The Glorious new SUN OF GOD will saturate the children of Earth. His Eternal Glory will shine forth on the New Earth. Who shall be able to stand? The puzzle pieces are complete of the New Age and what it entails.
I got the information last night. I woke up this morning with a deep sadness of the seeds fruit trees, vegetables, land, and water, stolen from the children of Earth by the serpent creed from HELL.
Jesus Is the Truth and The Way to God. “It Is Impossible for God to Lie”
The Belt of Truth is vital as armor of God.
There used to be much wisdom and Truth in the KJVB-that is fading away. Amos 8:11 &12. No, most Christians can neither remember what the books used to read nor can they recognize the new blasphemy & lies in all bibles.
In this age Truth is not a priority for most people.
Why don’t they see & understand what a lie is? We surmise that the strong delusion has theirasseyes & mind.
So just who is supernaturally re-writing ALL the bibles. (“all” means all by the way). Why, the author of confusion of course. The wolf, the serpent, the father of lies. Deceptive signs and wonders-prophecy.
However, as usual the Christians will explain away another lie by saying basically that “the scripture does not say what it actually means”. Just like every other lie now in the books. They not only prefer the lies and fables but they also will defend them.
To the Christian, their bible is above reproach as deity. They uphold & glorify it as an idol. They not only call it by God’s name “The Word of God”. But also the book itself calls itself God.
End of days prophecy. The desecration of the holy place. The abomination. The strong delusion.
How to Sharpen a Knife
Sharpening is done by grinding away material on the tool with another abrasive substance harder than the tool itself…when one thing sharpens another, the substance on the sharpening surface must be harder than the material being sharpened, such as two different alloys of iron.”
There was a mighty God. He made a beautiful habitat of gorgeous flowers, plants, and mountains, and hills. There were rivers, waters, flowing streams of colored fish and beautiful animals.
He looked upon it and said “It is Good”.
God Made Man
Next the Mighty Creator said I shall make a number of souls with bodies of varied kind’s to inhabit and fill land that I made.
And He did. God sat back and left the children of the land to enjoy one another. He sent to them a great book of words inspired by Him given to men to write. These scribes of God wrote from inspiration and from experience what they knew and learned about their Creator and they called Him Father.