The Glorious new SUN OF GOD will saturate the children of Earth. His Eternal Glory will shine forth on the New Earth. Who shall be able to stand? The puzzle pieces are complete of the New Age and what it entails.
I got the information last night. I woke up this morning with a deep sadness of the seeds fruit trees, vegetables, land, and water, stolen from the children of Earth by the serpent creed from HELL.
The Dark Lord is here. He has rewritten all Bibles. And He is God’s anointed to end the rule of the Eagle. The serpent. The Beast.
The Dark Lord’s appetite is for two things, death and blood. Here is his proclamation of blood and death.
Ezekiel 39:17
“And as for you, son of man, this is what the Lord GOD says: Call out to every kind of bird and to every beast of the field: ‘Assemble and come together from all around to the sacrificial feast that I am preparing for you, a great feast on the mountains of Israel. There you will eat flesh and drink blood.”
Yum yum! What a treat. Who is it exactly that the Dark one is calling to eat flesh.
I have found that not only are the bibles the greatest Truth on Earth but now they are also the most desecrated & misleading books on Earth.
Fallen Fallen the Temples Have Fallen to Wickedness & Darkness Within.
Which temples? Why, the holy places of course…the places that housed God’s sacred words. And second, the place which housed God’s Divine Presence. “Same Holy Spirit different purposes”. The Holy Spirit which is given for gifts is bestowed upon the few, His children. While the Divine Presence of God was given to all of mankind to abide in their temple, the body.
If you took the chot you may want to stop reading here.
However evil masquerading as good found a way to desecrate both temples. God allowed the desecration of the body by each man’s free will the many chose to take beast proteins into themselves and become GMO. They never asked God “how will I know not to take the mark of the beast?”
If they would of asked God about the mark He would have been very clear even with an audible voice. God spoke to me audibly telling me by miraculous confirmations what the mark is before it was even sent out. In 2018 I asked Him “how will I know the mark of the beast so I don’t take it?”
In 2018 instantly He said audibly to me “Zebra”. Zebra…the animal of two colors. I researched and found Zebra Tech. They are a company which makes rfid chips and other tech tracking devices. Later on Zebra got the contracts to dispense the Pie Zar shot across nations. Zebra made it possible in 2021 to dispense the back scenes to people with their cold pack temperature controlled boxes. They dispensed the dee Anne a rewrites to millions on Earth.
All they had to do is ask God. He would have made it abundantly clear as He did with me I am sure of it. Instead they chose to become Chimeras. That’s what science is calling those who undergo the genome transcriptional changes to their dna. “Chimeras”.
Mankind became part beast by taking the mark of the beast. IT’S LITERAL. Not rocket science. Ask Astral Zen if they put chimp pro teens in their chot? Human no more. Being human no more put these “new creatures” at a grotesque disadvantage. No only are they under the strong delusion. But also they won’t repent of it because they sing day in and day out “it’s not the mark! Its not the mark!” its very disturbing to watch their eyes sink into their skulls day by day.
Neither will they find the words Demon, & Demons in any other version of bible soon enough. Of course few people will remember the original verses. Just like they don’t remember that Jacob CRUSHED the head of the Serpent and bruised His heal. Jacob meaning Jesus & Israel and all those who have become Israel. They walk as Jesus walked. They walk in Spirit, they see into the dark regions of Earth. And they bind and crush free flying demons.
Voltar the Mighty. Crushes Demons
Great Works of Faith Matter & Should not be Minimized
Why can’t Christians see the supernatural bible changes that we see?
“A greedy and adulterous generation seeks after a sign but no sign will be given, save the sign of the prophet Watchman Jonah.” Just as Jonah was a watchman to Nineveh so too the watchman on the wall on Youtube proclaim the coming days of God’s wrath and end of days at hand to the people. Yet these watchmen are not privy to the miraculous signs and wonders of prophecy that the chosen few can see happening in real time. See Jazweeh A-Z Prophecy article for more on that.
What Lie?
Most people walk in self delusion never finding out who they are deep within their heart of hearts. It the human failsafe when threats arise. The lie is the #1 defense of the American people. Of course they likely are unaware of it. Its the programming. In many ways it’s not their faults that they prefer deception over Truth. The beast has done its job very well. It takes seeking God with one’s whole heart mind and soul to break free of the Beast system self deception.
What accompanies the mark of the beast once a man has chosen his allegiance is the Locust from the pit. The covenant with many, come to find out was a pact made between powerful ruling class men/woman & Demonic ruling class demons. On right Mark of the beast consummates with men’s faces & the forehead mark. On left the Locust. Though it has no legs. Its a shadowy invisible parasitic creature that lurks in the abyss. Prior to the agreement with Hell that men made these creatures had to be invited into a man. A spiritual door had to be opened, before the covenant with many.
The word “I Love you” coming from any content creator is for one reason. Even if the reason is subconscious. Reason is to illicit a response. An action for a REACTION.
Why is it that 99% of people covering the supernatural bible changes say “go to church and read the scripture anyway”?
Jesus Is the Truth and The Way to God. “It Is Impossible for God to Lie”
The Belt of Truth is vital as armor of God.
There used to be much wisdom and Truth in the KJVB-that is fading away. Amos 8:11 &12. No, most Christians can neither remember what the books used to read nor can they recognize the new blasphemy & lies in all bibles.
In this age Truth is not a priority for most people.
Why don’t they see & understand what a lie is? We surmise that the strong delusion has theirasseyes & mind.
So just who is supernaturally re-writing ALL the bibles. (“all” means all by the way). Why, the author of confusion of course. The wolf, the serpent, the father of lies. Deceptive signs and wonders-prophecy.
However, as usual the Christians will explain away another lie by saying basically that “the scripture does not say what it actually means”. Just like every other lie now in the books. They not only prefer the lies and fables but they also will defend them.
To the Christian, their bible is above reproach as deity. They uphold & glorify it as an idol. They not only call it by God’s name “The Word of God”. But also the book itself calls itself God.
End of days prophecy. The desecration of the holy place. The abomination. The strong delusion.
How to Sharpen a Knife
Sharpening is done by grinding away material on the tool with another abrasive substance harder than the tool itself…when one thing sharpens another, the substance on the sharpening surface must be harder than the material being sharpened, such as two different alloys of iron.”
I must admit brothers, sisters, fellow New Earth coming children and 1/2 blind sheep and even goats…Greetings from Florida by Laura of Akron The Scribe of God extraordinaire. I say greetings with an intolerant smile.
The Author of Confusion, The Wolf Controls the Bibles by Magic
The word “seed” now used inappropriately doctrinally profuse error.
Also the book of 1st John is pretty much all guilt trip mind control that contradict the good news of the gospel of peach that God has put in our hearts as the bibles fade to lies and I will prove it here. The wolf controls all bibles.
About the Bible Changes and Technology that Hacks Men’s Minds
I have been perplexed with the fact that so many Christians do not see the wolf speaking from the Holy place. The KJVB are all changing supernaturally both paper and online. They are all the same and changing in the same ways. The changes include the following—–
“The sheep know His voice”. Supernatural KJVB Changes
Most Christians do not recognize the wolf’s voice who has snuck in by the crooked gate into the holy place. The wolf is speaking from the Holy place great blasphemies like “hate your family”. The holy place was the KJVB.