There are TWO CREATORS. And there were two human bloodlines in the beginning. Next the Sons of God (sheep) saw the daughters of men (the other tribe of goats) and mated with them all the bloodlines mixed. Wheat and Chaff growing up spiritually together. Everyone having the choice of which God they will gravitate toward if any.
One Father who created the human bloodline of honor, goodness, Truth, and
EYA is a watchmen with a calling. She was given one great Truth pertaining to the end of days as all Watchmen are given who believe in Jesus.
Does she have the Holy Spirit? Idk. But all were given God’s Spirit of Life at birth.
What is the Mandela Effect?
Being a mandela affected Christian IS RARE on youtube. And certainly the churches are full of blind Christians who see nothing.
Being mandela affected means you see changes in reality. Changes to history and changes to word history. Also many other changes to geography, bodies, earth, words. To see the miraculous harmless works of God are both harmless & wonderful end of days signs and wonders.
The Glorious new SUN OF GOD will saturate the children of Earth. His Eternal Glory will shine forth on the New Earth. Who shall be able to stand? The puzzle pieces are complete of the New Age and what it entails.
I got the information last night. I woke up this morning with a deep sadness of the seeds fruit trees, vegetables, land, and water, stolen from the children of Earth by the serpent creed from HELL.
It’s nearly impossible to stay hydrated even if we stay inside all day. At night the mosquitoes and horrible. And on and on go Jacob’s troubles. “Wilt” no longer means “wilt” as a dying plant wilts in the summer sun. Now it means “shall” basically. But it seems like it’s one of the end of days curses. The Dark Lords bible is full of truth also but it’s not pretty. Double meaning words throughout. With sarcasm scriptures and nonsense verses galore. Like “My tongue is glad” (ridiculous scripture)
occurs 245 times in 208 verses in the KJV.
Page 4 / 5 exact matches (Jer 31:22–Act 7:28)
IRON AND CLAY are Gentiles & Israel.
Clay can be shaped and molded. Iron is hard not pliable. The children of God are the clay in God’s hands. And have been for years on end. It’s a little late to become the clay but still salvation comes to both Gentiles & Israel by Faith in God.
Dan 2:43
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.
The word “I Love you” coming from any content creator is for one reason. Even if the reason is subconscious. Reason is to illicit a response. An action for a REACTION.
Why is it that 99% of people covering the supernatural bible changes say “go to church and read the scripture anyway”?
What is The Image of The Beast that Men Obey and Serve?
Preachers of Today Get All their Prophecy & End times Info off the Image of the Beast. I find that ironic at best. Of course Christians cannot say that the TV & cellphones ARE the image of the beast. Why? Because then they would have to let go of their comforter….
Do NOT read of this supernatural consummation of the Locust from the pit if you don’t have emotional coping skills. It’s pretty much horrifying for us who see it.
I prayed to God Almighty last night about my obsession with the supernatural KJVB changes. I am shadow banned on social media. I comment anyway to vent knowing rarely does anyone see my comments. I have not been able to get through people’s emotional walls. They are so deep into beast system emotional programming and now on top of that the Locust by wing of abomination has flown.
What did the Locust from the pit accomplish? It rode on the back of a creature called “the wing of abomination” because it cannot fly itself. Yes, it’s horrifying but seemingly painless to its host.
We Became the Clay in God’s Hands And God Himself Made us Safe From The Strong Delusion.
I am referring to true prophetic scripture in Daniel. The Overspreading of Abomination causing the strong delusion making men’s minds desolate of Truth.The locust perched on the head. Hidden then protrudes on the face showing physical evidence and the forehead mark associated with it.Behold the locust from the pit. Its as if the blind are embracing the locust on their heads by creating an art version of the dark demon creature.
We needed Him more than anything else anything. Our hearts cried and cried out for Him. He gave us His Holy Spirit in Jesus name.
But why, why do we see and they do not????
God took His finger wrote The Words of God on our hearts. And it did grow and spread out and become the armor of God over our bodies, mind, heart, and spirit, soul.
When the locust from the pit did fly it tried, it tried to suck onto our heads and faces as it has to the many. And either it fell or we slaughtered it but it could not penetrate the Hope of the helmet of salvation.
And so our memories of God’s words were saved in our heart and in our mind.
We are grounded and rooted in Jesus and they cannot steal us from Him.
Those who are under the delusion prefer the lies. Let them go. Their god is the god they have chosen. They have every right to choose the lie just as we have the right to choose Truth.
And the grateful said THANK YOU JESUS, THANK YOU FATHER!
Example: Now with these supernaturally changed King James version bible scriptures Jesus is the giver of death-a lie. And the water baptism is a baptism into DEATH. NOT SO. Jesus’ reason for dying was to take the keys to death and hell as to OVERCOME death with eternal LIFE. We too have the keys to death and hell by Jesus’ sacrifice of the 3 days He spent in the grave for us.
“Know ye not, that so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death?” Apostle Paul never said this in the bible pre Mandela effect.
NO we are not “baptized into his death”! We did not die for the whole world so all could be delivered from death but Jesus did so. It is blasphemy to suggest that we share in Jesus death/sacrifice. But rather we are baptized to signify dying to the flesh.
It is also blasphemy to call the sanctified action of water baptism that represents eternal life and to die to the flesh and rise unto life eternal as a “baptism of death”. Jesus was sinless and that gave Him the power over death and hell that He shares with us. The keys.