Blasphemy in the Bibles Invisible to the Blinded Vailed Christians. Explanation of the Locust from the Pit.
New vile words all versions except KJVB now has tumors.
Golden tumors
See Sally Sinner’s comment below article for solutions.
God in Heaven help us all. The beast god of the bible is not hiding anymore. The script below is what he already did on Earth with the shots. Shots contained Cancer cell lines which will cause tumors. Rats are their favorite beast. Chimps are also one of the beast’s favorite experimental beasts. Astral Zen did not deny putting chimp beast proteins in their back scene. Make no mistake, if the shot doesn’t kill them it will desecrate the temple that once held the Divine Presence of God. God will abandon the desecrated temples of man’s bodies. The bibles are the second desecrated holy place.
1st Samuel 6:4
“Then they said, “What is the trespass offering which we shall return to Him?” They answered, “Five golden tumors and five golden rats, according to the number of the lords of the Philistines. For the same plague was on all of you and on your lords.”
The plague is upon all who took the shot. GMO is the outcome of genetic mass replication by mitosis and imputed beast dna the bitter transformation called Mirahmeta.
Hey I could be wrong. However I know what they put in it, I got it off their own website of ingredients. You would have to learn the translation to understand the ingredients which they made new words for to confound people. Such as “immortalized cell lines” which is Cancer-“its sterilized” they assure us. However Science Direct studies show that when these sterilized Cancer cell lines come into contact with living human cells they are known to come alive & express anyway. After all why else would they put Cancer in the shots except for SUPER-FAST GROWTH by CELL EXPRESSION (cell growth) AND A CANCER WITH A DESIGN. Not just some random tumor necessarily. It’s setting up the animal beast dna in fast cellular expression. A tumor with a purpose of shape. Make no mistake these not sees fooled the immune system finally gaining the golden keys. The immune system thinks its getting instructions and road maps from its own body. Telling by imposter mRNA (mRNA is the boss of your cell structure/the director/the commander) telling the body to rebuild itself by a new beast/human GMO design map.
THAT IS WHAT THEY ALREADY DID not “its coming its coming its coming”. My god its LITERAL BEAST mRNA come on!
And now the word “tumors” is all over most every bible translation. A modern term that was not in any bible.
They are vailed with a living vail that rose up from the pit. The Locust is vile. We cannot see anything beneficial about it except that they are protected from seeing scary Truth. It should not be so. Truth is primary and should be accepted and we should learn how to embrace hard truths. Two woes and more are upon the Christians I see and the world for that matter. Three-The mark of the beast on the forehead. The Locust on the face consummated. And the winged abomination nested & perched while multiplying in their hair. (hair of a woman face of a man) The hair/face biblical locust (from pit) descriptive reference wasn’t about the Locust it was about the host/victim. Whoever wrote it saw the creature nesting in the hair and consummated to the face. Two creatures. Winged abomination (already removed from bibles) & Locust from pit. Locust doesn’t have legs and it can’t fly. It suctions to the face of its host human.
Demons have always been real. This one is different because it’s rampant on almost all of humanity. I may watch the “Red Dragon” movie again to see more “truth drops in movies”. That is where this picture came from. The other pictures are drawings by Jazweeh who sees the creatures in real time. She is not the only one who sees & drew the parasite demons.

“It Lies Over” is no longer in 2nd Thessalonians. Thessalonia is turning into Thessalonica and other strange names. False prophet and antichrist and the two examples of seven year tribulation all disappearing from biblical literature. The works of Faith by The Holy Spirit are disappearing. All power scriptures are going away for obvious reasons. The books now portray Satan is being all powerful. “All power” is only a true description of God Almighty. Also there are many contradicting scriptures to, “Not by might nor by power but BY MY SPIRIT sayeth The Lord God Almighty.” Salvation process is skewed to say “faith in blood” instead of Faith in God Himself and His plan of salvation for humans. Jesus is The Son of God. Not God The Father. The trinity is being omitted in literature. Audio bibles are calling the god of the bible “Seth the lord”. Apparently the Dark Lord’s name is Seth. Meaning “vile evil seething serpent creed”. The name Seth is vile.
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