Where Will the Beast Propaganda Take the Bible Changes?

The image of the beast (tv) will first first steal the narrative and admit the supernatural bible changes on videos. Then they will say, “since the bibles were never true and are changing on the shelves.  Then Jesus cannot possibly be The Son of God”. Cause if the Bibles are lies then so to is the gospel of Jesus a lie.

Same precept as the childhood trauma, Santa psyop…they lied about Santa so Jesus must be a lie as well…..  It’s a brilliant and diabolical psychic set up!

But the heart does not lie.  The Father points us to The Son.

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How Did The Bibles Magically Change?



Revealed in this Article.  The Truth of the Tower of Babel.

In the end of days all mysteries shall be revealed unto the chosen few.  Most Christians will have no part in the revelation of Truth.  Why?  They have chosen the lie and prefer it.

What is the real “covenant with the many”?  And What is blasphemy of the Holy Spirit.

I asked my spiritual teacher in the late 80s or early 90s “what is the only unforgivable sin that they call blasphemy of The Holy Spirit?  She said at that time it was impossible to blaspheme the Holy Spirit.  And it was.

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Live According to the Flesh and Serve Men As if they were Gods. What?

“Serve God not Men”

Is how I remember Paul’s teaching. But we live in a fluid reality where the KJVB and all bibles are corrupt as Hell itself.  The books changing print on pages daily.

More is wrong with these script below.  “menpleasers” all one word?

According to the flesh with fear and trembling is blatant blasphemy as “fear and trembling” was for working out your own salvation previously.

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Its Time I Showed You “The Strong Delusion” Close up & The Mark of The Beast-Forehead

What is the “Strong Delusion” Written of in 2nd Thessalonians 2 2nd Timothy 4:4

They honor me with their words but their heart is far from me.

Why Would God Show Me Truth to Share with You?

Please think me not judgmental.

“For they have shed the blood of saints and prophets, and thou hast given them blood to drink; for they are worthy.”  WHATTTT?  Rewarded for destruction of those men of God?  You don’t call the evil “worthy to be rewarded to drink blood”.

Continue reading “Its Time I Showed You “The Strong Delusion” Close up & The Mark of The Beast-Forehead”

Religion Vs. Spirituality

Where Have American Christians Gone Amiss?  Better yet why are Americans so Fuc*ed up Emotionally?

In Alcoholics Anonymous one of the vital social status quos is to be “spiritual not religious”.  So what is the difference?  What does spirituality vs. religion look like?   Why is addiction a mystery labelled “cunning baffling, and powerful?”  Addicts are no mistake.  They are a products of their environment.  The addicts of the 70s are a CIA or NSA or WHO experiment.

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Angels with Breasts and Girdles? Really? M.E. Bible is Nearly Cooked

The Serpent Has Cooked the Books-/ADULTS ONLY PLEASE!

Transgender Agenda Supernatural KJV Bible Changes

Emasculation of Men – Leather Girdle Shorts

Rev 15:6

“And the seven angels came out of the temple, having the seven plagues, clothed in pure and white linen, and having their breasts girded with golden girdles.”  wth?

I am beginning to think Satan the archangel got a bad wrap from the books.  After all isn’t he doing exactly what is needed to divide the sheep from the goats?  I think perhaps Satan had a very hard calling to fulfill and is doing exactly what Father wants him to do.   I think perhaps the real culprits of evil are very high level demons.  Perhaps Satan is commanding them for fulfillment of prophesy.

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The Consummation of The Mark of The Beast

Making Men’s Mind’s Desolate & the Consummation of The Beast to Mankind.  A Smile from a Vail.

Please, if you fear that you have the mark of the beast please know you can still find your own heart, and present it to God The Father by The Way of Jesus His Son.  Salvation 101
“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.”
The preacher who quoted this verse 9:27 in Daniel changed the meaning of consummation to “consume”.  As most Christians have to do, they change the English language definitions themselves to fit the twisted bibles to make some semblance of logical sense.
Not all of the wolf’s new scriptures are lies.

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What is The Abomination of Desolation?

This is “X” Rated “Horrifying”.  Graphic not for children or the timid.  End of Days are Perilous Times. But many are oblivious to their own peril.

God is Love.  He forgives those who ask Him.

An In Depth Explanation of The Abomination of Desolation

If you see the Mandela effects and especially the supernatural bible changes(for those who knew the bible) fear not, you likely wear the armor of God and do not embrace the lie for comfort.  Apparently, your heart condition is favored by God & you need not fear the abomination that flies by night.

Sorry folks if you don’t remember what the KJVB looked like three years ago, I have to be the one to break it to you.   Very bad news that can be undone with a little humility and prayer. (I hope)

The shot is the M.O.T.B. it had beast Dee Anne a (chimp) in it to replicate and run rampant changing one’s very line of heritage to beast blud.  It had also  can sir sale lines for speedy mitosis. It is Esau’s soup it steals the inheritance and the crown of life from the human rendering them gee Emma oh.  They threw their crowns on the floor at the alter of the beast and were proud of it.

Do you think he stopped at mosquitoes and produce?

Bad news-The two abominations of desolation are the desecration of men’s minds & bodies.  And the second is the desecration of God’s holy and sacred words given unto mankind.  God has removed His words from Earth already and allowed the wolf to take over all bibles.   Amos 8:11 & 12  The bibles are in the hands of supernatural evil.  The bibles are all being rewritten supernaturally.  Some godly Truth is left in bibles for authenticity & credibility.

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EarthQuake Prediction South America End Times-Ring of Fire

FULFILLED-Earth Quake prediction. January 28th 2021 Wolf Moon Full. Ring of fire South American coastline.


This prediction came to pass on the 28th a 7.7 nothing to balk at Earthquake happened in the ring of fire as predicted.  Okay well “not a far stretch” as my husband likes to point out.  It happened in the red part right between south and north America in the Caribbean.   She said S.America and ring of fire it was just above S. America in the ring of fire.  So to be fair not exact but very very close and 50% (ring of fire) was exact.   See proof.

The Ring of Fire


The prediction is by Jazweeh.com.  It denotes the Great Tribulation kick off event.

Well well well.  Jazweeh hit the nail on the head.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2020_Caribbean_earthquake

Break the Yoke. Letting Go of those Who Cannot See Signs & Wonders

This May help if you have Loved ones who do not see and are not saved that you know of.

This is how I process emotionally and let things go.  By writing my heart and sharing my fears then asking God to remove my fear.

There are those who Jesus said would come who honor Him with their words but their heart is far from Him.  We may have thought we were equally yoked but we are finding out their are very few people like us who see what we see.

Unbelieving Loved Ones

I have struggled with my unbelieving husband not in argument but rather I have shared over and over supernatural bible changes with him, atrocious changes and end times signs and wonders in hopes he would wake up and see that something very huge is happening.  The dividing of time has happened.  The dividing of the goats and the sheep is at hand.  The signs in the sky have occurred.  The beast is in control of the food supply.

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What of Those You-Tubers Who Say “I see the KJV Supernatural changes” Yet they Say Nothing?

To me there is no greater sign and wonder than the KJVB Supernatural changes.  I clearly have never seen such a supernatural occurrence in my life!  I am somewhat baffled by those who say “ya I see the changes what’s the big deal, keep it quiet, what of it?” or “ya I see the changes, then in the next breath they are quoting corrupt hateful scripture.”  Or Ya I see the changes but KEEP IT SECRET or people won’t read the bible and get saved.”  Promote a lie?  NO!

Continue reading “What of Those You-Tubers Who Say “I see the KJV Supernatural changes” Yet they Say Nothing?”