Part Three of the Supernatural KJVB changes. Following the Changes since late 2017.
We hoped some of the Christians would have steered clear somehow by now of the strong delusion. Had I not been given proof that many other people see these changes I would be more upset than I already am over this. I accept it for a time…then I get frustrated again at the unpresidented dullness of the minds of the many. This is by far the one of the most amazing thing I have ever seen. Excepting of course the four angels pouring out their viles upon earth for the last 5 years.
New word. “Memphis” that right. Memphis Tennessee I suppose.
Word “presidents” now in KJVB!
Dan 6:3
Then this Daniel was preferred above the presidents and princes, because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king thought to set him over the whole realm
The lines are fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a goodly heritage.
I will bless the LORD, who hath given me counsel: my reins also instruct me in the night seasons.
Who knows what these strange uses of lines and reins are defined as in Strong’s delusion. I am so fed up with the extent of the supernatural bible changes and the extreme blindness unto ridiculous acceptance of anything written in those books I cannot bear to look these two new word uses up in Strong’s delusion at the moment..
This is an ongoing thread log of the KJV supernatural bible changes that ramped up in 2017. There are hundreds of thousands of new words, grammar errors with spelling failings and improper terminology that I don’t address here. I sight the blasphemous changes. At this time the bibles are easily 80% changed.
“common salvation” from Jude 1:3 There’s alot wrong with this script.
“Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.”
Paul would never have referred to salvation by Jesus as “common”. That is an insult to God and to man. “Contend”? Pish posh. Salvation is by the eternal gifts of Faith and of Hope through Jesus. To pray in Jesus name and to seek God is how men find God and salvation.
Satan is the author of confusion. Contending is what boxers do. Granted there is spiritual warfare but it is not to fight Faith & Hope but rather to fight against the leading of the flesh and to rely on Jesus to protect us from dark forces. By the armor of God we are protected. “Your Faith has made you whole”. The helmet of the Hope of salvation is nothing without eternal Hope a supernatural gift from God.
“faith, once delivered to the saints”? Statement is misleading. All men are given Faith eternal for life-long. God’s gifts are not taken back. All men put Faith in one thing or another, weather that “thing” is God is another matter of choice.
Where ever the word “savior” or “saviour” is in the Old Testament, its a bible change. The word savior did not exist in the Old Testament prior to around 2021.
Most likely all the new Old Testament “savior/saviour” scriptures are blasphemous.
Another Denial of Jesus. Blasphemy by another alleged “thus sayeth The Lord” scripture.
If you remember the bible as it is your in the deceptive side of the dividing of time. You cannot remember the bible when it was Holy approx. 6 years ago. Wisdom fades from the books and they are becoming desolate as prophesied. The abomination of desolation (let the reader take heed.)And Amos 8:11 & 12.
God allegedly denies Jesus in the KJVB
Isa 43:11
Blasphemy & Inspired Words, Precepts of God Changed
Meat is a contradiction to spirituality.
Hate found 87 times in 10 Versions of the Bible.
Word “hate” now 87 times in KJVB. Include Jesus saying “hate your family” paraphrased. Luke 14:26
2Ti 4:4
And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.
Breathren. Our bibles are greatly desecrated. The end of time is here and so the book has rolled up like a scroll to be fixed forever in Heaven in its proper form. The Word of God is Jesus. God’s words are sacred and powerful. Greater & sharper than any two edged sword separating soul from spirit. I have been cataloging the changes since 2017. However the bible has changed so dramatically that its nearly desolate of wisdom & Truth as prophesied.
I never thought I would see it change so dramatically when the changes began. Even in 2006 the Wolf was lying with the Lamb. The end times signs progress as birth pains progress. Harder and faster as the baby gets nearer to birth.
Daniel 11 is shocking. “The force be with you”.
“But in his estate shall he honour the God of forces: and a god whom his fathers knew not shall he honour with gold, and silver, and with precious stones, and pleasant things.”
New Words
SNUFFERS (not to be confused with sniffers you know like Bitten I mean Bidden.) sorry/bad joke.
wizards that peep and muddle
evilfavouredness: Of course the winky
snuffdishes –Yes of course we must have snuffdishes for our snuffies.
to wit Now the bibles are some trashy legal document….”to wit”. God help us.
caldrons “Caldrons” no less. Witches do need their caldrons. Blind Christians woe to the blind Christians. For they see not the birds of fire painting the sky. They see not the angels of The Lord of Heaven and of Earth’s commands as they are carried out. Vile upon vile falls to the Earth as sparks fly from the rolling grinders that sharpens the heavy metal of old. Grind and spark, grind and spark. Yet for those under the consummation of the Locust it may be too late. For they lose their very history. Their memories belong to the beast. Their future in the hands of the father of lies. And worse they are neither hot or cold.
I do thankyou for your comment. As for the guides…evil is as evil does-no more no less. For if Satan wars against himself his kingdom shall fall all the sooner. Caldrons and fleshhooks, snuffles and wizards that peep and mutter. What of the sucking of breasts of kings they suck king’s breasts? “Stupid”, “stupid” all through the books, hooks in the nose -betwixt betwixt the language of witches. Naughty figs “higher powers” and “God of the force” may the force be with you, fables of course. “hate your family” its required of you. 87 times “hate” in KJVB , and “give suck give suck give suck” through and through. And what of the feasts you mentioned, oh sure “feasts of Dung” SOLEMN dung feasts. spread dung on your face Mal. 2:3 ! All bread turned to “meat”. They sat on a wall drinking their piss? “piss” in the book oh my, dung & piss for lunch today. The alluding to cannibalism is through and through lots of fleshpots. Oh sure what fun! “Don’t trash the bible” ye say to me? It’s trashed itself cannot you see? You see, you see. The new “Middle English” vile and ruff full of witchcraft and other hidden “stuff” –quite literally stuff stuff & stuff. Bottles of water on Sarah’s back? Pish posh pish posh the book is lack. And it ain’t coming back. The wolf now does lie with the lamb, baptisms in Moses? Blasphemy at hand, golden girdle, girdle of skin, men in skirts & Jesus with a “bosom”? God with a hem & skirt, horns from His hands? Who is this Leviathan foul God of Job 41 that is breathing red fire and sneezing? Fables fables fables they turned to fables and preferred the lie. The desecration nearly finished. And those who saw just a glimpse of the lies said “so what…cast not out the baby with the bath water…let in the father of lies to the book and speak not of it by hook or crook.” let it in let it in, they say. Yet they see not the blasphemy before them as they proclaim the mighty name. They. I speak by my words to “they”. I have not even begun to show the vile and vulgar changes to the bibles. This is but a drop.
hi there, couple of pastors few years back SHOW this unequivocally. nwo bibles butt changes throughout; i’m actually looking for a mandele log, i know they typically do so week or 10 days before vernal equinox, i’m finding that they can only do it every 9 months but i think they do it autumunally too. ever see a log, THEY ARE DOING IT A LOT. stone ed with rambam stuff chumash this regardless is edifying 🙂 enjoy.
There are three logs on this website listed in the menu. My bible change log got so long I had to split it up because the ongoing page was too long to load. There is also a site map if the menu isn’t showing up for some reason.
There are three logs on this website listed in the menu. My bible change log got so long I had to split it up because the ongoing page was too long to load. There is also a site map if the menu isn’t showing up for some reason.