We Can’t Help Those Deceived They Must Choose Truth for Themselves

Most People reading bibles are Under Influence of The Tower of Babble. As the babble effect scours the English language trashing its articulate design for communication of mankind. KJVB dialect etymology is reduced to a language called “middle english”. At the same time according to Youtube few have retained their ability to speak proper English in tandem with the supernatural bible changes.

“And the mortal shall put on immortality, the corrupt becomes incorruptible.”

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What is The Abomination of Desolation?

This is “X” Rated “Horrifying”.  Graphic not for children or the timid.  End of Days are Perilous Times. But many are oblivious to their own peril.

God is Love.  He forgives those who ask Him.

An In Depth Explanation of The Abomination of Desolation

If you see the Mandela effects and especially the supernatural bible changes(for those who knew the bible) fear not, you likely wear the armor of God and do not embrace the lie for comfort.  Apparently, your heart condition is favored by God & you need not fear the abomination that flies by night.

Sorry folks if you don’t remember what the KJVB looked like three years ago, I have to be the one to break it to you.   Very bad news that can be undone with a little humility and prayer. (I hope)

The shot is the M.O.T.B. it had beast Dee Anne a (chimp) in it to replicate and run rampant changing one’s very line of heritage to beast blud.  It had also  can sir sale lines for speedy mitosis. It is Esau’s soup it steals the inheritance and the crown of life from the human rendering them gee Emma oh.  They threw their crowns on the floor at the alter of the beast and were proud of it.

Do you think he stopped at mosquitoes and produce?

Bad news-The two abominations of desolation are the desecration of men’s minds & bodies.  And the second is the desecration of God’s holy and sacred words given unto mankind.  God has removed His words from Earth already and allowed the wolf to take over all bibles.   Amos 8:11 & 12  The bibles are in the hands of supernatural evil.  The bibles are all being rewritten supernaturally.  Some godly Truth is left in bibles for authenticity & credibility.

Continue reading “What is The Abomination of Desolation?”

The Beast System is Down Loading Fake History Into the Minds of Men

About the Bible Changes and Technology that Hacks Men’s Minds

I have been perplexed with the fact that so many Christians do not see the wolf speaking from the Holy place.  The KJVB are all changing supernaturally both paper and online.  They are all the same and changing in the same ways.  The changes include the following—–

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EYA YouTube Supernatural Bible Changes

Vexing Disinfectant

Thank you EYA.  Your validation of what we see is priceless to us.

See All of EYA’s Videos of Supernatural Bible Changes here

Is Bill Gates whose mama is named “Mary” the antichrist?  Is it a coincidence that the many who has put him into power is modern day prophet famous for his predictions and in some years was the riches man on the face of the Earth?  See the article who is the false prophet?

EYA’S Videos