The Armor of God Requires TRUTH and alot of it
First of All friends we do not die for Jesus sake. That’s inverted. Jesus came for two great reasons. 1. To bring God’s Holy promises to us…His words. 2. To take the keys to death and Hell by overcoming death we too overcome death. And we hold the keys to death and Hell as well. Because we are in Him. To be in Jesus is to know Him.
Sidenote bible blasphemy: We know that baptism didn't exist until John the Baptist & Jesus in N.t. We know (hopefully) being baptized is into new life more abundantly in Jesus. Born again of Spirit. Now in Old Test. they are being baptized into Moses no less. Bible changes la-supernatural!
The Inverted Gospel
Matthew 16:24-25
“Then Jesus said to His disciples, “If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it.” Pish posh!
“For my sake”? Jesus doesn’t need us to be murdered for His sake. What would He get out of that anyway. Martyrdom spiritually benefits those who stand for righteousness unto death. Does it strengthen the kingdom of God? Perhaps in some way. But Jesus is already saved, delivered, healed, and transformed. For us to die for Him is an inverted gospel. He came so we would overcome death and hell & so we too could hear God’s words and put them into practice in our lives. Plus the prophecies Jesus brought us now fulfilled, show the children of God what season we are in. And help the children understand who they are. And what He meant by the double (x2) meaning prophecies.