Revelation of God! Two Creators?


Two Creators =Two Quite Different Creations

Jazweeh’s latest and greatest hypothesis.

There are TWO CREATORS.  And there were two human bloodlines in the beginning.  Next the Sons of God (sheep) saw the daughters of men (the other tribe of goats) and mated with them all the bloodlines mixed.  Wheat and Chaff growing up spiritually together.   Everyone having the choice of which God they will gravitate toward if any.

One Father who created the human bloodline of honor, goodness, Truth, and

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Israel Is Wilting The Sun Is White Hot. Iron & Clay Revealed

It’s nearly impossible to stay hydrated even if we stay inside all day. At night the mosquitoes and horrible. And on and on go Jacob’s troubles. “Wilt” no longer means “wilt” as a dying plant wilts in the summer sun. Now it means “shall” basically. But it seems like it’s one of the end of days curses. The Dark Lords bible is full of truth also but it’s not pretty. Double meaning words throughout. With sarcasm scriptures and nonsense verses galore. Like
“My tongue is glad” (ridiculous scripture)

occurs 245 times in 208 verses in the KJV.
Page 4 / 5 exact matches (Jer 31:22–Act 7:28)


IRON AND CLAY are Gentiles & Israel.  

Clay can be shaped and molded.  Iron is hard not pliable.  The children of God are the clay in God’s hands.  And have been for years on end.  It’s a little late to become the clay but still salvation comes to both Gentiles & Israel by Faith in God.

Dan 2:43
And whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.

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Fallen Angel Technology…

apologies for the code.  simply sound it out if it doesn’t make sense.

This May be one of my Last Articles—–Jazweeh

Fact to establish.  What is Holy enough to be desecrated or made desolate?  The books which held God’s words.  And the bodies which held God’s Divine Presence. The presence of God The Father is in all of mankind as are the gifts of supernatural & eternal Hope and Faith.

A temple building built & inhabited by antichrists, who are of Legion/& worship religion is not the “Holy place” therefore such a building cannot be desecrated or made desolate (desolation prophecy).  The abomination of desolation has nothing to do with a building called a “temple” by blasphemous religionists.

Massive Campaign of Fallen Angel Propaganda.

Who is Satan really?  Because I have not met him.  Furthermore NEVER have I been attacked by Angels.  It’s demons who infest mankind.  And its demons who tempted Eve.  “God does not tempt mankind.”  I do not know who the King of Demons is but He is not an Angel.  And the term “Angel of the bottomless pit” is likely skewed and changed as much of the bibbles are changed.

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Words “Demon, Demons” Are No Longer In Any KJVB

Fallen Fallen the Temples Have Fallen to Wickedness & Darkness Within.

Which temples?  Why, the holy places of course…the places that housed God’s sacred words.  And second, the place which housed God’s Divine Presence.  “Same Holy Spirit different purposes”.  The Holy Spirit which is given for gifts is bestowed upon the few, His children.  While the Divine Presence of God was given to all of mankind to abide in their temple, the body.

If you took the chot you may want to stop reading here.

However evil masquerading as good found a way to desecrate both temples.  God allowed the desecration of the body by each man’s free will the many chose to take beast proteins into themselves and become GMO.  They never asked God “how will I know not to take the mark of the beast?”

If they would of asked God about the mark He would have been very clear even with an audible voice.  God spoke to me audibly telling me by miraculous confirmations what the mark is before it was even sent out.  In 2018 I asked Him “how will I know the mark of the beast so I don’t take it?”

In 2018 instantly He said audibly to me “Zebra”.  Zebra…the animal of two colors.  I researched and found Zebra Tech.  They are a company which makes rfid chips and other tech tracking devices.  Later on Zebra got the contracts to dispense the Pie Zar shot across nations.  Zebra made it possible in 2021 to dispense the back scenes to people with their cold pack temperature controlled boxes. They dispensed the dee Anne a rewrites to millions on Earth.

All they had to do is ask God.  He would have made it abundantly clear as He did with me I am sure of it.  Instead they chose to become Chimeras.  That’s what science is calling those who undergo the genome transcriptional changes to their dna.  “Chimeras”.

Mankind became part beast by taking the mark of the beast.  IT’S LITERAL.  Not rocket science.  Ask Astral Zen if they put chimp pro teens in their chot?  Human no more.  Being human no more put these “new creatures” at a grotesque disadvantage.  No only are they under the strong delusion.  But also they won’t repent of it because they sing day in and day out “it’s not the mark!  Its not the mark!”  its very disturbing to watch their eyes sink into their skulls day by day.

Neither will they find the words Demon, & Demons in any other version of bible soon enough.  Of course few people will remember the original verses.  Just like they don’t remember that Jacob CRUSHED the head of the Serpent and bruised His heal.  Jacob meaning Jesus & Israel and all those who have become Israel.  They walk as Jesus walked.  They walk in Spirit, they see into the dark regions of Earth.  And they bind and crush free flying demons.

Voltar the Mighty. Crushes Demons


Great Works of Faith Matter & Should not be Minimized

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The Covenant with Many Demons.

Why can’t Christians see the supernatural bible changes that we see?

“A greedy and adulterous generation seeks after a sign but no sign will be given, save the sign of the prophet Watchman Jonah.”  Just as Jonah was a watchman to Nineveh so too the watchman on the wall on Youtube proclaim the coming days of God’s wrath and end of days at hand to the people.  Yet these watchmen are not privy to the miraculous signs and wonders of prophecy that the chosen few can see happening in real time.  See Jazweeh A-Z Prophecy article for more on that.

What Lie?

Most people walk in self delusion never finding out who they are deep within their heart of hearts.  It the human failsafe when threats arise.  The lie is the #1 defense of the American people.  Of course they likely are unaware of it.  Its the programming.  In many ways it’s not their faults that they prefer deception over Truth.  The beast has done its job very well.  It takes seeking God with one’s whole heart mind and soul to break free of the Beast system self deception.

What accompanies the mark of the beast once a man has chosen his allegiance is the Locust from the pit.  The covenant with many, come to find out was a pact made between powerful ruling class men/woman & Demonic ruling class demons.  On right Mark of the beast consummates with men’s faces & the forehead mark.  On left the Locust.  Though it has no legs.  Its a shadowy invisible parasitic creature that lurks in the abyss.  Prior to the agreement with Hell that men made these creatures had to be invited into a man.  A spiritual door had to be opened, before the covenant with many.

Continue reading “The Covenant with Many Demons.”