EarthQuake Prediction South America End Times-Ring of Fire

FULFILLED-Earth Quake prediction. January 28th 2021 Wolf Moon Full. Ring of fire South American coastline.


This prediction came to pass on the 28th a 7.7 nothing to balk at Earthquake happened in the ring of fire as predicted.  Okay well “not a far stretch” as my husband likes to point out.  It happened in the red part right between south and north America in the Caribbean.   She said S.America and ring of fire it was just above S. America in the ring of fire.  So to be fair not exact but very very close and 50% (ring of fire) was exact.   See proof.

The Ring of Fire


The prediction is by  It denotes the Great Tribulation kick off event.

Well well well.  Jazweeh hit the nail on the head.

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