.

The Strong Delusion that blinds men to Truth, steals their memories, and has caused them to forget right from wrong, good from evil is this Raptor demon.

The “dumb ass” rebukes the prophet Balaam son of Eeyore…I mean Bosor.  What?  But what its really saying according to the English language rule is to call the prophet a “dumb ass”.

I must insist that once again man is being mocked by the wolf.  The bible did not read like this before 2017 and later.  Also the sentence structure clearly indicates it’s calling the prophet a dumb ass. Perhaps Satan is mad at his evil prophet, who knows.  Or the wolf clearly doesn’t care who it insults evil or good men.

But was rebuked for his iniquity: the dumb ass speaking with man’s voice forbad the madness of the prophet.

 Blatant Contradictions

“Jesus said “bless and curse not”  Oh boy that doesn’t fit well with these other verses.”  Furthermore now its Paul saying “bless & curse not” instead of Jesus.  ‘Bless and curse not’ was in the Sermon on the Mount now called the sermon in the valley unless its changed yet again.

Rom 12:14

“Bless them which persecute you: bless, and curse not.”  Them which?  Really hidious grammar.! “Those who” would be the old way to say this -them that, them which.  ‘Which’ is double meaning for “witch” “that which” being now throughout scripture. “That witch”.  And the word “witch” is now 2 times in 2 verses in KJVB 

Paul throwing out curses not once but twice…this is nothing short of witchcraft.  God pray your own heart doesn’t agree with these curses.

“But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach any other gospel unto you than [that which] we have preached unto you, let him be accursed.”


[that witch] we have preached….the book promotes the anti christ calling him or her a witch by stealth “that which” then invoking a double curse to those who don’t preach the gospel of the witch.  Then there’s the blatant contradictions and bible changes.

As we said before, so say I now again, If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that ye have received, let him be accursed.
Used to say “depart from them if they preach another gospel”


For if he that cometh preacheth another Jesus, whom we have not preached, or if ye receive another spirit, which ye have not received, or another gospel, which ye have not accepted, ye might well bear with him.


I was looking for the script in Ecclesiastes about “time and chance enters into many situations” Well its changed of course but here’s the irony.

911  Wrong place wrong time/time & chance.

Ecc 9:11

I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.

The Word “laugh” is now added several times to KJVB.  Pretty much every one of those scriptures are vile mocking by supposed “righteous’ men and by God Himself laughing and threatening to mock those in trouble.  My God did not teach me these behaviors, oh contrare.

Mocking and laughing at others out of spite is obviously not acceptable under any circumstance.  Even if an enemy falls into a pit Love doesn’t mock him and especially it doesn’t find true pain funny under any condition.

As I said before apparently Christians when reading script like this either are not thinking whatsoever about what they are reading in this allegedly “holy” book or they do not have a clue of right from wrong.  Or both.

EYA on YT is right.  Something is very wrong with this picture.  Just do a search on all the “laugh” scriptures they are perverse.  I didn’t even search laughed, and laughs yet.

 Pro 1:26

I also will laugh at your calamity; I will mock when your fear cometh;

Watch the word “which” in the KJVB.  And when reading change “which” by double meaning to “witch” by this you will see how the bibles are hailing the coming of the antichrist calling him “the witch”.   Lots of “The which” scriptures.


“the which was Dionysius the Areopagite,”  A “pagite” is an accuser.  Satan the accuser of the breathren.  This alleged convert is a “con” alright.  This is the god Dyane whom they seek and exalt.

This Dyonysus may entertain these the lost who know not Jesus but be sure she is just doing her job according to God who appoint all gods there duties.IMO, ICBW.(In my opion. & I could be wrong).

New doctrinal lie ‘salvation by obedience’.   No, it is not so.

As with most of first John the books lists criteria impossible for a human being to follow much less continually walk in.  #1 Love and #2 Constand obeidience.  These scriptures condemn all men because no one Loves all the time nor are we always obeidiant to our conscience our heart from God knowing right from wrong.  If this were the case we would not need a Savior.  Jesus is Our Savior.  God is our Savior.  God is our Father.

And being made perfect, he became the author of eternal salvation unto all them that obey him;

Blasphemy-Now there is a script saying “we make God our Creator perfect” will get quote later.

Word “Oblation” refers to the cleaning and spreading of a human body to eat for cannibals.  A kind of ceremonial offering to Moloch.  

And now the word “Oblation” is all over the bible.  Not to mention but I will “ablation” closely related desecration of the body (the temple of The Holy Spirit) during surgery.  That word ever since it appeared in the bibles 3 years ago approximately has triggered my spirit.  Its as if I just knew what it meants without being taught in the usual ways.



Double meaning a call to Rot Faith & good works.   “Faith Rot with his works”.  Works do not ever make “Faith perfect”.  Faith is alrady eternal and perfect in its power, Love, and transforming of the man for those who nurture it.

“Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?”

MORE VILE SCRIPT AS “GOD” ALLEGEDLY FORCES POOP EATING in SCRIPTURE-“BAKE IT WITH DUNG” Baked dung & barley, Disgusting!  The wolf is far more vile as an author of confusion that I ever gave it credit for.  They God allegedly goes on to say you must also eat cow shit.

I got some cookies from Bezos (demonic name by the way) store ‘hole foods’ (code).  The chocolate cookies smell EXACTLY like poop.  The Vanilla wafers smelled like urine.  Since there are so many parallels in real life to the these new scripts I threw the cookies away because there is alot of witchcraft going on nowadays and its very much connected to new vile scripture as EYA proves over and over again.

Eze 4:12

And thou shalt eat it as barley cakes, and thou shalt bake it with dung that cometh out of man, in their sight.
And the LORD said, Even thus shall the children of Israel eat their defiled bread among the Gentiles, whither I will drive them.
Then said I, Ah Lord GOD! behold, my soul hath not been polluted: for from my youth up even till now have I not eaten of that which dieth of itself, or is torn in pieces; neither came there abominable flesh into my mouth.


Eze 4:15

Then he said unto me, Lo, I have given thee cow’s dung for man’s dung, and thou shalt prepare thy bread therewith.

Do NOT read these verses out loud.  Its a spell, its witchcraft and the formation of a war spell using iron skillets and in Ezekiel 4:6 the alleged “God” commands that Ezekiel curse himself by taking on burdens of men.

Make no mistake there are parallels between prayers of authority crushing demons and exacting blessings and of curses of witchcraft.  Basically I am saying both good and evil have supernatural power.

But know this…Jesus said “bless and curse not”.  The only one’s we are supposed to annihilate are demonic forces, demonic strongholds, and evil entities.  We are not to curse men.  God is Love.


“MY TONGUE WAS GLAD” Do you have a “glad tongue” as well?

Daniel is now a “president” …right (sarcasm but true its in there now.)

Wakeuporelse” Youtube channel.

Wakeuporelse sees many of the bible changes, for some reason he knows the bible changes in part but misses some.

I thank him because Wakeuporelse makes one hell of an inarguable case of proof for the bible changes.  If we put him in a court of law there would be NO denying the supernatural changes for the jury (unless they were under the Christian’s strong delusion.  He is that good at presenting the case.  If you want to convince a friend show them this video (but it is long).
However it is very disturbing that he still calls the book by God’s name. Also since its primarily Christians who are blind to the changes they are targeted it seems. Perhaps he is not a believer at all. My theory is the only people who see are either God’s 144 His army of intercessors, the life long travail of the woman of Rev. 12 or the 133 I call them who go before God’s throne unlike others they are a special heart condition.


The abomination of desolation is the desecration of the Holy Books—all of them.  My expertise is my memory of what the KJVB once said and was just 3 short years ago.

"There mouth is an open grave".  I saw a man today whose mouth truly showed as an open grave.  End times sight is coming to us brothers and sisters.  The prophecy of the talents is a redistribution & an end times genre of spiritual gifts.  Once I saw a pentegram with the same black deep dark demonic hole by it a man could speak to hell or demons.  Now today I saw this same pit in a man't mouth.  More will be revealed on this topic later as I am certain I saw it for a reason.  And I am sure there is deep meaning behind the vision. (it has to do with lies, and harming others by words.)

God is Love.  God is Truth. God is Life. God is The Way.  God is Spirit.  God is Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace, Lord of Lords and King of Kings.  God is eternal.  God is the Alpha and the Omega.  The Beginning and The End.  He is The Author and finisher of our Faith. He is our healer and our deliverer.  God is what we need. God is Good.

Seek God with your whole heart do not hide parts of yourself from Him as you would a lover or your parents.  If you don't show God your whole heart He will not steal it away from you without permission.  God gave us free will to choose Him or reject Him.  To be healed we must let God in.

Psalms has turned into the book of “Psalm”.  More relentless “mouth” scriptures.  Psalms LABELS GOD WICKED STRAIGHT UP IN CONTEXT.  Explain this blasphemy away.  I say this on God’s account-[And when your holy place called me wicked , still you glorified it and called it by God’s name.] LE  But in all candor The God of the bible is not The Creator who is “God is Love” or Jesus, neither.

Psalms 50:15

“And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and thou shalt glorify me.”
But unto the wicked God saith, What hast thou to do to declare my statutes, or that thou shouldest take my covenant in thy mouth?”

So to say “God hates” is a contradiction of terms.  God doesn’t lie or hate and those who portray Him as such do not know Him and never did.

The bible changes have come so far into evil blasphemy that to read them aloud is to risk curses.  So unless you KNOW the script is of Love and an original inspired words given to men by God DO NOT READ IT ALOUD. Example- “the wearing out of the saints”.  Again unless you are sure your wearing the belt of Truth and the rest of the spiritual armor of God.

Now we have “gates of death” we can easily figure out who that is.  But if not click the link.

And here comes the new “Inquisition” …not good.

So shall the antichrist make an torture tool for the blood?  Psalms 9:12  9-11 meets 9-12.

“When he maketh inquisition for blood, he remembereth them: he forgetteth not the cry of the humble.”

Sounds Gruesome.

Passivly they call Jesus a witch by double meaning and by association.

“For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did; by the which we draw nigh unto God.”



Ridiculous new words
ORACLE (false prophet is called the “Oracle of Omaha” he put the 3rd Gate into power.  The Gates of Hell shall not prevail against God’s children.
“MY TONGUE WAS GLAD.”  (hmm wonder how that feels??? sarcasm)
erection YLT Translation

Ridiculousness verse for the day,

“for passing through and contemplating your objects of worship, I found also an erection on which had been inscribed: To God — unknown; whom, therefore — not knowing — ye do worship, this One I announce to you.”


Acts 17:23 “ERECTION” now in St. Paul’s vocabulary?  Not the KJV on this one.   This was a valued scripture for me because of God’s attitude “at that God winked” easy going personality in this instance of those who worshpped God with their hearts not knowing His name.    Clearly the word “erection” was not in the script.  It is the YLT translation not the King James.


Perverse Vile Sexual.

my mind was alienated from her sister.


Yet she multiplied her whoredoms, in calling to remembrance the days of her youth, wherein she had played the harlot in the land of Egypt.

For she doted upon their paramours, whose flesh is as the flesh of asses, and whose issue is like the issue of horses.


Thus thou calledst to remembrance the lewdness of thy youth, in bruising thy teats by the Egyptians for the paps of thy youth.

“He scorneth the multitude of the city, neither regardeth he the crying of the driver.”
“Therefore did my heart rejoice, and my tongue was glad; moreover also my flesh shall rest in hope:”


The range of the mountains is his pasture, and he searcheth after every green thing.


Will the unicorn be willing to serve thee, or abide by thy crib?


Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow? or will he harrow the valleys after thee?



God is not a servant to “light my candle”.

“For thou wilt light my candle: the LORD my God will enlighten my darkness.”
Cannibalism -Lots of “consuming” going on in the book, like 18:37 psalms I did turn till my enemies were consumed.
Gollum was “consumed” by the one ring in the “Lord of the Rings”.  Evil consumes its enemies.  And it’s a blatant call to cannibalism.

More Bible change blasphemy.

“first begotten of the dead” Utter blasphemy.  To call the Savior who brings life and who came to give us Life is not a “son of man.  He is The Only Begotten Son of God.   To call Him/Jesus “the first begotten of the dead” is SICK.  Moreover perhaps this speaks of the antichrist begotten of the dead by sorcery in be indwelt by some long dead spirit like Sirus or Solomon.

All you need is clean hands to be righteous Psalm 18:24 RIDICULOUS and God’s a fire breathinng dragon with hot coals and big nostrils….(sarcasm). Script BELOW scroll to read Psalm 18:6 thru 14 blasphemy.

The “cleanness of my hands” script coincides with the obsession of the elite to constantly pollute your hands with their chemical toxins–over and over they deceive the many.

Psalm 18:24 “Therefore hath the LORD recompensed me according to my righteousness, according to the cleanness of my hands in his eyesight.”

Psalm 18 is an abomination complete with a scripture 18:26 to insult those of us who see.   As the book blatantly calls God froward while describing Him as a flying fire breathing dragon.  It is the beast not God.  26- “with the pure thou wilt shew thyself pure and with the froward thou wilt shew thyself froward.”

First of all “wilt” means to wilt, dry out, and die so double meaning again. Its telling the pure & God Himself to wilt and die if you read it using Websters English language dictionary.

God is not a shape shifter/deceiver who shows Himself in script as evil to match the evil heart of men.  THIS IS RIDICULOUS and soooo against the precepts of God.  Its a direct insult saying basically “If the scripture is evil to you its because your evil.”  And not because it goes against the cornerstone of Truth and Love.  God is not a dragon, not a beast and not fire breathing.  The book is a mocker and hater of God.  It now portrays Satan more often than God.

Furthermore to say that the reader makes the book evil is along the lines of the “your truth my truth” variance.  Truth is absolute and not up for variance.  Truth is perfect truth.


Now the book claims God gets His perfection by our weakness.  Ridiculous.  The script was “in weakness we are made strong.”  Because in weakness we cry out to Jesus for help.   In weakness we gain the necessary humility.  To say that the actions of humans have any bearing on God’s perfection is again, blasphemy.

2nd Corinthians 12:9 Most blatant in the NIV.  KJV says “strength” instead of power but still has God saying  “your weakness makes me perfect.”  paraphrased.


“But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.

Furthermore God the Creator of the heavens & the Earth doesn’t check with humans “His prophets” before He does things or takes some action.  The script now reads that God does nothing without first checking in with His prophets.  “NOTHING” is a big words.  Such blasphemy.  Such lies.


Pretty sure before the Mandela Effects lambs DID NOT HAVE HORNS. Goats had horns not lambs.

Now what did they call Jesus?  The Lamb of God.  So now we have a horned god by new definition.

Nevertheless I saw the SS Senate give home in 1-2021 to Brahman the god.  Ending their senate meeting in “amen and a woman”.  Whatever.  Furthermore I searched “horns” and other variations of the word that have multiplied describing God’s sacred alters as being horned.

Rev 9:13 “And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,”

Strange horns goats & rams in Daniel 8 and what is this? The words “the little horn” are copyrighted? Some say the little horn is the antichrist.
“Ye which rejoice in a thing of nought, which say, Have we not taken to us horns by our own strength?”


“And his brightness was as the light; he had horns coming out of his hand: and there was the hiding of his power.”



Nursing Father-Numbers 11:12

Now Joel 2:16 (2+16=18=666) the KJVB comes right out with it and those that SUCK THE BREAST”. Who knows what is used to say…perhaps “babes” or “nursing children” or “nursing babies” the book is now vile therefore it will get worse.  I predict by the end of November 2021 the bibles will be completely desecrated.  Then perhaps Father will take His Holy Spirit from Earth.  Along with those who followed Jesus out of the book.  For the chosen would have watched Jesus leave the Holy Bible.  They follow Him and know His voice.  They will not follow the vile wolf and are repelled by its words/grammar/insinuations/contrite insults/abominable doctrines of demons/fables.


Deu 25:11 “If two Israelite men get into a fight and the wife of one tries to rescue her husband by grabbing the testicles of the other man,

you must cut off her hand. Show her no pity.

And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?

And Moses brought Aaron’s sons, and put coats upon them, and girded them with girdles, and put bonnets upon them; as the LORD commanded Moses.
Strange new Language of words in the KJVB

The wolf who rewrites the bible is VILE.  Not romantic and funny like Lucifer is portrayed in the show on Netflix.  Satan’s rewrite of the KJVB is insulting and gross.  Its vile and disgusting not anything like the Netflix lucifer would write to fit his script of personality.  No this is a rewrite done by someone more akin to perversion worm eating, and other gross attributes.

And now the real problem 99% of Christians who read the bible agree with it and call it “God”.

occurs 98 times in 97 verses in the KJV, including 97 exact phrases shown first.
Page 1 / 2 exact matches (Gen 19:9–Neh 2:2)

Now we know why Paul (I think said it) said “they follow Jesus wherever He goes.) Because Jesus has left the bible and few there are who have followed Him out of it.  So then what did they revere, God Himself or the book?

To follow the book is now idolatry.  Christians are deceived.  Greatly deceived.

The People Worship the Book and The Dragon Within It

Question-Can you not see this describes a dragon dark and evil NOT THE CREATOR THE MOST HIGH GOD & SON JESUS?  Read and Think.

In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.


Then the earth shook and trembled; the foundations also of the hills moved and were shaken, because he was wroth.
There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it.
He bowed the heavens also, and came down: and darkness was under his feet.
And he rode upon a cherub, and did fly: yea, he did fly upon the wings of the wind.
He made darkness his secret place; his pavilion round about him were dark waters and thick clouds of the skies.


At the brightness that was before him his thick clouds passed, hail stones and coals of fire.


The LORD also thundered in the heavens, and the Highest gave his voice; hail stones and coals of fire.
Yea, he sent out his arrows, and scattered them; and he shot out lightnings, and discomfited them.




And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.



flux capacitor -
“Flux” now in the KJV bible. Bloody flux =VILE & disgusting new supernatural changes.  Notice the similarity to the female reproductive organ ovaries etc.
“bloody flux: ” (like ‘flux capacitor’ VILE AS IT GETS- IN ACTS 28:8)  
Godhead   (insult)
LAVISH (more seductive sexual words)
sore vexed
hath graven it; (notice again the winky on the most ridiculous new changes)
babbler (sarcastic the bible is full of sarcasm now)
“Stoicks”  (this is a fowl word as are most of the new words that came into existence after 2017.)
God Himself having Horns
LUNATICK (sick, lick and tick added to the spellings, so dark)
GO A WHORING (reminds me of  rhyme “here we round the mulberry bush mulberry bush, la la la fables)
ferry boat
MEDIA….(was medo-persia.)
ornaments of the legs
utter court
[Neither shall they shave their heads, nor suffer their locks to grow long; they shall only poll their heads.]
[n that day the Lord will take away the bravery of their tinkling ornaments about their feet, and their cauls, and their round tires like the moon,]
strange slips
emptiers have emptied

KJV Not much better

25:11 Deuteronomy “When men strive together one with another, and the wife of the one draweth near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him that smiteth him, and putteth forth her hand, and taketh him by the secrets:”


Then thou shalt cut off her hand, thine eye shall not pity her.”
“have no pity”?  Whose god is this?  The books are propaganda and vile witchcraft to put under the spell of the strong delusion Christians being lured to their demise by fables of death.


Friend.  If you see the heinous ridiculous numerous, blasphemous supernatural changes in your bibles especially KJV you have come to the right place to vent this end times prophesied event in an emotional way.  Feel free to comment and get it out (frustration) at the bottom of any of the pages on this site.  Send comments to

2nd Corinthians 12:9  MORE BLASHPHEMY of a very popular script that yet few Christians remember.

Now instead of God making man strong through man’s weakness WE make God perfect by our weakness.  Ridiculous!

“And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee; for my strength is made perfect in weakness.  Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities that the power of Christy may rest upon me.”

The new gospel is blood and grace.  And men now wait patiently for their own glorification instead of looking to Glorify God in all their ways.


Galatians 6: 1&2  Jesus came to fulfill the law.  He introduce Spirit to us and in His name The Holy Spirit is given to men.  The Comforter, The Helper, The Gifts of The Spirit.  Therefore there is no “law of Christ” except to Love God and Love our neighbor as ourselves.  Of course we first must learn to treat ourselves with respect and Love.  Its a process of becoming the clay in God’s hands.



Behold, I will corrupt your seed, and spread dung upon your faces, even the dung of your solemn feasts; and one shall take you away with it.

So basically we’re talking about “solemn shit feasts”.   HELLO– Mr. Wolf.

If any reader honors this garbage calling it “the word of God” they do clearly commit idolatry, do not know the voice of The Good Shepard and need to read my most recent post


Remember his marvellous works that he hath done; his wonders, and the judgments of his mouth;
More ridiculus “Mouth” scripture.  Notice the winky.


BLATANT DOCTRINAL ERROR AND SEXUAL INUENDO AS “SEED” ALWAYS MEANT “SEED” even when it was Jesus’ parable about the planting of seed it was then compared to God’s Inspired Words given to men or “The Word of God” that is Jesus Himself.  Now that the bibles are crashing hard (all of them), God’s Words to us are in our hearts and forever fixed in Heaven-eternal- Truth.

“Being born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth for ever.”
The doctrine of this “born again by incorruptible seed” script contradicts that we are born of Spirit and die to the flesh when we are born again.  God puts His Spirit in us NOT HIS SEED.
  The author of confusion the wolf always puts a winky after his worst blasphemies. 1st John used to condemn those who have not Love.  Now the book is condemnation unto all men because it harps on being sinless which is impossible for humans as Jesus well pointed out by saying.  “If ye even think of committing the sin you have already sinned”.  So first John makes people’s hearts cry as failures and then they put on a mask at church to pretend they never sin.  The book is heresy and mind control.
“He that committeth sin is of the devil; for the devil sinneth from the beginning. For this purpose the Son of God was manifested, that he might destroy the works of the devil.”

***Jesus has both taken and given us victory over Satan so the “might” is a lie.  People make mistakes and it doesn’t make them “of the devil” for that matter no one is “of the devil” (granted some do choose Satan and make vows to him) because we are all, all creations of The Most Powerful God Creator of the Heavens and The Earth that is stationary, fixed and has foundations.  And below there is enough depth for Hell and the grave.

1Jo 3:9

“Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.”
More of the word “seed” used innapropriately.
“Whosoever abideth in him sinneth not: whosoever sinneth hath not seen him, neither known him.”  (LOUD GONG BELL RINGING -FALSE)
I will again disprove the new corrupt scripture by using true scripture.  There is a story of the prodigal son who knows his father well…he goes out and engages in all kinds of sins.  By this he learns that he doesn’t belong in sin and the depth of his father’s love for him by the way the fathe receives the son into his home and celebrates his return.  The other son who never experienced sin or leaving home was jelaous and envied how own brother.
God looks upon the heart.  The prodigal son was filled with Love and gratitude for His father.
He who sinneth much Loveth much.  To him whom much is forgiven has much gratitude and Love. To him that little is forgiven he doesn’t know the depths of Grace, mercy, and Love that God bestows on those who Love Him.
So the entire book pretty much of 1st John is to make you think your garbage and do not deserve salvation and that God will put you in Hell.  Jesus knows our sufferings.  He knows the attacks we have endured on earth.  He is merciful.
But what IS NEEDED for salvation is TRUTH.  We simply MUST SHOW GOD OUR WHOLE HEART so He knows us and heals us and  doesn’t say “Get thee hence I never knew you”.  PLEASE!  Don’t hide and compartmentalize your heart from God to your own detrimant.  It is human nature to do so by programming.  The best prayers are truth prayers.


Well folks THEY DID IT!  We supposed it was coming….after all “she blinded me with science”.  Soon likely the bibles will require that you serve science as a god.

King James Version Bible now has word “SCIENCE” even in-sin-you-ating that eternal life comes by way of science.

“1Ti 6:19

Laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come, that they may lay hold on eternal life.


1Ti 6:20  O Timothy, keep that which is committed to thy trust, avoiding profane and vain babblings, and oppositions of science falsely so called:”

If you oppose their science your engaging in “vain babblings” so it reads. “falsely so called” is a conjunctive grammar error in this sentence structure. These type rampant biblical grammar errors allow the Christians to just [make it up as they go along].

“1Ti 6:21

Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with thee. Amen”

As they so boldly compare faith to science as if the beast's science has any part in faith.  Don't expect Christians to see the lies and blasphemy in a book they apparently hold to their hearts as an idol.  It was once holy with God's inspired words.  Now the wolf has taken the helm.  The author of confusion rewrites ALL EXISTING BIBLES.  "all" means "all".  I might add I have a nearly 100 year old family bible with a family register in it hand written.  The book has the word "science" and many many other modern terms that did not exist in any bible much less KJVB.  Ever.  But the memories of the marked are skewed.  They remember what they are somehow told to remember. The memories of most Christians not only match the blasphemous bibles but they uphold the principals the wolf's precepts and nonsense versus, bad grammar, new words, nonsense words, insulting scripture disrespecting both God and man.  Starting with the worst "son of man" labelling "THE SON OF GOD" as human born of man.  That also calls The Father a man by implication. "Mary the mother of Jesus was a woman.

And so the word science appears in the Old Testament of all places…making a

Dan 1:3-4

3″And the king spake unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king’s seed, and of the princes;

4″Children in whom was no blemish, but well favoured, and skilful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king’s palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.”
9″Now God had brought Daniel into favour and tender love with the prince of the eunuchs.”
“cunning isn’t something to be desired as it teeters on deception for personal gain.”

New phrase “tender love” between Daniel and the master of the eunuchs.  


“slay him with guile”  or “kill him with death” ridiculous.  The KJVB has fallen and will soon be DESOLATE of God’s wisdom, Truth, and especially desolate of His LOVE.  I do surmise at that time He will take His Holy Spirit (the restrainer) away from this earth.  For there is a group of people who have no anchors in this world and are ready.  They have come out of great tribulation.  They have suffered greatly as the prodigal son to learn the depths of God’s Love & grace for His children.

certificate of divorce [do not the Christians remember how controversial divorce once was just a few years ago?  Of course they don’t .  Otherwise the new “cerficate of divorce” scriptures that are multiplying would have been sited and there would have been no con-traversy.

Woe woe woe to the memories and history of men past 2017 & lost. For the great sorrows are upon those who chose the lie and the great deception of the strong delusion is their payment.  Woe woe woe who call evil good and good evil.  Woe woe woe to those who promote the new Jesus and His new name.  Woe woe woe to those who know not the voice of Jesus or the corrupt precepts of the wolf who rewrites the holy books.  All of them.  Woe woe woe to the English language for it has fallen with the Truths of God from the face of the earth.

Woe woe woe to those who see not the abomination of desolation desecrating the inspired words of God that were and are NO MORE.

‘Penis & testicles’ in NLT

‘Testicles’ in many other versions and will soon too be in the KJVB no doubt.

“loins of your mind”  That would be uncomfortable at best.



mischief  don’t remember the spelling of mischiff.

Apostle Paul calling himself a thief stealing from one church to give t another

Apostle Paul calling himself “crafty” that means evil cunning.


Rebecca now Rebekah

and when she saw Isaac, she lighted off the camel.



DRAVE (I suppose thats a twisted new term for drove)

“transport” is now in the NIV

I expect the word “transportation” to show up in all bibles very soon.

New words





expectation (was hope probably)  An expectation is the counterfeit for Hope.  Hope is eternal.  Expectations are a set up for disappointment.

1word ‘soul’ is taken out of context used in ways that are nonsense. such as

2men/people now referred to as “seed” & “souls”.

3″refresheth the soul”  The soul is supernatural not a spirit to be “refreshed”.

4For the LORD will plead their cause, and spoil the soul of those that spoiled them. (what is the soul a vergetable to be spoiled?)

5Thirsty soul.  (the would is not flesh to be “thirsty”.)

6″The bloodthirsty hate the upright: but the just seek his soul.”

What nonsense is this above?  HATE now 87 times in the KJVB a word that has no place in God’s vocabulary or the words of the godly.  But the Christians like this new hateful bible it seems.  So what have we here? 

Are you “seeking his soul”. Humans don’t generally seek souls especially “the upright”…well upright actually just means standing or sitting with good straight posture.  Never the less lets say “upright” means “righteous” why would the righteous seek any soul?  They wouldn’t.  Its BULLSHIT.  THE BOOK IS NOW FULL OF BULLSHIT.  Wisdom, grammar, literary righteousness are gone from the pages.   Soon there will be NO TRUTH LEFT IN THE PAGES OF ANY BIBLE Amos 8:11&12 is nearly full.

More ridiculous terms

delight unto thy soul. (you know like happy soul or happy feet?) nonsense.

sore travail (vile)

bloodthirsty (one word)

“evil disease” ridiculous/vile



Jesus said-“They honor me with their words, but their heart is far from me.”  “son of man” is an insulting misnomer.  Son of God is Jesus the Christ.

Push “F” and “ctrl” on your computer to bring up a search box that searches any word term for topics on ANY document.  The ctrl/f works on any browser and in computer files.

There is much more on this very long thread than just grotesque supernatural  bible changes.  Search “salvation 101” if you fear Hell.  We are saved by Faith and Hope is our grounding of salvation.


And surely in the end times the unbelievers and those who proclaim the name of Jesus share not only prefer the lie but they shall turn to fables and site the fantasy stories of Unicorns and Dwarfs as “The Word of God”.

Idolatry is to worship and uphold the book made by men’s hands as if its were Holy and above reproach.  Calling it by Jesus’ title John 1:1 “The Word of God.”

Granted, Jesus’ and His apostles words were life to those who applied them when they were still in the bibles.  Bibles that are now becoming desolate of wisdom, knowledge, and life. Hope, Love, & Faith are disappearing from the books.

To those who say the bibles are “the same as they ever were”.

A reprieve for those Christians who do not see the supernatural bible blasphemous changes that have engulfed at best 85% of what was the holy bible.  The problem is Christians no longer recognize the voice of The Good Shepard as opposed to the wolf’s voice.  Furthermore they do not realize the difference between blessing and blasphemy.

The reprieve for those left behind is this—–Though they will be left behind to endure the great tribulation they may have a chance to suffer for their testimony of what Jesus has done for them.   And be blessed to become lambs to the slaughter dying for Our Savior.   The martyrs will have a high status in the new world I think.

Or possibly if they put their belt of Truth back on and repent for choosing & preferring the lie they may get raptured during the great tribulation.  With God all things are possible.

You know “bowels” is all over the bible KJV now.  Fleshhooks accompanying the bowels.  Where they are going with this is vile as usual.  Think last scene of Braveheart.

1st Chronicles 28:17 below.- Apparently FLESHHOOKS are/were a service vessels of God’s temple, “Vessels of Service”

I wonder what kind of service a flesh hook provides to the consecrated annointed (anointed always had two “n’s” in my spelling history) priests.  Perhaps they randomly hang themselves as a self imposed martyr.

Or maybe the fleshhooks are for the bad sinners to be hung up for their own good of course.  (sarcasm sorry its not easy watching God’s inspired words being desecrated and turned into vile putrid curses to the unprotected reader who wears not the spirtual armor of God.  And make no mistake that is what will result from listing up the wolf’s literature.  And especially calling the now vile books “The Word of God”!)

“Also pure gold for the fleshhooks, and the bowls, and the cups: and for the golden basons he gave gold by weight for every bason; and likewise silver by weight for every bason of silver:”

“CUPS” NOW IN THE KJVB.  But what’s this?  More fables?  Candlesticks and caldrons, spoons and firepans sounds like a witches poem given to all the lands…people.  Or should I say “peoples” as is the new accepted plural of people.  So both “people” and “peoples” is now the plural of people.  Sounds like the author of confusion is confounding the language even further.

And the basons, (mispelled should be basins) and the firepans(not a word), and the bowls, and the caldrons(witches caldrons), and the candlesticks(more ref. to witchcraft), and the spoons, and the cups; (winky) that which was of gold in gold(redundant), and that which was of silver insilver, (mindless jargon) took the captain of the guard away.(makes no sense or should I say “nonsensical” the new M.E. word of the day?  No I refuse it right along with “goodly”.)

PROBLEM – Job had it bad before the bible changes, now its a vile book of rancid script and grotesque descriptives for visualizations from Hell.

Job 30:27

My bowels boiled, and rested not: the days of affliction prevented me.(prevented him from what prey-tell?)

Job 30:28

I went mourning without the sun: I stood up, and I cried in the congregation.

New term “dogs of my flock”.  So flock of dogs.  Not a pack. Job 30:1

Job 30:29

“I am a brother to dragons, and a companion to owls. ” People!  This is not the words of Our Father.  

Dragons are another mystical creature that was NEVER IN ANY BIBLE UNTIL AROUND 2018 APPROXIMATELY.


My skin is black upon me, and my bones are burned with heat.

Insult Corruption this script describes the antichrist not Jesus just as most of the prophecy’s now describe.

It was written “As the sun rises in the East and sets in the West so too shall THE SON OF GOD return in the Eastern sky.”

“For as the lightning cometh out of the east, and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.”

Insult—-  Jesus is in no way the son of man but rather Son of God!

The one who comes on the cloud and also fell like lightening to the earth is the prince of the power of the air (the cloud” is literally his domain, the airwaves of Satan.


“For the LORD had said (ghetto lingo “I had gone up there bla bla bla” the word HAD is garmmarically incorrect but popular among ghetto language. Proper wording would be “said” The Lord said is already past tense therefore “had” is redundant at best according to the English language that by the way most Christians seem to have forgotten. ) unto Moses, Say unto the children of Israel, Ye are a stiffnecked people: I will come up into the midst of thee in a moment, and consume thee: therefore now put off thy ornaments from thee, that I may know what to do unto thee.”
To consume is to eat, drink, or ingest.  Is God a people eater?  Flying purple people eater?  OR is He a canable?  WAKE UP!!!!!!  The entire book is full of this garbage.  Capitalization MID SENTENCE?  How how is that okay?  “SON OF MAN” nonononono. SON OF GOD NEVER DID THE BOOK SAY JESUS IS SON OF MAN.  Was His mother a MAN?   Was Joseph His father?  NO, NO, NO.  It is an insult to Jesus to call Him such a name.  For He is “THE ONLY BEGOTTEN SON OF GOD”.  GOD GOD GOD GOD.


God Almighty does not PLEAD with anybody or with flesh.  The word plead is new.  The wolf speaks to insult The Mighty Creature to picture God begging as “beg & plead” are synonymous. Not to mention “contraversy” is a new word term in KJVB.

“A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth; for the LORD hath a controversy with the nations, he will plead with all flesh; he will give them that are wicked to the sword, saith the LORD.”
“he” implied here is not the same as “the LORD” or it would say “I will give them”…..and so on
So then who is this “he” who gives the wicked to the sword.  As if the sword is capable of accepting or receiving someone.  Perhaps the sword will stand up and say “gee thanks for these wicked now I will run them through eh?”  Sayeth is spelled wrong.  Some bible commentaries on audio are now pronouncing it “Seth” an evil diety.  Double meaning verses on audio.


Rev 18:7  MORE LIES


“And it was given unto him to make war with the saints, and to overcome them: and power was given him over all kindreds, and tongues, and nations.


And ALL that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world.

  1.  The lamb was not slain from the foundation of the world
  2. worship him whose names (contradiction right there “him” is singular “names” is plural.  Deceptive sentences.   Satan does havemore than one name however.  Neither is his name written in the book of life.
  3. Nevertheless “ALL” who dwell on earth WILL NOT WORSHIP HIM.  Obviously this is the wolf again speaking in the once holy book.  And this isn’t the first script of blasphemy that claim lies to benefit Satan.  2 Thess 2 gives the antichrist “all power” and deceptive wonders. and so on.
  4. The Lamb being Jesus WAS NOT SLAIN FROM THE FOUNDATIONS OF EARTH.  That is a lie calling Jesus “slain” way before his sacrifice.  Not to mention had He been slain from the beginning of time He would not have died that we may have life, deliverance, peace, and sanity.


Stepping out in Faith is how our faith grows.  Doctrines about once saved always saved pale in comparison to the eternal gifts of Hope, Faith, and Love.  There is no certificate of salvation to be had.  If there were then it wouldn’t be FAITH.  Hope is part of Faith.  Where there is Hope there is also doubt.  Its better to accept doubt and work with it than to pretend we are eternally secure without fear.

People we are getting down to the wire with these changes.  I watched as a woman read the KJVB of  acts chapter 13.  It is unrecognizable.  The new doctrines, new words, new scriptures, and blasphemous verses are everywhere.

THE CHRISTIANS HAVE NO MEMORY OF WHAT THE BIBLE USED TO SAY(read) BEFORE 2017 & FORWARD EVEN FROM YESTERDAY AS “GREAT falling away” so common everybody quoting it over and over on YT became “falling away first“.

I cannot help but feel very strongly that when the desolation of the books is complete the Great Tribulation must and shall commence.  That is the viewpoint of Jazweeh and of myself Laura E.

The English language itself is being brutally corrupted. (scroll down a ways to get into the bible change log)

“let us reason together”  Somehow I just knew it was only a matter of time before they put this GLADIATOR movie line in the books.  Caesar Marcus Aurelius   says to Maximus.


ASSwaged & my Genesis 8:1 commentary.  First God doesn’t forget so He would not “remember Noah” as if He had forgotten him.   Noah who by the way is now called in several verses KJVB as “Noe” pronounced NO-EE.  So God remembered?  Lets explore that in a real time way.   God says to Himself “Uh oh that’s right I gots that Noah situation over yonder going on I just remembered I floded the entire Earth….whoops.”  Please! 

Next-ASS WAGED=ASS WAGGED =The word is a mocking bible change new word term that has come up out of hell itself.  “Cattle” really?  Cattle is not a term you would find in the KJVB literary era.  “The Was with him”?  Really?  I suppose now the KJVB astute scholars were just a bit illiterate…ya think?  (sarcasm)  NOT SO.  THE SCHOLARS WERE the most brilliant writers I have ever in my life read.  The book has changed drammatically and no longer reflects the King James Version Bible scholars literature.  Whoever is rewriting the bibles doesn’t know that when your referring to people you ALWAYS use the word-WHOSE OR WHO OR WHOEVER OR WHOM & so on.  NEVER would they write “THEM THAT” OR THAT WAS.  It would have said “all the cattle that were with him”.  PAST TENSE RULE OF THUMB.  Or you would say HE WAS, THEY WERE, SHE WAS, NOT SHE WERE, OR THEM THAT, that was etc. 

“And God remembered Noah, and every living thing, and all the cattle that was with him in the ark: and God made a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters asswaged”

Ridiculous word of the day “TINKLING”  

hammer & nails—sure why not.

sodering-more modern tools







vineyards (not vinyards vine-yards)

firstripe figs: (always the winky after the worst changes.)


And they turned to fables, and/or they prefer the lies over Truth. They swallow a camel while straining the knat oh wait now its ‘gnat’. Mythical creatures like Unicorns and Dragons now commonplace in the once Holy books. “But we all remember the Unicorns and Dragons” say the masses. They recall well, they say, the “wolf lying with the lamb” instead of the Lion & lamb, and Dwarf’s a plenty, “4 and 20 blackbirds I mean elders”, Princes, crookbackt, or a dwarf, nobles, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken; ” Vile wolf speaks. Fleshpots and nails through the temple, damsels, on and on court, kings court, go the fables of the books.

naughty figs!” scream the masses. Yes, that’s the problem isn’t it? They remember it always being that way. That is the strong delusion. Four and twenty elders baked in a pie. The princes bride and the six fingered giant just appeared this week in Judges 5. Those on the fallen angel agenda channels will love that….”four and twenty” term popping up all over. Horns on God and all over His descriptives. God portrayed as lying, deceiving, Jerimiah congratulates His great deceptions. My God cannot lie. God is Love. The god of the book is no longer the God of Love. Saved by Grace no need for Faith is the new gospel. The new Jesus is renamed. Called “bishop” “son of man” and other insulting titles while Christians quote the blasphemy of calling God “the son of man” taking no memory of His true title “The Wonderful Son of God” Only begotten. Faith, Love, and Hope these 3 are the greatest and eternal. Grace is part of forgiveness not mentioned w/the greatest of spiritual gifts.


Blasphemy Before the Eyes of the Christians

The Witch The Lord. (blasphemy) Morover its not the Creator the book now reads about.  No the bible glorifies evil.

The use of the words “the which” obviously “the witch” is the double meaning manipulation of the author of confusion who rewrites the book.

Blasphemous Script

Jer 42:5

Then they said to Jeremiah, The LORD be a true and faithful witness between us, if we do not even according to all things for the which the LORD thy God shall send thee to us.

Jerimiah 42:6 is blatant justification for an evil God giving evil commands.  The book is in the upside down.

Whether it be good, or whether it be evil, we will obey the voice of the LORD our God, to whom we send thee; that it may be well with us, when we obey the voice of the LORD our God.



The antichrist sorcerers are removing the power scriptures from the bibles, the book is cursed.  Acts now says “baptism of repentance”.  But it used to say “John the Baptist came with the baptism of water (not repentance) but he who comes after him whose sandles John said he is not worthy to latch or tie, He will baptize you with the Power of The Holy Spirit and with Fire. Jesus is He who came after John the Baptist.  REPENTANCE IS NOT A BAPTISM!  Those who follow the book are now being lead into grave error.

The water baptism represents the washing of The Word of God, Jesus is The Word of God.


Only if you invite and allow will Jesus then take the heart out of your chest and wash it, then put it back into your chest.  He will also make you born again, born of The Spirit.  After your water baptism, seek out by the laying on of hands and prayer the baptism of The Holy Spirit of Truth.

Picture years of sin and what that does to a human heart.  Priors and a hard shell will encase your heart if you do not allow Jesus to make it soft again.  Love will be pushed asunder and hate and fear will rule where there is no understanding or empathy.  Pray for Truth, Understanding, Wisdom, Love, and for Hope.  Pray that ye be not deceived.  Lay on the bed of floor, throw your arms out spread to your side exposing your heart.  Now show God every bit of what is in your heart. All of it!

If we do not get real & transparent with God then how are we inviting HIm to fix our stoney briar hearts?  Father God please reveal all Truth unto me and help me to handle it.

If you are shown all truth then you will have to share in the sufferings of Christ.  Why?  Because Jesus suffered years watching men perish for lack of knowledge.  They have free will and He will not deliver those who reject Him.  Therefore we must with Jesus watch the blind perish in their own lies.  I tell you now that is not easy.  Knowing there is nothing we can do except to pray because it is their choice.  God WILL NOT TAKE OUR FREE WILL TO SAVE OUR SOUL.  IF ITS NOT FAITH THEN ITS NOT FAITH.  WE ARE SAVED BY FAITH. There are absolutely certain prayers that must be prayed giving Jesus and Father permission to cleanse us and make us whole.

Could God save us without our permission?  Of course but it would n’t be “saved by Faith” then. Nor would the rule of free will apply.  We would be robots, slaves.

He who the Son sets free is free indeed.  Jesus is about freedom not slavery.  The slavery script is a lie.

Satan is the one who makes slaves of men without their permission.


What kind of picture does this wolf in the holy place want to paint in judges 4:21???  Answer- Think- the worst horror movie ever.  This new charcter in the books nailed her husbands head to the floor right through his temples.

Judges 4:21

Jael Heber’s wife took a nail of the tent, and took an hammer in her hand, and went softly unto him, and smote the nail into his temples, and fastened it into the ground: for he was fast asleep and weary. So he died.

Judges 5


More horror movie clips as Sisera gouges her husbands head to the floor by a apparently very long nail and hammer.  Furthermore an angel of God crying over not getting help and say “god needed your help” B.S.  How dare they portray God in such a light.  Not to mention why is the angel exalt this woman?  Pransings a new word.   What the hell is “prinsings of their mighty ones”?

Meroz is obviously a Satanic dialect name as is megido & Meroz (like THE EVILE Russian Santa type Ded Moroz cursed demonic character.  Or morose akin somehow to morbid desecrated dead bodies is what I am getting in the Spirit.  And Magido is a curse word.) as a word is vile.  How do I know…some things you just know…look it up to confirm it.  I do not have the time to.  Furthermore angels of God do not bring forth curses of their own accord.  Even before the bible changes the passover was questionable as if it were really carried out by God is Love.  Now there is damning and curses all through the bibles in every version.

Then were the horsehoofs broken by the means of the pransings, the pransings of their mighty ones.


“Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the LORD, curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof; because they came not to the help of the LORD, to the help of the LORD against the mighty. ” (The God Creator does not need help from any human this is clearly a blasphemous bible change).
Blessed above women shall Jael the wife of Heber the Kenite be, blessed shall she be above women in the tent.
He asked water, and she gave him milk; she brought forth butter in a lordly dish.
She put her hand to the nail, and her right hand to the workmen’s hammer; and with the hammer she smote Sisera, she smote off his head, when she had pierced and stricken through his temples.
At her feet he bowed, he fell, he lay down: at her feet he bowed, he fell: where he bowed, there he fell down dead.


“And Jonathan said to the young man that bare his armour, (armour Oscar Meyer weiners…oh wait now its Mayor) Come, and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised:”

“It may be that The Lord WILL WORK FOR US.”  ???? Notice the winky?  They always put one after the most disgusting of blasphemous scripts.  So what then will they hire God out for an hourly wage?  The English language has not changed people.  The bible never had some exception to every rule.  But it did have the most beautiful and articulate dialect I have ever heard or read.  NO MORE.  The language in all the bibles is trashed utterly.


Howl (God telling sheppards to howl as if animals)

COVERT OF THY WINGS (Psalm 61)  Really? Covert.

VAUNTETH The once famous “Love” chapter in 1 Corinthians 13 that I have memorize has the new words doth and vaunteth.

Mirror “we see as in a mirror dimly” is changed to “glass darkly”. These are not the only changes in this chapter.  There were a limited amount of words in the KJV that had the “eth” at the end.  Now its being added to many words.  Perhaps the writer used the word mirror because few people have looked into themselves in this time once they were traumatized in school and by TV they seldom break through to true self awareness.

“When He who is perfect has returned then you shall know as well as you are known.”  (they mangled the last verse in 1Cor. 13 especially) And then remain these three (eternal spiritual gifts) Faith, Hope, and Love but the Greatest is Love.

What is the Strong Delusion?

I believe gross self deception & a lack of self awareness by deep emotionally involked denial are at the core of the strong delusion.  The belt of Truth is key to escaping the strong delusion. Love of Truth is key.  Jesus is key.  

What is the strong delusion?  I surmise men are being downloaded to the frontal cortex with false memories by direct wifi 2.4 via cell phones and routers & by nano circuitry set up in the body by nano particles in food and heavy metals.  Thes false memories tell the victim that all these vile bible changes are holy & "the same as it ever was, same as it ever was".....  The English language is disregarded when they read the text.  They apply their preconceived notions over Websters's definitions of the words on the pages.  

Ironically those who see no signs and wonders say that we who see the Mandela effects, strong delusion, and the biblical abomination are the ones with "false memories" by an absentee mind.

The Mandela Effect biblical narrative is hijacked on you tube by those who say "sure the bible is changing" and they site only a few of the well knows scripture changes while promoting a book of vile lies they hide the worst of the changes never addressing or mentioning them.  They don't tell you that the desecration of God's inspired words is the abomination & desolation of the Holy place.

That have Christians waiting on some antichrist temple to be built to house the antichrist himself and they call THAT a "holy place" and attach the prophecy to a jewish temple that will likely never be built.  Why?

If they build a third temple before the great tribulation then their version of the prophecy will be proven false.  Granted they may build a temple for their antichrist but how is that "holy" to Christians?  Its not.  A false god temple IS NOT HOLY.

Word “stupid” occurs 87 times in 10 various BLB Bible translations including (allegedly) God Himself calling His children “stupid”.  The wolf is standing in the holy place spouting blasphemy.

“outer darkness” is apparently no longer a place to throw demons.  Its now being applied to our reality in the book.


Then said the king to the servants, Bind him hand and foot, and take him away, and cast him into outer darkness; there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.

Why don’t the majority of Christians See the Supernatural Bible Changes?

The only ones who do not remember these insane bible words and verses are those who have retained their memories of a holy book and language.  How can most Christians say “same as it ever was”?  My best guess they are being downloaded with a false history straight to the brain and they are ate up with nano circuitry & wifi.  And most importantly The are not wearing the belt of Truth and do not have on the full armor.  Also cognitive dissonance plays in and the fact that perhaps many never knew the KJVB in depth.  They don’t see the wolf speaking from the Bible.    They know not the voice of Jesus by precept, temperature, & godly principles.  We who see new words & verses are the minority and will be called Satanic, delusional, evil etc. if they can hear us at all.

When you tell a person their bible has changed supernaturally its just not in their programming anymore or perhaps it never was.  They throw the idea away as if they consumed a non food particle that their brain doesn’t recognize as food and so the body discards it as waste.  If they grasp what your saying and deny it there is actually more hope for them to wake up than if they can’t grasp the idea and go straight to “ya the bibles a changed when printed”.  But that’s not what we mean is it!

Brian Stavely covers the mandela effects.  But he says “all people are mandela affected”.  I strongly disagree because THERE ARE PEOPLE WHO HAVE OPPOSITE MEMORIES with anchor memories so why would stavely  in his mountain of research not see that people have other realities they strongly remember and believe as true?  He’s a smart guy who knows nothing of the strong delusion.  I say he does see the other reality but to admit that people’s memories are changing from others is a hint that their brains are being tampered with and that’s dangerous ground.  So perhaps stavely has hijacked the M.E. narrative.

After all YOUTUBE is on TV whereas these other bitch ute and the rest of the small platforms cannot be accessed with any competency on the big screen TV.  That means YT has to be censored far more than platforms that are not readily available on TVs.

Hijacking the narrative reminds me of when people say to me “ya the bibles have changed somehow &, yes it used to say “lion shall lie with the lamb” but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater”. (after all the bibles are the beast’s best propaganda tool)  In other words the scoffers say [sure the books are corrupt as hell but lets study it anyway!]  I say the bible is cursed object now and full of blasphemy and lies therefore to cosign that teaching is to cosign debauchery and to lead Jesus’ little one’s astray, the books are idolatry being called “the word of god”.

The Holy Bible is Holy no more and will be desolate of Truth to power very soon (January).

Outer darkness, weeping and gnashing of teeth for the children of the kingdom of God

We live now in the up side down, make no mistake people, the bibles are now cursed.  The god of the bible is now Satan or the antichrist depending on witch verse.

Punishment and wearing out is waiting for the saints according to the new M.E. scarlet script.

Mat 8:12

But the children of the kingdom shall be cast out into outer darkness: there shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.


New Word Term appears one time my guess it will increase.

UPBRAIDED in [Mark 16:14] Jesus upbraided the disciples for their unbelief.

GOD NOW SWARING.  Ridiculous!!!!!


Jesus said “swear NOT by Heaven or by Earth Let your “Yes” be yes and your “no” be no.”   Therefore thise swaring is a contradiction….again.


And don’t forget “NURSING FATHERS”

Ridiculous & illegible verse

Howl, O gate; cry, O city; thou, whole Palestina, art dissolved: for there shall come from the north a smoke, and none shall be alone in his appointed times”

False Pride

Lots of glory seeking for humans going on in the book now.  Including rewards of Glory.  Jesus and God The Father are those whom we should sing praises to and acknowledge His glory.  To seek glory as a human is false pride.

The following scripture (lets hope AI doesn’t trash it) is dramatically changed left desolate of God’s powerful words.  Why did they change it supernaturally?  Its way too powerful because it slays deception of the mind and heart and invite knowledge far greater than what earth offers.  It invite clarity of mind, goodness of heart and spiritual knowledge.

Christians I see on YT rarely understand what they are reading in the bibles today.  They do not know wisdom from blasphemy.  Say it 3 times in the Name of Jesus.

Here is the wise script I am referring to that no longer exists in any bible.

[May the peace of God which surpasses all earthly understanding guide your heart and mind into all Truth.]

The new version of the above script is a shadow of what it once said.

“Seek His Face”  is a contradiction.  Why?  That is the one part of God’s being that we cannot look upon lest we die.  So naturally the bible change changes “seek God with your whole heart” to “seek His face”.

“Them that”  More hick lingo.  Would have said THOSE WHO.

GLISTERING”  a mix of blister & glisten.  This is a recent change.  11-5-2020

“given to the Gentiles to trample under foot.”  Insult to believers who are not Jewish.  HOw?  What are we cattle, pigs?  We don’t “trample” anything under foot like running livestock or a herd of buffalo.


“DRAGON WELL”  New Term.  Wth is a dragon well?  Right next to the “DUNG PORT” In Nehemiah 2:13

Right ‘Port O’ Dung’ they call it with glee! (sarcasm sorry) VILE & RIDICULOUS!


Rev. 20:2  Notice “Devil” is capitalized mid sentence (M.E.) and “He” the one who binds Satan is lower case “he”.  This is the type of insults to God & man that all the books (un-holy bibles) now spew forth as the wolf speaks from (what was) the Holy place.  Furthermore this script would have named The Lord or Jesus the Wonderful, Prince of Peace.  Out like a lamb & in like a Lion shall He return.

“And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil, and Satan, and bound him a thousand years,”  “laid hold on”?  Would have been “laid hold of”.

If you think the supernatural KJVB changes are minor and of no effect, think again.  The words are evil and blasphemous.

Those who see the changes as minor claiming that the most important parts of the book are all in tact know not the voice of The Good Sheppard.  Neither do they recognize the wolf speaking horrid lies in the holy place.  This makes them 1/2 blind.  I say half because they seem to see some of the end times signs while abiding under the strong delusion.

HO HO HO By Müller | Famous People Cartoon | TOONPOOLRuth 4:1 Boaz according to scholarly understanding of the English language according to Webster’s is calling his kinsman a “Ho”.  Same chapter 4 Boaz tells that same kinsman  whom he called “ho” I thought to advertise thee.”   What a mess!  More mocking from the wolf sitting in the once holy place.


Thank you TRUTH SHOCK TV for the Truth video put so eloquently.

Trust in and seek Jesus with all of your heart, mind, spirit, and strength and the things of this world shall become strangely dim.  (this script has disappeared from all bibles now its attributed to some gospel song even though it originated in the bible that contained truth).  Granted I may be mixing two scriptures but the “and this world will become strangely dim” precept   I remember well very well indeed.

“Four and twenty elders” baked in a pie.” KJVB  (they turned to fables) Please do not call the book your God by saying its “The Word of God.”  Jesus is The Word of God, forever fixed in Heaven.

“And Then came the new age.  And suddenly that which was is not and that which was not now was.”   _____Jazweeh

The previous quote is not some coy cryptic, hard to understand phrase.  But rather it is the shortest and most accurate way to say “history in the minds of men has changed.  Memories in the minds of men have been altered quite literally.

How can this be?  And how would we know if our minds were being edited like some computer program, more accurately like some editorial written in WordPad or in Microsoft Word telling a story of what was.

Do you remember how it was when you were in high school?  What if a frequency or rather frequencies, sin(e) waves perhaps could penetrate and download your brain?  Who is Satan?  The Prince of the power of the air(waves).  Sin-waves.

Most people defend against both Truth and their own enlightenment.  They choose the lie and feel safe by its presence and guidance.  Often subconsciously unfortunately.

Old English was honorable & godly.  New “Middle English” of the Supernaturally changed KJVB is corrupt, skewed, and vile distorting sacred text that was holy (desolation/desecration of the holy place prophecy), into vile putrid words of mocking & insinuation with many double meanings coded into the text. 

Hell’s book is rising upon the Earth while God’s words are fading except from our hearts where they are kept safe with power.  Soon my friends, The sacred Holy Spirit shall be removed from Earth and along with it, those who honor Jesus with their actions and have also His Spirit.

In a Nut Shell

How does an entire book change before the eyes  of a billion people and yet go on the most part unnoticed.  Men’s minds are being downloaded with a false history to coincide with the new words in the book kjvb.

Do not think for a minute that just because you have The Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands and prayer that you are a shoe in to the first rapture?  I spent years as the prodigal son in deep sin with The Holy Spirit in me the whole time.  I was oppressed, down trodden, deceived, given to bondage.  Backsliden in the worst ways.  And Jesus Loved me unconditionally through my fall.

I was confused by the beast and knew not who I was.  I had much to learn through my fall into sin about God’s Grace and about His Love for me.  Finally deliverance after deliverance, healing after healing, God did teach me by experience how to rely on Him solely.  Its difficult to rely on God.  Why?   Because of the way we are programmed by schools.  It screws us up by the self reliance, multiple choice w/only one right answer and the works justification and grading system.  The education system is opposite of reliance on God and opposite concept of salvation by Faith.  There is no Grace concept in the grading system.

Or perhaps I was just more hard headed than many.  Also there was for me a great process of self realization and shedding of the mask that had to happen for me to stand in Truth before God.  I was stripped of everything and built back up in Faith & Truth.   Partly by 12 steps and partly by group therapy but prayer for guidance was at the forefront of these helps by precept.  This process was separate from my born again experience, Baptism of The Holy Spirit, & Great awakening of 2017.

Who Are We Who See?

Maybe I was just sicker than others.  But for some reason now I and many others see that which most do not, I am set apart.  So either I am delusional and have lost my mind or I am chosen of God and walking in Truth unlike the world, I am of the chosen few.  I have come out of great tribulation.  Do you relate to this?  Few can.

For those who can’t see the blasphemous supernatural bible changes, & lies in the KJVB. (granted if you never knew the book to begin with you do not know it has changed supernaturally hence you do not fall into the following categories of problems.   But with the learned preachers and teachers who have long studied the book something is very wrong.  Even if one never knew the books, at the very least the book should be recognized as corrupt, twisted, and vile from the get go).  Even if men never knew the book how is it they don’t recognize mocking and vile grotesque writings.  Not to mention the grammar, new words, spelling, punctuation, its hideous!  Not even close to old English and they now call it “Middle English”. (middle earth)

Great Tribulation Is Not Punishment Rather A Wake up for the Self Deceived Masses

I am a scribe of God.  These changes anger me.  But I am even more annoyed by the fact that 99% of Christians see the vile changed book as being holy and the same as it ever was.  Can you relate to this?  We who see are most likely the elect spoken of by Jesus.  We will know the new song.  And we will see the great tribulation from afar off.  We know that the Great Trib is not punishment as Christians make it out to be but rather it will impose the gift of desperation on the hard hearted who need to be desperate enough to seek God with their whole heart to be saved.  There is no other way to wake these children up.  They have shown allegiance to the beast and must find the desperation to speak to God straight from their hearts in Truth.  Instead of  speaking to God with a deceptive and manipulating rhetoric they call prayers.  And often they pray publicly to be seen of men.    They are deceived to themselves.  If they do not know themselves how then will they approach God in Truth and transparancy?

How do you feel when you know your being lied to or are approached by a fake person who wears a mask of deception?

The More these changes progress the more it exposes those Christians who side with the book (kjvb) as “the unchangeable Word of God” they maintain staunchly.

The new scripture where God is calling His own children “stupid” was sited by one Christian on Youtube as being his “favorite scripture”.  There is a real problem when Christians are clueless to the basics of God’s personality that did shine through the once anointed & inspired words.

My god they are so convincing by their words in person and on video of their Love for Jesus while they abide deep under the strong delusion.  Their mask is a betrayal to true followers of Jesus who believe their lies of faithfulness.  This hurts me.  But still understanding tells me many of them do not know themselves and believe their own false testimonies of Love for Jesus.  As in the next breath they easily call Him by some new name that could be a cursing for all I know.

Our Father is showing us who these people really are by these bible changes that are so heinous with its depictions of “flesh eaters” and the rest that EYA exposes on YouTube in depth.

Ya Shoe Ah Garb and Hominey Shee Ak.

NOONE who really knows Jesus would for a second consider changing the powerful name they praised that brought them The Gift of The Holy Spirit.  The name Jesus is proven for years on end it has been the catalyst of the implementation of the Holy Spirit.  I do not believe for a minute that The mighty Comforter will come into a human by praising any other name.

The problem is many Christians think the Holy Spirit Baptism is automatic.  And perhaps a portion of it is.  But not the part that brings supernatural gifts and deliverance, healing and the rest.  You KNOW IT when The Holy Spirit of God comes upon you by prayer and the laying on of hands.  And after it happens you would probably say it was the most magnificent experience of your life surpassing all human excitations.

The Problem with not seeing the supernatural bible changes

  1. They do not know lies from Truth on a spiritual level
  2. They do not know the voice of Jesus (calledThe Good Sheppard, His Sheep know His voice) or of God
  3. They don’t recognize evil or insults toward Jesus, God & man.
  4. They do not remember the original scripture that was True or Old English that is gone.
  5. They do not understand and are not familiar with the very foundational precepts of spirituality & God as it was written.
  6. They do not see the signs and wonders of end times.
  7. They are unable to recognize Satan & demons.
  8. Their memories are being downloaded with a false history in many genres.
  9. They have dropped their belt of Truth & their helmet of salvation is at risk.
  10. They cannot be those who know & sing the new song of Revelation.  They cannot possibly be the chosen few because they are now blind to what God’s words were.  Unless something changes in a big way it doesn’t look good for them making the first rapture. (I could be wrong)
  11. They, many of them accept a new name for Jesus which shows they never received The Holy Spirit by the laying on of hands in The Mighty Name of Jesus.  They have accepted a new gospel of saved by grace alone and blood sacrifice without batting an eye.
  12. They don’t recognize contradiction, new words, nonsense versus, changed tones, insults, Satan’s voice, new language of a hick-Viking dialect, the theme of the old testament is now disgusting at best, Love and Faith are scarce in the book.
  13. They idolize the book itself and call it God by saying it “The Word of God”.
  14. Wisdom & Truth are gone from the book it is no longer “holy”.
  15. Their hearts side with the wolf who now speaks through the book.

This is an ongoing and very long log of Bible changes through the last year or two years approximately.

I have another log on see the menu there.

The prophecies in the books are now unreliable especially the one’s listing numbers of days, months, and years.  This “thousand day” business is new.  Daniel never mentioned such timelines.  The only timelines were listed in times, two times, “two times” now say “dividing of time” which is accurate even though its a change.  Why?  We without a doubt are in two timelines, two realities, this is connected to the dividing of the sheep from the goats.

The sheep see the two realities and the fake history (memories) along with the authentic history & memories.  The goats only see one timeline, one reality.  They are under the strong delusion as they receive downloads of lies to their mind and memory it becomes their history.

How else can the supernatural bible changes be explained that few see, but many of us do see.  I say “few” by comparison to those who do not see the kjvb changes.  How could these two realities be in check except by the strong delusion and the dividing of time?  No I do not believe the simulation theory for Mandela effect.  The Mandela effects are straight up signs and wonders of end times for those who will look, for those who have courage to look.

Blatant Beastiality Implications in Proverbs.

Commentary-Once Songs of Solomon did compare the bride and the Love of God together as sweet and beautiful fruits.  This comparing sex with your wife to fantasies of bedding animals (hinds & roes) in Proverbs 5:19 is perversion and doesn’t compare to the fruit analogy whatsoever.  The reference is tactless and vile as usual as the wolf speaks through the once holy place.

More of the Wolf’s Vile Termanologies that have no business is a holy book.


Pro 5:19

“Let her be as the loving hind and pleasant roe; let her breasts satisfy thee at all times; and be thou ravished always with her love.”  Furthermore the word
“RAVISHED” is utterly inappropriate in a holy setting as is “DELICIOUSLY” and Ravished are sexually provokative word term.  Both are.

Jerimiah 13 lets sum it up paraphrased.  This is one of the most vile, gender swaping, & ridiculous supernatural bible change stories I have read.

Let’s call it “Men in Girdles” (and NO that’s not what they called any masculine, leather manly apparel back in the day, the word girdle is a mocking of men and mocking The One True God Especially by a related script in Rev. putting Jesus in a golden girdle and bra.)

God tells Jerimiah get yourself a girdle wear it and do not wash it..let it get really gross and dirty then bury it in a hole.  Wait a while then go back, hide and sulk around like Gollum then dig up the disgusting girdle (commentary-dirty woman’s  wear that by the way is made to make fat woman look thin to their own pain and illness by squishing their bodies, vanity of vanity)  “Oh my” says Jerimiah “The girdle is marred!”  (really?  ya you didn’t wash it, the girdle was alread filthy but YOU KNEW THAT DIDN’T YOU so why is he acting suprised?  Ridiculous!)

“Its marred” says Jerimiah.  Yes, says the Lord so I will mar the pride of Jerusalem.  (news flash God doesn’t judge geographically, he judges MEN, PEOPLE not nations.)  On and on goes the alleged words of God of how he will mar and punish.

THIS IS NOT WISDOM PEOPLE.  This is the wolf’s version of wisdom. Just how ignorant are Christians.  Clearly with where the book has gone to now if you follow this garbage and think its wisdom at all or somehow anointed then you don’t know the Great Shepard’s Voice.  I apologize but since 2017 these changes have increased as birth pains.  And so it is almost desolate.  The Holy place is nearly desolate.  And I am cerain that complete desolation of wisdom and truth marks an event coming.

Lies associated with Scripture

Lets talk about the new “All men will hate you for my name sake” scriptures.  And there are several of them now.

To say  “for Jesus name sake” would always be something GOOD & miraculous not evil deeds.  If I want my name lifted up then good things are associated with my name.   I could go out and give men $100 inside an envelope with my name of it over and over and over.  And far and wide my name would be associated with receiving money.  I gave out money for my name sake.

The name of Jesus should be lifted up by marrying the name with good results not swimming in evil purposes.  For Example “They did many miracles for His name sake” So Jesus name is associated with miracles, healings, deliverances, blessings, and comfort then spreads through the land that conjunction=His name + Miracles.

“For His name sake many were healed.” or “for His name sake demons were cast out”.  Why?  Because for His name sake means to lift up the name of Jesus for men to learn and hear as being powerful, mighty, and having even the power to heal the sick and more.

That is why this scripture below is blasphemous and fake.  Because its saying that the name of Jesus is associated with and brings hate toward ALL (ALL no less) men.

When in Truth to receive The Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus is to receive Love by the Spirit of Truth.  The hateful scriptures claiming “for His name sake” have been multiplied in the books.

Yes some are hated because they proclaim the name of Jesus.  But It would have said “because they proclaimed the name of Jesus they were hated by many unbelievers or they were hated by those with a spirit of antichrist.”  “hated all men” is an obvious impossibility and therefore a BLATANT lie.

Mathew 10:22

“And ye shall be hated of all men for my name’s sake: (notice the winky again put after the worst new scriptures to mock those who see) but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.”

The scripture saying “hated of all men” does not even distinguish that its the spirit of antichrist that causes men to hate a name.

It is by the spirit of antichrist than men are hated because of Jesus name.  Therefore the statement “for his name sake they hated”  would have to be referring to the antichrist’s name sake.  Antichrist is the one who wants to send out hate for Jesus name and those who weild it .  The antichrist is the one whose name is exalted or lifted up when hate abounds.  When brotherly Love abounds it is for Jesus name sake for God is Love.



“Its easy to Love those who Love you.  But Loving the unlovable (by a giving action) this is the Love of God.”

God doing, sending, creating, speaking, and even inspiring EVIL on mankind has multiplied in the KJV book.  Jerimiah is full of scripts showing God as the bringer of evil.  So if you still harbor security in the book kjvb your heart must clearly side with a blasphemous and evil god of war & destruction, of putrid words and putrid deeds as the book proclaims.

Jerimiah 42, 44, & 45 is full of scriptures portraying God HImself as evil.  Just search “bring evil” or the word “evil” and go to Jerimiah you will find the proof.

More Contradiction as the book calls “faith” a law.

Rom 3:27

Where is boasting then? It is excluded. By what law? of works? Nay: but by the law of faith.

And “people” the plural of people turns to “peoples” that was not a word until Sept. 2020.

2 Peter 3:16

“As also in all his epistles, speaking in them of these things; in which are some things hard to be understood, which they that are unlearned and unstable wrest, as they do also the other scriptures, unto their own destruction.”

2nd Peter 3:16 condemns those who question and vet the bible changes.  Those who “wrest” (new nonsense word) with Scripture.    So there it is, if destruction comes through the book as is written above then also it alleges that the pages are one’s salvation.  More will be revealed on that blasphemous concept of idolatry and book worship.   Woe to the “unlearned & unstable” reads the book.

The book mocker, the wolf who mocks has made its home in the book.


Some New words

HO HO HO By Müller | Famous People Cartoon | TOONPOOL

“Ho”  Ruth 4:1

Is that “ho ho ho, green giant”? or perhaps “You ho!” or maybe “ho ho ho and a bottle of rum”

“OUTWENT”  Right makes perfect sense.  Ya the two words combined make sense in some other reality!  We are in the twilight zone and most people have brains that match this zone.

Two ways to spell one word?  Talk about THE AUTHOR OF CONFUSION.  And most Christians are clueless that the wolf is now screaming forth in the holy place.   And his words are confusion, vile, blasphemies. 

Blind Guides on YouTube

VENTING-It's amazing and very annoying to go on Y.T. and watch (approx.) 99.66% of Christians reading KJVB thata they have studied for years as they make total sense by convenient rational of the new words/terms/erroneous grammar/unfamiliar sentence structure/nonsense verses/twisted spellings/insults to man, God, & Jesus(for example, calling Him "son of man" rather than Son of God)& they read the /blasphemy/mockings/lifeless statements of death/ insult to the saints calling them "worn out"/punishments & a hateful & carnal God/violence/insults/& grotesque precepts without a second thought.  THEY DO NOT KNOW THE VOICE OF THE GOOD SHEPPARD!  They betray true believers and moreover they betray themselves with denial & self inflicted lies that comfort them.  These Christians, my friends, prefer the lie over Truth.  Truth doesn't fit their paradigm.  Truth would require too much emotional work if they were to digest it.  Truth would show the beast in its true light.  And they side with the beast & the lies.
I just hope that they are to be included in the 3rd rapture as the "great multitude" of believers who are saved, finally.  They will be the ones who must endure the violence toward disadents..

dung gate (vile)

plucked off his shoe” Ruth 4

As opposed to the new “PLUCKT” Gen. 8:1  who needs the “ed” when you have “ckt”?



“loins of your mind”…huh?

planets  (we saw this one coming….wait for it….”globe earth” will likely be there soon.)




And I thought to advertise thee, saying, Buy it before the inhabitants, and before the elders of my people.

incontinent-Yes unable to hold your bladder is now a great sin according to the books.

effeminate-lacking feminine traits is now a sin according to the books.


Dark Sayings?  The book is unrecognizable at this point except very few scriptures that are still in tact.

Dark Sentences“?  That’s a new term.  Occurs one time…so far in KJVB.  I just watched a very creepy decode video on youtube at channel KijaniAmariAK titled “The Serpent by the Road the illustrious little king from” the guy decdodes current events as pertaining to the bible very well but that doesn’t mean he’s a child of Jesus/God.

“To understand a proverb, and the interpretation; the words of the wise, and their DARK SAYINGS.”

1 John 1:10 is BLASPHEMY to say that we peradventure can make God anything much less a liar is both a lie and an insult to God.  It mocks the precepts of a holy God.   As it is impossible for God to lie and Jesus is The Truth, The Life, and The Way.  

1John 1:10

If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us.


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A man shall not take his father’s wife, nor discover his father’s skirt.”  Ridiculous!
Deuteronomy 22:30 Interpretted  —‘You best not discover my skirt boy!  And by the way don’t sleep with my wife, or your mama for that matter.’    Oh how pretty Daddy looks in his skirt……RIGHT!    All the “skirt” scripts are new and twisted.


September 20, 2020

John 3: 14 & 15 may be the most blasphemous supernatural scripture change of all as it compares Jesus Himself to a serpent to be lifted up as Moses supposedly lifted up a serpent in the wilderness.  This gives unbelievers all the  ammunition they need to call Jesus evil.  And it gives the preachers another opportunity to make it up as they go.  I hear Christians going on about how people misinterpreted for years they have no clue that the book is dramatically changing.  Scriptures on the most part in years passed were interpretted correctly.  The scholars were not illiterate.  So many people now have to make sense and rationalize the book according to their belief systems.

But few believe what they see rather they see in it what they already believe, whatever that preconceived notion may be.  What a mess.  This world cannot continue in this manner its Amos 8:11 & 12 The famine of God’s words.

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

So much blasphemy.

Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Hebrews `12:2 is full of double meaning.  “joy set before him” This is saying that the reason Jesus “edured the cross was” for the joy that was set before Him. What joy?  Who set joy before Him?  Jesus died that we may have the keys to death and hell.  He accomplished overcoming death.  By Faith in Him we also overcome death.
He didn’t allow His crusifixion because some joy was set before Him this is new scripture and ridiculous inferring He took joy in suffering as a sadomasochist would.  “despising the shame”.  God is Love. To dispise is an ugly loveless word.  The statement is an insult to a God of Love.
Should say “seated at the right hand of The Father”.
“Set down” and “cut off” are both new destructive terms.


[Treasures of darkness]?  Really?  This book is re-written by Satan’s demons.

Here’s some commentary on a search I did at of “salvation & faith” KJV.  I could do this through the entire bible showing how it now goes against the precepts of God and is blasphemous and insulting to both God & men.

SEARCH-  “Faith & salvation” occur 10 times in 5 verses in the KJV.

Shield of Faith,, breastplate of righteousness is what it should read.
1Th 5:8
But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation.

Salvation Through Faith in Jesus is Truth.
2 Timothy 3:15
And that from a child thou hast known the holy scriptures, which are able to make thee wise unto salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.

last time” for what? Last time is new in KJV and has replaced the last days, the end of the age,the end times.

1Peter 1:5
Who are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time.

Faith is without end. It is eternal. 1st Corinthians 13. The verse is a contradiction ad blasphemous. The end of your faith infers losing faith according to websters & English language basics.

1Peter 1:9
Receiving the end of your faith, even the salvation of your souls.

Jude 1:3
Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.

So faith WAS ONCE delivered unto the saints. Granted the book now says saved by Grace, and blood, and all other kinds of actions and works.

No longer is Faith presented in the book as one of the absolutely greatest spiritual gifts and the vessel of our salvation by Faith in Jesus, in God The Father.
To call salvation “common” (Jude 1:3) is blasphemy straight up served on a platter of words that are the stairs to hell.

Ridiculous new words.



red dragon

miry dungeon *Jerimiah not in that order


prince’s Michael the archangel now referred to as a prince






Calling a city a princess and “she” this “she” reference now being paired with many non human words.??? Really?  Its annoying that Christians prefer the lie.

And therefore they deceive both us and themselves.

great while


short space

“as it were”  I hear Christians copying this term as if it were gramarically sound.  We use “they were, we were, you were” or “as it was, she was, the man was, it was” and so on.  NEVER would the scholars have used such POOR GRAMMAR.  They were not stupid.  or should I say, “They was not illiterate.”  “As it were”????

The phrase “as it were” has CLEARLY been downloaded into the brains of many who are not protected by the belt of Truth. 

How do I know?  Because they are saying it over and over on Youtube, preachers, teachers, watchmen on the wall all sucombing to IMAGINARY NEW GRAMMAR AND TERMS.  I have heard Photo Helix and Ken Raggio BOTH say “as it were” and not as a quote.  They do not recognize the wolf who speaks great blasphemy in the Holy place. 

They are awake to the end times but NOT to the wolf.  This is disturbing because it means they don’t know the voice of the Good Shepard.

The spelling of ‘shepperd‘ keeps changing.  Can’t remember the original spelling pre-madd-ella effect.

Or how about “she were” and “they was”.  These phrases are just as erroneous and “as it were”.

The other phrase that pets my peave is “believe on”.  This is new..and the Chritians have been downloaded with it.  Maybe some are just copy cating the phrase…idk.  I do know we BELIEVE IN not ON.  What is the insult? On and in are two different meanings.  “In” has much more depth “on” is a shallow and  surface belief.

asswaged;  (mocking word)


paintedst thy eyes, and deckedst thyself with ornaments,

ministration“-menstration?  Insult to the spirit.

Open Face” Really?  And how is it a person opens his face?

Ryders on the storm.  “If you give this man a ride sweet MEMORY will die.” Now says “family will die”.

Try to wake the sleeping who worship the book.

Whore this and whorish that says the Mandela affected book of fables.  What ever happened to “harlot”?  It was always “harlot” and not “whore”.  The word whore is a degrating & insulting cuss word that belittles  woman with a slang term that is a show of cornish disrespect YET, YET, its now all over the KJVB even Saul saying “Jonathan you stupid son of whore”. In the NIV.  Where is the honor in that?  The KJVB used to be so poetic, so honorable with noble majesty as its guide it knew it held in its pages the very words that were God inspired, life giving.

How is it the people in the church and the pastors don’t know the difference between evil and good.  They are so blind.  But it may be approaching the time to wake them up if they will choose to walk away from their comfortable bed of lies.  Only Jesus can write us the guide on how to wake them by breaking the curse.  But they themselves must choose who they will follow, the lie or Truth.

Ezekiel 6:9

And they that escape of you shall remember me among the nations whither they shall be carried captives, because I am broken with their whorish heart, which hath departed from me, and with their eyes, which go a whoring after their idols: and they shall lothe themselves for the evils which they have committed in all their abominations.


Eze 6:10

And they shall know that I am the LORD, and that I have not said in vain that I would do this evil unto them.

Valley of decision from valley of DRY BONES.

queen of heaven


New words!

pluckt no longer plucked.


little space

doctor of law


Short space”  new ridiculous phrase coined does not mean what it says.  More double meaning words galore.  Means short time.

God speaking- “I WILL CAST HER INTO BED”!!!  Are you kidding me?

God in heaven please help me not to judge those who cannot see.  For a blind man cannot see red.  I too was blind I have no right to judge.  This is my most difficult temptation regarding the supernatural bible changes and watching those blind guides who just cannot remember the old words.  I am powerless over their blindness.  Even if I tell them of the changes….they use rational to fix it in their minds.

Horrific Scripture Change is most disgusting and insulting to God & man.

“space grace” really?  How is it the reader is so blind that red flags are not raised in their hearts when they read “space grace”.  Furthermore “space” is not and never was a measurement of time.  But rather “space” is a contradiction of any measurement of time.  “for a time”, “how long” “a long time” “time takes time” and so on, are descriptives of time.  “space” is area, or area of matter.

Ezr 9:8

“And now for a little space grace hath been shewed from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage.
NO, NO, NO!  He WHO The Lord has set free is free indeed.  Will those who see these words as truth enjoy the lie they embrace and enjoy their reviving in their bondage?  Perhaps.   The nail in the holy place is vile.  Even if I blindly read these scripture with the precept that the book is really “holy” what could this statement possibly mean and how is it to be considered wisdom?  What does a nail in his holy place have to do with eyes and bondage.  Be sure, the Christians will make something up to fit it.
Father is merciful.  The Great tribulation will save many souls. There is no other way for humans to see Truth.  They must be desperate.  And free will MUST not be taken from them to save them.  That’s the rule.


New words.

divers   Well they removed the “e” from diverse.  Now its divers you know, like dive into the water.

pestilences  is not a word.  The plural of pestilence  is pestilence.



kinsfolks (seems the new dialect is best described as that of a viking – hick – southern Florida trailor park lingo the illiterate.  And still they call it “holy”.)

The Dividing of Time

“cogitations”  As I stated prior, I knew every, every, definition to every word in my hard copy KJV bible because that is how I was taught to read.  When I come across a word I do not know I look it up. There are now hundreds of words in my book that I not only do not know the meaning of but also have never heard these strange words.

If you also related to this, please feel free to email me to share your experience and hope with me at or  I don't check often but eventually I do check my email.

Since the dividing of time however I  believe my memories are in tact unlike those around me.  Yet those in the [other reality] say that they remember the new words, nonsense terms, errors, style, dialect, and sentence structure as being “same as it ever was, same as it ever was.”  Most people see no changes to the KJVB.

If not for the new bible being SO VILE and full of lies that contradict at heart level contradicting the precepts of Love, Faith, Truth, Hope, and God The Father Himself, I would worry that it is I, or we who see the changes who are being downloaded with lies.

However since the KJVB was select beatitudes of wisdom, grace, and words of peace that lead to everlasting life prudent, offering words to obtain temporance, and patience and is now converted to nonsense (unless you literally change the meaning of English words to fit your own narrative which most Christians on youtube do very well), the book is VILE and of little spiritual value for the reader.  “Let the reader understand”, “Let the reader understand” This scripture is key to diciphering the abomination of desolation as pertaining to reading.  The book is an idol.

The Abomination of Desolation Prophecy Decoded

Mar 13:14

“But when ye shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, standing where it ought not, (let him that readeth understand,) then let them that be in Judaea flee to the mountains:”

This prophecy in Mark shows clearly that when the wolf speaks through the book (the holy place) and speaks great lies and blasphemies against God as it does now that Jerusalem will be laid waste.  Its saying GET OUT!  But neither do the Jews or the Christians in bulk cases understand the prophecy of the abomination of desolation (that used to read “desecration”).  The book of God’s words is being made desolate of Truth.  Amos 8:11& 12 prophecy shows us this would happen.

Passive aggressive insult to God Himself

“And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said unto him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be thou perfect.”

Arab insult the man always walks ahead of the woman to show superiority and show submission by the woman walking behind.  God does not walk behind ANYONE.

Yes one can easily say, “that is not what it means” however if there were only 100 instances of passive aggressive insults but instead there are now thousands and its increasing day by day.  The bible is FULL of double meaning script now.


The KJV of Genesis 17:8 says to make a covenant you God.

And I will establish my covenant between me and thee and thy seed after thee in their generations for an everlasting covenant, to be a God unto thee, and to thy seed after thee.


Word “NEST” is now misused dramatically making it pertain to the dwelling of men.



“destroy wonderfully” is blasphemy because the name of Jesus is “Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace”.  Destroy wonderfully is both a contradiction of terms and a mocking of all that is good by making destruction something wonderful.

Phrase “did the king’s business”.  Mocking obviously Daniel 8 double meaning.


notable pronounced noteable…whatever.

Let these goat’s worship their hissing goat god.

Strange terms in Acts 17 of “Stoicks and Epic.cure.ans” calling Paul a babbler?  How dare they.

And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent:
God winking is out of character.  Here in applies once again “His sheep know His voice.”  This is an old change I remember it from 2006 and earlier.


“Matrix” now appears 5 times in the KJV.  A few months back it was only once in Genesis.

Great grasshoppers that go camping.  That’s right. Nahum 3:17.

 jumping chariots  (wow chariots that jump? Christians read KJVB as if the translators and SCHOLARS where tied to a dock of time etched in illiteracy and absent of education.  This is not so.  This was not so.


JOD (whatever that is)

equity (more debt & ownership words of maritime law)


Some say the elite call us “useless eaters” perhaps this script back that theory.

“All thy strong holds shall be like fig trees with the firstripe figs: if they be shaken, they shall even fall into the mouth of the eater.”

Its appears this new book of Nahum is all corrupt.

“the fire shall devour thy bars.”  The bars are where men, often alpha men congregate to speak and fellowship.  The NWO would need to stop such congregations if it were to control the narrative of society.  So perhaps the “burning of the bars” is a PROPHECY for end times.

I know, O LORD, that thy judgments are right, and that thou in faithfulness hast afflicted me.
Faithfulness has no part in afflictions.  If the trials of the great tribulation causes a man to seek God then his soul is saved but I would not call this an “affliction of faithfulness” this is twisted and guised.  Our choices reserve for us consequences.
My Father does not “Afflict” He heals.  My own choices have brought me many perils and great problems.  Granted our choices that cause us deep heartfelt struggles can lead us to seek God.  But free will is ours and our choices have consequences.

More new terms




top of all the streets:

The War in the Heavens is Revealed in this verse as is the wolf’s voice speaking.  The scripture below Exodus 13:15 is the wicked one speaking that “God executed my infidels in Egypt therefore I shall make blood sacrifices to Satan every aborted unborn child stripped from the womb”.

Make no mistake, the word “matrix” IS NEW.  And the word “womb” is replaced by matrix.  The wolf has snuck into the Holy place and speaks.  The sheep however know the Good Shepard’s voice.  will you look?  Will you see?  Can you hear the wolf’s voice coming through the once holy place?   This clearly shows abortion as child sacrifice and as payback toward God. (passover)

Exodus 13:15

“And it came to pass, when Pharaoh would hardly let us go, that the LORD slew all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man, and the firstborn of beast: therefore I sacrifice to the LORD all that openeth the matrix, being males; but all the firstborn of my children I redeem.

Vile Scripture- “and I will discover thy skirts upon thy face”

What exactly do you think it means to have your skirt on our face?  Perhaps this is eluding to the masks/muzzles of late. Skirt fabric on the face of every compliant?

Perhaps you will conclude that it is but my own mind that is vile interpreting the words literally as I am.  Using the English language as it was intended.  


Pransing Horses with an “s”?

Gazingstock?  Really?  Really!!!!!  Wake Up!!!!


Word “Lawyers” has replaced “Scribes.”



“walk with stretched forth necks and wanton eyes, walking and mincing as they go, and making a tinkling with their feet:”  More vile innuendo.

A Holy Benevolent God does not “cast filth”. This is again the wolf speaking. Those who side with vile scripture also side with the wolf and serpent from Hell. The wolf has clearly rendered the once Holy book vile and putrid to those who know The Good Shepard’s Voice. All I can say about the MASSES of Christians who do not see these starke and blasphemous changes is this…they do not know the voice of Jesus therefore how could they know Him? They must suffer the Great Tribulation to receive the gift of desperation. The they will seek God in Truth with their heart. This we Hope for these blind guides.

Nahum 3:6
“And I will cast abominable filth upon thee, and make thee vile, and will set thee as a gazingstock.”
“PRESIDENTS” now in the KJVB 5 times.

What’s really annoying for us who see and remember the Old English poetic and honorable dialect of the former KJVB is this…if we watch Christians on youtube quoting vile and corrupt scripture.  Saying words like “president, bottles, stuff, naughty figs, fleshpots, oven, ranges, pots, and on and on the modern words both vile and corrupt.  I go a fishing says Peter.

FABLES, Nursery Rhymes.  These Christians not recognizing the worldly and corrupt voice of the wolf standing firm in the holy place.   Its disheartening.  Because not only are these Christians self deceived but also they are deceiving us.

It hurts that they do not know the voice of Our Good Sheppard.  We can only hope that they will do what it takes to somehow work their way back to knowing the voice of Jesus.  Jesus has a personality that showed forth by the words God gave us.  And that personality should be recognized by His children.  If for no other reason than the words going starkly against godly precepts.  But they do not.

Mathew 22 is a slew of fables.  The parable of the wedding supper is skewed.  2:16 says Jesus doesn’t care about anybody.  I am certain Christians will redefine the English language literally in their attempt at justifying these sick demented and vile scriptures.

Mat 22:6
“And the remnant took his servants, and entreated them spitefully, and slew them.”
B.S. because the “remanant” was always referring to the last to join Jesus when or before His return. Now they are murderers.
Mat 22:7
“But when the king heard thereof, he was wroth: and he sent forth his armies, and destroyed those murderers, and burned up their city.”
This 22:7 used to represent Jesus and their was no murderous retaliation going on when the people invited didn’t show for the wedding.
22:3 reads those invited would not come but 22:8 says they were not worthy another senseless contradiction. And there are plenty of those in the kjvb NOW.
“Then saith he to his servants, The wedding is ready, but they which were bidden were not worthy.”

Now the script say go invite “good and bad” people. That’s new. Used to say invite the homeless and the beggers and those who are hungary, that sort of thing that is since the Jews…the elect did not show for the invite. That is who it used to represent, Jews and gentiles. However I seriously doubt any Israel or Jew scripture at this point surmising it may have all been propiganda all along.

If pre-mandela effect scripture doesn’t agree with my heart (and I don’t thing Jesus favored people by what country they were born in, I could be wrong) then I doubt its authentic. As for scripture after 2017…the Truth of God’s words are on their way out. Amos 8:11.


Ezekiel 8 God teaches the “Son of man” to peep through a hole in the wall into the dark bedrooms of their “chambers of his imagery” at whoever to watch them do God only knows what.  More perversity in the book.  Great wisdom eh?  As I have stated, when the abomination is complete and the book is desolate of God’s Holy wisdom God will most likely take His Holy Spirit from the earth and give the masses what they want.  A world without the restrainer and then the GREAT falling away will also be complete. (by the way “the restrainer” and “Great” in falling away are both gone from KJV.

Alsoin Eze. 8 a perverse reference to God’s loins and lower parts whatever that means being firey.  As if God were a man with “loins”.  And what’s this “seat of the image of jealousy”.  More new and vile concepts.

I surmise God will take His chosen to be with Him once the abomination is a complete desolation, the KJVB totally desecrated void of wisdom and couth.   The book used to say God removes His Holy Spirit from the earth near the end of days.

 Make no mistake having the Holy Spirit doesn't necessarily equate to holiness and a Truth driven life with the Love of Jesus. I know this by experience as the prodigal son.

I fear many who have received The baptism of His Spirit may not make the first rapture but will likely because of the great trib. make the rapture with the great multitude of believers at the last trump.  If you are left behind I hope to God He doesn't remove The Holy Spirit from you that would be just horrible.

However there are worse things.  The divine presence of God is in us all, ALL humans.  God showed me what its like to be without His divine presence and its the most horrible feeling of hopelessness ever.  If anyone takes the mark of the beast to buy and sell they may lose His divine presence and will want to die.



Wizards that peep

I trow not.  One time in KJV but you can bet it will increase in number and soon.  Any word that is new and only found onetime increases quickly to 6 or 7 times or more.

never so wisely

hateful bird. (sorry “bird” not birds correction 10-25-2020)

thorns in your eyes





chambers of his imagery


Well well well I can see now many names of the elite planners of the NWO making grand plans of how they will all add their own names to the former “Holy Bible”.  Now we know why “spoke” was changed to “spake”.  Give it some time they will add the extra “a”.  Coincidence?

Studies on new proper noun names in the KJVB.

In 1954, Rothschild was appointed chef de cabinet of Paul-Henri Spaak at the Belgian foreign ministry. For the next two years, he worked together with Spaak and Jean Charles Snoy et d’Oppuers on the Treaty of Rome before the final signing of the treaty in 1957. Shortly before the treaty was signed, Rothschild was standing beside Spaak gazing over the Forum Romanum in Rome, when Spaak said “I think that we have re-established the Roman Empire without a single shot being fired.”

LIST OF NEW PROPER NOUNS names by words with double meaning or two words together making a name and so on….code basically.


Ophrah or Oprah silent “h”.

ford ford Jabbok much like the jabberwocky poem.


Here we go…”Corban” a name that’s new perhaps connected to the University in Salem Oregon “Corban University”.  The name is connected to the KOCH family notorious and known for their over pouring wealth owning the world pretty much.  And Corban is connected to Renasant corp making them bankers and the name Stephen Monroe Corban  comes up alot in the search’s associated with the name new to the KJVB.

My guess is that the elite have added all their names to the famous book for ego sake of course.

Looks like one of the largest Corporations in the world made it into the book for ego sake-“Mars’ hill”.  I have recently done a prophecy/letter to this “mars” as a matter of fact.  Its scheduled to publish in 2021 as a letter titled

The First Shall Be Last & The Last Shall Be First. Message to the Five Families & Mr. Mars 

Come to find out there’s a Mars Hill North Carolina.  Probably a place of blood sacrifice and witchcraft no doubt.

“STOICK”  Once again A name of a demon from a popular video game.  MY MISTAKE This is a movie about a dragon.  Stoick and Valka 1 & 2.  Confirming “they turned to fables” the bible is literally full of fables and mention of fables.


Nun could mean Catholic nun or none.

Hittites hit tites tit titties sit testiis hesti

Shittim  shit tim mit tit hit him shim mish



Great Whore.  “great” means GREAT.  Contradiction of terms.  Movie Gladiator mentioned “Great Whore” as being “Rome” and the coliseum.



Are you kidding me? BEER NO LESS. Gee I wonder when they will add Budweiser or Coors or maybe Corona Beer. Ridiculous. These people are not going to wakey wakey to this change or any other. They need the great tribulation to wake them, that or nothing will work.

Num 21:16
And from thence they went to Beer: that is the well whereof the LORD spake unto Moses, Gather the people together, and I will give them water.

Jdg 9:21
And Jotham ran away, and fled, and went to Beer, and dwelt there, for fear of Abimelech his brother.
And whats this?  They spake with tongues?  Right cause you can’t

Acts or maybe I should call it “Act 19:31”  Chances are it will soon change to “Act” from “Acts”.

And certain of the chief of Asia, which were his friends, sent unto him, desiring him that he would not adventure himself into the theatre.

theatre just changed this minute from theater to theatre in the book.  One minute I searched theatre and it was not in KJVB, and the next second I searched “theater” and it was in the book.  Next I searched “theater” again and it was not in the KJVB at all.  The spelling went back to “theatre” pretty much before my eyes and made my post here wrong.

They controllers are surely using witchcraft and quantum computers combined to change many many things.

Don’t adventure yourself after all!  I find it quite amazing that people are being downloaded with memories to match the new words in this book.  And amazing that mine and many others memories remember an all together different dialect and voice coming from the book.  “His sheep know His voice.”


Theatre (decode is The-eater)

Pretty much all of 2nd Corinthians 8 is now nonsense words of no good use and certainly not wisdom or knowledge in any wise. To find wisdom in the pages of this chapter you would have to make it up and insert it yourself because its not in the words on the page.  Not anymore.  Paul says they are administers of both Grace and of abundance.

“being more forward of his own accord” what ever that means.  The words on the page leave room for presumption, lacking articulation.  “mean what you say and say what you mean” is a thing of nought in this book of nonsense.

2Co 8:10
And herein I give my advice: for this is expedient for you, who have begun before, not only to do, but also to be forward a year ago. (nonsense statement)

Scripture below:  How to write a ridiculous contradiction in one sentence, a statement that lacks sense and meaning.  You won’t find any wisdom here.

“How that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality.”

deep poverty is riches

joy is affliction

abundance is poverty

and liberality is who knows what.

This is not how you say “in our trials of hard times and perplexing difficulties we find in ourselves the Faith, and hope to overcome.  By overcoming perplexity we strengthen our Faith and are made strong.

Being articulate with words used to be one of the main attributes of the book written in the highest form of English.  Now, as I said before, for anyone to find wisdom in the book of nonsense it must be assumed and inserted by presumption because wisdom does not lye on the pages of the King James version Bible anymore.


The LORD trieth the righteous: but the wicked and him that loveth violence his soul hateth.
So there it is folks, a God of hate.


Another insult to God The Creator of the Heavens and the earth as the book calls Him a “man of war”.  As if God were human! Or worse some jellyfish.

Exodus 15:3

“The LORD is man of war: the LORD is his name.”
“The Lord” is NOT His name. “Hallowed be thy name”.  His name is withheld in secret so The Father’s name shall not be blasphemed by goats, serpents, and mocking wolves.


New words

dragon(s) in line with “they turned to fables”.  The sheep know His voice.

peeping and muttering wizards.

God both sleeping and forgetting?

Psa 44:23
Awake, why sleepest thou, O Lord? arise, cast us not off for ever.

Psa 44:24
Wherefore hidest thou thy face, and forgettest our affliction and our oppression?

The only marriage in KJV was by consummation in the KJV and the marriage supper of the Lamb in N.T. There were concubines.  “he knew her and they were then bound to one another, she became his wife.”  There were no marriages in the old testament.


“bill of divorce”


Fables, Garbage Script wizards peeping and muttering.  The living to the dead?  Makes no sense.  Sounds like Isaiah is promoting the wizard as God.

Isaiah 8:18
Behold, I and the children whom the LORD hath given me are for signs and for wonders in Israel from the LORD of hosts, which dwelleth in mount Zion.

Isa 8:19
And when they shall say unto you, Seek unto them that have familiar spirits, and unto wizards that peep, and that mutter: should not a people seek unto their God? for the living to the dead?

Isa 8:20
To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.

Isa 8:21
And they shall pass through it, hardly bestead and hungry: and it shall come to pass, that when they shall be hungry, they shall fret themselves, and curse their king and their God, and look upward.

Isa 8:22
And they shall look unto the earth; and behold trouble and darkness, dimness of anguish; and they shall be driven to darkness.


PEEP “wizards that peep” Isaiah


Help Mate now “help meet” a ploy/play on words of cannibalism.

Angels were not referred to as princes.  However Satan the prince of the power of the air was.  Obviously with wifi, cell towers, and other radio frequencies we now know what toxic EMF inhabits our airways among other things like unseen demons.

LAPWING New word.  Kind of like “lapdog” with wings.  You know a lapwing, a wing you put in your lap and pet. (sarcasm)  I assure you I knew the definition of EVERY word in the old testament.  There are now thousands of new words I have personally NEVER HEARD OF.

My theory, the Lapwing bird is a GMO organism half Woodpecker & half Dove.  As in the days of Noah the genetic abominations are rampant.  So if they stick the lapwing into the KJVB it gives men the idea its been around since the 1700’s eh?

Image result for lapwing


Condescending means to be pomp, showing false pride, sarcastic toward those who you feel are lowly compared to your higher societal and financial position.

“Be of the same mind one toward another. Mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate.   Be not wise in your own conceits.”

The scripture used to read (and was in Proverbs) “Be not wise in your own eyes, be humble, fear God.”

New vile word term

“imputed” sounds like a mix between impotent and putrid, the book is as vile and it can get without being overtly obvious…that way the 1/2 blind Christians who see the end is near yet have no clue their prized KJV book that is to them above reproach, idolized and honored as God, can still be their idol calling it “The Word of God” which is idolatry.  Because JESUS is The Word of God and God’s Words are forever fixed IN HEAVEN. Not forever fixed in the perishable book.

But to him that worketh not, but believeth on him that justifieth the ungodly, his faith is counted for righteousness.


Even as David also describeth the blessedness of the man, unto whom God imputeth righteousness without works,


Notice the scripture 4:6 Romans ends in a comma.  Furthermore the new theme of the KJVB sounding more like a legal document written up by some sheister lawyer than  a spiritual one turns  “attributed to him for righteousness” into “imputeth righteousness without works.  Works follow Faith, this makes it sound like a vile legal loophole saying:  “him that justifieth the ungodly”   Jesus creates a new heart in us making us godly children of God The Father.  Forgiveness isn’t some legal loophole its an act of Love.  This book no longer presents a Loving dialogue.  KJVB now exudes a legal loopholes given by crooked gangster lawyers who lie cheat and steal.  That is the voice of the wolf coming through the book.  And the sheep know the voice of Jesus and that ain’t it.

Now “if thy FOOT offend thee cut it off”  or they hand. 

The table is a trap already.  Food is poisoned especially processed foods. Evil has taken control of the food.  So whose voice is this?

Let their table become a snare before them: and that which should have been for their welfare, let it become a trap.


 Jer 5:26

For among my people are found wicked men: they lay wait, as he that setteth snares; they set a trap, they catch men.


And David saith, Let their table be made a snare, and a trap, and a stumblingblock, and a recompence unto them:

strange slips:  (new word term)

Strange slips alright.  Would not a creator of evil be evil?  Of course he who promotes evil is evil.  My God is Love.  Wonderful, counselor, redeemer, delivered, He whom my soul loves, my sustenance, my life.  So who is this god that separates families ripping them apart? Who is the god who causes division?  The author of confusion.  Him who sews discord among breathren?

Isa 45:7
I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.
Isa 45:8
Drop down, ye heavens, from above, and let the skies pour down righteousness: let the earth open, and let them bring forth salvation, and let righteousness spring up together; I the LORD have created it.

So your salvation comes from hell.  The book is now encompassed with the words of Satan’s demons.

Since when does the inner earth where hell and demons reside bring forth salvation?  Well, it doesn’t.  The lines a skewed.  Evil is now called good and good is called evil. The book resides in the upside down where God or god creates evil.

Granted without evil we would not be able to choose between good and evil.  The sheep and goats had to be divided.  God created the angels including Satan.  I believe from the way the book used to read that God allows evil rather than creating it.  God is Love, God is Spirit, Jesus is the Truth the Life and The way.   It is impossible for God to lie.  Goodness teaches that we do not sew discord among breathren.  Therefore God doesn’t rip families apart destroying the nations.  Satan is the author of confusion and father of lies.  Things are getting very sticky.  We must rely on God for wisdom.

The antichrist vows to break up the families.

New Blasphemous script always have a winky after them.
Zec 12:8
In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.
Zec 12:12
And the land shall mourn, every family apart; the family of the house of David apart, and their wives apart; the family of the house of Nathan apart, and their wives apart;
Zec 12:13
The family of the house of Levi apart, and their wives apart; the family of Shimei apart, and their wives apart;
Zec 12:14
All the families that remain, every family apart, and their wives apart.


Blasphemy calling a building “God” or “as God” just like the archangel Satan “And I shall be as God” he said.  Now as AI debauches the once holy book it makes a building “as God”.

Zec 12:8
In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of David shall be as God, as the angel of the LORD before them.


According to Revelation now salvation comes by a white rock.

Rev 2:17

He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.


To the blind guides!  The following term** is not Old English nor is it a literate term or grammatically correct.

**”I have therefore whereof I may”  (ridiculous/illiterate term) Rom. 15:17

some sort (illiterate term)

“laud”  New word

New word “breach” attached to many new vile scripts.

James 1:18 (666) now calling us humans “creatures”.  We were “breathren, brothers, children of God, fellow servants in Christ but never “creatures”.  Such as creatures from the black lagoon.  Also angels are being called “creatures” instead of “beings”. More insults and mocking showing through the voice of the book.

__________________________________________The following scripts show great evil that has come upon earth.  John looks to this evil with “great admiration” completely out of character for John the Revelator.  It was not written that way.  A good man does not admire great evil, to spell it out.

Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters:

Rev 17:2
With whom the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth have been made drunk with the wine of her fornication.

Rev 17:3
So he carried me away in the spirit into the wilderness: and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns.

Rev 17:4
And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:

Rev 17:5

Rev 17:6
And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.



The white robes in Rev 6:11 (below) was symbolic of sanctification of the body by putting the flesh into submission to the Spirit, not some literal outfit handed out like a new pair of prison garb.

“should” means should.  This scripture no longer holy, sounds more like a prison scene where men are being put to death by the electric chair rather than a verse in a Holy book.. They make you put on a certain article of clothing, then they round up the other criminals that SHOULD also be put to death arrive to be executed.  The verse never said “should be killed”.  Should according to who?  Who would say that?  No my God.  Again “the sheep know His voice” and that ain’t it. 

Rev 6:11

And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.


And look at THIS!  Ridiculous redundancy.  “here a little there a little” what is it the mulberry bush fable…. repeat each line 3 times?  Its mocking saying the word of the LORD is a snare to make those who read it fall backward, be broken & snared as The Enemy would snare.  As if God’s words were a trap.  But “Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the words of God.”  The book WAS Holy.  Not all, not all but most of the N.T. did agree with my heart…not anymore.  His sheep know His voice and this ain’t it.

Isaiah 28:13

“But the word of the LORD was unto them precept upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little; that they might go, and fall backward, and be broken, and snared, and taken.”

And rides on the strong delusion.  These Isaiah triple word scriptures ARE NEW CHANGES.  People on YT have been quoting this as it was with only line upon line and precept upon precept.  (granted that we new as it was) Now there is a third repeat, pete and repeat.  I wonder how they will hand it.

According to history they used to call tuberculosis “consumption” basically cause it is said that it consumed the lungs.  He who had it would cough up blood continually until death.  Now the unpalatable word is in the KJVB.  The personality of the books is vile as are the new word terms.  The book used to be eloquent very poetic and the vocabulary the authors used was of a very high spiritual kind.  The foundation was the true English language.  WAS.

consumption decreed









Always the winky after ridiculous scriptures.  Job.

“If I wash myself with snow water, and make my hands never so clean;”

“Yet shalt thou plunge me in the ditch, and mine own clothes shall abhor me.”

abhor was abhorr I believe.  So Job says his own clothes shall hate him.   ….again no wisdom to be found in the book only ridiculous fables.

And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.


Jeremiah 4:10.

Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul


This hater, cannibal promoting god could not possibly be the God whose Son is Jesus because Jesus is The Truth.  Truth is vital to Faith, Spiritual condition and purity of heart.  Know ye not that it is impossible for God to tell a lie.  And now all over the Bible God is depicted as a deceiver, sending out strong delusion, renigging on his promises, and his actions which are viscous and malevolent including sport-like punishments.  Example-He feeds his children’s, children to them for dinner.  Lev. 26:29 COME ON!

I watch in anxt as Christians read over the book accepting ANYTHING it says as being benevolent, good(oh wait now it’s “goodly” not good, right and true.

Look at his new question in Amos mocking those who watch and wait for Jesus and the new earth when all tears shall be washed away and sorrow shall no more engulf mankind.

fat beasts


So Amos refuses to “smell” in their solemn assemblies.  “I will not smell in your solemn assemblies.”  ridiculous.

Woe unto you that desire the day of the LORD! to what end is it for you? the day of the LORD is darkness, and not light.
The statement “to what end is it for you?” is straight from Hell.  We know why we watch and wait.  Plus Amos is saying what?  That its all darkness, this is a lie.  You is casting a curse of “woe” to all who wait upon Jesus with anticipation.
Not to mention (but I will) the return of Jesus was only written by prophecy in Isaiah 53 or 54 as memory serves, as far as Old Test goes.  Jesus was always a topic of New Testament inspired writings/letters/epistles/gospels. 

Marvelled-straight from “We were soldiers” Madelyn Stowe line.  Or is it connected somehow to Marvel comics?










lordly dish

Pleiades and Orion

mighty sins:

Pretty sure “hosts” is a very early bible change from around the late 1980s.  Yes I remember how my mind was blinded by the beast to the old original changes.  “Lord of Hosts” was not in the book.  It probably said something like Father of Creation or Father of Mankind, or God of all Creation.

Titus abbreviated “Tit” in Blue letter bible online.

And the officers of the children of Israel did see that they were in evil case, after it was said, Ye shall not minish ought from your bricks of your daily task

The merchandise of wisdom?  This is a twisted concept to make merchandise of wisdom is to exploit knowledge by the ignorance of others who are not privy to what you may know.

Merchandise and wisdom are a contradiction of terms at best and oppose each other morally.

Furthermore the strong’s definition of merchandise is to manipulate and treat as a slave just as I had suspected.

Happy is the man that findeth wisdom, and the man that getteth understanding.


For the merchandise of it is better than the merchandise of silver, and the gain thereof than fine gold.


New ridiculous word term PORTER. Really? Now we have porters? What the little guy at the hotel who grabs your luggage for you on your way in? With the little hat? THIS PARABLE OF THE GOOD SHEPARD IS NOW THE PARABLE OF THE PORTER? Nice.(sarcasm) This again is an INSULT to Jesus as He is The Good Shepard and the sheep know His voice and they hear Him. NOT THE PORTER.  Granted the wolf appears in one scripture of the story now instead of being a main character..  Read John 10, it has become mishmash a confusing fable.

But he that is an hireling, and not the shepherd, whose own the sheep are not, seeth the wolf coming, and leaveth the sheep, and fleeth: and the wolf catcheth them, and scattereth the sheep.



My God I just realized this is the absolute best scripture for the supernatural bible changes.  If you see the changes you know the voice of our Savior Jesus.  Those who do not see the lies and blasphemous changes NEVER knew the voice of The Savior.   John 10 the story of the Good Shepard is now a prophecy of the good shepherd and you are blessed to know His voice.   

John 10:3
To him the porter openeth; and the sheep hear his voice: and he calleth his own sheep by name, and leadeth them out.

And they shall turn to fable, the book shall become a book of fables:

Jer 14:6  And the wild asses did stand in the high places, they snuffed up the wind like dragons; their eyes did fail, because there was no grass.  (fable where is the wisdom in that garbage? there is none)

Look at how this following  4:19 script is worded.   It reads,  “as unto a faithful Creator”.  Not “The Creator” and not “for He is our faithful Creator”…instead its worded with uncertainty “as a faithful Creator” ensues that this god the book speaks of here may likely not be The Creator Himself because of the wording.

Like if I was to say “obey me as you would a faithful slave owner” this insinuates that I am not “The faithful slave owner”.

1Pe 4:19

“Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator.
“them that” is trashy grammar.  Those who is what it would have read.
Not to mention since when is it God’s will that we suffer?  this is a Catholic heresy get out he cat of nine tails and start whipping your back till it bleeds so if you punish yourself and suffer enough then and only then are you worthy of God’s attention & Love.
As usual its no wonder people turn away from Jesus because of religion and the book.   They are scaring people away from Jesus and Our Father who is Love.
The book has turned the gospel of Peace & saved by Faith into a Satanic blood sacrifice ritualistic doctrine of demons where Love & Faith have no part in salvation.



They call those who see “Satanic”.

“Be PITIFULL”   First Peter 3:8  (Pitiful means “pitifull

Like if someone said to you “Your pitiful” you know what that word means.  The meaning doesn’t change from script to script.  The KJV used to be the most eloquent Old English you would ever read.  It was powerful, and poetry and a song of Peace and great Love to my ears.  The KJVB in parts were God above speaking unto my own heart.  My heart answered the words it shared in great empathic heartfelt agreement by the Truths that were most important to my very soul.

I was also guilty of putting the book on a pedistol due to the powerful words it held.  And then I realized one day the book could be gone, what then?  I had to re-access my relationship with the written words.  I realized that Jesus is the only True Living Word of God and that God’s Words are forever fixed in Heaven.

I found much of the Old Testament to be against the principal of Love.  God is Love and we are saved by Faith in Jesus.

Then came the supernatural KJVB changes and I had to let the book go all together as it is quickly turning into lies, and being desecrated. I realized the Holy place for me was always the book.  And the the desolation of the holy place is coming to pass now.

But what of all the majority of Christians who do not see the book changing.  How is it they have memory of new words and memory of blasphemous scripture that provokes our Spirit within us?  How is it?

In stepped the strong delusion, the great deception.

Thank you Jesus for showing us before hand what would occur.  Thank God for His prophecies.

1 Pet. be ye all of one mind (hive mind?)

Business  (be not slothful in business little children) Really?  When did that command manifest?)

I read the other day the word “sedition” is now in the Patriot Act.  I should have known it would show up along with “insurrection” in the KJVB…sure enough it has, straight from the movie “The Last of the Mohicans”

New type sins: variance, emulations



“Drusilla”  Straight from “Buffy Vampire Slayer”

Acts 24:4
Notwithstanding, that I be not further tedious unto thee, I pray thee that thou wouldest hear us of thy clemency a few words.


Act 24:5

For we have found this man a pestilent fellow, and a mover of sedition among all the Jews throughout the world, and a ringleader of the sect of the Nazarenes:

5-29-20 commentary- The KJV is nearly fully desecrated.  When the book is finally left desolate as the prophecy read of the abomination of desolation to the holy place then the kick off of the Great Tribulation will finally be in full.  I predict the desolation of the book (and all bibles for that matter) will be complete by January 29th 2021.   I have never seen the changes moving this fast.  Not in three years of watching them accrue have they multiplied this fast.

Jde 1:18

“How that they told you there should be mockers in the last time, who should walk after their own ungodly lusts.”
Must I pull out the Websters again and tell the professed Christians what "should" means?  I know exactly how they will explain this new & supernaturally changed scripture away and name it "holy word of God".  They simply change the meaning of the English language.  "should" will no longer mean what it says. Truth falls into a pit of denial.  And with the English language in the KJVB becoming SO SKEWED they now just make it up as they go so the book fits the Christian narrative appropriately.  After all do not question the book it is beyond reproach, worshipped the express and infallible, immutable,  anointed and inspired Sainted & everlasting Word of God, so they say.  Though the idol itself in John 1 contradicts their unseemly idol worship by telling them the Word of God IS JESUS and forever fixed in Heaven. Yes I am frustrated that they cannot see the changes nor the blasphemy.  Even if their history/memory of the book has been stolen and they are downloaded with a new false memory of what it said...can they still not reason out evil from good in the writings?  Apparently not, and this concerns me.  Explanation-Strong delusion, great deception.
After all everyone needs a good mocking now and again so “there should be mockers”.  Not there shall or there will or their unfortunately must be mockers,, oh no there SHOULD be mockers Jude allegedly says.
I question “cloven tongues”.  Cloven means split like tongue of a serpent.  Some bible changes are very old prior to 2002, I know this because that’s when”Unicorn” showed up for me in a study while writing Paradise for the Hellbound.  In that year it only appeared one time in the KJVB.
Diverse tongues I do remember or diversity of tongues.   I wish I could remember what it said instead of “cloven” but the term cloven doesn’t fit a holy bible.  Especially because they would spoke utterances of more than just two languages.  Cloven is “split in two” and not in a good way.  It is a demonic term.  Have you ever looked into the pupils of goat?  Hideous pupils, if any animal is evil it is the goat.  They are marked by their unnaturally rectangular eye pupils.

Isaiah 7:18 decoded



“And it shall come to pass i that day, that the LORD shall HISS for the fly that is in the uttermost part of the rivers of Egypt, and for the bee that is in the land of ASS-ryia.”

My Father DOES NOT “HISS”.  The god of this world the serpent does HISS.  The transition of the book is nearly complete.  Isaiah 7:18 affirms it’s nearing completion as the evil one emerges on the pages of what was once a Holy Book.  The desecration is nearly full.  The desolation shall be complete and then Billy Goat will demand to be worshipped as God as he saves mankind from the (perceived) Novel Corona Virus.

Decoded-Viral Con Ruse

This is an on-going post.  Started over two years ago and very long.  At this point the bibles are changed dramatically.  KJV is so corrupt I says its about 5% Original Truth with the rest changes.  There is little wisdom left in the book.  Its basically full of B.S. now.
Perhaps instead of covering the grammar errors, sentence structure mistakes, new words, fake words, new verses, blasphemous verses, debaucherous sex verses, anti God scripture insulting god scripture, insulting man scripture, transgender scriptures and on and on to the tune of hundreds of thousands of supernatural bible changes I should instead cover what little Truth is left in it.
I didn’t Expect they would make the KJV Bible changes this extreme and this fast.  I didn’t expect it to become so unholy so fast.  Those of us who see the changes, we didn’t think it would go this far this fast.

When I first saw the changes mounting up they were exciting, stimulating, shocking, and opened up the possibility of being in end times for me anyway.  After all my “holy place” was always the KJVB.  And now it is desecrated and quickly on the way to desolation.  Meaning no wise or anointed words left.

My God, If these Christians still Idolize the book after all these changes it is surely idolatry.

Do not assume the bible changes are of no consequence, far from it.  Their are contradictions, mixed messages, blasphemous concepts of doctrine, horrible grammar, new words, spelling errors, and LIES.  Complete contradictions of what the text used to read are prevalent and numerous in their agendas.

The changes push homosexuality, gender mixing, name changes galore, cross dressing, insults to Jesus, God, and to men.  Furthermore it contains instructions of mystic and grotesque violence with harsh judgement toward those we should be showing LOVE. The bible changes are favoring the Jewish religion as rulers of the new world and has introduced the antichrist as God in many blasphemous scriptures showing God as a great deceiver, liar, hater, calling men “stupid” and on and on.

So if your heart now agrees with this book….you have a problem and are not using wise judgement toward the changed words in dead animal skin (leather bound) on pages of bleached chloride paper, with toxic leaded ink that you call “The Word of God”.

God doesn’t beg and neither do believers.  Calling these words “The Word of God” is idolatry and blasphemy. MY FATHER WILL NOT PLEAD/BEG WITH ANYBODY.

“PLEAD” means to beg.
“Hear ye, O mountains, the LORD’S controversy, and ye strong foundations of the earth: for the LORD hath a controversy with his people, and he will plead with Israel.”

Look at this scripture This is supposedly The Most High God speaking.  It says God is pleading with the evil men who have scattered His people.  This is blasphemy, an insult to The Creator and its lifting up the end times evil as if it were stronger than God that God has to plead.  LIES LIES LIES.
Joe 3:1

For, behold, in those days, and in that time, when I shall bring again the captivity of Judah and Jerusalem,

Joe 3:2

I will also gather all nations, and will bring them down into the valley of Jehoshaphat, and will plead with them there for my people and for my heritage Israel, whom they have scattered among the nations, and parted my land.

Joe 3:3

And they have cast lots for my people; and have given a boy for an harlot, and sold a girl for wine, that they might drink.



Who is the AntiChrist & False Prophet?  It would help to know what the bookUnchecked Copy Box  USED TO SAY (KJVB Pre-M.Eff. strong delusion/abomination-desecration of the holy place) to see the anti-Christ on the scene now.

The word “antichrist” has been removed from the KJV except 4 places where its used in a general way.  No longer does the KJVB refer to “The Anti-Christ” of Revelation who is empowered by the False Prophet.  No wonder I didn’t get hardly any validating reactions when I figured out who the false prophet is and that he put Gates of Hell into power literally and makes hundreds if not thousands of predictions publicly and has for years.  They call this predictionist the “Oracle of Omaha”. He was the wealthiest man on earth in 2008.  Yes the kind of man you is a king maker.  Hint W. Chinese Buffet. (I don’t like using the names of these people straight out.  I am sure you can see why.)

Insulting Jesus by the name “Barjesus”.

And when they had gone through the isle unto Paphos, they found a certain sorcerer, a false prophet, a Jew, whose name was Barjesus

The word meaning of “quiver” has changed.  More on this later.

Used to read in proverbs “Blessed is the man who has a house full of children whose quiver is full of them.”

crown” (corona in Spanish)
occurs 66 times in 66 verses in the KJV.
Page 1 / 2 exact matches (Gen 49:26–Eze 21:26)

What?  He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.  Not anymore.  Not to mention erroneous grammar.  “they that” it doesn’t mean the same thing at all.  “take the sword”?  Shall perish WITH it?  Its Lost all its wisdom as usual.

Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place: for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.


Most disgusting as if maggot were not bad enough now its “skin worms”.

And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God:
“In my flesh shall I see God” ?  Hmm that is suspect.

Contradiction and new word + “sin was dead”?  Really?

But sin, taking occasion by the commandment, wrought in me all manner of concupiscence. For without the law sin was dead.

Hick talk:

“but if the husband be dead”


For to this end Christ both died, and rose, and revived, that he might be Lord both of the dead and living. Romans 14:9

Ridiculous Script:

“nor make any baldness between your eyes for the dead.”  Make baldness between your eyes for the dead?  Hmmm okay.

New Phrase

“a whoring”  Is a Fable

I can hear the song now…the new fable, the deceptive signs and wonders…Verse one sing….la la la now we go a whoring a whoring a whoring now we go a whoring unto the song of old la la la la la la la lala.

occurs 3 times in 2 verses in the KJV.
The tribes are botched. There were no MANASSES and no Ephraim and no Manasseh.

Mat 1:10  (“Ezekias” now?)

And Ezekias begat Manasses; and Manasses begat Amon; and Amon begat Josias;

Rev 7:6

Of the tribe of Aser were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Nepthalim were sealed twelve thousand. Of the tribe of Manasses were sealed twelve thousand.

New Words



“God maketh a way where there seemeth no way.”  No longer exists in the KJVB. 

fullness with one “l”.  It would of said “him who” never “they that” or “them that” or “those that”  People are always “who, whose”

“him that dwelt in the bush”.  Right, what?  There is no mention of anyone living in the bush.  What Austrailia?  Downunder? This bush thing is a random change of innuendo.

We all know what the bush is according to slang…and then it goes on to say let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph and upon the top of the head.  This is sexual and its mocking the reader.

They can twist sex into something evil, but it is God given.  They can make the body parts evil to be shamed but for those who remain in Jesus the body is the temple and sacred, every part of it.  It is not a tool for perverse endeavors or mocking.  Call me evil for what I see in these verses but also I have been watching these changes for a long time and know the new patterns.  These are just a little more subversive and hidden as code.

And for the precious things of the earth and fulness thereof, and for the good will of him that dwelt in the bush: let the blessing come upon the head of Joseph, and upon the top of the head of him that was separated from his brethren.
His glory is like the firstling of his bullock, and his horns are like the horns of unicorns: with them he shall push the people together to the ends of the earth: and they are the ten thousands of Ephraim, and they are the thousands of Manasseh.
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

Do you remember “old wives tales”?

“But refuse profane and old wives’ fables, and exercise thyself rather unto godliness.”  And why the apostrophe mis-use?

I used to pride myself in the behavior of me and my husband as being “helpmates” just as the KJVB instructed,  inspired of God by men.  Once the passion and carnal pleasure fades Love remains and you become a two fold cord not easily broken, as helpmates.  The word HELPMATES is gone from the KJVB.

On Donner on Dasher and Blitson Rudolph the red nosed raindeer, has a very shiny nose..!  “PRANSINGS”?

The word “come” is being grossly misused all over the new testament and reaks of cunning insinuations.

Now when Jesus resurrects  a person He says this new phrase that means God only know what.

“the age of twelve years” (there were few ages in the book mentioned in years of how long certain old testament men had walked the earth.  Now we have a 12 year old girl who gets resurrected.  They did not “laugh him to scorn”.  My god what of this new text?  Insults to Jesus in the book will not go without consequence.

You will notice there are usually winkies after the worst changes.

Talitha cumi;



“his majesty”


hearkening damsels?  The damsel came to hearken….whatever… if this script doesn’t say “Fable” to you something is wrong.

And as Peter knocked at the door of the gate, a damsel came to hearken, named Rhoda

Deuteronomy 21:10-13 Promotion of Sex Slaves.  Then after you take captive a woman and make her have sex with you if she won’t do you pleasure don’t sell her for money but rather just let her go so as not to be “made merchandise”.  Really?  Seems to me the male soldier hypothetical here has ALREADY MADE HER MERCHANDISE.  My God did not write this debauchery.  Taking sex slaves is not a Loving act.  God is Love.  Mercy, kindness, Grace, Salvation, Wonderful, Counselor, Redeemer, He who enlightens, He who Saves, He who Heals, He who delivers the bond woman and makes her FREE.  My God created the Heavens and the earth.  My God has shown me His Love by oceans of Love filling me at the baptism of The Holy Spirit.  By His Spirit Truth is revealed.  The book was Holy but it is no longer.  We are in the end times and the book is now in the hands of the wicked.  People who worship the book are afraid to read it critically and with open minded perceptions.



Jesus said, “Bless and curse not”.  But now there is damning and cursing all through the KJVB.  The word “DAMN” was never in any bible NOW its all over them.  Children of God know God’s nature and Love toward them.  The KJVB scholars wrote the most eloquent translation known to man when even if parts of it were propaganda in the O.T. STILL it had much wisdom, knowledge, holiness, godliness, and Truth to be had by the reading of it.  I adore true Old English dialect.  But now the book is covered in Viking Norseman slang and Trailer trash hick illiteracy.  Like “them that“.   What happened to the word WHO?  “Those who” not them that.   When your speaking of a person its always “who”.   Like “Our Father WHO art in Heaven”.  NOT “WITCH”.

Then were the horsehoofs broken by the means of the pransings, the pransings of their mighty ones.
Curse ye Meroz, said the angel of the LORD, curse ye bitterly the inhabitants thereof; because they came not to the help of the LORD, to the help of the LORD against the mighty.

Here’s a ridiculous chapter!  I admit I am still angry over the holy book’s being changed, desecrated into a book of fables even though prophecy told me that people would in the end times turn to fables and would prefer the lie.  What lie?  The majority of Christians are blind to the supernatural bible changes and if they are confronted with it they make the scripture say that which they believe rather than to believe what it now says word for word.

SHOCK of corn Job 5:26


builded (instead of built)


Ha, ha;  Job 39:25


draw not nigh hither


And David said, Solomon my son is young and tender, and the house that is to be builded for the LORD must be exceeding magnifical, of fame and of glory throughout all countries: I will therefore now make preparation for it. So David prepared abundantly before his death.
“young and tender” this is how to describe a chicken ready to eat.”


“So Jonah went out of the city, and sat on the east side of the city, and there made him a booth, and sat under it in the shadow, till he might see what would become of the city.”
When I wrote my book “Paradise for the Hellbound” I added a chapter “Just Like Jonah” because reading the story over and over I related to it and wrote commentary on it.  Now we have in the KJV Jonah building “a booth” no less to shade himself from the sun.  So why the gourd?  The gourd now makes little sense if any and does not show God’s Love toward Jonah in its true light but rather it is skewed with presentation of Jonah building a phone booth or a restaurant booth to sit in and be shaded by way before his Father God ever gets around to growing the gourd.  Not to mention God repenting of evil in the story now….which was also there is 2007, I remember clearly I could not touch the concept in my book of God committing evil then repenting as if God The Almighty still or ever struggles with sin!   I WAS BLIND and afraid to judge the book.  I was clearly in idolatry myself ignorant of the bible’s desecration that has since been greatly multiplied.   In 2007  I did not understand the concept of biblical corruption.  I was afraid to judge the book as if it were God.  THAT was my religious programming.

Remnant is now “residue” and they see nothing wrong with that.

The following Job scripts are shallow and meaningless.  Void of all its prior wisdom the book now is a fable.

Those that remain of him shall be buried in death: and his widows shall not weep.   [would of said “who” not “that”.  “of him”?  Buried in death?  These are meaningless words.]
Though he heap up silver as the dust, and prepare raiment as the clay;  [another winky as shown after the most mocking scripts.  “raiment” is not a word.  heap silver as the dust that’s a weak metaphor at best. Same with the “clay” statement, weak and meaningless.  You would have to make something up to fit there in the paragraph to make it valuable spiritually because there is nothing there anymore.]
He may prepare it, but the just shall put it on, and the innocent shall divide the silver.
He buildeth his house as a moth, and as a booth that the keeper maketh.[booth is a new word in KJV, meaningless again meaningless…moth? last week is said “builded” should have said “built” obviously.]
The rich man shall lie down, but he shall not be gathered: he openeth his eyes, and he is not.
Terrors take hold on him as waters, a tempest stealeth him away in the night.
The east wind carrieth him away, and he departeth: and as a storm hurleth him out of his place.
For God shall cast upon him, and not spare: he would fain flee out of his hand.
“Men shall clap their hands at him, and shall hiss him out of his place.”
I sat and watched Ken Raggio rationalize the “fearfully made” line as if God who is Love was experiencing great fear while He made man.  I don’t think so.  The script is an insult to God and used to say something else no doubt.  As for the “wonderfully made” script, there is only One who is Wonderful and that is Jesus.  His name is Wonderful, Counselor, Prince of Peace.  Raggio never really was able to explain away the “fearfully made” script.  After all perfect Love casts out all fear we know God is Love therefore does not fear for he is perfect and Love.  Ken Raggio worships the book as do many Christians. He sees what he believes instead of believing what he see/reads.  “Let the reader understand” the desecration of the book is nearly full.  When the bible is fully trashed then the great tribulation will be on earth full force.


“The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.”


Jhn 15:18    “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you”.

The world cannot hate you?  Okay that’s debatable in itself as technically the entire world doesn’t know me but I am hated no doubt by somebody in the world.  Nevertheless in the next chapter He allegedly states “if the world hate you” a direct contradiction to 7.7.


Job Was a “CUTTER”?  Or rather a “scraper” scraping his own skin with broken pottery.(new script)  I am reaching a bit with this one, we don’t really know if the “scraping” was self destructive or not.  But he had boils so, its not a pretty situation to scrape a boil.  esssshh.

And he took him a potsherd to scrape himself withal; and he sat down among the ashes.


The words “grafted, graft” is completely removed from the KJV.  The word was used in the teachings of Paul about the gentiles.  The gist was that first the gentiles will be grafted in then the remaining Jews will wake up and accept Jesus.  At least those who will.

Like God Himself needs to repent…NO!

Who can tell if God will turn and repent, and turn away from his fierce anger, that we perish not?
John 11:9 “Jesus answered, Are there not twelve hours in the day” new script.

Jas 2:8

If ye fulfil the royal law according to the scripture, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself, ye do well:

$SHOW NO RESPECT TO YOUR FELLOW MAN OR YOUR A SINNER!  “Oh that’s not what that means”, the Christians say.  BUT THAT IS WHAT IT SAYS IN ENGLISH.  I attest.
But if ye have respect to persons, ye commit sin, and are convinced of the law as transgressors.


New Words Today

Royal Law







Word Savior misspelled furthermore the word was not in the old testament.  More nursing fathers.  Drunken with their own blood as with sweet wineMake them eat their own flesh?

What the hell?  Surely demons are rewriting the book.  If you serve this idolatrous book called “bible” you do not serve Almighty God Creator of the Heavens and the Earth.  You will surely have to lose the book worship in the great tribulation and learn to serve and speak with God on an honest level.  Drop the legalism, it will not save you.

The letter kills, The Holy Spirit gives life.  Jesus came to earth that we may have life and have life more abundantly.

And I will feed them that oppress thee with their own flesh; and they shall be drunken with their own blood, as with sweet wine: and all flesh shall know that I the LORD am thy Saviour and thy Redeemer, the mighty One of Jacob.
And kings shall be thy nursing fathers, and their queens thy nursing mothers: they shall bow down to thee with their face toward the earth, and lick up the dust of thy feet; and thou shalt know that I am the LORD: for they shall not be ashamed that wait for me.

God Causing His children (allegedly) to eat their own children for dinner.  The book is fallen fallen fallen the book has fallen and fallen hard.

And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.

Well folks the word(s) Tax Collector is no longer and never was in the KJV Bible.  So….wasn’t Mathew a Tax Collector? The words no longer exist in the KJVB.



What is this writing in the name of Almighty God surely demons are writing this script.

“Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.”
“They all had her”!  Are you kidding me?  Where is the mature sanctity in that statement?


These Christians who call the KJVB “The Word of God” never knew Jesus or His inspirational and sacred inspired writings.  At this point I say this.
I am grateful that Father has allowed His words to be removed from this disgusting Environment.  His gracious and pure Truth will NOT be trampled on by mockers and unbelievers anymore.  His Words are forever fixed in Heaven and in our hearts.   This Earth’s people mockers, no longer have access to our pearls.
Our pearls are no longer trampled by disrespectful mockers.  God’s Words are in our hearts written on our hearts, we take God’s words with us wherever we go.
This realization helps me to accept what has and is happening to the book that was once sacred and even near pure.
Christians have no clue of the difference between Godly inspired writing and Satanic demonically inspired garbage.  Nor do they realize in their hearts The Father’s precepts and HIs nature, His personality, His beauty of sacredness and sanctification.  The sanctity of the KJVB is breached and it screams now of demonic authorship YET who are these people who call themselves followers of Jesus?  Who are they?  For the changes are becoming innumerable yet, yet they are blind to them.
This is the strong strong strong delusion and its very hard for we who see to watch the sanctity of God’s Words (not Word) His Words being flushed into a toilet of trash and twisted pornography.



Listen to how this scripture overall is worded and reads.   This script is a passive aggressive insult to Jesus and to those who see.   Its an upside down script that does not mean what your average Christian thinks it means as they insert their own new vocabulary & ideals and see what they believe instead of believing what they see.  Simple as that.  Their preconceived notions have blinded them to the bible changes.


“For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist.”
What am I saying.  Well what does it say?  “Jesus [Christ] is come in the flesh”.  Can it be any plainer?  What does “IS” & “flesh” mean?  Do I have to pull out the Websters?  No we all know what “IS” means.  YET……Christians don’t see the changes “IS” has never meant “has or did or even had(for those who use sloppy grammar like “had become”.” And “come” is not “become” or “became”.  “IS” has always through time meant “IS”.
It should say Jesus who is The Word of God and Spirit BECAME flesh/human and dwelt among men. Those who deny that Jesus was born of a woman & and became flesh deny Christ.  Jesus died for our sins and to save us..   Jesus descended into the bowels of the earth and took the keys to death and hell that we may also have eternal life.  He overcame death and hell for us.  Jesus came to the earth and allowed the enemy to kill his body that we may have life and have it more abundantly.

I am not a scholar writer but I know how to write with respect and clarity.  The KJV Scholars were much smarter than me, the original writers were inspired they were poetic honorable men who don't write trash and garbage like the book has in it now.  The book now lacks wisdom, honor, grace, elegance, beauty, and Truth.  The book now lacks the eloquence of Holy Spirit Inspiration.  It lacks the profound Truth and Loving words that would draw men to Jesus.  The book is not much more than a shadow of what it was.
What's worse the books literary content is so disgusting I can only surmise that demons are RE-writing it..

Also Jesus' last name is not Christ.  Its a title that was not used in the way the book uses it until it became a common swear term brandished in movies and abroad..

"This is a deceiver and an antichrist"  First this is an incomplete sentence written in the "singular" "a antichrist".    Who is a deceiver and an antichrist according to the sentence?  We were just reading in the previous sentence about well frankly taken at its words, its referring to those who don't insult and blaspheme Jesus by calling him "come in the flesh".

This script doesn't say "he has become flesh" does it? NO IT SAYS "HE IS COME".   Therefore we who disagree with that blasphemous statement that are those the scripture is calling "deceivers".   So its calling us deceivers and antichrist with the incomplete sentence insult aimed at those who see the supernatural debaucherous bible changes.


I AM NOT SO SURE THERE WAS A BOOK OF “JOSHUA” I think they slipped it in under the reputation of Joshua mentioned so man times in the old testament before.  So it makes sense the whole book of Joshua is a farce and full of the A.I. scripts.

And when the inhabitants of Gibeon heard what Joshua had done unto Jericho and to Ai,
They did work wilily, and went and made as if they had been ambassadors, and took old sacks upon their asses, and wine bottles, old, and rent, and bound up;
And old shoes and clouted upon their feet, and old garments upon them; and all the bread of their provision was dry and mouldy.
And they went to Joshua unto the camp at Gilgal, and said unto him, and to the men of Israel, We be come from a far country: now therefore make ye a league with us.

And the men of Israel said unto the Hivites, Peradventure ye dwell among us; and how shall we make a league with you?


NAKED AND BAREFOOT THREE YEARS-we know this is not true because it is a new scripture/changed.  And its ridiculous.  The elegance and wisdom has been removed from the book.  Along with most of the truth no doubt.

And the LORD said, Like as my servant Isaiah hath walked naked and barefoot three years for a sign and wonder upon Egypt and upon Ethiopia;


“box of oil”  Right, boxes of oil for anointing.  ALL ELEGANCE IS NOW REMOVED FROM THE KJVB.


DOGS (look up “dogs” in concordance for some heinous new scripts)


Rev 22:14  Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.

I submit to you. this proof that the book is corrupt and can be changed over and over and over again.   Does it or did it say “in the beginning was The Bible, and The Bible was with God and The Holy Bible was God and without it nothing was created”?  Cause THAT’S NOT WHAT I READ BEFORE THE CHANGES AND AFTER.

BIG CHANGE first born of Egypt die instead of first born males.

Exodus 11:5 No longer says “sons” in the King James Version

This scripture I believe is change because experience with KJV teaches me it would have been more accurate than other translations that still say “sons”.  But I didn’t have this script memorized as I did many scriptures in the New Testament that have changed.

And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh that sitteth upon his throne, even unto the firstborn of the maidservant that is behind the mill; and all the firstborn of beasts.

This story was only the males….it was always only the male first born of the house of Egypt unless they put the blood of lambs on their doors.

Todays sick scripture

Wherefore Hanun took David’s servants, and shaved them, and cut off their garments in the midst hard by their buttocks, and sent them away.


Sickist script of the day from WYC Wycliffe Translation

A gelding when his stones be broken, either cut away, and his rod cut off, he shall not enter into the church of the Lord. (When a man is made a gelding,(what are we horse?)or a eunuch, that is, if his stones, or his ballocks, be broken, or cut off, or if his rod is cut off, he shall no longer be part of the Lord’s congregation.)
Notice the winky?
TAX is changes to “tribute” in KJV Mathew 22.

New Words








these words are now in the bible and other books surrounding the topic.

Well, with all the youtube prophesies about coming three days of “gross darkness” they can now quote a scripture for it instead of searching for similar events.  No doubt they will all believe these gross darkness scripts have always existed in the KJV.


2020-2021 Bible Change Log Part 2

2020-2021 Bible Change Log 2nd half.

Why doesn’t Strong’s concordance or blue letter bible define the word “sacrifice” in the important Daniel prophecy of the abomination of desolation? But rather it defines “taken away” instead skipping “sacrifice”.
Well to me it’s obvious. You see the script has changed from “daily devotion” to “daily sacrifice”. Christians don’t do sacrifices first of all. Second they do however well used to partake in “daily devotion” to read the bible that was God’s words. It was customary to enjoy a “DAILY DEVOTION” by reading some holy bible scripture once a day.
Due to the Amos 8:11 & 12 famine of God’s words there is no longer a “Daily Devotion” toward the One True God once a day. Because those books (bible) ALL OF THEM OLD AND NEW an not Jesus’ words which He brought to mankind. The books are no longer God’s anointed words given to mankind. And again I write…
JESUS is the only true “The Word of God”.

Whose words are they Jazweeh? The author of confusion. The Dark Lord. The Father of Lies. The unfair balance. The crooked road. The dripping faucet. The Ancient of days. The creature is the bringer of death. He will not sleep he will not eat, he won’t stop and he is here now!

Dan 8:11
Yea, he magnified H1431 himself even to the prince H8269 of the host, H6635 and by him the daily H8548 sacrifice was taken away, H7311 H7311 and the place H4349 of his sanctuary H4720 was cast down. H7993

Dan 8:12
And an host H6635 was given H5414 him against the daily H8548 sacrifice by reason of transgression, H6588 and it cast down H7993 the truth H571 to the ground; H776 and it practised, H6213 and prospered. H6743

Dan 8:13
Then I heard H8085 one H259 saint H6918 speaking, H1696 and another H259 saint H6918 said H559 unto that certain H6422 saint which spake, H1696 How long shall be the vision H2377 concerning the daily H8548 sacrifice, and the transgression H6588 of desolation, H8074 to give H5414 both the sanctuary H6944 and the host H6635 to be trodden under foot? H4823

Dan 11:31
And arms H2220 shall stand H5975 on his part, and they shall pollute H2490 the sanctuary H4720 of strength, H4581 and shall take away H5493 the daily H8548 sacrifice, and they shall place H5414 the abomination H8251 that maketh desolate. H8074

What are the two “abomination desolation”?  These are desecrations of the holy place x2.  Body and Bibles.  First something must really BE HOLY before it can be desecrated or “made desolate”.  A temple of antichrist is not a “holy place” so it cannot be defiled.  God put His Holy Spirit as an anointing over His words.  They are powerful sharper than any double edged sword, piercing between soul and spirit.  The bodies of mankind have the Spirit of Life.  And some received The Holy Spirit for supernatural gifts.  Therefore the body is a “holy place” if God’s Spirit inhabits it.

What are the abomination of desolation?

It was just a matter of time.   “MATRIX” now in the KJVB.  This is fairly new.  Exodus 34:16 was “womb” now changed to matrix however it was a vile abortion script new when it was “womb”.  Who knows what it means now.

occurs 5 times in 5 verses in the KJV.

Exo 13:12
That thou shalt set apart unto the LORD all that openeth the matrix, and every firstling that cometh of a beast which thou hast; the males shall be the LORD’S.

Exo 13:15
And it came to pass, when Pharaoh would hardly let us go, that the LORD slew all the firstborn in the land of Egypt, both the firstborn of man, and the firstborn of beast: therefore I sacrifice to the LORD all that openeth the matrix, being males; but all the firstborn of my children I redeem.

Exo 34:19
All that openeth the matrix (was “womb”) is mine; and every firstling among thy cattle, whether ox or sheep, that is male.

Num 3:12
And I, behold, I have taken the Levites from among the children of Israel instead of all the firstborn that openeth the matrix among the children of Israel: therefore the Levites shall be mine;

Num 18:15
Every thing that openeth the matrix in all flesh, which they bring unto the LORD, whether it be of men or beasts, shall be thine: nevertheless the firstborn of man shalt thou surely redeem, and the firstling of unclean beasts shalt thou redeem.


“Caldrons” now in KJVB.  And phrase “stick out” ridiculous illiterate bible changes.

2nd Chronicles 35:11 vile book now has “flaying” or “flayed” from Game of Thrones to skin alive weather animal or human it’s not clear but it’s one time in KJVB but it will increase to seven or fourteen.  That’s the pattern of the changes of vile desecrations.

And they killed the passover, and the priests sprinkled the blood from their hands, and the Levites flayed them.

Isaiah 22

The MOST HIGH GOD Creator of the Heavens and the Earth having a day of  “PANIC trampling and terror with crying out”???

The concepts is unacceptable.  More desecrations to the bible portraying Mighty God as being a weak and vulnerable human.  These scriptures are deceptive signs and wonders of the blasphemous variety.  That once again Christians neither remember as changed or recognize as vulgar.

I think NOT.  More fables and bullshit.  In this instance KJV is quite different than these other desecrated translations of the once holy bibles.

New International Version
The Lord, the LORD Almighty, has a day of tumult and trampling and terror in the Valley of Vision, a day of battering down walls and of crying out to the mountains.

English Standard Version
For the Lord GOD of hosts has a day of tumult and trampling and confusion in the valley of vision, a battering down of walls and a shouting to the mountains.

New American Standard Bible
For the Lord GOD of armies has a day of panic, subjugation, and confusion In the valley of vision, A breaking down of walls And a crying to the mountain.

NASB 1995
For the  subjugation and confusion In the valley of vision, A breaking down of walls And a crying to the mountain.

NASB 1977
For the Lord GOD of hosts has a day of panic, subjugation, and confusion In the valley of vision, A breaking down of walls And a crying to the mountain.

Amplified Bible
For the Lord GOD of hosts has a day of panic and of tumult, of trampling, of confusion In the Valley of Vision, A [day of] breaking down walls And a crying [for help] to the mountain.

“Great admiration” for a murderous slaughter of the innocent by John the revelator?  No, I think not.  Changed script.

And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

Most Ridiculous Scriptures of the week.

And they shall come, and shall rest all of them in the desolate valleys, and in the holes of the rocks, and upon all thorns, and upon all bushes.
In the same day shall the Lord shave with a razor that is hired, namely, by them beyond the river, by the king of Assyria, the head, and the hair of the feet: and it shall also consume the beard.
And it shall come to pass in that day, that a man shall nourish a young cow, and two sheep;
And it shall come to pass, for the abundance of milk that they shall give he shall eat butter: for butter and honey shall every one eat that is left in the land.

We do not cover the ESV Bible however all translations are changed. This is an example of ESV debauchery.

“For my people are foolish;
they know me not;
they are stupid children;
they have no understanding.
They are ‘wise’—in doing evil!
But how to do good they know not.”
Jerimiah 4:20
Crash follows hard on crash;
the whole land is laid waste.
Suddenly my tents are laid waste,
my curtains in a moment.

Begin Changes Log

Beastiality Script.

The ox knoweth his owner, and the ass his master’s crib: but Israel doth not know, my people doth not consider.
Reference commentary for Isaiah 1:3-The word “know” and “knew” used to refer to sexual relations between a man and his wife biblically.

Job 39 7-10 Unrecognizable.

“He scorneth the multitude of the city, neither regardeth he the crying of the driver.

The range of the mountains is his pasture, and he searcheth after every green thing.”

“Will the unicorn be wiling to serve thee or abide by they crib?

Canst thou bind the unicorn with his band in the furrow?  or will he harrow the valleys after…..

Alert! Jesus is the son of god not “son of man” as multiplied in KJVB.




Notice the smiley face in Mt. 24:15 now in our KJV paper bibles? 

Mat 24:15  When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him understand:)

Let the reader understand.  This scripture pertains to reading.  THIS PROPHECY PERTAINS TO READING.  Reading what?  The Bible especially KJV.  The Bible is already desecrated.  The wicked on is already having his way with the book.  If you cannot see the hundreds of thousands of horrid bible changes then your belt of truth is on the floor.  All it takes is one lie in this day and age.  Watch every word that comes out of your mouth.  Repent.  Ask Father that ye be NOT deceived.  Repent of all lies and for taking comfort in those lies as we are PROGRAMMED TO DO.  Then look at the book with new eyes.

Lev 2:4

And if thou bring an oblation of a meat offering baken in the oven, it shall be unleavened cakes of fine flour mingled with oil, or unleavened wafers anointed with oil.
And if thy oblation be a meat offering baken in a pan, it shall be of fine flour unleavened, mingled with oil.

 Lev 2:6  Thou shalt part it in pieces, and pour oil thereon: it is a meat offering.

Lev 2:7  And if thy oblation be a meat offering baken in the fryingpan, it shall be made of fine flour with oil.

2 Kings 2:13 Most Ridiculous Script of the day.

And I will stretch over Jerusalem the line of Samaria, and the plummet of the house of Ahab: and I will wipe Jerusalem as a man wipeth a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down.

And Jacob was wroth, and chode with Laban: and Jacob answered and said to Laban, What is my trespass? what is my sin, that thou hast so hotly pursued after me?   (hotly defined in strong’s as “love” “chode”  in slang is wide penis.)  
This scripture is insinuation and pervasive.
Whereas thou hast searched all my stuff, what hast thou found of all thy household stuff? set it here before my brethren and thy brethren, that they may judge betwixt us both.

New words.

HOTLY 1 time in KJV Gen 31:36

















The words STRONGHOLD AND STRONGHOLDS are no longer in the KJV Bible.


Pertaining to taxes IN THE GOSPELS Jesus said “render to Caesar that which is Caesars and render to God that which is His.”

The following scripture is butchered. Tribute, shew, perverting, penny, for for, carest for not man?

Mat 22:19  Shew me the tribute money. And they brought unto him a penny.

Mar 12:14  And when they were come, they say unto him, Master, we know that thou art true, and carest for no man: for thou regardest not the person of men, but teachest the way of God in truth: Is it lawful to give tribute to Caesar, or not?

 Luk 20:22  Is it lawful for us to give tribute unto Caesar, or no?

Luk 23:2   And they began to accuse him, saying, We found this fellow perverting the nation, and forbidding to give tribute to Caesar, saying that he himself is Christ a King.

 Rom 13:6   For for this cause pay ye tribute also: for they are God’s ministers, attending continually upon this very thing.

Rom 13:7  Render therefore to all their dues: tribute to whom tribute is due; custom to whom custom; fear to whom fear; honour to whom honour.


“MEDIA” Was Medo-Persia.

Consumption and consume, consuming are all through the book

the book has become “putrid” read Isaiah 28 objectively.   With its vomit and scourge and fat valleys, eateth it up (little red riding hood?) and diadems.  The book of fables.

People I have a distinct feeling that there are certain truths injected into the debaucheries of this new book by the author of confusion and here is one script I believe may be a prophecy.  So please look for this in real time to come to pass by some figure head.  It may be a clue of who the antichrist is.

Possible Antichrist Clue

For precept must be upon precept, precept upon precept; line upon line, line upon line; here a little, and there a little:
For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to this people.

New words overflowing scourge

Look for the antichrist to speak bits in a foreign language to people and to stammer or stutter when speaking.  Stuttering draws great empathy from people who are protective of the innocent.

Names of ancient locations is not my high point in memory.  The meeds I remember, but “Media” is a change I am pretty sure.   This “Media” is a mock by its obviousness.

This is CRAZY.  These are the words of JESUS yet there they are in 1st John of all places!  Much of St. John has moved to 1st John.  1st, 2nd, and 3rd John used to be about “Love” on the most part.

Little children, it is the last time: and as ye have heard that antichrist shall come, even now are there many anti-Christs; whereby we know that it is the last time.

In Luke 2:10 the word “fear” is capitalized mid sentence just as “wicked” is because Satan values and exults as sacred the spirit of fear he uses to oppress and bind up God’s children.  The spirit of fear has no power over God’s Spirit.  To be delivered we should seek out the laying on of hands with prayer at alter call in a Pentecostal or full gospel church.  Natural fear on the other hand is healthy and part of the human condition.  The spirit of fear causes panic attacks, anxiety, and is paralyzing…also it prompts people to look for solutions in drugs.

And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.




spit in her face (says the Lord to Isaiah)



use to say something like “don’t worry for that which ye shall say in those day, the for Holy Spirit shall give you utterance or (it said) guide your words or (it said) something like that, but NOT PREMEDITATE like the premeditated murder isn’t that the only way we use such a term?”  Do you remember this?

But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost.

“Spent” Spent is slang for worn out yet there it is used as slang in the KJVB.

“Posts” and I don’t mean door post.

Est 8:10

And he wrote in the king Ahasuerus’ name, and sealed it with the king’s ring, and sent letters by posts on horseback, and riders on mules, camels, and young dromedaries: (who knows what that means) When I read the O.T. I looked up every word I did not know the definition of. I knew the meaning of every  WORD IN THE BOOK. Now there are thousands of new words I have NEVER HEARD OF OR READ.

LIBYANS was Lybia.  Lybian’s this is a full blown Mandela effect.


“DAMNED” was never ever in the bible in any version.  Now its all over.

Heads Up!  New Word-  “OFFICE” Now in KJVB.

Cattle.  Okay surely everyone remembers their were no “cattle” in old or new testaments  By the way covenant is changed to testament in several places.  Oxen it was always Oxen and other old animals.

engines of war

portents (allegedly means ‘wonders’ except according to websters it doesn’t)


marvel (Marvel comics name drop it a hint to the Christians.  )



ALERT!  There is no “spirit of His mouth” there is the “SWORD OF THE SPIRIT.”  and “Double Edged Sword”.

The spirit of the mouth is a mockery.  Wake up!
New Word for the day, BOOTY.  Pirate of the Caribbean anyone?  We now have “booty” in the Mandela Effected changed Quantum Bible KJV.

“fury” This describes the antigod not The Father.

“suburbs”  Ridiculous this was not a word seen in the 1700’s.

New word-“BURNISHED”

Today’s new words KJVB 01-15-2020.
Eze 1:7

And their feet were straight feet; and the sole of their feet was like the sole of a calf’s foot: and they sparkled like the colour of burnished brass.





Jesus now says “ALL HAIL” After his descension back up to Earth.  Now instead of just “Mary” returning to His crypt both “Mary’s” return and see the angel who moved the great bolder from in front of the sepulcher

Everyone knows Jesus said to ONE MARY “do not touch me for I have not yet ascended to the Father”.

The scripture in Mathew 28 was a mystery of sorts.  Jesus said it to ONE MARY.  I believe it was Mary of Bethany who also sat at the feet of Jesus.  She was the sister of Martha who rebuked Mary to help her do the dishes. Jesus had then said paraphrased….”to each his own, it is Mary’s part to learn at my feet, and yours to do the works of the house.” something like that.

However that is not my topic here.  NOW they the TWO MARY’S grab His feet and are all over Him with worship.  He never says “don’t touch me I have not yet ascended.”


The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.

And what manner of God is this in the new M.E. KJVB?  As Jeremiah allegedly congratulates his God for being a “great deceiver” of the kings and nations in

And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.


Jeremiah 4:10.

Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul


This hater, canable promoting god could not possibly be the God whose Son is Jesus because Jesus is The Truth.  Truth is vital to Faith, Spiritual condition and purity of heart.  Know ye not that it is impossible for God to tell a lie.  And now all over the Bible God is depicted as a deceiver, sending out strong delusion, renigging on his promises, and his actions which are viscous and malevolent including sport-like punishments.  Example-He feeds his children’s, children to them for dinner.  Lev. 29:26 COME ON!

I watch in anxt as Christians read over the book accepting ANYTHING it says as being benevolent, good(oh wait now it’s “goodly” not good, right and true.

Listen I was at a friends house trying to showing her and hoping to God she would see the Bible changes and their blasphemous nature on the most part.  She read scripture.  Oddly it seems far more people are inspired to read the Bible now a days, now that its so extremely error filled and a doctrinal swamp of mis-spoken dialects from a mix of white trash trailer park lingo to west Virginia illiterate hick jawl  followed with a spin of Old Norse Viking Celtic demure hence the “Lo” this & “Lo” that!  After all, Jesus now saying “I reckon” and Christians don’t bat an eye.

There is no Old English left in the book save the “Our Father who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name.” I think they preserved that line because so many people would remember it.
Sorry Video removed as usual.
Watch 55 minute marker to 115. That describes the insanity of the new Mandela affected KJVB.

Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul
Jerimiah 4:10 not so!  For it is impossible for God to lie.


Here’s an entertaining scripture change.  I was looking for the mature and poetically respectable verse “make your home among the rocks” and its no longer in KJV but this is.

“The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks;”  Are you kidding me?  “A feeble folk” an animal? hmf.

The mocking scriptures often have the winky.

Crony= is the practice of partiality in awarding jobs and other advantages to friends or trusted colleagues, especially in politics and between politicians and supportive organizations. For instance, this includes appointing “cronies” to positions of authority, regardless of their qualifications

A feeble folk?  Nice.  I had a vision of the twin owls of the Lumpy Ridge, Rocky mountains being split.  I am sure the “cronies” as well as the “conies” are making their home among the rocks.  And how can an animal be called a “feeble folk” anyway?  RIDICULOUS!  The owls that the elite worship in the rocks will be split in two just and the separation of twins born attached at the hip.  The rocks will crash and end up exposing all who hide within them. Prediction received on 1-13-2020 fulfillment of prediction will be during the great tribulation in the next four years my guess.  Father did not give me a date.

holpen   New word term.


More alluding to cannibalism to salt an infant after its born.

You DON’T salt infants and newborns.  You salt the fatted bullock.  What the scripture probably used to say was “anoint with oil”.  Back in the days of Ezekiel they knew the value of plants and they used holistic medicine that is now wiped off the face of the earth by the elite whenever possible.  They brought Jesus Frankincense and Myrrh when He was born just for that purpose.  Oil was expensive, sacred to divine callings of God and used for spiritual and health reasons.

Strongs definition of “salted” is not good in this case verse.

#4414 In the Concordance

mâlach, maw-lakh’; a primitive root; also as denominative from H4417 properly, to rub to pieces or pulverize; intransitively, to disappear as dust; also to salt whether internally (to season with salt) or externally (to rub with salt):—× at all, salt, season, temper together, vanish away.

Knat is now Gnat.  Can’t find anything online on that change.  I remember me and my brother using the word like KaNat because of the spelling we made fun of the word.  Now the spelling G-nat.

“MEAT” and “FLESH” are MULTIPLIED IN THE KJVB (I probably already posted this word once.)  But its worth repeating.

FRUIT, BREAD, NUTS, BERRIES, FOLIAGE, and pretty much anything edible has been changed to “MEAT” of “FLESH”.  It’s fairy disgusting what the KJV Bible has turned into.  Very grotesque.  Especially for those of us who do not eat meat anymore since the great awakening has occurred.

Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:

Aroma, Fragrance, Savoir are changed to “odor” or “odour” in the KJV.   This is a perfect example of the desecration of abomination as prophesied by Daniel of the Holy Place (Holy Book) that is taking place here.  “let the reader understand” says the scripture noting that it is referring to the desecration of that which is READ.  Furthermore the Strong’s definition of the “holy place” is “scripture in a book”.  It tells us flat out what the abomination desolation is.  I say “DESECRATION” because that is what the book used to say not “desolation”

If your new to the bible changes and a believer. Do not think that I cover the changes because I want to discredit God or Jesus. On the contrary, the book WAS Holy and had many truths before the Mandela effect changes.  The security seal of Daniel is off the book.  If the book is honored now or viewed as worthy to teach us or instruct us we advocate lies and put the book above Jesus who IS TRUTH and IS THE WORD OF GOD.   _____________Jazweeh

Word ‘FUGITIVE‘ now in KJVB.

Oh boy!  The Antichrist has finally outed himself clearly and by verse.

In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of Davidshall beas Godas the angel of the LORD before them.
Now taking Zec 12:8 in context and by its words, definition of the English language what does this script mean?
Answer,  What is the house of David?  The third king of Israel.  David is multiplied in the KJV.  The house of David is David being Israeli and his home and family in Israel.  So there it is the Israeli Jews shall be (as) God..  ‘Acting’ God if you will, Israel ruler of all.  NO-thing is God except God we the true worshippers of Jesus/Father in Spirit and Truth refuse any “acting” God that would usurp itself over the indwelling power of The Holy Spirit in us the True church the elect.  The Elect do not want to be God but for some reason Israel and many Jews do.   This antichrist WILL rise up in and out of Jerusalem.  Salem his lot.  Salem’s Lot.
NEXT we see “David shall be as God and the angel of the Lord before them”.
So this Israel, David as God is as an Angel of The Lord before them.  This is Satan an angel of The Lord before the people, ruling in Jerusalem.  The fallen.
COVERT now in scripture KJV

FISHES” is not a word people YET there it is in KJVB.

And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes.

Controversy new in KJVB.

“Depart from me ye workers of iniquity I never knew you”.  Scripture is changed backwards and inside out but still says basically the same thing.

HOWEVER the two prior scripts are jacked up and slapped down.

When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are:
Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets.  ”hast” would be “hath” Taught in our streets is new.  I know you not whenceye are makes no grammar sense.

Most of the KJV bible is now corrupt.

He doesn’t “WROUGHT” miracles by the hands of Paul.  Miracles are done by God and by His Holy Spirit in us.  And “rot” by “wrought” is NOT a word.

The Book of “Joshua” pretty sure never existed.  Its no wonder “AI” is all through it.  Yes Joshua was a significant bible personality however he did not have his own book.  So this means a book is missing since there are 66 books and apparently were.  Or was it 70?  I do wish I had paid more attention to the particulars such as that.

“But when divers were hardened, and believed not, but spake evil of that way before the multitude, he departed from them, and separated the disciples, disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus.”
And “ANNAS” whatever that means.
Jesus taught in the synagogue He did NOT “dispute daily” that is against His nature.  Tyrannus more mocking words.

Deputies, Crystal, Derision, 

Deputy now in KJVB

Here we see the anti christ being exalted in the idolatrous book by capitalizing “Wicked” as his name mid sentence.

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Now We Must!  Need be, Die for Jesus sake, says the KJVB.

Wow really?  What is this payback?  Salvation no longer free?  Now for Jesus sake we must needs be DIE!

2nd Corinthians 4:11 Show that We die for Jesus instead of showing the other way around.  The New UP SIDE DOWN GOSPEL FOLKS.  Know it as it is written not as you want it to mean changing even the English language one word at a time to make it fit.  The book is now an idol of lies. “alway” is not a word.

For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.

The following Scriptures are Wrong wrong wrong and utterly contemptible not of God whatsoever!

  1. God does NOT make men cannibals are you kidding me?
  2. Our Father will not “feed us the flesh of our own children”.  To interpret the bible changes at this point you must know the temperature and countenance with behavior and personality of a God Who Is Love.
  3. God talked about the prayers of the saints being a sweet savour.  Now the word is odor.  What is an odor?  Come on that is an insult and a negative bad smell.
  4. The entire book is filled with lies that changed terminology sets forth.  Old English has turned to what they now call “middle earth English”.
  5. Used to be the KJV Bible was Old English very poetic always eloquent, never crass or brutal.  Old English was spoken in certain movies and films like the “Tudors” series.  And other movies with Shakespeare.

Think Romeo and Juliet, and they of that language HERE ARE EXAMPLES OF OLD ENGLISH AS IT WAS PRIOR TO THE MANDELA EFFECT.


A Farewell to The Words in The Book  Farewell to the renowned and exquisite grammar and spelling farewell to that which lent itself to righteousness and goodness.

Farewell Gods’ words to preachers who deserved not to speak God’s graceful words.   Truth shall flow no more from their wicked tongues.  Farewell.  For we who are True have the Words wrapped tightly and evenly around our heart.  Our heart’s desire is composed of these such words.

The famine is upon the lands of men, though they see it not. Until the masses of men are moved in the core of their heart by apocalyptic shock and events, they shall neither see nor hear by man, or beast the words God has set in the hearts of His own faithful few.

The Word of God is written on my own heart.  The lies are written on the paper. 

Beautiful with elegance not a saucy or obscure term in any line of text.  Forthright were the word terms, and to the point the verses were fragrant to the soul and palatable to the spirit.  The bread of Life is Jesus and His Truth feeds His children.   A refreshing of The Spirit shall follow reading words that agree with one’s heart.

Could it be so that those whom Father appointed the greatest task of all time on Earth itself be corrupt in their intellect and thought or perhaps careless and ignorant of their own language?  I think not!  Yet educated Christians take no thought of the errors in the text.

Will not our Father bring forth words and terms of delight with excellence?  Do you who are so learned about His words and terms see the corruption of the text at hand?  How be it pronouncements are skewed?  How be it spellings are tragically dispondant (despaired, discourage of, urged to gloom) of mood and Truth?   

Our Great language of Old English were words
that meant what they said and said what they meant

in EVERY instance both of tongue and of the inkwell.

Where for art thou oh sacred writings of old?  How be it thou hath gone henceforth from my sight with haste?  I bid thee farewell blessed words of Father portraying both hope and faith. 

Prophesies of Amos 8:11 and 12 must come to pass before us in full, prior to the passing away of this generation. The decree of Famine of God’s words was set forth not in hast, nor without regard for those who would remember the old ways of the sacred text.  Wherefore art thou oh book of old on which per adventure, I weighed its pages too heavily upon my very soul.

  The written words dismissal from my presence hath abated me if only for the time, sorrow and dismay.  Shall I miss thee as if thy were my own breathren?  Shall I grieve ye long in passing oh book dissolved?   

Misshapen and heinous is your successor I proclaim it.   Seeing the sacred words flow out as water from the vase is no small event unto my heart.  The loss is both miraculous and tragic,supernatural and amazing.  I welcome to celebrate my great loss and grieve it together with my joy that Jesus is near.  Once in a lifetime, “same as it ever was” rants the unbeliever who prefers the lie.

The result of the passing of sacred words render my very heart a deep well of loss save my Savior come here soon and my joy return unto me.  He shall quench my heart as a dry green plant thirst for water for its very survival and life.   

I must either cleave away or  bind forthwith in sorrow and icy shallow dreams my remembrance of said text?  “Same as it ever was, same as it ever was” scream self proclaimed Christians.

The Word of God is written on my own heart.  The lies are written on the paper.  I choose Truth and the wherewithal  to accept, endure, and allow the changes to flow thru and about me as I sway like a tree when the strong storm wind surrounds it.   I bend and sway, not broken by the change of time, two times and the dividing of time.

Surely thine Author’s arms must reach through and breach time itself by the vail that succumbs to no one except He, and henceforth deliver all who see the passing of Truth and greatly we grieve it.  

And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me;
Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins.

God Makes Men Cannibals Scripture So the God of the bible makes Pepsi products with fetal cells in it.  Look it up.  This is the antichrist who turns men into cannibals.

And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.
And I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images, and cast your carcases upon the carcases of your idols, and my soul shall abhor you.
And I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries unto desolation, and I will not smell the savour of your sweet odours.


So insulting “sweet savoir” of the prayers of the saints is changed in Rev. to vials full of “odours” both crass and misspelled.  Plus the prayers of the saints were also “went up as the smoke of sweet incense unto God” Our prayers are sacred children.  And Father hears our weakest prayer.

Revelation 5:8  “And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.”

Furthermore “men have sought out many vices” changed to “many devices” changed to “many inventions”

How will the experts explain away the new contradiction?  Now Moses brings down the ten commandments from both Mt. Sinai and Mt. Horeb.  Whatever, these people will never see until the great tribulation peels their spiritual eyes and shocks them into truth.  Or they may never see.  Their natural eyes rule their mind.   Their spiritual eyes have been dimmed.

Mount Sinai
Mount Sinai (Hebrew: הַר סִינַי‬, Har Sinai) is the mountain at which the Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God, and is one of the most significant of the Stations of the Exodus. In the Book of Deuteronomy, these events are described as having transpired at Mount Horeb.

Brothers and Sisters now has come more changes in the KJVB than I have seen in 3 years.  The new words are galore now.  This whole business of the KJvb is nearly unrecognizable.  I have see more changes today than ever.  The changes have been amped up mostly with words that are way too modern for what the KJV used to be.

Jesus please come soon.

Few know or have experienced the deep frustration of watching the blind lead the blind.  Its very difficult for us to watch the blind sheep choose the lie over truth.  We watch them justify contradictions, grammar errors, new ridiculous words, spelling errors and deeply blasphemous changed scripture.  Why do you watch if its so distressing?

We want to keep up with the book and its new narrative while hoping others will wake up at some point and see.  But we are setting our hope on the great tribulation because without the gift of desperation the sheep will stay asleep.

Blasphemy Jesus by comparison of script being impaled?

These “Joshua the Impaler” scripture are sick. But now I am seeing that other versions say Joshua hung the captain on a tree.  Is this why they changed Jesus from being hung on a cross to hanging on a tree said Paul in Galatians 3:13.  Which never made sense anyway as it contradicts the cross.  But now we see the bible changers motive to show Jesus as impaled.

And the king of Ai he hanged on a tree until eventide: and as soon as the sun was down, Joshua commanded that they should take his carcase down from the tree, and cast it at the entering of the gate of the city, and raise thereon a great heap of stones, that remaineth unto this day.
He impaled the body of the king of Ai on a pole and left it there until evening. At sunset, Joshua ordered them to take the body from the pole and throw it down at the entrance of the city gate. And they raised a large pile of rocks over it, which remains to this day.

Mar 1:17

And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.

He said “follow me” and I shall make you fishers of men.  Not “Come” with a mid sentence capital C.


Word “DISEASE” now in KJVB 15 times.   Supposedly Jesus “sends disease before Him” this God of the Bible is not Jesus or The Father..NOT ANYMORE If it ever was in the O>T at all.



Pro 11:15 He that is surety for a stranger shall SMART for it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure.

LOL sure i ti ship….. Oww that “smarts” lol RICDICULOUS! OMGOSH.

NOW Look on Breathren “OFFICERS” NOW IN THE KJVB SEE the following ridiculous verse…..scripture, passage, sentence.  Ward also.

And he asked Pharaoh’s officers that were with him in the ward of his lord’s house, saying, Wherefore look ye so sadly to day?

Penis Fish Decode this word Urechis unicinctus  seeing alot of U R sin Rechtus Eunuchs cin sin…and on and on in the decode terms or word scramble.

Image result for Urechis unicinctus penis fish

THE NEW HATER GOD OF THE BIBLE WAKE UP DO NOT FOLLOW THE BOOK OF INIQUITY AND LIES.  If your heart agrees with this book you have problem.

The term “Holy of Holies” is erased from all Bibles now.  Its not even in the KJVB.  Changed to “Holiest of all”.  So those under the strong delusion DO NOT EVEN REMEMBER THE PHRASE “HOLY OF HOLIES”.  Maybe that’s why they have forgotten about “saved by faith through Grace” and now they fight over Law & blood leaving faith in the dust.  And the greatest gifts of all are Faith Hope and Love. SAVED BY FAITH, SAVED BY FAITH.  The heart condition is what matters to God I believe.  They preach blood like the Exodus blood of the Lamb on the door.  The blood is symbolic Faith is Real and necessary in comparison.  Show me your faith and I will watch your works because of that Faith.

For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee.
The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.



And they gave him to drink wine mingled with myrrh: but he received it not.

Genessis 3:15 Is blasphemous calling Jesus an “IT”.


In the same day shall the Lord shave with a razor that is hired, namely, by them beyond the river, by the king of Assyria, the head, and the hair of the feet: and it shall also consume the beard.

Here’s a non bible change from “Candle in the Wind”

“PAIN” was “FAME” as usual the change makes little sense as per following lyrics.

Loneliness was tough
The toughest role you ever played
Hollywood created a superstar
And pain was the price you paid
Even when you died
Oh the press still hounded you
All the papers had to say
Was that Marilyn was found in the nude

Jesh!  PRESIDENTS NOW IN THE KJVB.  That’s right folks…the the nay sayers will say “it was ALWAYS there.”  Right.  The Book is UNRECOGNIZABLE at this point along with the English language where many words have changes to the way they are spelled.  If you find yourself in spellcheck constantly having to relearn spelling its not you.  The language is being rewritten very abruptly as changes and downloads happen bi-weekly.

Braham Stokers “Dracula” Rats Scene.  New scripture often mimics movies or headlines.

Leviticus 13:45

And the leper in whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent, and his head bare, and he shall put a covering upon his upper lip, and shall cry, Uncleanunclean.

Another ridiculous verse supernatural bible change, who knows what it used to say.


AI is taking the LOVE out of the Bible and replacing it with legalism and legalistic terms of carnality and shallow minded suedo spirituality.

FORGIVENESS OF SINS IS NOW “REMISSION” A more legal term that is like being acquitted by some judge rather than forgiven by LOVE the action of a God who Loves us.

Furthermore the following scripture shows “propitiation” a LEGAL TERM of the court meaning to “appease” some authority as if Jesus just appeased God by His sacrifice.  As if it was not out of Love but rather some action of a attorney who cares not a bit for his client just wants to get paid for his work.  THE LOVE IS REMOVED FROM THE BOOK.  The empathy is removed from the book.  The English language and the book are transformed to fit the likeness of the Beast.

Romans 3:25

“Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remissionof sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;”  Not the disgusting winky.


the action of refraining from exercising a legal right, especially enforcing the payment of a debt.
By this definition, more courtroom terminology taking the Love of Jesus and God is Love into the realm of “DEBT”, payment, and the big bankster in the sky.


Moreover “faith in his blood” whose blood, this isn’t even referring to my God anymore.  FAITH IN BLOOD?  No Faith in Jesus, Faith in God.  The blood is symbolic.

We have the New Agers acting as if the downloads of lies and strong delusion from EMF and God only knows what else is actually some grand spiritual upgrade from the benevolent ones (whoever they are).  NOT SO.  How do we know?  Because Truth is Good and Lies are Bad…its that simple.

They New Age YT channels are running the propiganda that points out the many side effects of EMF and WIFI 5GHZ etc. as they explain it all away as some “Ascension Process”  BULLSHIT…I call bullshit!  How long until the word “bullshit” is found in the KJVB?

The following scripture has had an AXE taken to is, its butchered.  It would have said “the meat of the word” as compared to the “milk” of the word for babes.  It would not have read “to them that” but rather “to those who”, neither would it have said “by reason of” instead of “for this reason” or another more excellent term, the book was sanctified, it was holy.  The book was respectful by its words & terms.  Nor would it have read, “exercised” and this “by reason of use” is new to me…maybe it said “Due To” & “wisdom” or “experience” or “applying the scripture to one’s own life” and so on.  See the difference?

Why do Christians side with corrupt language and blasphemous ideals?  Because they Love not The Truth nor do they know Father by His Love.

The KJVB is now a mockery of God HImself and especially it is a mockery unto those who are born again believers who knew the temperature, mood, and attitude of the book.

But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses G145 exercised to discern both good and evil.



The Sword, the weapon that is The Holy Spirit is the “The Sword of The Spirit”.  To call it now in KJV “The Spirit of His Mouth” is an insult to say His mouth has its own Spirit.   Also says “He destroys him by the breath of His mouth” that one is also questionable.  As if his breath is so bad it knocks you over.   See the sarcasm behind these terms?   The author of confusion is writing the book.  And re-writing the book.

They say we who see the KJVB changes are those who are deceived and we are under the strong delusion.  PROBLEM IS….WE WHO SEE ARE THE MINORITY, WE WHO SEE, ALSO SEE THE EVIL IN THE WORDS AND TERMS they are countless!  The Bible is full of blasphemies now.  Hate and whore, and piss, and “stupid son of a whore” in the NLT these attitudes are not platitudes.  The book has gone from Holy to wretched, from respectful and poetic to crass and wisdom-less.  Look at Proverbs now it folly.  The book was so full of wisdom and beauty.  And yet they say WE ARE THE ONE’S, UNDER THE STRONG DELUSION. And that WE ARE THE ONES WHO ARE CORRUPT.  Those who see are mature Christians, who are born again. We who see hear His voice and we recognize a foreign entity in the book.  We know what this means.

The wicked one is standing in the Holy place.  ITS ON!

ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE BELOW JESUS WAS “BURIED” Instead of being put behind a great rock in a cave on a great stone, and wrapped in the cloth etc.  Book has become unrecognizable.   I believe it is here that they deleted His descent into Hell where He overcame death and TOOK the keys to death and Hell and overcame Death by Love, Faith, and power in The Holy Spirit as the Son of God.

And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

Now the book is idolatrous and must be viewed as corrupt.


SIDENOTE:  Good luck keeping the belt of Truth on with this kind of teaching.  JESUS IS TRUTH.  The book now portrays the Father of Lies as Author and finisher of these writings of confusion by the author of confusion.

New International Version
“‘And if the prophet is enticed to utter a prophecy, I the LORD have enticed that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand against him and destroy him from among my people Israel.New Living Translation
“‘And if a prophet is deceived into giving a message, it is because I, the LORD, have deceived that prophet. I will lift my fist against such prophets and cut them off from the community of Israel.English Standard Version
And if the prophet is deceived and speaks a word, I, the LORD, have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand against him and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.

This is a new word “marvel” but I am going to quote it anyway…maybe some changes are of God.  This one is Truth.

King James Bible
And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.


Christian Standard Bible
“‘But if the prophet is deceived and speaks a message, it was I, the LORD, who deceived that prophet. I will stretch out my hand against him and destroy him from among my people Israel.


Contemporary English Version
If a prophet gives a false message, I am the one who caused that prophet to lie. But I will still reject him and cut him off from my people,


Good News Translation
“If any prophets are deceived into giving a false answer, it is because I, the LORD, have deceived them. I will remove them from the people of Israel.


Holman Christian Standard Bible
But if the prophet is deceived and speaks a message, it was I, Yahweh, who deceived that prophet. I will stretch out My hand against him and destroy him from among My people Israel.


International Standard Version
“Now as to the prophet, if through deceit he delivers a message, I the LORD have deceived that prophet! I’ll reach out in opposition to him and exterminate him from among my people Israel.


NET Bible
“‘As for the prophet, if he is made a fool by being deceived into speaking a prophetic word–I, the LORD, have made a fool of that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand against him and destroy him from among my people Israel.


New Heart English Bible
“‘”If the prophet is deceived and speaks a word, I, the LORD, have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand on him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.


GOD’S WORD® Translation
” ‘If a prophet is tricked into giving a prophecy, it is I, the LORD, who tricked the prophet. I will use my power against you and destroy you from among my people Israel.

A Short Study on new bible DEBAUCHERIES that shows nefarious motive.  And shows strong residual.  (by the way the “remnant” is now called the “residue”.  Nice huh?  Occurs 34 times in 33 verses this week.

Jude 1:8 KJV

“Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.”  Also “despise dominion” is new.  Despise dominion….so if I have dominion over something or someone else has dominion over something they despise that precept.   OR…..”dominions” used to be the term and meant or means a type of hierarchy of angelic being.  “dominions”.    The way its worded now changes the meaning of the word it self just by changing it from plural to singular.  Granted the word “dominion” does have two meanings now you would need to look up the root word.

Col 1:16  This scripture has the same ref. number G2963 but we know its talking about an angelic being type.  NOW “GOVERNMENTS” IS DEFINED AS A DOMINION AS BEING A SACRED AUTHORITY.  The word “governments” is new and inserted illegally it is a lie.  Whoever is changing the Bible wants humans to worship governments and kings, and other humans.

“For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:”   But wait the famous scripture that we wrestle against “dominions” meaning wicked beings in high places

DIGNITIES” IS NOT A WORD BUT I AM SURE GOOGLE HAS SOME DEFINITION ALREADY in keeping up with the changes, they must.  Lets face it “dignity” IS a word that means self respect, basically.  So “dignities” would have to be types of self respect or types of dignity, right?  So its saying types of dignity are entities of which we can speak disrespectfully against.

Boy I should be a Preacher myself, “PREACHER” is now in the KJVB also btw.

Now!  This Dignities thing is in another verse also….same thing “dignities” in KJV and “DIGNITARIES” in NKJV which IS WHAT THEY BOTH USED TO READ.

“But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.”  come on! “them that walk after the flesh” its as if the King James Bible Scholars were trailer trash” Yep I reckon it was them that bla bla bla”  YES JESUS IS NOW SAYING “RECKON” IN THE KJVB.  Still the sleeping cannot wake or see.
“and especially those who walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise authority. They are presumptuous, self-willed. They are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries,


WHY?  Because the NEW KJVB still says “dignitaries”

“Likewise also these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of dignitaries.”

They (the controllers/powers who be) WILL NOT leave it this way because its obvious residual.  Not to mention folks…we were seeing the word “DEMON” disappear from the KJVB bit by bit word by word till NOW ITS GONE TOTALLY.  FINALLY I saw a guy on YT site the change to the name “Mandella” it always had two “L’s” for me too, thanks whoever you were. Some guy being interviewed I forget which channel it was.

Gal 1:6

“I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:”   

“Who” is diminished while “which & that” are multiplied in the book.

occurs 12,916 times in 9,900 verses in the KJV.

occurs 4,414 times in 3,881 verses in the KJV.

occurs 970 times in 867 verses in the KJV.

The Word “WHO” has been removed hundreds of thousands of times from the KJVB replaced with “which” & “that” to lower/demote the respect and honor of men and God by the pronouns that used to be used for non people or improper nouns.   Proper nouns no longer sport the “who” & “whose” oh no whoever is changing the book likes to call Jesus, God, and man a “which”.  Like “those which” or “he that” or “him which”.

Furthermore, EVERY time they use “AS IT WERE” not only is this improper English grammar but its also mocking those who do not see how ridiculous it sounds compared to “as it was”.  I have heard over and over those who claim they see the Bible changes yet know NOTHING of most of the debauchery.


Most likely people on YouTube are either just making videos because they are trending and are copying EYA who is the expert and forerunner of supernatural bible change videos.  OR someone wants to make a list of those who truly do see the changes.   Lets face it people, we are not getting the corrupt downloads of the false history (fake bible etc)  if we see the changes, and this means they can’t control our minds.  Surely they don’t like that.

Those who end up facing the end times gallows may be those who see and cannot be downloaded with the fake bible.  The controllers are probably baffled saying “why can’t we download these idiots with our false history and fake bible verses?”

They are probably incapable of realizing that those who see are protected spiritually and its not about science or emf or 4g downloads as much as its about those who Love Truth and worship Jesus.


WARNING! The majority of channels on Youtube by people who claim to “see the KJV Bible changes” I have found don’t see most of the changes.  They see the obvious signs and wonders that anyone can see if they look.  I call the obvious signs and wonders like “Lion & Lamb” and “slay them before me” Jesus.  While these channels subscribe to the most blasphemous of bible changes as if they were always that way and are truth.

The following baptism scripture is disgusting, an example of putrid sarcasm toward Jesus and John the Baptist.  The scripture was NOT written this way originally and the word “suffer” is a negative term.  Reminds me of the movie “Black Snake Moan” where the girl suffered moaning on the floor taken by some demonic perverse force twisted and mangled.  Same with “suffer the little children”.  That also is a very old change.  I have seen changes as far back as 2007 for sure.  And now that I have a more critical eye on the book I see very old verses that could not have been truly words of God by their temperature and meaning.  Fulfill is spelled wrong.  It becometh us….makes no sense.  NO SENSE.  I used to Love Old English, now I can barely remember it’s character and tone.  So sad.  So sad.  The word “LO” is an old Viking term of the Nordics.  “Lo” has replaced “Ye”. After all Satan seems to advocate the Low Down.

Mat 3:15

And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him.

Friends Here are my personal qualifications for knowledge of the massive and on-going supernatural bible changes.

The KING JAMES VERSION BIBLE USED TO BE A LITERARY MASTERPIECE WRITTEN IN OLD POETIC ENGLISH.  THAT MEANT IT SAID WHAT IT MEANT  AND MEANT WHAT IT SAID.  And it was written eloquently, poetically, righteously, spiritually, and especially with grace and tact were the words set forth to form a beautiful and respectable picture of Our Father’s emotional temperature and personality.  NOW its a book of lies full of sarcasm, disgusting situations and precepts along with sexual innuendo and cannibalistic & hateful tendencies.  The book now has the personality of a Beast, The Beast.

The blind Christians put their own meaning to the blasphemous words and terms when they read them.  The Christians enjoy the evil verses with their gross and disgusting stories of flesh pots and men in skirts w/girdles, and whore’s this and whore that, hate everywhere.

At 27 I was born again.  At 30 I received The Baptism of The Holy Spirit.  At 56-57 I woke up to the new reality and was shown the Beast System, revealed to me in depth.  I suffered under the beast system for many years and thought I was bad.  I believed many lies.  I am Jazweeh, this is my pen name.  My true identity is Laura of Akron child of The Most High God.  I am called Laura E.

The very fist scripture I ever related to was Apostle Paul struggling with sin.  I was so connected to him and his profession of struggle.  He said “that which I would not do, that I do.”  When I do that which I do not want to do, it is sin that lives in me, and on he went, “who shall deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to Jesus Christ our Lord.”

All of Romans chapter 7 is pretty much GARBAGE NOW.  The WISDOM IS GONE FROM THE BOOK.  PROVERBS IS TRASHED.  HOW DO PEOPLE FOLLOW SUCH GARBAGE?  How?  They swim in the pool of strong delusion they side with the lie and they advocate hate by the new scripture.

Apparently they never knew God if they advocate the book and have actually read it in its new form.  This is the sad conclusion I have come to.  Either they never knew God OR they really have just not even thought about the bible with any depth…ever.  Not before or after.  Maybe they are just playing follow the leader spirituality.  Maybe they only know a verse or two that sound good and right so they mimic and parrot the other Christians in their behavior.

Throughout the real history, I looked up most every word in my KJVB that I didn’t understand and learned what those words meant. NOW their are thousands of new words that I have NEVER SEEN even after reading the text hundreds of times and looking up most everything I did not understand.  That ws my method and my goal was to understand what I was reading.  From the age of 25 till I was probably 33 years old I studied using Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, Thayer’s N.T. Lexicon, and Bible Dictionaries, With the Greek English Interlinear Bible…I later purchased a Hebrew Lexicon for the O.T. as well.  I used since 1987 a KJV Thomson Chain Reference Study Bible for in depth study into the Greek and Hebrew origination of words and terms to fully understand what I thought at the time was “God’s Word”.  Now I know only Jesus can claim being God’s Word.


2nd Chronicles 35 Now says all through it “KILL THE PASSOVER” NOT “kill the Passover lamb” or goat or whatever, over and over it says “KILL THE PASSOVER” What does this mean? It means two things literally.

Who Passed over?  The Holy Spirit passed them over when they had blood on the door this showed that they worshipped the One True God of Issac Jacob and the rest. Their first born was safe.  So the scripture is saying “Kill the Holy Spirit” that is blasphemous.

Two, Kill the Passover means no longer should anyone recognize what is called to some “Easter” or “The Passover” which is the day we celebrate The Risen Christ called Jesus.  So Kill the Passover it says over and over.

I watched a video by “wakeuporelse” who is no doubt either under the strong delusion or and outright shill I don’t know which. He quoted 2nd Thess 2 giving “all power” to the antichrist. Then he justifies it saying its Holy Spirit inspired and Apostle Paul was making a powerful point and on and on. Not to mention THERE WILL BE NO “WEARING OUT” OF THE SAINTS..COME ON!  WE KNOW that the antichrist, the biblical Satanic man of perdition having “ALL POWER” IS A LIE and goes against many if not all of the basic foundational precepts of God/Jesus. This is common God-sense. YET he advocates the scripture as truth promoting evil as having “all power” Not good.

People I am seeing more and more how these corrupt scriptures are corrupting the minds of men.  My Lord God Almighty what will the book look like in another 6 months?  We already have star systems and just utter ridiculous chapters, sick twisted, insane writings that people worship as Holy Holy Holy.  Such idolatry will not be excused God help them all its getting bad people.

This glorification of the antichrist disgusts me to the point of UN-subscribing to those who advocate lies. Even if he is under the strong delusion should he not KNOW that God The Father and ONLY GOD THE FATHER HAS “ALL POWER” PERIOD. Changing that precept is NOT OKAY.  How can he just lie down for that?  That scripture should have provoked him but it didn’t.  He is greatly deceived with a techno voice of authority, so most likely he is a production/shill who will eventually promote taking the mark of the beast.  This is the agenda for all the fake Christian channels on YT.  That they promote Sunday worship being the mark, and when it comes down to it they will lead many to their justification of taking the mark of the beast.   It baffles me how a man if he be true can promote bible changes while swallowing the worst of them.  If this man is deceived I am sorry for him.  If he is a production I have no pity on what God will do to him for leading the sheep astray into false scripture.

The famous Revelation 12 sign of 2017 involving Virgo and 9 months of gestation and the dragon has changed from LEO to JUPITOR.  Leo the righteous Lion of Jesus the intercessors who labored and finally the end times were birthed has changed to Jupitor impregnating Virgo because the antichrist must have his sign in the stars as well as God.  I know they are spelling it Jupiter.

See thing is, the elect see both the Leo event and now the Jupitor event.  But the blind sheep under the strong delusion, they only see the antichrist’s version of the event along with all the other great signs and wonders.

I have also noticed recently people calling The Gospel of Christ or what I would call the Gospel of Jesus as being “the gospel of John” or “the gospel of Peter” and on and on according to whatever book they are referring to.  However those who see know THE GOSPEL is about Jesus dying for our sins that we may live.  It is and always will be The Gospel of Christ who is Jesus.

It would be acceptable to say “The Book of John” or The book of Mark, Luke, etc.  The Gospel is that Jesus died on the cross that we may live.

With PLEIADES now in Job in the King James Version Bible the powers that be should have little trouble convincing the blind sheep that the aliens are here.  My God I really didn’t expect the changes to go this far this fast.  But every Sunday I feel the spinning of the wheel as our history topples over into a shallow grave.  The size rings of power are united against the slaves.  The five families are drunk with power changing history at will.

God only knows what changes have occured in the hierarchy that we don’t even see.

Well folks, what can I say…now we got “lawyers, Pleiades, Orion, Octurus the word “case” and the scriptures with that word are all twisted up.

Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.
Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?


And finally it is clear Apostle Paul never said women are slaves to men who should shut up and only question men at home, not speaking in public as he does in the NT now….I suppose it’s just a really old corruption of scripture.  What are we Muslim?

Furthermore look how he supposedly disrespects women saying “what are you the only one with knowledge, did God give His words to you only?”  This is a very sarcastic scripture written with an obvious leaning toward spitefulness and resentment toward all women.   I do not believe the true Apostle Paul would have written such contradictory commands of an entire race of gender.

I believe these the bible was corrupt in part at conception and has gradually gotten much worse with the strong delusion and desecration of the holy place.

Have decided to continue this Log.  However if you search the word “Mandela effect” or “bible changes” on this site you will get a lot of new scriptures in various articles.

To Quote KAT at EYA on youtube

“It seems that the hearts of those who see the bible changes are more pliable in the Father’s hands.

This is key.  Truth is also key.  DO NOT LIE OR DECEIVE FOR ANYTHING.

Well, the Trump Cheerleaders on the box are saying Isaiah 45 is Trump.  The scripture is mangled as a matter of fact I watched one word change before my eyes. “beside” from “besides”.  I remember it “beside me” however these changes started before 2006 and maybe even before 1989.  I remember the “Lion & Lamb” scripture being “wolf and lamb” in 2007.  Pray ye not be deceived.  Clearly some funky tech black magic is happening to all words

Again God is claim “evil” for Himself.  The God of the Bible as they call him is not my god.

“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

They say “If Satan war against Satan how will his kingdom stand?”  Well I say if the righteous, just and true God war against Himself what’s the sense?”  No longer are the sides defined as evil vs. good in the book.  The lines are skewed, the book has fallen.  We cannot follow this DOUBLE MINDED GOD OF THEIRS.  Lest we stay confused.


“The Author of Confusion” is NOT my God.  Truly the new testament term “God is NOT the author of confusion” has literally happened. In this KJVB now writes, the author of confusion.

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.


Isaiah 45:13 is really confusing….and because of it I am leaning toward “Trump Antichrist” theory again.  Because the Christians are saying this scripture is about Trump.  I bet they are teaching this in the churches no doubt.

“I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways: he shall build my city, and he shall let go my captives, not for price nor reward, saith the LORD of hosts.”  And it says over and over “even though he has not not me” .

Then it shows God having a Creator, very confusing.  This is a principle never ever introduced before.  The book is pretty much totally changed turned inside out and upsidedown by blasphemy.

Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me.

Verily thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Israel, the Saviour.  God doesn’t hide as a child scared or playing hide and seek.  Pretty sure this would have said the opposite.

WHAT IS THIS?  Winkies, bad grammar, horrible punctuation, and obviously the desecration of the Holy place is here and now.

“Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time?who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.”


“INRI” No longer in KJVB which is what what written on the cross of wood that Jesus was crucified on.  “INRI” means or meant “King of the Jews”.  The Romans did this as a mockery toward Jesus and His followers.


JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD not THE SON OF MAN.  By that title the bible makes Jesus on equal status as Ezekiel and other prophets called SAME.

I say this “Turn me Father and I shall be turned.”

Here’s another one:

But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.
Its not saying “will be attributed to your hand” or “regarded as by your hand” NO its saying in the future you will bleed this guy out.  Flat out evil and corrupt bible changes.

Evil Verse

When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.

What is God saying here?  We think it means the watchmen is responsible for the repentance and the behavior apparently, of the sinner, or at least to give the word of repentance to the sinner when commanded to.

But IF I require BLOOD that means I want blood, I require/demand blood and you are the one that is going to make that happen by YOUR HAND.  This is what it means in the English language taken as say what you mean and mean what you say   I require HIS BLOOD AT YOUR HAND.  That means you need to slaughter the sinner by bleeding.

Now, if he were saying “the blood of this man is on your hands” that would mean his death is your fault.  Or he could say “by you hand has this man died>” or I will recompense his death as being your fault or your doing.   His death is on your hands, your fault, your responsibility and on and on and on.

BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT IT SAYS.  Instead it says “I REQUIRE BLOOD by your hand”  AND “at YOUR HAND that blood shall be shed.”   Just saying.

Forehead is an issue in scripture now, we got “bald forehead Leviticus 13..these scripture are ridiculous.  Search “forehead” in and do research.  13:43 “in his bald forehead”.  How is it these people justify such nonsense?

Jeremiah 3:3 “A whore’s forehead”.  UNREAL!

Okay folks its time for me to mention one of the MOST VAST changes to the KJVB that was done across the board.  Being a writer I know what proper English is and there is one stickler to grammar that I remember VERY WELL and practiced over and over and over.  Nevertheless the world has forgotten this proper phrase nearly all together.

When you write about a PERSON the word is “WHO”, WHOSE, never, “THAT, WHICH, etc.

Example:  “And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered him faithful who had made the promise”.

HELLO!  What is this the ghetto? First of all there should be NO “HAD” after “who” that is ghetto English.   Never the less…the words “who” are used properly as if suddenly the SCHOLARS knew what they were doing.(oh wait that is NIV no wonder they got the “who” right.

Example Two Incorrect:

When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.
Should say “he WHO received“.  It’s as if they are calling all those “witches” by using “which” instead of “who”.
Do you get my point?  This change is all through The Bible KJV and all books pretty much but no one seems to remember the old way, no the right way of grammar.


“Organs” Now in the KJVB one time.  My guess…it will increase.

“The fear of The Lord is the beginning of WISDOM”.  Granted this verse has changed to “knowledge” recently.

No one is talking about “LO” which was NEVER in the KJV.  That Lo is an old Viking term that’s in the 13th Warrior Movie

Look at this English Grammar my god.   This is the epitome of irony.  How appropriate that  such a blatantly corrupt scripture show forth what it says by the way its written.

For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.
New word:  SOTTISH?  The have none understanding and is foolish.  COME ON SHEEP WAKE UP….I AM wearing of watching Christians quote corrupt scripture blatantly WRONG full of ERRORS YET…THEY promote it.  And even worse to day I watched an old woman who has supposedly worshiped Jesus for a very long time speaking all His EVIL DEEDS and that He is evil.
They speak of a NEW JESUS and they are BLIND AS NO…NOT BATS, BATS SEE VERY WELL…THESE SHEEP ARE BLIND.  And they are blind guides.


OKAY I have to say JESUS NEVER PULLED OUT A WHIP, COME ON.  HE TURNED OVER TABLES THAT WAS IT. BOHEMIA GROVE IS IN THE “MESSAGE BIBLE”  Search “Grove” and “climax” its SICK.  Furthermore it doesn’t say “bohemia” but look.
“The Message” Bible Translation see my article

17 “All who enter the sacred groves for initiation in those unholy rituals that climaxed in that foul and obscene meal of pigs and mice will eat together and then die together.” God’s Decree.

What’s this?  Is this speaking of those who are said to worship the owl at the Bohemian sacred grove?

These days I can’t get through a sentence without a wrong spelling EVERYTHING IS SPELLED DIFFERENT EVERYWHERE.  Practically.

Picture now in scripture

dromedaries IS NEW:

2Ki 22:14   Look at the winky…they are mocking Christians who do not see.

So Hilkiah the priest, and Ahikam, and Achbor, and Shaphan, and Asahiah, went unto Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tikvah, the son of Harhas, keeper of the wardrobe; (now she dwelt in Jerusalem in thecollege😉 and they communed with her.


Est 8:14

So the posts that rode upon mulesand camels went out, being hastened and pressed on by the king’s commandment. And the decree was given at Shushan the palace.


Esther 3:13 the letters were sent by post.

mail….now in KJV.  MAIL

occurs 6 times in 6 verses in the KJV.

LISTEN HERE there is one thing NO ONE is talking about.  And that is Many words have changed spelling not just biblically.  SAMSON HAD A “P” IT WAS ALWAYS SAMPSON.  TO remove the “P” and all other name misspellings is DISRESPECTFUL.

ADVERTISE now in bible.  OLD TESTAMENT KJVB.   COVENANT changed to Testament in many places.

PORCHES New in scripture KJV.

The Sampson and Delilah story is ravaged to ridiculous measure.

PROCLAIM THE GOSPEL NOT “PUBLISH” THE GOSPEL.  Publish is new in that phrase verse.

Isaiah 3:23 GLASSES now in scripture yes like sun glasses or reading glasses.

RAY BANZ or was it Ray Bans?  Either way it is now RAY BAN.  Thanks EYA ON YOUTUBE for these changes.

Planets now in KJV

We could have predicted they would make this change to contradict Genesis and disfute the flat earth.

And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.

Ezra 9:8

“And now for a little space grace hath been shewed from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage.

Bible Change Alert KJV”

VAGABOND & EXORCISTS Now in KJVB. “We Adjure you” ????REALLY? What are they inviting the demon to come out…very perplexing.
Act 19:13
Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth.

This new word “plenteous” just popped up this week.  I believe they are doing shifts of history every Sunday now.  Those whose memories are not being erased wear the belt of Truth & they get tired during the shifts and sleep.  I had a vision that Father put me on a great white crystal stone during these shifts to protect the Truth in me.

It is getting weirder and weirder for those of us who see the changes.  People are being downloaded w/a new history.  You can tell they are connected to the beast’s strong delusion by the techtronic eye usually the right eye not always.  Perhaps those left handed get the techtronic eye on the left.

The one eye will look different than the other….fixed, & mechanical, intense, and unnatural.  Those in truth are grounded w/two eyes that are equal.

Unchecked Copy Box Mat 9:37

Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous,(full/ripe it has change at least twice) but the labourers (spell error no “u”)are few;
Be careful (ANXIOUS) for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God (The Lord, Our Father)
Quite literally this is saying “be careless not careful” Truth is no longer part of KJVB otherwise Christians would stand and object to scriptures that DO NOT SAY WHAT THEY MEAN OR MEAN WHAT THAT SAY.  Christians continually rationalize the lies with the phrase “Ya but that isn’t what it means” like w/script “hate your family”.
and said unto them,
If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.
And the peace of God, which passeth (SURPASSES) all [EARTHLY]understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  there was more to this verse



“Her filthiness is in her skirts; she remembereth not her last end; therefore she came down wonderfully: she had no comforter. O LORD, behold my affliction: for the enemy hath magnified himself.”

Well according to Lamentations you can take off you “skirt” that word was not in the bible….cause the skirt is where the filthiness is.  Having no Comforter means no Holy Spirit according to previous Bible wording.   “She came down wonderfully”.   Come on!  Jesus was referred to as the only “Wonderful” in the Bible now they are making the word “wonderful” and “wonderfully” a filthy demonic term in at least two new bible scriptures.


One of the most annoying in KJBV are the twists to pro-nouns.  No Longer is “who” and “whose” used as in proper English as it was ALWAYS in KJV.  Now humans have lost their pronouns that say they ARE human. This is a downgrade to the called of God and a purposeful insult to us.  See this rule was a pet peeve for me being a writer.  You NEVER put “which” or “that” on the actions of a person.  Example & NOTE this is over the ENTIRE KJVB. All bibles no matter how old that are KJV are identical pretty much.

Mat. 3:3 reads of John the Baptist whom has been insulted by the word change: “that” should say “who” and always did before.  Elijah no esaias. “P” capitalized mid sentence.  FURTHERMORE excuse me?  We or they DO NOT make the path of Jesus in ANY WAY now do we?

That random changed sentence is blasphemy that says we control the actions of Jesus.

What MUST BE done when reading this book now is to say to one’s self “Is this Truth”?  Take it for what it says no what you wish it said of want it to “read” I should say.


“For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.”

The Christians will say “oh this means carve out a straight path for Jesus in the road or wood”.   However we know what “path” represents throughout the Bible “the spiritual walk of a man” is the path.  The changes are sneaky like that. And the changes are by the thousands.

And if memory serves this is “Isaiah” not Elijah who prophesied of Jesus’ second coming in that way.

“one” is CHANGED from “him”.

So I don’t know what it used to say exactly but it was not “make his paths straight”….it was something like “He shall make the paths of many turn toward God The Father.  See the difference?

When I speak of a man I use “who” or “whom”.  Not “which” this is a play on “witch” you will notice many men of God are referred to as “which” instead of “who” this is an insult and word play.

Also John the Baptist, Apostle Paul, and Jesus now where “girdles”…come on a leathern girdle REALLY?  “Leathern” IS NOT A WORD.  And these men where not cross dressers they din’t even have girdles back then.

“And the same John had his raiment of camel’s hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey.”

“Son of Man” is a label for prophets, Jesus and many now.  Jesus was ALWAYS THE SON OF GOD not the “The Son of man”!  That change goes way back to around 2006 or so when the word “Unicorn” was first inserted into scripture in ONE PLACE.

“And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.”

Transgressors are come to the full?  Or the fool?  Dark sentences REALLY?  This is the kind of grammar that exhibits “strong delusion”.  Anyone reading this who is not provoked in their Spirit is asleep to the changes.  Or never knew God’s personality and the KJV writers expertise and honorable form of translation and wording.

Next we have the antichrist destroying wonderfully in

And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
Of coarse “practise” is mis-spelled.
Next Verse
I am beginning to think all this “Yashua” which translates to “JOSHUA” by the way is a Mandela effect.  I hear people talking about the new name as if it had always been around.  In reality it was the last two years that they changed the name of Jesus on social media platforms.  And they are confusing God’s name….The Father is “Adoni” I have heard name change after name change for both Jesus and The Father on social platforms to cause chaos.
The spelling of MANY words has changed.
The word “mean” was Bread.  They changed the word “bread” to meat all over the KJVB.  Jesus is the bread of life.  Not the meat of life.  Daily bread.  Not daily meat is the analogy.
OH MY GOSH ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  Look at this sarcasm and word play.
“Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: ” (winky) that script makes no sense to begin with”.
And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.
We have Abraham to our father?  Makes no sense.
God is able of THESE STONES (speaking in sarcasm of testicles…”stones”) to raise up children unto Abraham.
So if we take this at its words Jesus is talking about His own testicles here.  SORRY BUT THAT IS WHAT IT SAYS.
Christians will say “oh that isn’t what it means”.  WTH?  Do we just make it up as we go saying “oh it says that but its not what it means”.  NO!
WRITE WHAT YOU MEAN AND MEAN WHAT YOU WRITE this IS a PRECEPT OF TRUTH.  The KJV used to use TRUTH  on its pages not underlying pornographic insinuation at every turn.
Christians will NOT SEE THE BIBLE CHANGES until they are able to invoke TRUTH into their reading it.
As of now when Christians read the book they invoke “delusion” at every step and DO NOT invoke TRUTH as they read.  That my friend is the key to the strong delusion at hand…well one of the keys anyway.
I could go through the entire Bible page for page and show you these kinds of innuendo and underlying insult and sarcasm scripture after scripture.  SEE EYA on You Tube.


“And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand”
This says




For God so Loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him Shall not perish but has everlasting life.”  Shall hs been changed to “should” making the scripture no longer a promise and no longer an absolute.

Isaiah 11 is desecrated.  The messiah in a girdle.  The wolf dwells with the lamb.  New words terms.  “the stem of Jesse”.

“sucking child”


smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips shall he slay the wicked.
And righteousness shall be the girdle of his loins, and faithfulness the girdle of his reins.




Wake up kids NOW God Himself is called “Reverend” is Psalms 111:9.  That’s right “holy and reverend is his name.”  No capitalization of course.  As the new bible changes make sure to disrespect Our Father more often than not.

Surely those who did know ALL the sacred names of God listed KNOW that “reverend” WAS NOT ONE OF THEM.  I suppose it matches up well with Jesus being labelled a “bishop of our soul” in N.T.

Rev. 19

Jesus is not calling His “wife” are you kidding me?  BRIDE everytime it says “wife” should say “bride”.


Rev 19

I question fine linen being righteousness of saints as it represents clothing and outer appearance.  I question this “vesture dipped in blood” thing because I have absolutely no memory of such a thing.  And why would Jesus need or wear such a thing.  Think about what blood turns to on a garment, it’s disgusting and an insult to Jesus who is now SPIRIT.  I question the name on the thigh, it provocative in nature.  I question this new “supper of the great god” that sounds like some kind of Satanic cannibalistic feast.

“wrought” is not a word.

Rev 5:5

And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

Judah misspelled, weep capitalized mid sentence, JESUS was always referred to as the “a root of Jesse” now its suddenly “root of David” and was also “branch of Jesse”.     Whatever.  it was just seals not a book in Rev. 5:5.  The only book was the Lambs Book of Life. And the book that John the Revelator swallowed that became bitter.

Keep the Word of God written on your heart but the bible has to be let go…if we extol it now its idolatry and error because the righteous precepts of God are compromised in it which I have not even gotten into here yet.

Bible now confusing 4 Horsemen of the apocalypse with Jesus

And then all the sudden in Rev. 19:21 the “remnant” who is also now referred to as “residue” throughout the NT.  Yes “residue” look it up in KJV on Blue letter bible NOW remnant are being slain and eaten by buzzards.  The remnant was always used as a word for God’s end times chosen.  Now its calling the remnant devoured by Him with the sword in His mouth…which by the way it was always “The Sword of The Spirit” NOT The sword of His mouth or the spirit of his mouth.

Jesus does not carry a sword in His mouth.  If it meant The Word of God it would say “The Word of God”.

I have even seen it written (though it may have changed) “consumed them by the Spirit of His Mouth” as if another insult toward Jesus of what?  Consumed mean EAT another alluding to cannibalism.  Or what Bad breath, killed him with His breath.  NO!  It was always “double edged sword” NOT “two edged sword” OR Spirit of His mouth, NEITHER.

Spirit of the mouth is ridiculous and new.

YIKES Revelation 19 is simply a rewritten MESS of confusion.  I am embarrassed for those who justify it and explain away what the book now says and its grammar messes, new made up words, and mispelled words.  The names have changed like Noah to Noe and much much more.

Found an article of a guy trying to reason out all the new “on a horse” verses in Revelation where now you can’t tell who is evil and who is good or who is Christ from Anti, that right there is a huge red flag.  Personally I remember Jesus coming putting two feet down, one on the Mt. of Olives and the other on Zion or Sinai….and whipping the ass of the antichrist right there.  So all this “horse” scripture stuff is probably new. And it’s all very confused.

Capitalization mid sentence is called incorrect grammar errors.  That should wake anybody up to the bible changes but….I noticed Christians see it as some kind of wise intent rather than a mocking of the blind sheep.  When will the blind sheep finally see Satan in the mix?

The seemingly new book of Joshua 8 has him painted as “Joshua the Impaler”.  Nice, who needs vlad the impaler turned Dracula when we have such acts done by God’s OT elect.  Sure, maybe the “A.I. Kings” were giants therefore women, children, and men needing killed, I don’t know, maybe it used to say “Philistines” instead of AI….artificial intelligence maybe?

False Prophecy of Isaiah 34:4

And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree.

The Hosts of Heaven are the Angels and other Heavenly creations of God Himself…..These Hosts of Heaven will NOT be dissolved.  The word “dissolved” is new in the KJVB.   Granted the prophecy of stars falling from Heaven is in my remembrance but not Isaiah 34:4.

Now “liers” and liers in wait.  “liers” occurs 10 times in 9 verses KJVB.

So sorry guys that I have not really kept up with the changes here.  Although I have been watching EYA on you tube to see the outrageous changes.  Shocking changes


I have found so many changes to my old King James Bible I have decided to begin a log as I go.  So this list will start short but eventually grow large.  Send me your own list of changes to  I am only listing the one’s I am certain of and had memorized.  Before and After, both versions.

If we don’t recognize the changes here being both ridiculous and out of character, for not only the King James version but also out of Character for Jesus then we probably never really knew the Word of God intimately to begin with. (sorry)

It doesn’t mean a person can’t be saved or are not saved if they don’t see the changes.  The Bible changes are seen by those who have hidden the Word of God in their hearts and also have studied and rightly divided it’s/the truth.

Imagine if you had  a son who was kidnapped and replaced with an android look alike.  A mother would know the difference she would recognize the changes.  But someone who doesn’t love the child and know him intimately would not know that he had been replaced by an impostor.  This is how it is for the children of God who see the Bible changes.

There are lots of “Jesus Hates, hate or hated” scriptures after the Mandela effect that were never there before.  If anything Jesus “abhorred” certain blasphemous sin that hurts His children but never did He “hate” in my book.  Jesus spoke against “despisers” therefore why would He be a “hater” as is now portrayed by a distorted Bible.

They have changes the name of Jesus to Justice.

occurs 7 times in 7 verses in the KJV.

And thou shalt make for it a grate of network of brass; and upon the net shalt thou make four brasen rings in the four corners thereof.
Exo 38:4

And he made for the altar a brasen grate of network under the compass thereof beneath unto the midst of it.
1Ki 7:18

And he made the pillars, and two rows round about upon the one network, to cover the chapiters that were upon the top, with pomegranates: and so did he for the other chapiter.
1Ki 7:20

And the chapiters upon the two pillars had pomegranates also above, over against the belly which was by the network: and the pomegranates were two hundred in rows round about upon the other chapiter.
1Ki 7:42

And four hundred pomegranates for the two networks, even two rows of pomegranates for one network, to cover the two bowls of the chapiters that were upon the pillars;

Jer 52:22

And a chapiter of brass was upon it; and the height of one chapiter was five cubits, with network and pomegranates upon the chapiters round about, all of brass. The second pillar also and the pomegranates were like unto these.

Jer 52:23

And there were ninety and six pomegranates on a side; and all the pomegranates upon the network were an hundred round about.
Hebrews 11:3
By Faith we understand that thw world was framed by the Word of God, so that the things that are seen were made from that which is unseen.
Now Heb. 11:3
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Hebrews 11:5
By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death, ad was not found, because God took him. For before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
Now 1:5
By faith Enoch was translated that he shpuld not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he plesed God.
Genesis 5:24
Enoch walked with God therefore God took him.
Now Gen. 5:24
And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
James 4:4 King James Version (KJV)
After:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
I remember the spelling being “emnity” not “enmity” although I have not been able to confirm this.
James 4:4 before the M.E. “Ye adulterous generation, do you not know that The Love of this world is to be at emnity with God?”

Mark 6:39 & 40

Now it says-And He commanded all to make them sit down by companies upon the green grass. And they sat down in ranks by hundreds and by fifties.

My memory says-“And he succored them to sit at meat comfortably by groups upon the grass. And they rested in rows of ten and twenty fold.

I don’t remember word for word but it was more like this.

This is all wrong!  Jesus was not a militant army sergeant.
The word commanded and ranks are both replacements.  Green grass was not there either.

This list is ongoing and over whelming.  There are so many changes I doubt I will ever finish the list.  Furthermore a predict at some point every page of every Bible will become blank with no print whatsoever.


Mark 6:3

Brothers of Jesus are not “Joses, and Simon and of Judah” as shown now but rather should read:

Is this not the carpenter and brother of James and Jude?  (don’t quote me on this as being his brothers because the one I remember is James for sure who was also an apostle.

Mark 6:6

“And He withdrew because of their unbelief and He went through the villages teaching.”

He didn’t “marvel” at their unbelief but rather He was without honor there and so could not do the miracles that are done with those who do believe and have faith.

Mark 15:43

Joseph of Arimathea is “craving” the body of Jesus after He was crucified.

Craving is all wrong!  The word was “desired or desirous” of the body of Jesus that he may properly bury him according to tradition.


Then brought he me into the outward court, and, lo, there were chambers, and a pavement made for the court round about: thirty chambers were upon the pavement.

John 15:14

If you do the commandments of My Father…….

Mark 15:29

“wagging their heads” really?

Acts 5:6

they “wound him up” trust me this is not “Old English” this was NEVER BEFORE IN MY KJV personal bible.

Acts 5:4

“whiles it remained”  NO this is not even right for Old English.  There is a word “wiles” like the wiles of the devil, a bad thing. Ephesians 6:11.

See this video about the changes.  Preachers are FINALLY starting to see it too thank God!

It hurts when our brothers and sisters and leaders do not notice the obvious butchering of our Bibles supernaturally.

Acts 5:12  COME ON!

“And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; (and they were all with one accord in Solomon’s porch.”

Are you kidding me?

Should say more like this according to my memory.  This is not exact.

“And by the works of the apostles many were healed and delivered from unclean spirits.  The apostles did miracles among the people; for they were of one accord in the upper room.”

Solomon’s porch WAS NOT a thing.


“And of the rest durst no man join himself to them: but the people magnified them.

And look at this!  A winking emoji

Acts 5:14

14 And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.)   (wink wink nudge nudge)”

That is totally worded wrong.  It’s upside down!

Folks they are mocking the Word of God right in front of us.  KJV would never carry a parenthesis 4 versus down to finally finish it.

“sick folks” in Acts 5:16 not a term in Old English.

Acts 5:20

“speak all the words of this life”  No it did not say that.  Probably said something like “speak the things which ye have been given and share the truth of the gospel with the people”.

Acts 5:21 There was no “senate” are you kidding me?  It would have been the Pharisees and Sadducees.  Not the Senate of the children of Israel.

Acts 5:23 is butchered to hell

“Saying, The (notice a cap after a coma, really) prison truly found we shut with all safety, and the keepers standing with out before the doors: but when we had opened, we found no man within.

My God if people don’t see this has been butchered they are truly lost.

24: “Now when the high priest and the captain of the temple and  the chief priests heard these things, they doubted of them whereunto this would grow?

More nonsense.  Pretty sure that should be “Captain of the Guard.” They were the ones supposed to be guarding Paul and Silas.

I have to put this down for a while.  It’s beyond ridiculous.  Furthermore it’s getting worse every day.  It will not be long and the entire KJV Bible will have been bludgeoned and WILL cease to exist.  This I promise you.

New word.

“untoward” is now in the KJV Acts 2:40

Acts may be bungled up worse than any other book I have looked at in my old Thomson Chain Reference KJV study bible.

Acts 16:35 & 38

The word “Serjeants” a misspelled version of sergeant apparently regarding Paul and Silas’s imprisonment is now in the book of Acts.

New Word


A perverse twisted word pertaining to sexual endevours is now in Ezekiel 23:20 along with some other twisted text in that general area.  Seems other versions are even worse than King James Version.

Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”

Well that one I knew by heart.  They have changed my bible from “fallen short” to “come short”.   Think about that.  Come short.  It is not a term used in the KJV at least not before the changes.

Mark 12:26

“in the bush” pretty sure that was a burning bush.

So now “soever” is a word.  Look it up in your Strongs

These next four scriptures from Exodus have various grammar errors, word changes, Manna from Heaven is changed to “bread”.  We have “FLESH POTS” This is not old English people.    I have read and studied old English for years.  It is eloquent and God’s Holy Scriptures were perfect in their making.  All thru the Bible now we have corrupt grammar “Wicked” capitalized in many places.  Many words are capitalized after comma’s.  I have had this Bible my Bible for over 30 years it is leather bound. I wrote “Paradise for the Hellbound” using it.  I studied from it underlined scripture all through it…THERE WERE NO ABSOLUTELY NO GRAMMAR OR MODERN TERMS IN IT.  Now they are all over it.

And they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of the land of Egypt.

Now I don’t know for sure but I seriously doubt this “wilderness of Sin” phrase/name as being authentic to the KJV Bible.  ‘Elim’ doesn’t look right either for that matter.
And the whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness:
And the children of Israel said unto them, Would to God we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, and when we did eat bread to the full; for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly with hunger.
Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no.
And it shall come to pass, that on the sixth day they shall prepare that which they bring in; and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily.


Nor go by flight is all wrong.  This makes it sound like the Hebrews could take a plane to their destination.  However the obvious change is the “rereward” (Strong’s 622 & 314) trust me that is not a word.  At least it didn’t used to be.

 Isa 52:12

For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the LORD will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your rereward.
Isaiah 54:3
Gentiles is capitalized.
For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.
Ladies and gentlemen soon there will be but a vestige of the KJV of The Bible left.  It is literally disappearing and the changes are so abundant that it’s becoming fruitless to even log them.
Second Change Log Combined to this one.

Perhaps instead of covering the grammar error, sentence structure mistakes, new words, fake words, new verses, blasphemous verses, anti God scripture I should instead cover the Truth that is left in the KJVB because the un-corrupted scripture in the book are far less in number than the corrupt text.   Do you think I am kidding?  Exaggerating maybe?  Not so.

I didn’t Expect they would make the KJV Bible changes this extreme and this fast.  I didn’t expect it to become so unholy so fast.

My God, If these Christians still Idolize the book after this stuff….STUDY

Today’s new words KJVB 01-15-2020.





Jesus now says “ALL HAIL” After his descension back up to Earth.  Now instead of just “Mary” returning to His crypt both “Mary’s” return and see the angel who moved the great bolder from in front of the sepulcher

Everyone knows Jesus said to ONE MARY “do not touch me for I have not yet ascended to the Father”.

The scripture in Mathew 28 was a mystery of sorts.  Jesus said it to ONE MARY.  I believe it was Mary of Bethany who also sat at the feet of Jesus.  She was the sister of Martha who rebuked Mary to help her do the dishes. Jesus had then said paraphrased….”to each his own, it is Mary’s part to learn at my feet, and yours to do the works of the house.” something like that.

However that is not my topic here.  NOW they the TWO MARY’S grab His feet and are all over Him with worship.  He never says “don’t touch me I have not yet ascended.”




GOD THE HATER of His own children?  Either the book is corrupt or those who follow its lead must worship evil and lies.  That is the choice.  Serve the beast or serve God.  Choose this day whom you will serve.

The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.

And what manner of God is this in the new M.E. KJVB?  As Jeremiah allegedly congratulates his God for being a “great deceiver” of the kings and nations in

And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.


Jeremiah 4:10.

Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul


This hater, canable promoting god could not possibly be the God whose Son is Jesus because Jesus is The Truth.  Truth is vital to Faith, Spiritual condition and purity of heart.  Know ye not that it is impossible for God to tell a lie.  And now all over the Bible God is depicted as a deceiver, sending out strong delusion, renigging on his promises, and his actions which are viscous and malevolent including sport-like punishments.  Example-He feeds his children’s, children to them for dinner.  Lev. 29:26 COME ON!

I watch in anxt as Christians read over the book accepting ANYTHING it says as being benevolent, good(oh wait now it’s “goodly” not good, right and true.

Listen I was at a friends house trying to showing her and hoping to God she would see the Bible changes and their blasphemous nature on the most part.  She read scripture.  Oddly it seems far more people are inspired to read the Bible now a days, now that its so extremely error filled and a doctrinal swamp of mis-spoken dialects from a mix of white trash trailer park lingo to west Virginia illiterate hick jawl  followed with a spin of Old Norse Viking Celtic demure hence the “Lo” this & “Lo” that!  After all, Jesus now saying “I reckon” and Christians don’t bat an eye.

There is no Old English left in the book save the “Our Father who art in Heaven Hallowed be thy name.” I think they preserved that line because so many people would remember it.
Watch 55 minute marker to 115. That describes the insanity of the new Mandela affected KJVB.

Then said I, Ah, Lord GOD! surely thou hast greatly deceived this people and Jerusalem, saying, Ye shall have peace; whereas the sword reacheth unto the soul


Here’s an entertaining scripture change.  I was looking for the mature and poetically respectable verse “make your home among the rocks” and its no longer in KJV but this is.

The conies are but a feeble folk, yet make they their houses in the rocks;

The mocking scriptures often have the winky.

Crony= is the practice of partiality in awarding jobs and other advantages to friends or trusted colleagues, especially in politics and between politicians and supportive organizations. For instance, this includes appointing “cronies” to positions of authority, regardless of their qualifications

A feeble folk?  Nice.  I had a vision of the twin owls of the Lumpy Ridge, Rocky mountains being split.  I am sure the “cronies” as well as the “conies” are making their home among the rocks.  And how can an animal be called a “feeble folk” anyway?  RIDICULOUS!  The owls that the elite worship in the rocks will be split in two just and the separation of twins born attached at the hip.  The rocks will crash and end up exposing all who hide within them. Prediction received on 1-13-2020 fulfillment of prediction will be during the great tribulation in the next four years my guess.  Father did not give me a date.

holpen   New word term.


More alluding to cannibalism to salt an infant after its born.


You DON’T salt infants and newborns.  You salt the fatted bullock.  What the scripture probably used to say was “anoint with oil”.  Back in the days of Ezekiel they knew the value of plants and they used holistic medicine that is now wiped off the face of the earth by the elite whenever possible.  They brought Jesus Frankincense and Myrrh when He was born just for that purpose.  Oil was expensive, sacred to divine callings of God and used for spiritual and health reasons.

Strongs definition of “salted” is not good in this case verse.

#4414 In the Concordance

mâlach, maw-lakh’; a primitive root; also as denominative from H4417 properly, to rub to pieces or pulverize; intransitively, to disappear as dust; also to salt whether internally (to season with salt) or externally (to rub with salt):—× at all, salt, season, temper together, vanish away.

Knat is now Gnat.  Can’t find anything online on that change.  I remember me and my brother using the word like KaNat because of the spelling we made fun of the word.  Now the spelling G-nat.

“MEAT” and “FLESH” are MULTIPLIED IN THE KJVB (I probably already posted this word once.)  But its worth repeating.

FRUIT, BREAD, NUTS, BERRIES, FOLIAGE, and pretty much anything edible has been changed to “MEAT” of “FLESH”.  It’s fairy disgusting what the KJV Bible has turned into.  Very grotesque.  Especially for those of us who do not eat meat anymore since the great awakening has occurred.

Although the fig tree shall not blossom, neither shall fruit be in the vines; the labour of the olive shall fail, and the fields shall yield no meat; the flock shall be cut off from the fold, and there shall be no herd in the stalls:

Aroma, Fragrance, Savoir are changed to “odor” or “odour” in the KJV.   This is a perfect example of the desecration of abomination as prophesied by Daniel of the Holy Place (Holy Book) that is taking place here.  “let the reader understand” says the scripture noting that it is referring to the desecration of that which is READ.  Furthermore the Strong’s definition of the “holy place” is “scripture in a book”.  It tells us flat out what the abomination desolation is.  I say “DESECRATION” because that is what the book used to say not “desolation”

If your new to the bible changes and a believer. Do not think that I cover the changes because I want to discredit God or Jesus. On the contrary, the book WAS Holy and had many truths before the Mandela effect changes.  The security seal of Daniel is off the book.  If the book is honored now or viewed as worthy to teach us or instruct us we advocate lies and put the book above Jesus who IS TRUTH and IS THE WORD OF GOD.   _____________Jazweeh

Word ‘FUGITIVE‘ now in KJVB.

Oh boy!  The Antichrist has finally outed himself clearly and by verse.

In that day shall the LORD defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; and he that is feeble among them at that day shall be as David; and the house of Davidshall beas Godas the angel of the LORD before them.
Now taking Zec 12:8 in context and by its words, definition of the English language what does this script mean?
Answer,  What is the house of David?  The third king of Israel.  David is multiplied in the KJV.  The house of David is David being Israeli and his home and family in Israel.  So there it is the Israeli Jews shall be (as) God..  ‘Acting’ God if you will, Israel ruler of all.  NO-thing is God except God we the true worshippers of Jesus/Father in Spirit and Truth refuse any “acting” God that would usurp itself over the indwelling power of The Holy Spirit in us the True church the elect.  The Elect do not want to be God but for some reason Israel and many Jews do.   This antichrist WILL rise up in and out of Jerusalem.  Salem his lot.  Salem’s Lot.
NEXT we see “David shall be as God and the angel of the Lord before them”.
So this Israel, David as God is as an Angel of The Lord before them.  This is Satan an angel of The Lord before the people, ruling in Jerusalem.  The fallen.
COVERT now in scripture KJV

FISHES” is not a word people YET there it is in KJVB.

And they say unto him, We have here but five loaves, and two fishes.

Controversy new in KJVB.

“Depart from me ye workers of iniquity I never knew you”.  Scripture is changed backwards and inside out but still says basically the same thing.

HOWEVER the two prior scripts are jacked up and slapped down.

When once the master of the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not whence ye are:
Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets.  ”hast” would be “hath” Taught in our streets is new.  I know you not whenceye are makes no grammar sense.

Most of the KJV bible is now corrupt.

He doesn’t “WROUGHT” miracles by the hands of Paul.  Miracles are done by God and by His Holy Spirit in us.  And “rot” by “wrought” is NOT a word.

The Book of “Joshua” pretty sure never existed.  Its no wonder “AI” is all through it.  Yes Joshua was a significant bible personality however he did not have his own book.  So this means a book is missing since there are 66 books and apparently were.  Or was it 70?  I do wish I had paid more attention to the particulars such as that.

“But when divers were hardened, and believed not, but spake evil of that way before the multitude, he departed from them, and separated the disciples, disputing daily in the school of one Tyrannus.”
Jesus taught in the synagogue He did NOT “dispute daily” that is against His nature.  Tyr annus more mocking words.

Deputies, Crystal, Derision, 

Deputy now in KJVB

Here we see the anti christ being exalted in the idolatrous book by capitalizing “Wicked” as his name mid sentence.

And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming:

Now We Must!  Need be, Die for Jesus sake, says the KJVB.

Wow really?  What is this payback?  Salvation no longer free?  Now for Jesus sake we must needs be DIE!

2nd Corinthians 4:11 Show that We die for Jesus instead of showing the other way around.  The New UP SIDE DOWN GOSPEL FOLKS.  Know it as it is written not as you want it to mean changing even the English language one word at a time to make it fit.  The book is now an idol of lies. “alway” is not a word.

For we which live are alway delivered unto death for Jesus’ sake, that the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our mortal flesh.

The following Scriptures are Wrong wrong wrong and utterly contemptible not of God whatsoever!

  1. God does NOT make men cannibals are you kidding me?
  2. Our Father will not “feed us the flesh of our own children”.  To interpret the bible changes at this point you must know the temperature and countenance with behavior and personality of a God Who Is Love.
  3. God talked about the prayers of the saints being a sweet savour.  Now the word is odor.  What is an odor?  Come on that is an insult and a negative bad smell.
  4. The entire book is filled with lies that changed terminology sets forth.  Old English has turned to what they now call “middle earth English”.
  5. Used to be the KJV Bible was Old English very poetic always eloquent, never crass or brutal.  Old English was spoken in certain movies and films like the “Tudors” series.  And other movies with Shakespeare.

Think Romeo and Juliet, and they of that language HERE ARE EXAMPLES OF OLD ENGLISH AS IT WAS PRIOR TO THE MANDELA EFFECT.


A Farewell to The Words in The Book  Farewell to the renowned and exquisite grammar and spelling farewell to that which lent itself to right and good.

Farewell to preachers who deserved not to speak its graceful words.   Truth shall flow no more from their wicked tongues.  Farewell.  For we who are True have the Words wrapped tightly and evenly around our heart.  Our heart’s desire is composed of these such words.

The famine is upon the lands of men, though they see it not. Until the mass of men be pricked to the core of their heart by apocalyptic shock and events, they shall neither see or hear by man, or beast the words God has set in the hearts of His own faithful.

The Word of God is written on my own heart.  The lies are written on the paper. 

Beautiful with elegance not a saucy or obscure term in any line of text.  Forthright were the word terms, and to the point the verses were fragrant to the soul and palatable to the spirit.  The bread of Life is Jesus and His Truth feeds His children.   A refreshing of Spirit shall follow reading words that agree with one’s heart.

Could it be so that those whom Father appointed the greatest task of all time on Earth itself be corrupt in their intellect and thought or perhaps careless and ignorant of their own language?  I think not!  Yet educated Christians take no thought of the errors in the text.

Will not our Father bring forth words and terms of delight with excellence?  Do you who are so learned about His words and terms see the corruption of the text at hand?  How be it pronouncements are skewed?  How be it spellings are tragically dispondant (despaired, discourage of, urged to gloom) of mood and Truth?   

Our Great language of Old English were words that meant what they said and said what they meant in EVERY instance both of tongue and of the ink well. 

Where for art thou oh sacred writings of old?  How be it thou hath gone henceforth from my sight with haste?  I bid thee farewell blessed words of Father portraying both hope and faith. 

Prophesies of Amos 8:11 and 12 must come to pass before us in full, prior to the passing away of this generation. The decree of Famine of God’s words was set forth not in hast, nor without regard for those who would remember the old ways of the sacred text.  Wherefore art thou oh book of old on which per adventure, I weighed its pages to heavily upon my very soul.

  The written words dismissal from my presence hath abated me if only for the time, sorrow and dismay.  Shall I miss thee as if thy were my own breathren?  Shall I grieve ye long in passing oh book dissolved?   Misshapen and heinous is your successor I proclaim it.   Seeing the sacred words flow out as water from the vase is no small event to my heart.  The loss is both miraculous and tragic,supernatural and amazing.  I welcome to celebrate my great loss and grieve it together.  Once in a lifetime.

The result of the passing of sacred words render my very heart a deep well of loss save my Savior come here soon and my joy return unto me.  He shall quench my heart as a dry green plant thirst for water for its very survival and life.   

I must either cleave away or  bind forthwith in sorrow and icy shallow dreams my remembrance of said text?  “Same as it ever was, same as it ever was” scream those blind men.

The Word of God is written on my own heart.  The lies are written on the paper.  I choose Truth and the wherewithal  to accept, endure, and allow the changes to flow thru and about me as I sway like a tree when the strong storm wind surrounds it.   I bend and sway, not broken by the change of time, two times and the dividing of time.

Surely thine Author’s arms must reach through and breach time itself by the vail that succumbs to no one except He, and henceforth deliver all who see the passing of Truth and greatly we grieve it.  

And if ye will not for all this hearken unto me, but walk contrary unto me;
Then I will walk contrary unto you also in fury; and I, even I, will chastise you seven times for your sins.

God Makes Men Cannibals Scripture So the God of the bible makes Pepsi products with fetal cells in it.  Look it up.  This is the antichrist who turns men into cannibals.

And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.
And I will destroy your high places, and cut down your images, and cast your carcases upon the carcases of your idols, and my soul shall abhor you.
And I will make your cities waste, and bring your sanctuaries unto desolation, and I will not smell the savour of your sweet odours.


So insulting “sweet savoir” of the prayers of the saints is changed in Rev. to vials full of “odours” both crass and misspelled.  Plus the prayers of the saints were also “went up as the smoke of sweet incense unto God” Our prayers are sacred children.  And Father hears our weakest prayer.

Revelation 5:8  “And when he had taken the book, the four beasts and four and twenty elders fell down before the Lamb, having every one of them harps, and golden vials full of odours, which are the prayers of saints.”

Furthermore “men have sought out many vices” changed to “many devices” changed to “many inventions”

How will the experts explain away the new contradiction?  Now Moses brings down the ten commandements from both Mt. Sinai and Mt. Horeb.  Whatever, these people will never see until the great tribulation peels their spiritual eyes and shocks them into truth.  Or they may never see.  Their natural eyes rule their mind.   Their spiritual eyes have been dimmed.

Mount Sinai
Mount Sinai (Hebrew: הַר סִינַי‬, Har Sinai) is the mountain at which the Ten Commandments were given to Moses by God, and is one of the most significant of the Stations of the Exodus. In the Book of Deuteronomy, these events are described as having transpired at Mount Horeb.

Brothers and Sisters now has come more changes in the KJVB than I have seen in 3 years.  The new words are galore now.  This whole business of the KJvb is nearly unrecognizable.  I have see more changes today than ever.  The changes have been amped up mostly with words that are way too modern for what the KJV used to be.

Jesus please come soon.

Few know or have experienced the deep frustration of watching the blind lead the blind.  Its very difficult for us to watch the blind sheep choose the lie over truth.  We watch them justify contradictions, grammar errors, new ridiculous words, spelling errors and deeply blasphemous changed scripture.  Why do you watch if its so distressing?

We want to keep up with the book and its new narrative while hoping others will wake up at some point and see.  But we are setting our hope on the great tribulation because without the gift of desperation the sheep will stay asleep.

Blasphemy Jesus by comparison of script being impaled?

These “Joshua the Impaler” scripture are sick. But now I am seeing that other versions say Joshua hung the captain on a tree.  Is this why they changed Jesus from being hung on a cross to hanging on a tree said Paul in Galatians 3:13.  Which never made sense anyway as it contradicts the cross.  But now we see the bible changers motive to show Jesus as impaled.

And the king of Ai he hanged on a tree until eventide: and as soon as the sun was down, Joshua commanded that they should take his carcase down from the tree, and cast it at the entering of the gate of the city, and raise thereon a great heap of stones, that remaineth unto this day.
He impaled the body of the king of Ai on a pole and left it there until evening. At sunset, Joshua ordered them to take the body from the pole and throw it down at the entrance of the city gate. And they raised a large pile of rocks over it, which remains to this day.

Mar 1:17

And Jesus said unto them, Come ye after me, and I will make you to become fishers of men.

He said “follow me” and I shall make you fishers of men.  Not “Come” with a mid sentence capital C.


Word “DISEASE” now in KJVB 15 times.   Supposedly Jesus “sends disease before Him” this God of the Bible is not Jesus or The Father..NOT ANYMORE If it ever was in the O>T at all.



Pro 11:15 He that is surety for a stranger shall SMART for it: and he that hateth suretiship is sure.

LOL sure i ti ship….. Oww that “smarts” lol RICDICULOUS! OMGOSH.

NOW Look on Breathren “OFFICERS” NOW IN THE KJVB SEE the following ridiculous verse…..scripture, passage, sentence.  Ward also.

And he asked Pharaoh’s officers that were with him in the ward of his lord’s house, saying, Wherefore look ye so sadly to day?

Penis Fish Decode this word Urechis unicinctus  seeing alot of U R sin Rechtus Eunuchs cin sin…and on and on in the decode terms or word scramble.

Image result for Urechis unicinctus penis fish

THE NEW HATER GOD OF THE BIBLE WAKE UP DO NOT FOLLOW THE BOOK OF INIQUITY AND LIES.  If your heart agrees with this book you have problem.

The term “Holy of Holies” is erased from all Bibles now.  Its not even in the KJVB.  Changed to “Holiest of all”.  So those under the strong delusion DO NOT EVEN REMEMBER THE PHRASE “HOLY OF HOLIES”.  Maybe that’s why they have forgotten about “saved by faith through Grace” and now they fight over Law & blood leaving faith in the dust.  And the greatest gifts of all are Faith Hope and Love. SAVED BY FAITH, SAVED BY FAITH.  The heart condition is what matters to God I believe.  They preach blood like the Exodus blood of the Lamb on the door.  The blood is symbolic Faith is Real and necessary in comparison.  Show me your faith and I will watch your works because of that Faith.

For thou art not a God that hath pleasure in wickedness: neither shall evil dwell with thee.
The foolish shall not stand in thy sight: thou hatest all workers of iniquity.



And they gave him to drink wine mingled with myrrh: but he received it not.

Genessis 3:15 Is blasphemous calling Jesus an “IT”.


In the same day shall the Lord shave with a razor that is hired, namely, by them beyond the river, by the king of Assyria, the head, and the hair of the feet: and it shall also consume the beard.

Here’s a non bible change from “Candle in the Wind”

“PAIN” was “FAME” as usual the change makes little sense as per following lyrics.

Loneliness was tough
The toughest role you ever played
Hollywood created a superstar
And pain was the price you paid
Even when you died
Oh the press still hounded you
All the papers had to say
Was that Marilyn was found in the nude

Jesh!  PRESIDENTS NOW IN THE KJVB.  That’s right folks…the the nay sayers will say “it was ALWAYS there.”  Right.  The Book is UNRECOGNIZABLE at this point along with the English language where many words have changes to the way they are spelled.  If you find yourself in spellcheck constantly having to relearn spelling its not you.  The language is being rewritten very abruptly as changes and downloads happen bi-weekly.

Braham Stokers “Dracula” Rats Scene.  New scripture often mimics movies or headlines.

Leviticus 13:45

And the leper in whom the plague is, his clothes shall be rent, and his head bare, and he shall put a covering upon his upper lip, and shall cry, Uncleanunclean.

Another ridiculous verse supernatural bible change, who knows what it used to say.


AI is taking the LOVE out of the Bible and replacing it with legalism and legalistic terms of carnality and shallow minded suedo spirituality.

FORGIVENESS OF SINS IS NOW “REMISSION” A more legal term that is like being acquitted by some judge rather than forgiven by LOVE the action of a God who Loves us.

Furthermore the following scripture shows “propitiation” a LEGAL TERM of the court meaning to “appease” some authority as if Jesus just appeased God by His sacrifice.  As if it was not out of Love but rather some action of a attorney who cares not a bit for his client just wants to get paid for his work.  THE LOVE IS REMOVED FROM THE BOOK.  The empathy is removed from the book.  The English language and the book are transformed to fit the likeness of the Beast.

Romans 3:25

“Whom God hath set forth to be a propitiation through faith in his blood, to declare his righteousness for the remission of sins that are past, through the forbearance of God;”  Not the disgusting winky.


the action of refraining from exercising a legal right, especially enforcing the payment of a debt.
By this definition, more courtroom terminology taking the Love of Jesus and God is Love into the realm of “DEBT”, payment, and the big bankster in the sky.


Moreover “faith in his blood” whose blood, this isn’t even referring to my God anymore.  FAITH IN BLOOD?  No Faith in Jesus, Faith in God.  The blood is symbolic.

We have the New Agers acting as if the downloads of lies and strong delusion from EMF and God only knows what else is actually some grand spiritual upgrade from the benevolent ones (whoever they are).  NOT SO.  How do we know?  Because Truth is Good and Lies are Bad…its that simple.

They New Age YT channels are running the propiganda that points out the many side effects of EMF and WIFI 5GHZ etc. as they explain it all away as some “Ascension Process”  BULLSHIT…I call bullshit!  How long until the word “bullshit” is found in the KJVB?

The following scripture has had an AXE taken to is, its butchered.  It would have said “the meat of the word” as compared to the “milk” of the word for babes.  It would not have read “to them that” but rather “to those who”, neither would it have said “by reason of” instead of “for this reason” or another more excellent term, the book was sanctified, it was holy.  The book was respectful by its words & terms.  Nor would it have read, “exercised” and this “by reason of use” is new to me…maybe it said “Due To” & “wisdom” or “experience” or “applying the scripture to one’s own life” and so on.  See the difference?

Why do Christians side with corrupt language and blasphemous ideals?  Because they Love not The Truth nor do they know Father by His Love.

The KJVB is now a mockery of God HImself and especially it is a mockery unto those who are born again believers who knew the temperature, mood, and attitude of the book.

But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age, even those who by reason of use have their senses G145 exercised to discern both good and evil.



The Sword, the weapon that is The Holy Spirit is the “The Sword of The Spirit”.  To call it now in KJV “The Spirit of His Mouth” is an insult to say His mouth has its own Spirit.   Also says “He destroys him by the breath of His mouth” that one is also questionable.  As if his breath is so bad it knocks you over.   See the sarcasm behind these terms?   The author of confusion is writing the book.  And re-writing the book.

They say we who see the KJVB changes are those who are deceived and we are under the strong delusion.  PROBLEM IS….WE WHO SEE ARE THE MINORITY, WE WHO SEE, ALSO SEE THE EVIL IN THE WORDS AND TERMS they are countless!  The Bible is full of blasphemies now.  Hate and whore, and piss, and “stupid son of a whore” in the NLT these attitudes are not platitudes.  The book has gone from Holy to wretched, from respectful and poetic to crass and wisdom-less.  Look at Proverbs now it folly.  The book was so full of wisdom and beauty.  And yet they say WE ARE THE ONE’S, UNDER THE STRONG DELUSION. And that WE ARE THE ONES WHO ARE CORRUPT.  Those who see are mature Christians, who are born again. We who see hear His voice and we recognize a foreign entity in the book.  We know what this means.

The wicked one is standing in the Holy place.  ITS ON!

ACCORDING TO SCRIPTURE BELOW JESUS WAS “BURIED” Instead of being put behind a great rock in a cave on a great stone, and wrapped in the cloth etc.  Book has become unrecognizable.   I believe it is here that they deleted His descent into Hell where He overcame death and TOOK the keys to death and Hell and overcame Death by Love, Faith, and power in The Holy Spirit as the Son of God.

And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:

Now the book is idolatrous and must be viewed as corrupt.


SIDENOTE:  Good luck keeping the belt of Truth on with this kind of teaching.  JESUS IS TRUTH.  The book now portrays the Father of Lies as Author and finisher of these writings of confusion by the author of confusion.

New International Version
“‘And if the prophet is enticed to utter a prophecy, I the LORD have enticed that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand against him and destroy him from among my people Israel.New Living Translation
“‘And if a prophet is deceived into giving a message, it is because I, the LORD, have deceived that prophet. I will lift my fist against such prophets and cut them off from the community of Israel.English Standard Version
And if the prophet is deceived and speaks a word, I, the LORD, have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand against him and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.

This is a new word “marvel” but I am going to quote it anyway…maybe some changes are of God.  This one is Truth.

King James Bible
And if the prophet be deceived when he hath spoken a thing, I the LORD have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand upon him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.


Christian Standard Bible
“‘But if the prophet is deceived and speaks a message, it was I, the LORD, who deceived that prophet. I will stretch out my hand against him and destroy him from among my people Israel.


Contemporary English Version
If a prophet gives a false message, I am the one who caused that prophet to lie. But I will still reject him and cut him off from my people,


Good News Translation
“If any prophets are deceived into giving a false answer, it is because I, the LORD, have deceived them. I will remove them from the people of Israel.


Holman Christian Standard Bible
But if the prophet is deceived and speaks a message, it was I, Yahweh, who deceived that prophet. I will stretch out My hand against him and destroy him from among My people Israel.


International Standard Version
“Now as to the prophet, if through deceit he delivers a message, I the LORD have deceived that prophet! I’ll reach out in opposition to him and exterminate him from among my people Israel.


NET Bible
“‘As for the prophet, if he is made a fool by being deceived into speaking a prophetic word–I, the LORD, have made a fool of that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand against him and destroy him from among my people Israel.


New Heart English Bible
“‘”If the prophet is deceived and speaks a word, I, the LORD, have deceived that prophet, and I will stretch out my hand on him, and will destroy him from the midst of my people Israel.


GOD’S WORD® Translation
” ‘If a prophet is tricked into giving a prophecy, it is I, the LORD, who tricked the prophet. I will use my power against you and destroy you from among my people Israel.



A Short Study on new bible DEBAUCHERIES that shows nefarious motive.  And shows strong residual.  (by the way the “remnant” is now called the “residue”.  Nice huh?  Occurs 34 times in 33 verses this week.

Jude 1:8 KJV

“Likewise also these filthy dreamers defile the flesh, despise dominion, and speak evil of dignities.”  Also “despise dominion” is new.  Despise dominion….so if I have dominion over something or someone else has dominion over something they despise that precept.   OR…..”dominions” used to be the term and meant or means a type of hierarchy of angelic being.  “dominions”.    The way its worded now changes the meaning of the word it self just by changing it from plural to singular.  Granted the word “dominion” does have two meanings now you would need to look up the root word.

Col 1:16  This scripture has the same ref. number G2963 but we know its talking about an angelic being type.  NOW “GOVERNMENTS” IS DEFINED AS A DOMINION AS BEING A SACRED AUTHORITY.  The word “governments” is new and inserted illegally it is a lie.  Whoever is changing the Bible wants humans to worship governments and kings, and other humans.

“For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:”   But wait the famous scripture that we wrestle against “dominions” meaning wicked beings in high places

DIGNITIES” IS NOT A WORD BUT I AM SURE GOOGLE HAS SOME DEFINITION ALREADY in keeping up with the changes, they must.  Lets face it “dignity” IS a word that means self respect, basically.  So “dignities” would have to be types of self respect or types of dignity, right?  So its saying types of dignity are entities of which we can speak disrespectfully against.

Boy I should be a Preacher myself, “PREACHER” is now in the KJVB also btw.

Now!  This Dignities thing is in another verse also….same thing “dignities” in KJV and “DIGNITARIES” in NKJV which IS WHAT THEY BOTH USED TO READ.

“But chiefly them that walk after the flesh in the lust of uncleanness, and despise government. Presumptuous are they, selfwilled, they are not afraid to speak evil of dignities.”  come on! “them that walk after the flesh” its as if the King James Bible Scholars were trailer trash” Yep I reckon it was them that bla bla bla”  YES JESUS IS NOW SAYING “RECKON” IN THE KJVB.  Still the sleeping cannot wake or see.
“and especially those who walk according to the flesh in the lust of uncleanness and despise authority. They are presumptuous, self-willed. They are not afraid to speak evil of dignitaries,


WHY?  Because the NEW KJVB still says “dignitaries”

“Likewise also these dreamers defile the flesh, reject authority, and speak evil of dignitaries.”

They (the controllers/powers who be) WILL NOT leave it this way because its obvious residual.  Not to mention folks…we were seeing the word “DEMON” disappear from the KJVB bit by bit word by word till NOW ITS GONE TOTALLY.  FINALLY I saw a guy on YT site the change to the name “Mandella” it always had two “L’s” for me too, thanks whoever you were. Some guy being interviewed I forget which channel it was.

Gal 1:6

“I marvel that ye are so soon removed from him that called you into the grace of Christ unto another gospel:”   

“Who” is diminished while “which & that” are multiplied in the book.

occurs 12,916 times in 9,900 verses in the KJV.

occurs 4,414 times in 3,881 verses in the KJV.

occurs 970 times in 867 verses in the KJV.

The Word “WHO” has been removed hundreds of thousands of times from the KJVB replaced with “which” & “that” to lower/demote the respect and honor of men and God by the pronouns that used to be used for non people or improper nouns.   Proper nouns no longer sport the “who” & “whose” oh no whoever is changing the book likes to call Jesus, God, and man a “which”.  Like “those which” or “he that” or “him which”.

Furthermore, EVERY time they use “AS IT WERE” not only is this improper English grammar but its also mocking those who do not see how ridiculous it sounds compared to “as it was”.  I have heard over and over those who claim they see the Bible changes yet know NOTHING of most of the debauchery.


Most likely people on YouTube are either just making videos because they are trending and are copying EYA who is the expert and forerunner of supernatural bible change videos.  OR someone wants to make a list of those who truly do see the changes.   Lets face it people, we are not getting the corrupt downloads of the false history (fake bible etc)  if we see the changes, and this means they can’t control our minds.  Surely they don’t like that.

Those who end up facing the end times gallows may be those who see and cannot be downloaded with the fake bible.  The controllers are probably baffled saying “why can’t we download these idiots with our false history and fake bible verses?”

They are probably incapable of realizing that those who see are protected spiritually and its not about science or emf or 4g downloads as much as its about those who Love Truth and worship Jesus.



WARNING! The majority of channels on Youtube by people who claim to “see the KJV Bible changes” I have found don’t see most of the changes.  They see the obvious signs and wonders that anyone can see if they look.  I call the obvious signs and wonders like “Lion & Lamb” and “slay them before me” Jesus.  While these channels subscribe to the most blasphemous of bible changes as if they were always that way and are truth.

The following baptism scripture is disgusting, an example of putrid sarcasm toward Jesus and John the Baptist.  The scripture was NOT written this way originally and the word “suffer” is a negative term.  Reminds me of the movie “Black Snake Moan” where the girl suffered moaning on the floor taken by some demonic perverse force twisted and mangled.  Same with “suffer the little children”.  That also is a very old change.  I have seen changes as far back as 2007 for sure.  And now that I have a more critical eye on the book I see very old verses that could not have been truly words of God by their temperature and meaning.  Fulfill is spelled wrong.  It becometh us….makes no sense.  NO SENSE.  I used to Love Old English, now I can barely remember it’s character and tone.  So sad.  So sad.  The word “LO” is an old Viking term of the Nordics.  “Lo” has replaced “Ye”. After all Satan seems to advocate the Low Down.

Mat 3:15

And Jesus answering said unto him, Suffer it to be so now: for thus it becometh us to fulfil all righteousness. Then he suffered him.

Friends Here are my personal qualifications for knowledge of the massive and on-going supernatural bible changes.

The KING JAMES VERSION BIBLE USED TO BE A LITERARY MASTERPIECE WRITTEN IN OLD POETIC ENGLISH.  THAT MEANT IT SAID WHAT IT MEANT  AND MEANT WHAT IT SAID.  And it was written eloquently, poetically, righteously, spiritually, and especially with grace and tact were the words set forth to form a beautiful and respectable picture of Our Father’s emotional temperature and personality.  NOW its a book of lies full of sarcasm, disgusting situations and precepts along with sexual innuendo and cannibalistic & hateful tendencies.  The book now has the personality of a Beast, The Beast.

The blind Christians put their own meaning to the blasphemous words and terms when they read them.  The Christians enjoy the evil verses with their gross and disgusting stories of flesh pots and men in skirts w/girdles, and whore’s this and whore that, hate everywhere.

At 27 I was born again.  At 30 I received The Baptism of The Holy Spirit.  At 56-57 I woke up to the new reality and was shown the Beast System, revealed to me in depth.  I suffered under the beast system for many years and thought I was bad.  I believed many lies.  I am Jazweeh, this is my pen name.  My true identity is Laura of Akron child of The Most High God.  I am called Laura E.

The very fist scripture I ever related to was Apostle Paul struggling with sin.  I was so connected to him and his profession of struggle.  He said “that which I would not do, that I do.”  When I do that which I do not want to do, it is sin that lives in me, and on he went, “who shall deliver me from this body of death? Thanks be to Jesus Christ our Lord.”

All of Romans chapter 7 is pretty much GARBAGE NOW.  The WISDOM IS GONE FROM THE BOOK.  PROVERBS IS TRASHED.  HOW DO PEOPLE FOLLOW SUCH GARBAGE?  How?  They swim in the pool of strong delusion they side with the lie and they advocate hate by the new scripture.

Apparently they never knew God if they advocate the book and have actually read it in its new form.  This is the sad conclusion I have come to.  Either they never knew God OR they really have just not even thought about the bible with any depth…ever.  Not before or after.  Maybe they are just playing follow the leader spirituality.  Maybe they only know a verse or two that sound good and right so they mimic and parrot the other Christians in their behavior.

Throughout the real history, I looked up most every word in my KJVB that I didn’t understand and learned what those words meant. NOW their are thousands of new words that I have NEVER SEEN even after reading the text hundreds of times and looking up most everything I did not understand.  That ws my method and my goal was to understand what I was reading.  From the age of 25 till I was probably 33 years old I studied using Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance, Thayer’s N.T. Lexicon, and Bible Dictionaries, With the Greek English Interlinear Bible…I later purchased a Hebrew Lexicon for the O.T. as well.  I used since 1987 a KJV Thomson Chain Reference Study Bible for in depth study into the Greek and Hebrew origination of words and terms to fully understand what I thought at the time was “God’s Word”.  Now I know only Jesus can claim being God’s Word.


2nd Chronicles 35 Now says all through it “KILL THE PASSOVER” NOT “kill the Passover lamb” or goat or whatever, over and over it says “KILL THE PASSOVER” What does this mean? It means two things literally.

Who Passed over?  The Holy Spirit passed them over when they had blood on the door this showed that they worshipped the One True God of Issac Jacob and the rest. Their first born was safe.  So the scripture is saying “Kill the Holy Spirit” that is blasphemous.

Two, Kill the Passover means no longer should anyone recognize what is called to some “Easter” or “The Passover” which is the day we celebrate The Risen Christ called Jesus.  So Kill the Passover it says over and over.

I watched a video by “wakeuporelse” who is no doubt either under the strong delusion or and outright shill I don’t know which. He quoted 2nd Thess 2 giving “all power” to the antichrist. Then he justifies it saying its Holy Spirit inspired and Apostle Paul was making a powerful point and on and on. Not to mention THERE WILL BE NO “WEARING OUT” OF THE SAINTS..COME ON!  WE KNOW that the antichrist, the biblical Satanic man of perdition having “ALL POWER” IS A LIE and goes against many if not all of the basic foundational precepts of God/Jesus. This is common God-sense. YET he advocates the scripture as truth promoting evil as having “all power” Not good.

People I am seeing more and more how these corrupt scriptures are corrupting the minds of men.  My Lord God Almighty what will the book look like in another 6 months?  We already have star systems and just utter ridiculous chapters, sick twisted, insane writings that people worship as Holy Holy Holy.  Such idolatry will not be excused God help them all its getting bad people.

This glorification of the antichrist disgusts me to the point of UN-subscribing to those who advocate lies. Even if he is under the strong delusion should he not KNOW that God The Father and ONLY GOD THE FATHER HAS “ALL POWER” PERIOD. Changing that precept is NOT OKAY.  How can he just lie down for that?  That scripture should have provoked him but it didn’t.  He is greatly deceived with a techno voice of authority, so most likely he is a production/shill who will eventually promote taking the mark of the beast.  This is the agenda for all the fake Christian channels on YT.  That they promote Sunday worship being the mark, and when it comes down to it they will lead many to their justification of taking the mark of the beast.   It baffles me how a man if he be true can promote bible changes while swallowing the worst of them.  If this man is deceived I am sorry for him.  If he is a production I have no pity on what God will do to him for leading the sheep astray into false scripture.

The famous Revelation 12 sign of 2017 involving Virgo and 9 months of gestation and the dragon has changed from LEO to JUPITOR.  Leo the righteous Lion of Jesus the intercessors who labored and finally the end times were birthed has changed to Jupitor impregnating Virgo because the antichrist must have his sign in the stars as well as God.  I know they are spelling it Jupiter.

See thing is, the elect see both the Leo event and now the Jupitor event.  But the blind sheep under the strong delusion, they only see the antichrist’s version of the event along with all the other great signs and wonders.

I have also noticed recently people calling The Gospel of Christ or what I would call the Gospel of Jesus as being “the gospel of John” or “the gospel of Peter” and on and on according to whatever book they are referring to.  However those who see know THE GOSPEL is about Jesus dying for our sins that we may live.  It is and always will be The Gospel of Christ who is Jesus.

It would be acceptable to say “The Book of John” or The book of Mark, Luke, etc.  The Gospel is that Jesus died on the cross that we may live.

With PLEIADES now in Job in the King James Version Bible the powers that be should have little trouble convincing the blind sheep that the aliens are here.  My God I really didn’t expect the changes to go this far this fast.  But every Sunday I feel the spinning of the wheel as our history topples over into a shallow grave.  The size rings of power are united against the slaves.  The five families are drunk with power changing history at will.

God only knows what changes have occured in the hierarchy that we don’t even see.

Well folks, what can I say…now we got “lawyers, Pleiades, Orion, Octurus the word “case” and the scriptures with that word are all twisted up.

Which maketh Arcturus, Orion, and Pleiades, and the chambers of the south.
Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?


And finally it is clear Apostle Paul never said women are slaves to men who should shut up and only question men at home, not speaking in public as he does in the NT now….I suppose it’s just a really old corruption of scripture.  What are we Muslim?

Furthermore look how he supposedly disrespects women saying “what are you the only one with knowledge, did God give His words to you only?”  This is a very sarcastic scripture written with an obvious leaning toward spitefulness and resentment toward all women.   I do not believe the true Apostle Paul would have written such contradictory commands of an entire race of gender.

I believe these the bible was corrupt in part at conception and has gradually gotten much worse with the strong delusion and desecration of the holy place.

Have decided to continue this Log.  However if you search the word “Mandela effect” or “bible changes” on this site you will get a lot of new scriptures in various articles.

To Quote KAT at EYA on youtube

“It seems that the hearts of those who see the bible changes are more pliable in the Father’s hands.

This is key.  Truth is also key.  DO NOT LIE OR DECEIVE FOR ANYTHING.

Well, the Trump Cheerleaders on the box are saying Isaiah 45 is Trump.  The scripture is mangled as a matter of fact I watched one word change before my eyes. “beside” from “besides”.  I remember it “beside me” however these changes started before 2006 and maybe even before 1989 when I remember the “Lion & Lamb” scripture being “lion and wolf” even then.  Pray ye not be deceived.  Clearly some funky tech black magic is happening to all words

Again God is claim “evil” for Himself.  The God of the Bible as they call him is not my god.

“I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.”

They say “If Satan war against Satan how will his kingdom stand?”  Well I say if the righteous, just and true God war against Himself what’s the sense?”  No longer are the sides defined as evil vs. good in the book.  The lines are skewed, the book has fallen.  We cannot follow this DOUBLE MINDED GOD OF THEIRS.  Lest we stay confused.


“The Author of Confusion” is NOT my God.  Truly the new testament term “God is NOT the author of confusion” has literally happened. In this KJVB now writes, the author of confusion.

For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.


Isaiah 45:13 is really confusing….and because of it I am leaning toward “Trump Antichrist” theory again.  Because the Christians are saying this scripture is about Trump.  I bet they are teaching this in the churches no doubt.

“I have raised him up in righteousness, and I will direct all his ways: he shall build my city, and he shall let go my captives, not for price nor reward, saith the LORD of hosts.”  And it says over and over “even though he has not not me” .

Then it shows God having a Creator, very confusing.  This is a principle never ever introduced before.  The book is pretty much totally changed turned inside out and upsidedown by blasphemy.

Thus saith the LORD, the Holy One of Israel, and his Maker, Ask me of things to come concerning my sons, and concerning the work of my hands command ye me.

Verily thou art a God that hidest thyself, O God of Israel, the Saviour.  God doesn’t hide as a child scared or playing hide and seek.  Pretty sure this would have said the opposite.

WHAT IS THIS?  Winkies, bad grammar, horrible punctuation, and obviously the desecration of the Holy place is here and now.

“Tell ye, and bring them near; yea, let them take counsel together: who hath declared this from ancient time? who hath told it from that time? have not I the LORD? and there is no God else beside me; a just God and a Saviour; there is none beside me.”


“INRI” No longer in KJVB which is what what written on the cross of wood that Jesus was crucified on.  “INRI” means or meant “King of the Jews”.  The Romans did this as a mockery toward Jesus and His followers.


JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD not THE SON OF MAN.  By that title the bible makes Jesus on equal status as Ezekiel and other prophets called SAME.

I say this “Turn me Father and I shall be turned.”

Here’s another one:

But if the watchman see the sword come, and blow not the trumpet, and the people be not warned; if the sword come, and take any person from among them, he is taken away in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at the watchman’s hand.
Its not saying “will be attributed to your hand” or “regarded as by your hand” NO its saying in the future you will bleed this guy out.  Flat out evil and corrupt bible changes.

Evil Verse

When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.

What is God saying here?  We think it means the watchmen is responsible for the repentance and the behavior apparently, of the sinner, or at least to give the word of repentance to the sinner when commanded to.

But IF I require BLOOD that means I want blood, I require/demand blood and you are the one that is going to make that happen by YOUR HAND.  This is what it means in the English language taken as say what you mean and mean what you say   I require HIS BLOOD AT YOUR HAND.  That means you need to slaughter the sinner by bleeding.

Now, if he were saying “the blood of this man is on your hands” that would mean his death is your fault.  Or he could say “by you hand has this man died>” or I will recompense his death as being your fault or your doing.   His death is on your hands, your fault, your responsibility and on and on and on.

BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT IT SAYS.  Instead it says “I REQUIRE BLOOD by your hand”  AND “at YOUR HAND that blood shall be shed.”   Just saying.

Forehead is an issue in scripture now, we got “bald forehead Leviticus 13..these scripture are ridiculous.  Search “forehead” in and do research.  13:43 “in his bald forehead”.  How is it these people justify such nonsense?

Jeremiah 3:3 “A whore’s forehead”.  UNREAL!

Okay folks its time for me to mention one of the MOST VAST changes to the KJVB that was done across the board.  Being a writer I know what proper English is and there is one stickler to grammar that I remember VERY WELL and practiced over and over and over.  Nevertheless the world has forgotten this proper phrase nearly all together.

When you write about a PERSON the word is “WHO”, WHOSE, never, “THAT, WHICH, etc.

Example:  “And by faith even Sarah, who was past childbearing age, was enabled to bear children because she considered him faithful who had made the promise”.

HELLO!  What is this the ghetto? First of all there should be NO “HAD” after “who” that is ghetto English.   Never the less…the words “who” are used properly as if suddenly the SCHOLARS knew what they were doing.(oh wait that is NIV no wonder they got the “who” right.

Example Two Incorrect:

When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it not, then cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart. This is he which received seed by the way side.
Should say “he WHO received“.  It’s as if they are calling all those “witches” by using “which” instead of “who”.
Do you get my point?  This change is all through The Bible KJV and all books pretty much but no one seems to remember the old way, no the right way of grammar.


“Organs” Now in the KJVB one time.  My guess…it will increase.

“The fear of The Lord is the beginning of WISDOM”.  Granted this verse has changed to “knowledge” recently.

No one is talking about “LO” which was NEVER in the KJV.  That Lo is an old Viking term that’s in the 13th Warrior Movie

Look at this English Grammar my god.   This is the epitome of irony.  How appropriate that  such a blatantly corrupt scripture show forth what it says by the way its written.

For my people is foolish, they have not known me; they are sottish children, and they have none understanding: they are wise to do evil, but to do good they have no knowledge.
New word:  SOTTISH?  The have none understanding and is foolish.  COME ON SHEEP WAKE UP….I AM wearing of watching Christians quote corrupt scripture blatantly WRONG full of ERRORS YET…THEY promote it.  And even worse to day I watched an old woman who has supposedly worshiped Jesus for a very long time speaking all His EVIL DEEDS and that He is evil.
They speak of a NEW JESUS and they are BLIND AS NO…NOT BATS, BATS SEE VERY WELL…THESE SHEEP ARE BLIND.  And they are blind guides.


OKAY I have to say JESUS NEVER PULLED OUT A WHIP, COME ON.  HE TURNED OVER TABLES THAT WAS IT. BOHEMIA GROVE IS IN THE “MESSAGE BIBLE”  Search “Grove” and “climax” its SICK.  Furthermore it doesn’t say “bohemia” but look.

“The Message” Bible Translation see my article

17 “All who enter the sacred groves for initiation in those unholy rituals that climaxed in that foul and obscene meal of pigs and mice will eat together and then die together.” God’s Decree.

What’s this?  Is this speaking of those who are said to worship the owl at the Bohemian sacred grove?

These days I can’t get through a sentence without a wrong spelling EVERYTHING IS SPELLED DIFFERENT EVERYWHERE.  Practically.

Picture now in scripture

dromedaries IS NEW:

2Ki 22:14   Look at the winky…they are mocking Christians who do not see.

So Hilkiah the priest, and Ahikam, and Achbor, and Shaphan, and Asahiah, went unto Huldah the prophetess, the wife of Shallum the son of Tikvah, the son of Harhas, keeper of the wardrobe; (now she dwelt in Jerusalem in the college😉 and they communed with her.


Est 8:14

So the posts that rode upon mules and camels went out, being hastened and pressed on by the king’s commandment. And the decree was given at Shushan the palace.


Esther 3:13 the letters were sent by post.

mail….now in KJV.  MAIL

occurs 6 times in 6 verses in the KJV.

LISTEN HERE there is one thing NO ONE is talking about.  And that is Many words have changed spelling not just biblically.  SAMSON HAD A “P” IT WAS ALWAYS SAMPSON.  TO remove the “P” and all other name misspellings is DISRESPECTFUL.

ADVERTISE now in bible.  OLD TESTAMENT KJVB.   COVENANT changed to Testament in many places.

PORCHES New in scripture KJV.

The Sampson and Delilah story is ravaged to ridiculous measure.

PROCLAIM THE GOSPEL NOT “PUBLISH” THE GOSPEL.  Publish is new in that phrase verse.

Isaiah 3:23 GLASSES now in scripture yes like sun glasses or reading glasses.

RAY BANZ or was it Ray Bans?  Either way it is now RAY BAN.  Thanks EYA ON YOUTUBE for these changes.

Planets now in KJV

We could have predicted they would make this change to contradict Genesis and disfute the flat earth.

And he put down the idolatrous priests, whom the kings of Judah had ordained to burn incense in the high places in the cities of Judah, and in the places round about Jerusalem; them also that burned incense unto Baal, to the sun, and to the moon, and to the planets, and to all the host of heaven.

Ezra 9:8

“And now for a little space grace hath been shewed from the LORD our God, to leave us a remnant to escape, and to give us a nail in his holy place, that our God may lighten our eyes, and give us a little reviving in our bondage.

Bible Change Alert KJV”

VAGABOND & EXORCISTS Now in KJVB. “We Adjure you” ????REALLY? What are they inviting the demon to come out…very perplexing.
Act 19:13
Then certain of the vagabond Jews, exorcists, took upon them to call over them which had evil spirits the name of the Lord Jesus, saying, We adjure you by Jesus whom Paul preacheth.

This new word “plenteous” just popped up this week.  I believe they are doing shifts of history every Sunday now.  Those whose memories are not being erased wear the belt of Truth & they get tired during the shifts and sleep.  I had a vision that Father put me on a great white crystal stone during these shifts to protect the Truth in me.

It is getting weirder and weirder for those of us who see the changes.  People are being downloaded w/a new history.  You can tell they are connected to the beast’s strong delusion by the techtronic eye usually the right eye not always.  Perhaps those left handed get the techtronic eye on the left.

The one eye will look different than the other….fixed, & mechanical, intense, and unnatural.  Those in truth are grounded w/two eyes that are equal.

Unchecked Copy Box Mat 9:37

Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest truly is plenteous,(full/ripe it has change at least twice) but the labourers (spell error no “u”) are few;
Be careful (ANXIOUS) for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God (The Lord, Our Father)
Quite literally this is saying “be careless not careful” Truth is no longer part of KJVB otherwise Christians would stand and object to scriptures that DO NOT SAY WHAT THEY MEAN OR MEAN WHAT THAT SAY.  Christians continually rationalize the lies with the phrase “Ya but that isn’t what it means” like w/script “hate your family”.
And the peace of God, which passeth (SURPASSES) all [EARTHLY] understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.  there was more to this verse



“Her filthiness is in her skirts; she remembereth not her last end; therefore she came down wonderfully: she had no comforter. O LORD, behold my affliction: for the enemy hath magnified himself.”

Well according to Lamentations you can take off you “skirt” that word was not in the bible….cause the skirt is where the filthiness is.  Having no Comforter means no Holy Spirit according to previous Bible wording.   “She came down wonderfully”.   Come on!  Jesus was referred to as the only “Wonderful” in the Bible now they are making the word “wonderful” and “wonderfully” a filthy demonic term in at least two new bible scriptures.


One of the most annoying in KJBV are the twists to pro-nouns.  No Longer is “who” and “whose” used as in proper English as it was ALWAYS in KJV.  Now humans have lost their pronouns that say they ARE human. This is a downgrade to the called of God and a purposeful insult to us.  See this rule was a pet peeve for me being a writer.  You NEVER put “which” or “that” on the actions of a person.  Example & NOTE this is over the ENTIRE KJVB. All bibles no matter how old that are KJV are identical pretty much.

Mat. 3:3 reads of John the Baptist whom has been insulted by the word change: “that” should say “who” and always did before.  Elijah no esaias. “P” capitalized mid sentence.  FURTHERMORE excuse me?  We or they DO NOT make the path of Jesus in ANY WAY now do we?

That random changed sentence is blasphemy that says we control the actions of Jesus.

What MUST BE done when reading this book now is to say to one’s self “Is this Truth”?  Take it for what it says no what you wish it said of want it to “read” I should say.


“For this is he that was spoken of by the prophet Esaias, saying, The voice of one crying in the wilderness, Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make his paths straight.”

The Christians will say “oh this means carve out a straight path for Jesus in the road or wood”.   However we know what “path” represents throughout the Bible “the spiritual walk of a man” is the path.  The changes are sneaky like that. And the changes are by the thousands.

And if memory serves this is “Isaiah” not Elijah who prophesied of Jesus’ second coming in that way.

“one” is CHANGED from “him”.

So I don’t know what it used to say exactly but it was not “make his paths straight”….it was something like “He shall make the paths of many turn toward God The Father.  See the difference?

When I speak of a man I use “who” or “whom”.  Not “which” this is a play on “witch” you will notice many men of God are referred to as “which” instead of “who” this is an insult and word play.

Also John the Baptist, Apostle Paul, and Jesus now where “girdles”…come on a leathern girdle REALLY?  “Leathern” IS NOT A WORD.  And these men where not cross dressers they din’t even have girdles back then.

“And the same John had his raiment of camel’s hair, and a leathern girdle about his loins; and his meat was locusts and wild honey.”

“Son of Man” is a label for prophets, Jesus and many now.  Jesus was ALWAYS THE SON OF GOD not the “The Son of man”!  That change goes way back to around 2006 or so when the word “Unicorn” was first inserted into scripture in ONE PLACE.

“And in the latter time of their kingdom, when the transgressors are come to the full, a king of fierce countenance, and understanding dark sentences, shall stand up.”

Transgressors are come to the full?  Or the fool?  Dark sentences REALLY?  This is the kind of grammar that exhibits “strong delusion”.  Anyone reading this who is not provoked in their Spirit is asleep to the changes.  Or never knew God’s personality and the KJV writers expertise and honorable form of translation and wording.

Next we have the antichrist destroying wonderfully in

And his power shall be mighty, but not by his own power: and he shall destroy wonderfully, and shall prosper, and practise, and shall destroy the mighty and the holy people.
Of coarse “practise” is mis-spelled.
Next Verse
I am beginning to think all this “Yashua” which translates to “JOSHUA” by the way is a Mandela effect.  I hear people talking about the new name as if it had always been around.  In reality it was the last two years that they changed the name of Jesus on social media platforms.  And they are confusing God’s name….The Father is “Adoni” I have heard name change after name change for both Jesus and The Father on social platforms to cause chaos.
The spelling of MANY words has changed.
The word “mean” was Bread.  They changed the word “bread” to meat all over the KJVB.  Jesus is the bread of life.  Not the meat of life.  Daily bread.  Not daily meat is the analogy.
OH MY Goodness ARE YOU KIDDING ME?  Look at this sarcasm and word play.
“Bring forth therefore fruits meet for repentance: ” (winky) that script makes no sense to begin with”.
And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham.
We have Abraham to our father?  Makes no sense.
God is able of THESE STONES (speaking in sarcasm of testicles…”stones”) to raise up children unto Abraham.
So if we take this at its words Jesus is talking about His own testicles here.  SORRY BUT THAT IS WHAT IT SAYS.
Christians will say “oh that isn’t what it means”.  WTH?  Do we just make it up as we go saying “oh it says that but its not what it means”.  NO!
WRITE WHAT YOU MEAN AND MEAN WHAT YOU WRITE this IS a PRECEPT OF TRUTH.  The KJV used to use TRUTH  on its pages not underlying pornographic insinuation at every turn.
Christians will NOT SEE THE BIBLE CHANGES until they are able to invoke TRUTH into their reading it.
As of now when Christians read the book they invoke “delusion” at every step and DO NOT invoke TRUTH as they read.  That my friend is the key to the strong delusion at hand…well one of the keys anyway.
I could go through the entire Bible page for page and show you these kinds of innuendo and underlying insult and sarcasm scripture after scripture.  SEE EYA on You Tube.


“And through his policy also he shall cause craft to prosper in his hand; and he shall magnify himself in his heart, and by peace shall destroy many: he shall also stand up against the Prince of princes; but he shall be broken without hand”
This says
Peace is the testimony of Jesus by we who know Him.  Our born again testimony is the gospel of the Peace He gave us.  This script mocks Peace by saying its destructive.   WAKE UP!




For God so Loved the world that He gave His Only Begotten Son that whosoever believeth in Him Shall not perish but has everlasting life.”  Shall has been changed to “should” making the scripture no longer a promise and no longer an absolute.





Wake up kids NOW God Himself is called “Reverend” is Psalms 111:9.  That’s right “holy and reverend is his name.”  No capitalization of course.  As the new bible changes make sure to disrespect Our Father more often than not.

Surely those who did know ALL the sacred names of God listed KNOW that “reverend” WAS NOT ONE OF THEM.  I suppose it matches up well with Jesus being labelled a “bishop of our soul” in N.T.

Rev. 19

Jesus is not calling His “wife” are you kidding me?  BRIDE everytime it says “wife” should say “bride”.


Rev 19

I question fine linen being righteousness of saints as it represents clothing and outer appearance.  I question this “vesture dipped in blood” thing because I have absolutely no memory of such a thing.  And why would Jesus need or wear such a thing.  Think about what blood turns to on a garment, it’s disgusting and an insult to Jesus who is now SPIRIT.  I question the name on the thigh, it provocative in nature.  I question this new “supper of the great god” that sounds like some kind of Satanic cannibalistic feast.

“wrought” is not a word.

Rev 5:5

And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Juda, the Root of David, [Jesse] hath prevailed to open the book, and to loose the seven seals thereof.

Judah misspelled, weep capitalized mid sentence, JESUS was always referred to as the “a root of Jesse” now its suddenly “root of David” and was also “branch of Jesse”.     Whatever.  it was just seals not a book in Rev. 5:5.  The only book was the Lambs Book of Life. And the book that John the Revelator swallowed that became bitter.

Keep the Word of God written on your heart but the bible has to be let go…if we extol it now its idolatry and error because the righteous precepts of God are compromised in it which I have not even gotten into here yet.

Bible now confusing 4 Horsemen of the apocalypse with Jesus

And then all the sudden in Rev. 19:21 the “remnant” who is also now referred to as “residue” throughout the NT.  Yes “residue” look it up in KJV on Blue letter bible NOW remnant are being slain and eaten by buzzards.  The remnant was always used as a word for God’s end times chosen.  Now its calling the remnant devoured by Him with the sword in His mouth…which by the way it was always “The Sword of The Spirit” NOT The sword of His mouth.

Jesus does not carry a sword in His mouth.  If it meant The Word of God it would say “The Word of God”.

I have even seen it written (though it may have changed) “consumed them by the Spirit of His Mouth” as if another insult toward Jesus of what?  Consumed means EAT another script alluding to cannibalism.  Or what Bad breath, killed him with His breath.  NO!  It was always “double edged sword” NOT “two edged sword” OR SWORD OF THE SPIRIT OF GOD—-NOT- Spirit of His mouth!

Spirit of the mouth is ridiculous and new.

YIKES Revelation 19 is simply a rewritten MESS of confusion.  I am embarrassed for those who justify it and explain away what the book now says and its grammar messes, new made up words, and mispelled words.  The names have changed like Noah to Noe and much much more.

Found an article of a guy trying to reason out all the new “on a horse” verses in Revelation where now you can’t tell who is evil and who is good or who is Christ from Anti, that right there is a huge red flag.  Personally I remember Jesus coming putting two feet down, one on the Mt. of Olives and the other on Zion or Sinai….and whipping the ass of the antichrist right there.  So all this “horse” scripture stuff is probably new. And it’s all very confused.

Capitalization mid sentence is called incorrect grammar errors.  That should wake anybody up to the bible changes but….I noticed Christians see it as some kind of wise intent rather than a mocking of the blind sheep.  When will the blind sheep finally see Satan in the mix?


The book of Joshua is new.  The entire book did not exist in the bible prior to supernatural changes & Mandela effect. And it is choke full of A.I.  ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE CONGRATULATING ITSELF.  SEEMS A.I. HAS AN EGO OF MAN.

The seemingly new book of Joshua 8 has him painted as “Joshua the Impaler”.  Nice, who needs vlad the impaler turned Dracula when we have such acts done by God’s OT elect.  Sure, maybe the “A.I. Kings” were giants therefore women, children, and men needing killed, I don’t know, maybe it used to say “Philistines” instead of AI….artificial intelligence maybe?

False Prophecy of Isaiah 34:4

And all the host of heaven shall be dissolved, and the heavens shall be rolled together as a scroll: and all their host shall fall down, as the leaf falleth off from the vine, and as a falling fig from the fig tree.

The Hosts of Heaven are the Angels and other Heavenly creations of God Himself…..These Hosts of Heaven will NOT be dissolved.  The word “dissolved” is new in the KJVB.   Granted the prophecy of stars falling from Heaven is in my remembrance but not Isaiah 34:4.

Now “liers” and liers in wait.  “liers” occurs 10 times in 9 verses KJVB.

So sorry guys that I have not really kept up with the changes here.  Although I have been watching EYA on you tube to see the outrageous changes.  Shocking changes



I have found so many changes to my old King James Bible I have decided to begin a log as I go.  So this list will start short but eventually grow large.  Send me your own list of changes to  I am only listing the one’s I am certain of and had memorized.  Before and After, both versions.

If we don’t recognize the changes here being both ridiculous and out of character, for not only the King James version but also out of Character for Jesus then we probably never really knew the Word of God intimately to begin with. (sorry)

It doesn’t mean a person can’t be saved or are not saved if they don’t see the changes.  The Bible changes are seen by those who have hidden the Word of God in their hearts and also have studied and rightly divided it’s/the truth.

Imagine if you had  a son who was kidnapped and replaced with an android look alike.  A mother would know the difference she would recognize the changes.  But someone who doesn’t love the child and know him intimately would not know that he had been replaced by an impostor.  This is how it is for the children of God who see the Bible changes.

There are lots of “Jesus Hates, hate or hated” scriptures after the Mandela effect that were never there before.  If anything Jesus “abhorred” certain blasphemous sin that hurts His children but never did He “hate” in my book.  Jesus spoke against “despisers” therefore why would He be a “hater” as is now portrayed by a distorted Bible.

They have changes the name of Jesus to Justice.

occurs 7 times in 7 verses in the KJV.

And thou shalt make for it a grate of network of brass; and upon the net shalt thou make four brasen rings in the four corners thereof.
Exo 38:4

And he made for the altar a brasen grate of network under the compass thereof beneath unto the midst of it.
1Ki 7:18

And he made the pillars, and two rows round about upon the one network, to cover the chapiters that were upon the top, with pomegranates: and so did he for the other chapiter.
1Ki 7:20

And the chapiters upon the two pillars had pomegranates also above, over against the belly which was by the network: and the pomegranates were two hundred in rows round about upon the other chapiter.
1Ki 7:42

And four hundred pomegranates for the two networks, even two rows of pomegranates for one network, to cover the two bowls of the chapiters that were upon the pillars;

Jer 52:22

And a chapiter of brass was upon it; and the height of one chapiter was five cubits, with network and pomegranates upon the chapiters round about, all of brass. The second pillar also and the pomegranates were like unto these.

Jer 52:23

And there were ninety and six pomegranates on a side; and all the pomegranates upon the network were an hundred round about.
Hebrews 11:3
By Faith we understand that thw world was framed by the Word of God, so that the things that are seen were made from that which is unseen.
Now Heb. 11:3
Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
Hebrews 11:5
By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death, ad was not found, because God took him. For before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
Now 1:5
By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God.
Genesis 5:24
Enoch walked with God therefore God took him.
Now Gen. 5:24
And Enoch walked with God: and he was not; for God took him.
James 4:4 King James Version (KJV)
After:4 Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.
I remember the spelling being “emnity” not “enmity” although I have not been able to confirm this.
James 4:4 before the M.E. “Ye adulterous generation, do you not know that The Love of this world is to be at emnity with God?”

Mark 6:39 & 40

Now it says-And He commanded all to make them sit down by companies upon the green grass. And they sat down in ranks by hundreds and by fifties.

My memory says-“And he succored them to sit at meat comfortably by groups upon the grass. And they rested in rows of ten and twenty fold.

I don’t remember word for word but it was more like this.

This is all wrong!  Jesus was not a militant army sergeant.
The word commanded and ranks are both replacements.  Green grass was not there either.

This list is ongoing and over whelming.  There are so many changes I doubt I will ever finish the list.  Furthermore a predict at some point every page of every Bible will become blank with no print whatsoever.

Mark 6:3

Brothers of Jesus are not “Joses, and Simon and of Judah” as shown now but rather should read:

Is this not the carpenter and brother of James and Jude?  (don’t quote me on this as being his brothers because the one I remember is James for sure who was also an apostle.

Mark 6:6

“And He withdrew because of their unbelief and He went through the villages teaching.”

He didn’t “marvel” at their unbelief but rather He was without honor there and so could not do the miracles that are done with those who do believe and have faith.

Mark 15:43

Joseph of Arimathea is “craving” the body of Jesus after He was crucified.

Craving is all wrong!  The word was “desired or desirous” of the body of Jesus that he may properly bury him according to tradition.


Then brought he me into the outward court, and, lo, there were chambers, and a pavement made for the court round about: thirty chambers were upon the pavement.

John 15:14

If you do the commandments of My Father…….

Mark 15:29

“wagging their heads” really?

Acts 5:6

they “wound him up” trust me this is not “Old English” this was NEVER BEFORE IN MY KJV personal bible.

Acts 5:4

“whiles it remained”  NO this is not even right for Old English.  There is a word “wiles” like the wiles of the devil, a bad thing. Ephesians 6:11.

See this video about the changes.  Preachers are FINALLY starting to see it too thank God!

It hurts when our brothers and sisters and leaders do not notice the obvious butchering of our Bibles supernaturally.

Acts 5:12  COME ON!

“And by the hands of the apostles were many signs and wonders wrought among the people; (and they were all with one accord in Solomon’s porch.”

Are you kidding me?

Should say more like this according to my memory.  This is not exact.

“And by the works of the apostles many were healed and delivered from unclean spirits.  The apostles did miracles among the people; for they were of one accord in the upper room.”

Solomon’s porch WAS NOT a thing.


“And of the rest durst no man join himself to them: but the people magnified them.

And look at this!  A winking emoji

Acts 5:14

14 And believers were the more added to the Lord, multitudes both of men and women.)   (wink wink nudge nudge)”

That is totally worded wrong.  It’s upside down!

Folks they are mocking the Word of God right in front of us.  KJV would never carry a parenthesis 4 versus down to finally finish it.

“sick folks” in Acts 5:16 not a term in Old English.

Acts 5:20

“speak all the words of this life”  No it did not say that.  Probably said something like “speak the things which ye have been given and share the truth of the gospel with the people”.

Acts 5:21 There was no “senate” are you kidding me?  It would have been the Pharisees and Sadducees.  Not the Senate of the children of Israel.

Acts 5:23 is butchered to hell

“Saying, The (notice a cap after a coma, really) prison truly found we shut with all safety, and the keepers standing with out before the doors: but when we had opened, we found no man within.

My God if people don’t see this has been butchered they are truly lost.

24: “Now when the high priest and the captain of the temple and  the chief priests heard these things, they doubted of them whereunto this would grow?

More nonsense.  Pretty sure that should be “Captain of the Guard.” They were the ones supposed to be guarding Paul and Silas.

I have to put this down for a while.  It’s beyond ridiculous.  Furthermore it’s getting worse every day.  It will not be long and the entire KJV Bible will have been bludgeoned and WILL cease to exist.  This I promise you.

New word.

“untoward” is now in the KJV Acts 2:40

Acts may be bungled up worse than any other book I have looked at in my old Thomson Chain Reference KJV study bible.

Acts 16:35 & 38

The word “Serjeants” a misspelled version of sergeant apparently regarding Paul and Silas’s imprisonment is now in the book of Acts.

New Word


A perverse twisted word pertaining to sexual endevours is now in Ezekiel 23:20 along with some other twisted text in that general area.  Seems other versions are even worse than King James Version.

Romans 3:23

“For all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God”

Well that one I knew by heart.  They have changed my bible from “fallen short” to “come short”.   Think about that.  Come short.  It is not a term used in the KJV at least not before the changes.

Mark 12:26

“in the bush” pretty sure that was a burning bush.

So now “soever” is a word.  Look it up in your Strongs

These next four scriptures from Exodus have various grammar errors, word changes, Manna from Heaven is changed to “bread”.  We have “FLESH POTS” This is not old English people.    I have read and studied old English for years.  It is eloquent and God’s Holy Scriptures were perfect in their making.  All thru the Bible now we have corrupt grammar “Wicked” capitalized in many places.  Many words are capitalized after comma’s.  I have had this Bible my Bible for over 30 years it is leather bound. I wrote “Paradise for the Hellbound” using it.  I studied from it underlined scripture all through it…THERE WERE NO ABSOLUTELY NO GRAMMAR OR MODERN TERMS IN IT.  Now they are all over it.

And they took their journey from Elim, and all the congregation of the children of Israel came unto the wilderness of Sin, which is between Elim and Sinai, on the fifteenth day of the second month after their departing out of the land of Egypt.

Now I don’t know for sure but I seriously doubt this “wilderness of Sin” phrase/name as being authentic to the KJV Bible.  ‘Elim’ doesn’t look right either for that matter.
And the whole congregation of the children of Israel murmured against Moses and Aaron in the wilderness:
And the children of Israel said unto them, Would to God we had died by the hand of the LORD in the land of Egypt, when we sat by the flesh pots, and when we did eat bread to the full; for ye have brought us forth into this wilderness, to kill this whole assembly with hunger.
Then said the LORD unto Moses, Behold, I will rain bread from heaven for you; and the people shall go out and gather a certain rate every day, that I may prove them, whether they will walk in my law, or no.
And it shall come to pass, that on the sixth day they shall prepare that which they bring in; and it shall be twice as much as they gather daily.


Nor go by flight is all wrong.  This makes it sound like the Hebrews could take a plane to their destination.  However the obvious change is the “rereward” (Strong’s 622 & 314) trust me that is not a word.  At least it didn’t used to be.

 Isa 52:12

For ye shall not go out with haste, nor go by flight: for the LORD will go before you; and the God of Israel will be your rereward.
Isaiah 54:3
Gentiles is capitalized.
For thou shalt break forth on the right hand and on the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and make the desolate cities to be inhabited.
Ladies and gentlemen soon there will be but a vestige of the KJV of The Bible left.  It is literally disappearing and the changes are so abundant that it’s becoming fruitless to even log them.

Identified. The Strong Delusion of Daniel 7:25 & The Abomination of Desolation

The Strong Delusion Pertains to The Abomination of Desolation Parts #1 & #2

We were warned God would take His inspired words from Earth in the end days.


What is the Strong Delusion?

The strong delusion is to see that which is not.  To be blind to the now evil and blasphemous supernaturally changed bibles.  All of them.  And to not recognize evil scripture that go against the very precepts of God.

Continue reading “Identified. The Strong Delusion of Daniel 7:25 & The Abomination of Desolation”

The Wolf Mocks-“All those who commit Abortion are Mine”

An inspired work of Truth by Jazweeh (R rated)

Exodus 34:19 (the scripture of the womb was in Genesess) Yes Genesess.  Do you remember there was no "i" in Genesis?   It's one of the first bible changes of the wolf.  The honor is being removed from all languages.  Words are witchcraft be careful what you say.  Especially when reading aloud the once holy book.
"All that openeth the matrix is mine; and every firstling among thy cattle, whether ox or sheep, that is male"

"who" changed to "that", "womb" changed to "matrix", "firstling" new word. Insult to call men cattle.  "is" instead of "are".  Winky to mock.

“All those who commit Abortion are Mine”   or “all those who open the (womb) matrix are mine.”

And the evil wolf would be Right Except…

For the God given sanctified blessing of heart felt genuine repentance.  If the gift of repentance comes to your heart, do not push it aside by a pat knee jerk response of intellect to emotional fear.

Embrace repentance with its grief when it is given as a gift.  For without it, we would all be stained in our mortal sin of abortion. Weather man or woman, adult or child.  Of this sin we MUST repent in the fullest sense of the word.

Continue reading “The Wolf Mocks-“All those who commit Abortion are Mine””

Why We See The Vile & Many Supernatural Bible Changes

We Became the Clay in God’s Hands And God Himself Made us Safe From The Strong Delusion.

I am referring to true prophetic scripture in Daniel. The Overspreading of Abomination causing the strong delusion making men’s minds desolate of Truth.
The locust perched on the head. Hidden then protrudes on the face showing physical evidence and the forehead mark associated with it.
Behold the locust from the pit. Its as if the blind are embracing the locust on their heads by creating an art version of the dark demon creature.

We needed Him more than anything else anything.  Our hearts cried and cried out for Him.  He gave us His Holy Spirit in Jesus name.

But why, why do we see and they do not????

God took His finger wrote The Words of God on our hearts.  And it did grow and spread out and become the armor of God over our bodies, mind, heart, and spirit, soul.

When the locust from the pit did fly it tried, it tried to suck onto our heads and faces as it has to the many. And either it fell or we slaughtered it but it could not penetrate the Hope of the helmet of salvation.

And so our memories of God’s words were saved in our heart and in our mind.

We are grounded and rooted in Jesus and they cannot steal us from Him.

Those who are under the delusion prefer the lies.  Let them go.  Their god is the god they have chosen.  They have every right to choose the lie just as we have the right to choose Truth.

And the grateful said THANK YOU JESUS, THANK YOU FATHER!

Religion Vs. Spirituality

Where Have American Christians Gone Amiss?  Better yet why are Americans so Fuc*ed up Emotionally?

In Alcoholics Anonymous one of the vital social status quos is to be “spiritual not religious”.  So what is the difference?  What does spirituality vs. religion look like?   Why is addiction a mystery labelled “cunning baffling, and powerful?”  Addicts are no mistake.  They are a products of their environment.  The addicts of the 70s are a CIA or NSA or WHO experiment.

Continue reading “Religion Vs. Spirituality”

Angels with Breasts and Girdles? Really? M.E. Bible is Nearly Cooked

The Serpent Has Cooked the Books-/ADULTS ONLY PLEASE!

Transgender Agenda Supernatural KJV Bible Changes

Emasculation of Men – Leather Girdle Shorts

Rev 15:6

“And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles.”  wth?

I am beginning to think Satan the archangel got a bad wrap from the books.  After all isn’t he doing exactly what is needed to divide the sheep from the goats?  I think perhaps Satan had a very hard calling to fulfill and is doing exactly what Father wants him to do.   I think perhaps the real culprits of evil are very high level demons.  Perhaps Satan is commanding them for fulfillment of prophesy.

Continue reading “Angels with Breasts and Girdles? Really? M.E. Bible is Nearly Cooked”



I must admit brothers, sisters, fellow New Earth coming children and 1/2 blind sheep and even goats…Greetings from Florida by Laura of Akron The Scribe of God extraordinaire.  I say greetings with an intolerant smile.

Continue reading “RANT”

Wedding Supper of The Lamb & Bride of Christ VANISHED From Most Bibles

This is a BIG DEAL and Two HUGE Bible Changes

This is all that’s left of the bride and wedding supper of the Lamb and it’s only in ONE TRANSLATION NIV.  This verse will likely disappear very soon.(as prophesied Amos 8:11&12 if it’s still there).

Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God.”
These two scripts changed from bride to “WIFE” most likely.  OBVIOUS ERROR since it speaks of a bride or fiancée not a wife.


Rev 19:7

“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.”

“And there came unto me one of the seven angels which had the seven vials full of the seven last plagues, and talked with me, saying, Come hither, I will shew thee the bride, the Lamb’s wife.”
Passive aggressive vile change “Come” being capitalized.

Well I am not expert but I know this…it’s Truth that is being removed from the bibles all bibles, by supernatural means.

Those who study the new changed bibles with it’s all new doctrines and precepts assume scholars, theologians, and grandma were all just really stupid and have no memories or rational interpretations of the bible rather than realizing

Continue reading “Wedding Supper of The Lamb & Bride of Christ VANISHED From Most Bibles”

The Consummation of The Mark of The Beast

Making Men’s Mind’s Desolate & the Consummation of The Beast to Mankind.  A Smile from a Vail.

Please, if you fear that you have the mark of the beast please know you can still find your own heart, and present it to God The Father by The Way of Jesus His Son.  Salvation 101
“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”
The preacher who quoted this verse 9:27 in Daniel changed the meaning of consummation to “consume”.  As most Christians have to do, they change the English language definitions themselves to fit the twisted bibles to make some semblance of logical sense.
Not all of the wolf’s new scriptures are lies.

Continue reading “The Consummation of The Mark of The Beast”

What is The Abomination of Desolation?

This is “X” Rated “Horrifying”.  Graphic not for children or the timid.  End of Days are Perilous Times. But many are oblivious to their own peril.

God is Love.  He forgives those who ask Him.

An In Depth Explanation of The Abomination of Desolation

If you see the Mandela effects and especially the supernatural bible changes(for those who knew the bible) fear not, you likely wear the armor of God and do not embrace the lie for comfort.  Apparently, your heart condition is favored by God & you need not fear the abomination that flies by night.

Sorry folks if you don’t remember what the KJVB looked like three years ago, I have to be the one to break it to you.   Very bad news that can be undone with a little humility and prayer. (I hope)

The shot is the M.O.T.B. it had beast Dee Anne a (chimp) in it to replicate and run rampant changing one’s very line of heritage to beast blud.  It had also  can sir sale lines for speedy mitosis. It is Esau’s soup it steals the inheritance and the crown of life from the human rendering them gee Emma oh.  They threw their crowns on the floor at the alter of the beast and were proud of it.

Do you think he stopped at mosquitoes and produce?

Bad news-The two abominations of desolation are the desecration of men’s minds & bodies.  And the second is the desecration of God’s holy and sacred words given unto mankind.  God has removed His words from Earth already and allowed the wolf to take over all bibles.   Amos 8:11 & 12  The bibles are in the hands of supernatural evil.  The bibles are all being rewritten supernaturally.  Some godly Truth is left in bibles for authenticity & credibility.

Continue reading “What is The Abomination of Desolation?”

EarthQuake Prediction South America End Times-Ring of Fire

FULFILLED-Earth Quake prediction. January 28th 2021 Wolf Moon Full. Ring of fire South American coastline.


This prediction came to pass on the 28th a 7.7 nothing to balk at Earthquake happened in the ring of fire as predicted.  Okay well “not a far stretch” as my husband likes to point out.  It happened in the red part right between south and north America in the Caribbean.   She said S.America and ring of fire it was just above S. America in the ring of fire.  So to be fair not exact but very very close and 50% (ring of fire) was exact.   See proof.

The Ring of Fire


The prediction is by  It denotes the Great Tribulation kick off event.

Well well well.  Jazweeh hit the nail on the head.

Why God Took His Inspired Written Words From Earth

A Story of Creation and the Rise and Fall of Man

There was a mighty God. He made a beautiful habitat of gorgeous flowers, plants, and mountains, and hills. There were rivers, waters, flowing streams of colored fish and beautiful animals.
He looked upon it and said “It is Good”.
God Made Man
Next the Mighty Creator said I shall make a number of souls with bodies of varied kind’s to inhabit and fill land that I made.
And He did. God sat back and left the children of the land to enjoy one another. He sent to them a great book of words inspired by Him given to men to write. These scribes of God wrote from inspiration and from experience what they knew and learned about their Creator and they called Him Father.

Continue reading “Why God Took His Inspired Written Words From Earth”

The Biblical Deceptions Will Try to Take Your Soul to Hell If You Believe It

The Author of Confusion, The Wolf Controls the Bibles by Magic

The word “seed” now used inappropriately doctrinally profuse error.

Also the book of 1st John is pretty much all guilt trip mind control that contradict the good news of the gospel of peach that God has put in our hearts as the bibles fade to lies and I will prove it here.  The wolf controls all bibles.

Continue reading “The Biblical Deceptions Will Try to Take Your Soul to Hell If You Believe It”

Baptism-Roman 6 full of blasphemy

Corrupt New Scriptures in Romans 6

Example:  Now with these supernaturally changed King James version bible scriptures Jesus is the giver of death-a lie.  And the water baptism is a baptism into DEATH.  NOT SO.  Jesus’ reason for dying was to take the keys to death and hell as to OVERCOME death with eternal LIFE.  We too have the keys to death and hell by Jesus’ sacrifice of the 3 days He spent in the grave for us.

Rom 6:3