The Intercessors have announced Jesus’ coming for nearly seven years on end repetitiously. Like no other prayer they were ever given in higher language. The trumpet of God are the Watchmen and the Spirit Intercessors of God.
They feel now today 11-22-2023 that FINALLY their repetitious prayer is done. Finished, fulfilled, the announcement is over. Because it’s less than six months time to His coming. The fulfillment of the promise is finally coming true bold and bright in real time for those who Love Him. And some have found the Holy Grail.
Betrayed by the Towers of Babel and Christian Church People
The word “Nineveh” or “Ninivah” or “Ninavah” from book of Jonah has turned into “Nineve” which is pronounced nin-eve. The eve of nin (short i) whatever that is. The many end of days Watchmen on Youtube and social media are the sign of Jonah that our ancestors looked for but did not understand except that he was swallowed by a whale. And was in the belly of the whale three days. And that sounds terrifying to me.