“I shall send a Delivered to Earth to deliver mankind from evil (Devil/Satan). And He The Deliverer shall CRUSH the head of the serpent and it shall bruise his heel.”
Where was the scripture? We think it was in Isaiah 54 the prophecy of the coming Messiah. For a time the scripture was seen in Genesess 3:15 but it changed from “crush & bruise” to “bruise & bruise”. Then months later it changed its place biblically to Genesess to “the seed of the woman” instead of The Deliverer & serpent. Now the crushing of the Serpent is nowhere in any bible.
5 months left and all bibles will be desolate of the most important Truth of God’s words to mankind. This generations is not privy to God’s words. Not anymore.
The chosen few and The Holy Spirit of God will leave this Earth very soon. Sometime in 2024. Likely in April, 2024.
Then the great tribulation shall fall upon mankind. The birth pains are already upon us. Violent storms. Volcanoes. Earthquakes, floods, evil.
The Gentiles will not be raptured except perhaps when they repent we don’t know. The Watchmen proclaim all Christians will be raptured however nobody can stand before God if not purified first.
The 144 warriors of God who remember God’s truth are already being purified by a somewhat painful long process. Emotional and bodily purification both. A clearing away of dross. The other purification is one of fire. The Sun of God is coming. With it The Son of God and who shall be able to stand?
Only those made white, purified. Many will die by the Sun of God’s firey cleansing. By that they will be saved.
While the 144 shall go on to inhabit the New Earth. And watch the New Nature take place turning Earth into a paradise.
All devices of mankind will be burned away with the dross. No semblance of the beast system will be left.
“Satan released for a time”? This script is a mystery not for the many. But know this…evil will never rule again on Earth as it is now.
The serpent is already crushed. It will take some time for this to manifest in the natural.
Find God by seeking Him. Time is short. The great tribulation brings with it the saving gift of desperation.