This is a BIG DEAL and Two HUGE Bible Changes
This is all that’s left of the bride and wedding supper of the Lamb and it’s only in ONE TRANSLATION NIV. This verse will likely disappear very soon.(as prophesied Amos 8:11&12 if it’s still there).
“Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.”
Well I am not expert but I know this…it’s Truth that is being removed from the bibles all bibles, by supernatural means.
Those who study the new changed bibles with it’s all new doctrines and precepts assume scholars, theologians, and grandma were all just really stupid and have no memories or rational interpretations of the bible rather than realizing
the books, ALL of them are changing pretty much DAILY by supernatural means. The wolf has taken hold of all bibles & is re-writing its book of confusion. And boy is it confusing…now you got the “Pauline Gospel” and the “Jesus Gospel” oh but that’s just for the Jews they say…and then there’s the “everlasting gospel” in Revelation proclaimed by an angel no less. You go the apostles calling it “my gospel” and so on. These guys will NEVER make sense of a book that is changing daily. And with the creature of abomination stealing their thoughts and history they cannot remember what the bibles said last week much less three days ago. They call us “pomp” who see the bible changes.
They do not know how hard it is to accept the blind men whose memories follow the beast. We know they have made their choice to embrace the lie. It is not our fault if we seem “pomp” to those who have no clue as to what we tell them. As a matter of fact most of us know not to tell them anything because its just a rock of offense to tell a man that he is consummated to a creature who is blinding him.
The Wedding Supper of The Lamb
There were many mentions of the bride of Christ and of the wedding of the Lamb. Also many people had dreams and visions about it coming to pass very soon.
I too recently had a dream of the wedding supper of the Lamb. There is a wedding of sorts that will happen very soon I am just not sure who is getting married. Since I had a seat at a table with the mother of Jesus I assume Jesus is marrying in spiritual ways (not flesh marriage) those who are new in Christ.
Some of us were with Jesus from the beginning and He is our Breathren—as the bible’s once proclaimed (now it says “friends”). So Jesus is already my Brother I know this in my Spirit. Some however are new in Christ and the wedding supper of the lamb is likely to do with the newbies.
IF it were not true the wolf would likely not be removing it and rewriting it.