The Song that Proclaims The King God.
“I am that I am” Is the only name The Father God gave to men in the Old Testament as “thus sayeth The Lord”.
KJV Supernatural Bible Changes
Amos 8:11 & 12 Prophecy
“I am that I am” Is the only name The Father God gave to men in the Old Testament as “thus sayeth The Lord”.
There was a mighty God. He made a beautiful habitat of gorgeous flowers, plants, and mountains, and hills. There were rivers, waters, flowing streams of colored fish and beautiful animals.
He looked upon it and said “It is Good”.
God Made Man
Next the Mighty Creator said I shall make a number of souls with bodies of varied kind’s to inhabit and fill land that I made.
And He did. God sat back and left the children of the land to enjoy one another. He sent to them a great book of words inspired by Him given to men to write. These scribes of God wrote from inspiration and from experience what they knew and learned about their Creator and they called Him Father.
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