Two separate seven year tribulations are now in memory. Two tribs for two separate groups of people. We do not all need the gift of desperation to seek God. For the elect “Jacob’s troubles” are enough to throw them into spiritual mode. The first of the seven years of tribulation.
Pretty sure the first trib is already upon us. One more year + 6 months approximately for the elect.
The deceived who are lost need to be given the gift of desperation so they will finally seek God in Truth with a sincere heart. Tribulation is the great motivator.
Why don't the chosen have to go through the great tribulation? The "elect" as named in biblical reference have already experienced great tribulation in their early lives. They died at least once. They have walked the prodigal son walk. They met Grace and have been delivered and healed from demonic oppression. The young life of the elect in most cases was a living nightmare of their own construction. Due to their desperate need to find God and the hole they felt in their hearts they sought change with desperation. The elect feel the God hole unlike others. And if they do not eventually find God by seeking Him it would have killed them. Yes it sounds torturous but all things work together for the good to those who Love God. They have descended to Hell and the bondage of the grave when one dies without God in their heart. And they ascended to Jacob's Ladder only to be knocked back to Earthen body. I could go on about the elect's trials and tribulations all day long. Read my book if your interested. I wrote it many years ago before the end of days came into view. It's on My testimony five parts is on youtube.
Why Did Jazweeh Change her Great Tribulation Timeline?
A memory has surfaced that was removed from all bibles on Earth.
I think the reason I did not remember the second seven years before now, is because of the long wait I would have endured emotionally now. Waiting and patience are not my high character traits. “You have need of patience”.
I thought at first that a rapture for the elect could happen at any time. And that all would be finished in 2024 at Jesus’ return.
But now I remember that the Revelation & Mathew 24 great tribulation prophecies were 7 years plus 7 more years. 14 years total. I remember thinking back in the 80s and 90s about this topic. Long before the supernatural bible changes occured. That there would be seven years of tribulation for Jacob and then the last and worst great trib would be seven more years.
When I got the date of April 8, 2024 I hoped that the chosen few would be raptured before that date. On my site I called that date the return of Jesus. But now I think it’s the rapture date for the chosen few. If you know Jesus and He knows you your likely to be raptured in April 2024. Selah.